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  1. I like to craft and play the market mainly so I can get recipes for my alts and my RL friends and family that play. My main banking toon has capped a couple of times, but it gets spent. It can get tedious spending a ton of time bidding on salvage (trying to find a sweet spot between whatever flipper or market genius is tyring to push the price something Living tattoo into the hundreds of thousands) recipes, crafting stuff I can't use to buy stuff I can, trying to decide if it is worth crafting in the first place, etc. ANYTHING that gives me something else to accomplish this is worth while.

    I hate to spend my horded lucre. 100,000,000 for a stealth proc. Yeah, if I got to. I would rather buy mulitple sets of Crushing Impacts for melee toons and Thunderstrikes for ranged ones then dump all that into one IO.

    Two days worth of 5 missions and 20 million inf and - Stealth proc? Yeah, sign me right up! Oh, and I get XP and regular drops? Right now I need several LoTg sets so I will run them. Once I got 'em, well on to something else.

    Yep. For expensive stuff A-Merits. For all the other stuff the market.
  2. I don't know if this applys or not but it sure seems like ghouls never miss with those thrown rocks of thiers!
  3. DevilYouKnow

    New Merit System

    Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
    Plus 1 H/V merit earns you 5 random rolls which is the equivalent of 100 merits.
    That's roughly 1/2 the cost of rare rolls previoulsy.

    But the H/V merit is the real deal. 100 regular merits for LotG 7.5% recharge? Rolling doesn't look so attactive now that you can get it relatively cheaply.

    Running your morality missions often when you hit 20 means you can absolutely get that mids dream build by fifty, along with the regular rewards for running missions.

    I did 5 today and got 2 platinum and a Numina (not unique) as a drop. If you can't get the toon you want, you ain't trying and that is without marketing. It will be intresting to see how ebillers will make money.

    (Actually, I can't see spending these special merits on uncommons that are still really great sets like Crushing Blow and Reactive Armor. The profit may not be as huge but it is steady)
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gec72 View Post
    Yeah, I think once I get to that point (which means getting out of Praetoria of course) I'll be fine. It's funny, because usually I don't play my 50s much once they get to 50. In this case I did, waiting for GR to roll anyone new. Now, I find it easy to take the approach of "well, I have this new build that calls for four LoTG - I can EASILY get those by playing my 50!" Of course, I actually have to play the new toon to get high enough to actually slot the goodies...
    Using my level capped 35 to run these should let me build an awesome second exemp build for my 50's. I think I will give that a try!
  5. I might be interested in this. What kind of theme are you thinking?

    Powerset team?

    AT Team?

    Theme? (all police, all alien, all mercenary, silver age, mystery men, humor, all catgirl, etc)

    I think a team of all time travellers would be cool. It could be a select group picked by the menders to set time right.

    Imagine a Viking, a Roman and a Egyptian all walk into Pocket D...
  6. I got 3 Numina's uniques for about 50 mill each and a LotG recharge for about 15 million. So for me the market merge has been very useful. These aren't getting flipped, but slotted on my many hungry alts.

    Low end common salvage could be had for next to nothing on Sunday. Luck charms for 5K and many things I have seen spiking to 100K I bought for under 500. (Yes, I realize that this is because so many people are playing lowbies) This made it possible for my pretorian to craft recovery serum right away and create IO's at lvl 15.

    I haven't memorized what the prices used to be but I have been putting a few things up. Not fear of loss really but just spening my time in game trying to geta robots/FF to 20 so I can take it to Paragon City. I will list some more this week.
  7. This event has been held on other servers and some of the participants had the same complaint (i.e. Warburg) so I suspect the devs were aware of it.

    I didn't learn of this even until today so I missed it. Wish there was a better way to publicize these events besides a forum post. So many don't read the forums.
  8. That is pretty neat. I love that no matter how tested, debugged, reported, cleaned up, rewritten, slimmed for efficeincy software becomes there is always something that doesn't quite work right or shouldn't officially exist.

    Just proves we are humans and not robots after all.

    Unless we are robots with a sense of whimsy.
  9. If you are monitoring the stat you can see the increase in recovery.

    I have it slotted in Bullet Rain and I don't have hasten, just one LoTG and a few set bonuses. So I see it jump from 7.5 to as high as 67. But it is of short duration so getting it to stack can be difficult, unless the power you slot in recharges quickly already.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
    Also, be sure you level them to 11 in AE not on regular missions. Below level 4 only TOs drop, below 10 only TOs and common salvage. The tickets you get in AE before level 10 will be worth millions, the TOs and salvage only tens of thousands if you are lucky.
    Really great point I had completely forgotten. Also, doing AE means you don't have to run all over the place with no travel power*. When you gank, you rez right in the same building and can buy inspires right as you leave the vator. I am somewhat chagrined to note that I leveled most of my guys doing hollows missions.

    The email thing is also why I suggest same server/SG group. Because even at 11 it is tedious to email dozens of things back and forth. Money is no problem but if you are selling lots of IOs and salvage...ugh.

    *(although Ninja Run does help)
  11. Don't know if anyone said this or not, (probably because most have so many alts) but if you want to create an alt for marketing slots, then play him/her up to level 11. This gives you decent market slots for time invested (about 2 hours solo) and increases storage.

    I have about 5 toons that I use for this so that's 50 market slots. Get 'em all into the same SG and leave 'em in a market zone and it's pretty easy to do long term bidding and selling.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Draugadan View Post
    Add nothing to it? I have a character that is a super powered tank. I use the Tank Smasher costume code that I got from a convention. The entire character is based off that code. I think it adds a lot. By your arguement it allows me to play a Freak Tank while others not lucky enough to go to the convention can not.

    However, I see nothing wrong with attendance perks, swag, or whatever you want to call them. I just have never understood the sense of entitlement that some people view the world with. It makes no sense.
    But you can't take just parts of the costume, like say, the hammer hands and put it on a wedding tux. That's a costume piece. I am sure that it works for you and that's great.

    I don't think it's entitlement to say that the entire playerbase should have access, through one method or another to all the costume pieces. Like I said, vets could still get them for free and everybody else could unlock them or buy them. I don't see that as entitlement, just letting everyone have access to the full potential of the character designer.
  13. Well as someone who rarely plays his 50(s) I try to buy my I/Os at 35 to 40. I mainly do this because I spend more time playing from 40 to 50 then I ever will at 50 so I get to enjoy them and get the bonuses when I can actually use them and not when I am unlikely to play them.

    I know I am preaching to the choir, but it is pretty tough to I/O a character at 40. Even if you aren't getting the shiniest of the shiny, it can be brutal.

    So whatever can be done to get some supply between 20 and 40, I'm for.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
    They certainly work to keep especially very veteran players subscribed to the game just to keep the rewards coming, so in that respect they're probably working as intended.

    However, I think locking rewards - especially desirable ones, like costumes - away behind arbitrary time deadlines discourages new players from coming to try the game and stick around. They will constantly be playing a futile game of "catch-up" with the 6-year vets, and may have to wait years before they get a costume piece that really clicks the character they want to play in place. With the costume designer being the one feature CoX really has over any other game (including CO), having parts of that locked behind arbitrary, unmovable goalposts can only harm the game.

    The Booster packs are helping alleviate this somewhat, but there are still many things the Booster packs have not yet worked around and many costume pieces locked away from new players for, as far as I'm concerned, absolutely no justifiable reason.
    I agree with this. In my veiw the solution is to make all these peices unlockable or available for sale in some fashion. Make it per character if it is unlockable and account wide if you buy it.

    They could still be free to vets who have earned them, account wide so there would still be a nice little reward but players who wanted a samurai hero/villian shouldn't have to wait a year and half to play one dressed as a samurai.
  15. I'm not part of teh MLC sg, but I have been making a lot of lower level stuff: I am including only level 20 to 40 stuff. If I shouldn't post here, let me know:

    Debilitative Action: Chance for Stun (Recipe) - 30
    Devastation: Damage/Recharge - 40
    Devastation: Damage/Recharge - 40
    Edict of the Master: Defense Bonus - 40
    Eradication: Damage - 30
    Far Strike: Damage/Range - 24
    Harmonized Healing: Endurance/Recharge - 35
    Harmonized Healing: Healing/Recharge - 39
    Gift of the Ancients: Defense - 20
    Impeded Swiftness: Chance for Smashing Damage - 30
    Impervious Skin: Resistance/Endurance/Recharge - 30
    Impervious Skin: Endurance/Recharge - 20
    Impervium Armor: Psionic Resistance - 40
    Mako's Bite: Damage/Recharge - 40
    Mako's Bite: Damage/Endurance - 39
    Mako's Bite: Chance for Lethal Damage - 40
    Miracle: Healing/Endurance/Recharge - 23
    Neuronic Shutdown: Chance for Psionic Damage - 30
    Nightmare: Fear/Range - 21
    Obliteration: Accuracy/Damage/Recharge - 37
    Perfect Zinger: Taunt/Range - 37
    Performance Shifter: Endurance Modification/Recharge/Accuracy - 23
    Performance Shifter: Endurance Modification/Recharge/Accuracy - 24
    Pounding Slugfest: Disorient Bonus - 30
    Pulverizing Fisticuffs: Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge - 25
    Pulverizing Fisticuffs: Accuracy/Damage/Recharge - 25
    Regenerative Tissue: Healing/Endurance/Recharge - 30
    Regenerative Tissue: Healing/Endurance/Recharge - 30
    Regenerative Tissue: Healing/Endurance/Recharge - 30
    Ruin: Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge - 39
    Soaring: Fly - 31
    Serendipity: Defense/Endurance/Recharge -37
    Serendipity: Defense/Endurance/Recharge - 21
    Serendipity: Endurance/Recharge - 40
    Shield Breaker: Defense Debuff/Endurance/Recharge - 30
    Theft of Essence: Accuracy/Healing - 25
    Theft of Essence: Accuracy/Endurance/Healing - 24
    Triage: Healing/Endurance - 30
    Unbounded Leap: Jump - 38
  16. I didn't get to do much because of my 4th of Jooly commitments, but The Sisterhood is credit to all SG's. I only have one toon in the Sisterhood and I have never felt anything but welcomed.

    I know there are many SG's out there, but the only ones I ever hear about are Sisterhood, Dreamweaverz, Obsidian Operations and Kinghts of the New Order. All you guys are doing a great job helping new heroes and getting events together.

    (I am sure i missed a fewe great SGs. Mea Culpa.)
  17. Well, thank you for the free stuffz and chance to lecture about what Talos actually is!
  18. I played once or twice on the Freedom Fire/Rad team and it was loads of fun. I only stopped because it interfered with familial duties. I am definitely in. Do you want us to stop at 5? I can get a guy to 12 in a couple of quickie play sessions. Tuesday works better for me but I can occasionally make a Thursday!

    BTW - Hiyas Hyperstrike! Enjoyed the time we teamed on Freedom and thanks for the Fire/Rad lessons. My static team fire/rad hit 21 and we took down Nocturna in no time thanks all the debuffs! Appreciate the advice!
  19. I actually make some of these low profit IOs and put them up. They take forever to move. I won't usually craft one that I will lose money on, but I will put the recipe up for sale on mule at what I would get from a vendor and cover the listing fee.

    Just because I don't need Trap of the Hunter doesn't mean other players don't.
  20. DevilYouKnow

    PW's war journal

    It was great fun playing the Dark Astoria zone event with you as Police Woman. I especially liked it when you told Adamastor to

    "Give it up Adamastor! We've got you surrounded!"

    It was true, we did surround him but he is also about 40 foot tall.
  21. I beleive it was the Pumpkin head costume piece which is actually tied to the halloween event. Basically, you get the badge (Zombie Apocalypse Survivor) like you took down a elite Zombie Boss from the Zombie Apocalypse event.

    It was totatlly sweet and lagtastic!

    "I understand the zombies are using some kind of new magic against us called 'Lag'." -NC Soft Zebediah
  22. This is just the kind of thing that the Shadow's Ghost has been combating for a long time. Zombies, Vampyrs, Warwolves, and gangsters beware!
  23. Hmmm...Wonder what this could be about. Guess i will just have to hoof it over to Dark Astoria and see what's what!
  24. I would LOVE to do a sweep of Perez Park or Boomtown.

    People only go there for badges or missions and I think all those bda guys get really lonely.

    I have a level 10 scrapper that would be happy to remedy that situation.