
Screenshot Spotter Feb-17-2010
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  1. The evil Professor Malady has afflicted the Freedom Phalanx with highly embarrassing (yet non-fatal) medical conditions! You must find and end his evil plot while simultaneously coping such horrors as Back Alley Brawler's excessive flatulence!
  2. Demobot


    With Afterburner my main went from flying at 58 mph to about 80 mph, without additional slot investment. I think that's worth it.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PowerOfRA View Post
    I have always made Brutes over Tankers because they do alot more damage
    The alot hates brutes for this reason.

  4. I'm actually looking forward to this now. My feelings have switched from "Is this movie really necessary?" to "GET OUT OF MY WAY, MONTH OF JUNE!"
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    I heard Hulk say "Puny god" thru the laughter but the scene I missed the dialogue because of the laughter was when Loki tapped Stark on the chest with his toothpick of destiny. Everyone started laughing at Loki's expression when he heard the "clink ...clink" and I missed Stark's response.
    I think it was something about "performance anxiety".
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    On my last visit I found myself starting to pick up the pigeon something fierce.
  7. Demobot


    Just got back, it's awesome, go see it. Now. I don't care if you're in prison or something, break out and go see this movie.
  8. Just got back from a midnight showing. It's great. Go see it.

    Stay after the credits, for both stingers. Both are great.


    Hulk thrashing Loki around like a ragdoll was the single most satisfying scene I've ever watched in any movie, ever.
  9. Demobot


    I have my ticket for the midnight opening. So pumped.
  10. I don't have a request for a new costume, but I do have a request for a bug fix.

    The Tech Helm, under Full Helmets, looks like it has a dent in the middle of it, as shown here:

  11. Enjoy.

    "You don't owe these people any more. You've given them everything."

    "Not everything. Not yet."
  12. No words... should have sent a giant, robotic poet...
  13. I know a guy who griefed a Hamidon raid from Peregrine Island, back in the day.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Buzz_Killer View Post
    Actually, no. I'd have been pleased to know that it came out before 2XP weekend. At this point, pleased is out of the question. I'm now half interested that it's coming out, maybe I'll play it, maybe I won't, but something I wasn't planning on is now something I will seriously consider. Cancelling multiple CoH VIP accounts once the new MMO I'm waiting on is released. Was planning on playing both, but only out of a feeling of loyalty to CoH, which sadly has been squandered.
    Best satire I've read all day.
  15. At first I thought I'd lost out on any chance at making back my initial investment by not getting in quickly and dumping Glad procs, but then I realized that everything I had stockpiled, the junk PvP IOs and purples, had shot up 200-300% in value. I broke even by a very comfortable margin.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Good Friday indeed.
  17. Here's mine:

    The open space above the main chat window is for the League UI, and the space between the Combat Info window and the Nav bar is for the Trial UI pop-up.

    Dunno why it came out quite so dark. It doesn't look that bad in-game.
  18. Looks like the overview was taken down. But the forums remember. The forums never forget. The forums always remember to never forget.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RevolverMike View Post
    So it takes anywhere from around 16 to 24 of us to beat up on his generals but you want it to only take 8 to defeat tyrant?
    Agreed, I don't see how any confrontation with the Well's Champion would be anything less than a massive battle.
  20. Reading that overview made me very happy. Where did it make me happy? I cannot tell you.
  21. Demobot

    527 MB Patch...

    If I had to guess, I22 has finally come to the Test Server.
  22. Webcomic xkcd did something really weird.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Riley_Delacroix View Post
    Not a bad idea, but the Penny Arcade guys (the ones who set up Child's Play) have specifically requested that anything involving child's play be for child's play alone. They did that after the "Fix the Mass Effect 3 Ending" people raised $75k for Child's Play. The reason was that they (the PA guys) were getting emails, calls, etc. asking when the ending would be fixed, and stuff like that. Since they weren't affiliated with the fix ME 3 ending group, they asked everyone to not use child's play as a prop for their own fundraising/politicking/etc. and keep it purely about the charity.
    As Jerry Holkins put it:

    Child’s Play cannot be a tool to draw attention to a cause. Child’s Play must be the Cause.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
    As for best joke, Foxtrot.
    Which is absolutely worth posting here.

    Well done Mr. Amend.