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  1. Thanks, I guess that'll work but I'd still prefer an actual fix.
  2. As started above, that doesn't work. In fact, I have saved settings from a character without the bug and if I create a new character, I still get the CoH default settings of Opacity 53% and blah red/blue. Weird since in the past, my saved settings apply to any newly created character.
  3. I've tried that and it doesn't seem to work. Just right back to defaults when I log back in from logging completely out of the game.

    By known issue does that mean the devs/GMs have aknowledged it's real?

    I've had bugs before that happened to so few people that there was nothing that could really be done so I'm hoping by "Known issue" it means it'll be fixed and that it's not just me.
  4. Ever since, I think around Premium access on the Live Servers, I've been experiencing a bug...

    Whenever I log into two [out of 11] particular characters on Virtue, or any newly created character, this happens:

    The Opacity resets to 53% [My characters are at 90%]
    The User Interface - Windows Border colors change to their defaults based on the character's orientation. My Vigilante to the default Hero-side blue and my Rogue to Villain-side red. [My Vigilante's colors are supposed to be set to an azure whereas my Rogue set to purple]

    If I change them back to what I want [Azure and Purple], then if I log out of the game completely, they are reset to game defaults as soon as I log back in.

    If I am on any other character, the settings are fine. In fact, if I am on a character, for example with settings of green, if I log into either of the two apparently bugged characters, the previous character's colors are transferred somehow.

    This happens to any characters made lately.

    I have tried saving settings from an non-bugged character and loading on my two having the issue, yet if I exit the game completely, logging back in causes a reset to default.

    Also reset every time is Opacity to default 53%.

    I know these aren't major issues, yet I am a bit OCD about settings. I like there to be stuff in my game I have control over and customizing Window Border colors for each unique character is one yet having two characters that repeatidly set to default is rather annoying.

    Anyone else have this issue? If so, anyone know how to resolve it? Thank you.
  5. Hmm, how curious. Does the majority of people on Union speak different languages? I speak English, yet I am curious in an alternative to Virtue for RP.
  6. I heard from someone that Union is the EU's role play server. Is this true? if not, is any of the EU RP like?
  7. See, that's the odd part.

    I have left the channel by choosing Right Click > Leave Channel and left. I had also removed the channel from my tabs before hand. I went to a character that had no such channel in their tab even before I had left and after I saved chat settings and open up chat.txt in the CoX folder, it still lists a channel I recently left. Wondering why
  8. I peek at my Chat.txt file, the one that keeps saved data from the game if you save Chat Settings [Similar to Windows settings or keybinds] and I notice there are a lot of channels listed that I don't belong to anymore, I have left or otherwise not in for a looong time. Anyone know why this is or how to fix it? I'm a bit OCD and don't like the data on my toons' Chat Settings save file chat.txt saying those channels.
  9. Curious if it's at all possible for a toon made outside Praetoria, in fact made before Going Rogue, to get the Accomplishment badges such as: Moral High ground, Loyalist, Resistance Member, Avid Reader...
  10. Defragment


    Bump for further aid, anyone else have anything to add on a build idea or such?
  11. I have been trying since Issue 19 to figure out why I have issues:

    I will crash if I emote more then one-two full posts.
    I used to think only one one character, but as time progresses, it happens on other toons.
    I get weird HTML coding that is of a random bit of text I did -NOT- write like a zone event. Anytime I write after, no matter what or what channel, I get the exact line.
    Recently, I've been getting a weirder bug where if I emote, no matter what I say and what channel, it's random words like Menu, Level 50, Blaster, Enhancements, Chat, Menu...ect.

    The crashing and text bugs make it difficult to RP. Oddly enough, it happens a lot when I'm in deep conversation or scenes. The more bothersome issue is I don't know of anyone else with this bug... or at least anyone that it doesn't effect anymore. It's ruining my RP a bit.
  12. Since it seems using the [;] key to emote causes me to crash, have a weird HTML code and other bugs, I'm wondering how everyone else emotes?

    Does you emote with:




    [Using * to explain actions?]

    I guess this is sort of a pole and seeing if anyone else that uses [;] has bugs following it's use. The more that can reply with what they use to emote, the better. Please and thank you.
  13. Defragment


    I'm wondering if anyone has any build ideas or guides for combining Plant Control with Empathy. I'd like to have a sort of balance between controlling well and buffing my team mates while also healing decently. Unsure how these work well or not together, if anyone has tips. Thank you.
  14. Might anyone have experienced and/or know the cause of a chat glitch where everything you type, comes out as a random and repeating string of HTML? Often times I've noticed it's either a portion of a previous post, an event message or the title of my mission. It'll be written as coding such as text color with it's hex-code.

    I am on Virtue's Server and as such, I Role Play and post text a lot. It's bothersome as it alters any of my posts when it happens.
  15. I'm unsure if this is new, nor if it merely effects myself. As a note, I am on Virtue and Role Play a lot. As such, I type posts that can take time and need a second or third to finish my descriptions. Since I19, I've noticed that often times I'll crash. The game will freeze, my cursor giving the -thinking- action, then I'll tab out using the Start key to find out why, only to get an error and require an exit. Even if I don't hit the Start button, eventually it leads to such a message.

    I know people crash every day, yet it seems to happen while I'm RPing. Typing quickly or such. Could it be the swift action of hitting the Enter key to post then quickly hitting it again to continue typing? Has anyone else had such an issue, as it's only seemed to begin since I19 for myself. I do crash without typing too, yet it could be heavy traffic in a zone or such. It seems to happen if I have Yahoo messenger and/or Skype running, yet I should be able to run such on a 3GB RAM PC.

    Notes: I use Windows 7 64bit. City of Heroes' compatibility is set to "Run as administrator" and "Disable desktop composition."

    I'm unsure if that'll explain much, yet I do find I also have issue with CoX causing the taskbar to shift to an older version of Windows.

    Thank you for listening.
  16. I'm unsure if this is new, nor if it merely effects myself. As a note, I am on Virtue and Role Play a lot. As such, I type posts that can take time and need a second or third to finish my descriptions. Since I19, I've noticed that often times I'll crash. The game will freeze, my cursor giving the -thinking- action, then I'll tab out using the Start key to find out why, only to get an error and require an exit. Even if I don't hit the Start button, eventually it leads to such a message.

    I know people crash every day, yet it seems to happen while I'm RPing. Typing quickly or such. Could it be the swift action of hitting the Enter key to post then quickly hitting it again to continue typing? Has anyone else had such an issue, as it's only seemed to begin since I19 for myself. I do crash without typing too, yet it could be heavy traffic in a zone or such. It seems to happen if I have Yahoo messenger and/or Skype running, yet I should be able to run such on a 3GB RAM PC.

    Notes: I use Windows 7 64bit. City of Heroes' compatibility is set to "Run as administrator" and "Disable desktop composition."

    I'm unsure if that'll explain much, yet I do find I also have issue with CoX causing the taskbar to shift to an older version of Windows.

    Thank you for listening.
  17. I'm curious on a few things which if anyone has confirmed any, would like answers please...

    #1: Can a toon stay in Praetoria, as in NEVER do the exit to Prime Earth mission?
    #2: If they stay, can they still level by exemplaring passed 20? [As in level from 20-50]
    #3: Are there any ways to unlock capes in Praetoria or costume slots? [I know there is a halloween salvage witch already.]

    I ask because I've been thinking about keeping a toon in Praetoria for character reasons. Thank you.
  18. Defragment

    Sunday CoP

    Date and time please? Also, would it be Hero or Villain side as I need it on my Vigilante. Curious about your success rate. Thank you.
  19. So, a long time ago I made a Ninja Blade/Dark Armor Stalker and I recall it ate Endurance a LOT!! He is 50 and I will not deleted, yet I wanted to have the character on Virtue so I went with a Katana/Dark Armor Scrapper this time.

    I picked a Scrapper because of the differences in some Katana powers compared to the Stalker versions. Also, because Body Mastery has "Conserve Power" and "Physical Perfection."

    I am curious if anyone has any tips or advice for having a Katana/DA Scrapper that can run with some toggles, play well and not have Endurance issues using only common IOs. I am not looking to set this toon out! Thank you.
  20. Ah... so let me get this straight. By 2nd costume slot it's the [/cc 1]
  21. According to Paragon Wikia, a Widow can have 6 costume slots, yet it said something about you can't edit the last one at the tailor. Said something about how the 6th slow [using /cc 5] would be whatever is in slot #2... if this is true, how does it work... does that mean once I unlock my 6th slot, it's impossible to edit it? I guess I'm asking for details as to how this all works, how, if I can, can I edit all 6 slots when I get them.
  22. So I have a Defense room: Death trap 3X3. I am allowed to put in those arcane control Bookshelves yet they won't glow. I am told they won't as I need something attached yet I don't know if it's possible. Is this a fact or is there some way to make them glow inside a Defense room?
  23. I know this is sort of semi-on topic for this forums, but I am getting tired of my old 2006 Compaq Presario. I'd like to leave it to offline tasks and buy an online gaming PC. Issue is, I am not PC savvy about if I should build or by pre-made.

    I am not into PC gaming much, I'd merely want something that runs Portal, my old Myst games and City of Heroes... hell, I'd want it to be able to run Going Rogue but sadly no system requirements are out yet.

    Does anyone have any tips or suggestions for me buying a new PC with the soul purpose of running City of Heroes flawlessly [Although lagging during raids I don't mind] and hopefully Going Rogue? Thank you in advance.

    Also I'd like it for the internet of course, videos and Photoshop work, heh.
  24. I recall they said we'd get these badges for keeping our accounts active between August 15th and November 15th. My questions are:

    Has anyone gotten these badges yet? if not, I guess soon?...

    Also, did they mean to pay for 3 months together or could I have had my card on file so the game auto-renewed monthly which it has since before August 15th. I am hoping I still get these badges and am able to then beta test Going Rogue at some point.
  25. Sadly I might have to plan the Costume Contest for next week or such as my SUnday has turned into a random, chaotic drama filled mess.

    In any case, I'll still be giving away 300Mil in prizes. At least by giving 2-5mil to anyone with a costume I see and like.