My Silly Halloween Event - 300Mil in Prizes!




Well, it's once again Halloween time. This year I'm on Virtue, so I figured I'd share details about my plans:

[Random Rewards]
October 20th - 25th:

I shall be about Paragon City on my hero, "Glacier Sagittarius." I will be collecting badges as for the in-game event, however I'll be giving away 200 Million to anyone I see with a costume I really like. Basically, I'm saying this part so you know if that character sends a trade invite, it's because I'm giving you a prize. Also note, don't come up to me asking how you look. I will give rewards randomly.

[C4: Cartoon Character Costume Contest]
Sunday, October 25th at 6PM EST

I will start a Costume Contest which will be held in Galaxy City. Keep that in mind, Galaxy City. Location will probably be inside the AE building or someplace with decent lighting as endless night isn't good for viewing costumes.

My theme will be Cartoon Characters. Basically, pick one you like and I'll award whoever looks the best in my opinion.

I know some might say this could be against the EULA, however it's Halloween. A time for dressing up. You could use 1 costume slot to make this and not use it until my Costume Contest if you'd like. I merely think it'd be fun.

If any GMs wish to let me know if this idea is okay or not, please feel free to post here. Otherwise, I doubt there will be an issue as you don't have to show your costume until my Contest.

Prizes will be:

3rd: 10 Million
2nd: 20 Million
1st: 30 Million
Grand Prize/My Favorite: 40 Million

That is all for now, Feedback is welcome.

Edit: As a note, I'll be dressed as Darkwing Duck so I'd suggest not dressing as him. Mainly because why would I award someone dressed like me. ^_^



Sounds like a lot of fun.

Heroes : Angrem (50 Stone tank), Exo Inferis (50 Fire blaster), Exo Proteus (50 ill/emp), IceVengance (50 cold defender)
Villains : AtomBomb (50 Rad/Kin corruptor), Aleks (50 SS/Inv brute), StoneLethal (50 EM/Stone brute), Davroz (50 Bots/Dark mastermind)



Sadly I might have to plan the Costume Contest for next week or such as my SUnday has turned into a random, chaotic drama filled mess.

In any case, I'll still be giving away 300Mil in prizes. At least by giving 2-5mil to anyone with a costume I see and like.