User Interface - Windows Border Color & Opacity




Ever since, I think around Premium access on the Live Servers, I've been experiencing a bug...

Whenever I log into two [out of 11] particular characters on Virtue, or any newly created character, this happens:

The Opacity resets to 53% [My characters are at 90%]
The User Interface - Windows Border colors change to their defaults based on the character's orientation. My Vigilante to the default Hero-side blue and my Rogue to Villain-side red. [My Vigilante's colors are supposed to be set to an azure whereas my Rogue set to purple]

If I change them back to what I want [Azure and Purple], then if I log out of the game completely, they are reset to game defaults as soon as I log back in.

If I am on any other character, the settings are fine. In fact, if I am on a character, for example with settings of green, if I log into either of the two apparently bugged characters, the previous character's colors are transferred somehow.

This happens to any characters made lately.

I have tried saving settings from an non-bugged character and loading on my two having the issue, yet if I exit the game completely, logging back in causes a reset to default.

Also reset every time is Opacity to default 53%.

I know these aren't major issues, yet I am a bit OCD about settings. I like there to be stuff in my game I have control over and customizing Window Border colors for each unique character is one yet having two characters that repeatidly set to default is rather annoying.

Anyone else have this issue? If so, anyone know how to resolve it? Thank you.



It is a known issue. Some people have it all the time, some sporadically, some never have it. One thing you can try is set your options the way you want them, then save them in the default options file at the bottom of the Options window. That works for some people.

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I've tried that and it doesn't seem to work. Just right back to defaults when I log back in from logging completely out of the game.

By known issue does that mean the devs/GMs have aknowledged it's real?

I've had bugs before that happened to so few people that there was nothing that could really be done so I'm hoping by "Known issue" it means it'll be fixed and that it's not just me.



Settings not sticking can sometimes be solved by saving your settings to the default file (/optionsave, /wdwsave, /chatsave) and, without zoning, exit the game the long way: countdown to login screen and exit buttons. This sometimes forces the server to remember the settings.

Otherwise, this workaround for the non-saveable opacity setting will work.

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As started above, that doesn't work. In fact, I have saved settings from a character without the bug and if I create a new character, I still get the CoH default settings of Opacity 53% and blah red/blue. Weird since in the past, my saved settings apply to any newly created character.



Make a macro that resets the window colors/opacity. I had the same problems you did and this worked for me:

/macro trans "window_color 33 132 255 255"

The first three numbers are the colors (red, green, blue), the last is the transparency. Those numbers create colors close to the default hero-side UI colors with 100% opacity.

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Thanks, I guess that'll work but I'd still prefer an actual fix.