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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Esisteine Falle View Post
    I hope doms aren't the subject of a very special episode
    Another AT i've never successfully stuck with.I was really enjoying an Earth/Fire but ended up nolonger playingon that server shortly after I brought it from Gold to Blue. Too bad as it was a fun toon that did plentyof decent damage and control even in the early 20's...least that's how I recall it.

    Dammit, altitis...avaunt thee!
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    There is only one thing I can say to that:

    Oh no, it exists ... they said it was a myth, but it really exists ... Pancake Dentata!
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
    Curious: why not wait until blasters get dark sets and (dominators?) in a couple of months?

    You could run another group before that and start this one after Issue 21 hits - but I realize you probably won't.
    Did I miss an announcement on Doms getting Dark? I know there was a lot of spculation when it was annoounced that something special was being planned for Doms but I don't recall hearing any specifics yet...course there has been an awful lot of info released recently!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Esisteine Falle View Post
    Before Baub and I joined the ST, we were duoing a brute/corr pair that slaughtered everything (I sound so violent sometimes ) in sight. He'd herd, foot stomp and I'd drop a blizzard on them. Good times
    Heh, sounds like what a couple of folks and I used to get up to back a couple of years ago, me on an Inv/SS Tank, one on a Troll and the other a blaster. We used to stroll through most missions +4/x8...the only time i've ever really enjoyed and stuck with playing a Tank.

    Originally Posted by Esisteine Falle View Post
    You mean like this?

    Damn....it's uncanny, it's like fox took a video of me and cartooned it!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Phil_Dirt View Post
    This will be my first corruptor too... never played one before, but looks like fun with Scourge.
    I have enjoyed playing them before...sadly the last time i had any I was on an 'out' thing with Redside after playing there exclusively for about 10 months. Guess I wanted a break from Blueside. This was, of course, some time before Praetoria opened up.

    They were a casualty of my disenchantment with the Villain side (for a time) and got cleared away with a bunch of other lesser characters scattered over the servers. Along with two other SGs and one VG I was running.

    COurse that left me witha few chracters isolated on several servers where I wasn't playing anymore and my main group of toons on Freedom...which is where I was wheni heard aboutthe Gun Superteam here last time around...and good job I did as well as my sub was approaching and I was feeling blah about renewing at the time. Partly from pesonal stuff and partly from playing exclusively on that busy little hive of PLers. Not to say I didn't know plenty of decent folks there but it was difficult to ignore the crapfest in open chat.



    Damn...I really ought to stay out of here when i'm tired...I start rambling like a senile old fool...
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Esisteine Falle View Post
    I know that I've said this before, but corruptors shine in a group. Buffs/debuffs make a huge difference and once the ability to scourge kicks in, it all gets melty.A scourge-y nuke is a wonderful thing. Especially on a fire corruptor.
    Awwww...somebody's got a thing for Corruptors!

    Seriously though I recall what you said about them...i'm just kinda biased toward Blasters! lol
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Baub View Post
    I was torn between some melee AT with Dark Armor and a buff or debuff set. Always wanted to try out /DA, but not in any major rush.

    Saw this thread was heavy on melee and /Dark Miasma, and decided to fill a gap of mine. I don't have any major debuffers on Justice, so I rolled up a Defender - Radiation / Dark Blast.

    Currently sitting at level 2 in Nova; I may or may not get to 4 before we start. Lower levels blur by fast in our superteams, so I doubt it'll make a difference.
    Nice choice in Rad!

    The melee weightedness was why i set up two characters. Ought to give me a choice if we're short one way or another.

    This will be different for me as i've never levelled either a Corruptor, Spines or any kind of Dark. Played all before but never got any above 20 - 30.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Phil_Dirt View Post
    Let me know if you want to level pact on either of those Dark, I'd be happy to help out.
    Cheers, maybe the corruptor as I suspect I may end up taking the Scrapper out solo...it was rather a lot of fun and reminded me of a cross between my Claws and Katana Scrappers both of which I played the crap out of on the way to 50 and, more recently, post 50.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Phil_Dirt View Post
    Penumbral Current is up to lvl 4 and holding...
    Was assuming the same thing. So Nicholas St. Noir a Fire/Dark Corruptor and Venemous Vance a Spines/Dark Scrapper are both 4 and holding.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    That was a bad movie.
    Originally Posted by fallenz View Post
    THE ONE was not bad. And Snow, you need to be ready. She coming for you. There can be only ONE!
    Damn Snow Globe, I usually bow to your wisdom in many areas...but that was a good movie! Deliciously cheesy!!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PersonaMix View Post
    @Shadow, welcome back. Sure i have no problem level pacting with you. There is no such things as dead weight. I do have my toon made, so let me know when you are on and ready to form the pact.

    @Darkscar, Feel free to bring the spines/da as well. With the guns team we had multiple sonics which did not hurt the team. So multiple toxic damage wont hut either.
    Originally Posted by TheLurker View Post

    Stacked Damage Auras
    Stacked OG
    Add in the buffs and debuffs from the other players.
    It'll be lots of fun \o/.
    lol maybe i'll alternate depending on who's playing what...both sound like fun.
  12. Had a Spines/DA waiting but since someone else already posted (and I was too slow to get off my butt and post mine lol), I was happy to set up a Fire/Dark Corruptor it's place...may keep the scrapper and bring it along as a spare.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    As I recall both sides had to agree to the raid. You couldn't just drop in unannounced and tear **** up. But my memory on that could be faulty.
    Originally Posted by Eric Nelson View Post
    Exactly correct, Forbin. There was a time, with Items of Power, where the system was supposed to be set so that you had raiding "windows" where other SGs could raid and steal the IoP, but it was never fully realized. The base raids that existed were only for fun/PvP practice/bragging rights and had to be purposely scheduled between SGs.
    Nice, cheers to you both. A little before my time! If they bring it back like that then, then go PvPers, have fun! Not my thing, but to each their own so long as all have a choice. Like when I wanted badges from the PvP zones, I rolled the dice and took my chances.

    Anyway, enough of me babbling off topic, cheers again and i'm done
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
    Hey that's fine, mileage varies and all that.

    Also I enjoy my bases as well (fusion gen, the giant ceiling AI computer system, all TP units, storage, etc.) but with the lack of changes to bases, base raids apparently still offline, and that it looks like nothing new is coming for bases in the near future, I just wonder if a base nowadays is worth it.

    Not dismantling mine anytime soon of course, just not spending any more time organzing/designing them.
    Moving slightly off the OP topic, I really hope they give a choice of opting in or out if they ever bring back base raiding. I wasn't around for it when it was functional and have no initerest in any of my bases being ripped apart for someone elses amusement. I have no issues with PvP related stuff so long as I can choose not to participate.

    Other than that, by all means, bring on the base improvements!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    At the moment, I am unaware of any dev statement that suggests they are contemplating allowing people to move purchased and assigned slots from one server to another in Freedom. There are some games you can play if you stop subscribing, but that's a totally different matter and not one I think that helps you.
    Yeah, even if I wanted to try that method I couldn't ... I renewed for a year the month before this was announced!

    I'd not seen any announcements either way, that's why I was curious, as all anyone talked about was how many slots you'd have if they were all unassigned.

    Thanks anyway, Arcanaville.
  16. May have missed this as I was reading through the pages but if we've already unlocked slots (from Vet rewards, i12 and bought slots) and assigned them to various servers, will they become movable after i21 or remain where they'd previously been assigned? I've got an number on 3 different servers without characters in the slots as I don't play on those servers anymore.
  17. Ok...Somehow i've missed all this excitement and thought it was just me crashing. Of course it's only become a persistent problem over the last few days.

    Here's my edit:

    Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6002]
    Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

    C:\Windows\system32>nslookup cohlive.patcher.ncsoft.com
    Server: DD-WRT

    Non-authoritative answer:
    Name: a1755.g.akamai.net
    Aliases: cohlive.patcher.ncsoft.com

    and here's the log:

    2011-06-29 22:36:01.5915 : 1 : Info : Rolling the log files...
    2011-06-29 22:36:01.6227 : 1 : Info : Starting:
    C:\program files (x86)\ncsoft\launcher\_Launcher.exeC:\program files (x86)\ncsoft\launcher\NCLauncher.exe /LaunchGame=CityOfHeroes /GameArgs="-compatiblecursors" "1"
    Full assembly name: _Launcher, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
    2011-06-29 22:36:01.6227 : 1 : Info : Windows version: 6.0.6002.131072 (Vista)
    2011-06-29 22:36:01.6227 : 1 : Info : Starting _Launcher...
    2011-06-29 22:36:01.6227 : 1 : Info : --- Parsing Command Line ---
    2011-06-29 22:36:01.6383 : 1 : Info : --- Command Line Parsed---
    2011-06-29 22:36:01.6383 : 1 : Info : --- Setting Up Application Data ---
    2011-06-29 22:36:01.6383 : 1 : Info : --- Initializing Launcher App ---
    2011-06-29 22:36:01.6383 : 1 : Info : --- Creating User Mutex ---
    2011-06-29 22:36:01.7319 : 1 : Info : --- Setting up IPC Channel ---
    2011-06-29 22:36:01.7319 : 1 : Info : --- Still Running and not allowing mulitiple copies ---
    2011-06-29 22:36:03.4323 : 1 : Info : Exiting with code: 0
    2011-06-29 22:36:03.5727 : 16 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
    2011-06-29 22:36:03.5727 : 16 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
    2011-06-29 22:36:03.5883 : 16 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
    2011-06-29 22:36:03.5883 : 16 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "http://cohpts.patcher.ncsoft.com/CityOfHeroes/Main/Manifests/CurrentVersion.xml" to "C:\Users\jones\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpC2B3.tmp ".
    2011-06-29 22:36:03.9783 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
    2011-06-29 22:36:03.9783 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
    2011-06-29 22:36:03.9783 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
    2011-06-29 22:36:03.9783 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "http://cohbeta.patcher.ncsoft.com/CityOfHeroes/Main/Manifests/CurrentVersion.xml" to "C:\Users\jones\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpC44A.tmp ".
    2011-06-29 22:36:04.6959 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "cohlive.patcher.ncsoft.com" IP 0 =
    2011-06-29 22:36:04.6959 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "cohlive.patcher.ncsoft.com" IP 1 =
    2011-06-29 22:36:04.6959 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "cohbeta.patcher.ncsoft.com" IP 0 =
    2011-06-29 22:36:04.6959 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "cohbeta.patcher.ncsoft.com" IP 1 =
    2011-06-29 22:36:04.6959 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "http://cohbeta.patcher.ncsoft.com/CityOfHeroes/Main/Manifests/CurrentVersion.xml" completed successfully.
    2011-06-29 22:36:04.6959 : 14 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "http://cohlive.patcher.ncsoft.com/CityOfHeroes/Main/Manifests/CurrentVersion.xml" completed successfully.
    2011-06-29 22:36:04.7115 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\jones\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpC16B.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
    2011-06-29 22:36:04.7115 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\jones\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpC44A.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
    2011-06-29 22:36:04.7115 : 14 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
    2011-06-29 22:36:04.7115 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
    2011-06-29 22:36:04.7115 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
    2011-06-29 22:36:04.7115 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
    2011-06-29 22:36:04.8363 : 16 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "cohpts.patcher.ncsoft.com" IP 0 =
    2011-06-29 22:36:04.8363 : 16 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "cohpts.patcher.ncsoft.com" IP 1 =
    2011-06-29 22:36:04.8363 : 16 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "http://cohpts.patcher.ncsoft.com/CityOfHeroes/Main/Manifests/CurrentVersion.xml" completed successfully.
    2011-06-29 22:36:04.8363 : 16 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\jones\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpC2B3.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
    2011-06-29 22:36:04.8363 : 16 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
    2011-06-29 22:36:04.8363 : 16 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Current Version : () : 0%
    2011-06-29 22:36:04.9143 : 16 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
    2011-06-29 22:36:04.9143 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
    2011-06-29 22:36:04.9143 : 14 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: : () : 0%
    2011-06-29 22:36:04.9143 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 20%
    2011-06-29 22:36:04.9143 : 14 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
    2011-06-29 22:36:04.9299 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
    2011-06-29 22:36:04.9299 : 16 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
    2011-06-29 22:36:04.9299 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
    2011-06-29 22:36:04.9299 : 16 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading 1 files for a total of : bytes.
    2011-06-29 22:36:04.9299 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "http://cohbeta.patcher.ncsoft.com/CityOfHeroes/Main/Manifests/PatchListManifest.xml" to "C:\Users\jones\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpC7F3.tmp ".
    2011-06-29 22:36:04.9299 : 16 : Info : BasicDownloader: Downloading from "http://cohpts.patcher.ncsoft.com/CityOfHeroes/Main/Manifests/PatchListManifest.xml" to "C:\Users\jones\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpC7F4.tmp ".
    2011-06-29 22:36:05.0235 : 16 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "cohpts.patcher.ncsoft.com" IP 0 =
    2011-06-29 22:36:05.0235 : 16 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "cohpts.patcher.ncsoft.com" IP 1 =
    2011-06-29 22:36:05.0391 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "cohbeta.patcher.ncsoft.com" IP 0 =
    2011-06-29 22:36:05.0391 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Response Host "cohbeta.patcher.ncsoft.com" IP 1 =
    2011-06-29 22:36:05.1483 : 16 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "http://cohpts.patcher.ncsoft.com/CityOfHeroes/Main/Manifests/PatchListManifest.xml" completed successfully.
    2011-06-29 22:36:05.1483 : 13 : Info : BasicDownloader: Download of "http://cohbeta.patcher.ncsoft.com/CityOfHeroes/Main/Manifests/PatchListManifest.xml" completed successfully.
    2011-06-29 22:36:05.1483 : 16 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\jones\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpC7F4.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
    2011-06-29 22:36:05.1483 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: Verifying: 'C:\Users\jones\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpC7F3.tmp' Expected Hash = '' Expected Length = -1
    2011-06-29 22:36:05.1483 : 16 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
    2011-06-29 22:36:05.1483 : 13 : Info : FileVerifier: PASS: File exists, and there is no hash or length to test against.
    2011-06-29 22:36:05.1483 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
    2011-06-29 22:36:05.1483 : 16 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Getting Patch List : () : 0%
    2011-06-29 22:36:05.4447 : 13 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finding the minimum number of patches to apply. : () : 0%
    2011-06-29 22:36:05.4447 : 16 : Info : Patcher: BeginOp: Finding the minimum number of patches to apply. : () : 0%
    2011-06-29 22:36:05.5227 : 16 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finding the minimum number of patches to apply. : () : 0%
    2011-06-29 22:36:05.5227 : 16 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 40%
    2011-06-29 22:36:05.5383 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Finding the minimum number of patches to apply. : () : 0%
    2011-06-29 22:36:05.5383 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: : () : 40%
    2011-06-29 22:36:05.6943 : 16 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
    2011-06-29 22:36:05.6943 : 13 : Info : Patcher: EndOp: Checking for updates. : () : 0%
    2011-06-29 22:36:05.8191 : 1 : Error : Creating ErrorState

    Summary For :
    --> MachineName: JONES-PC
    --> TimeStamp: 30/06/2011 2:36:05 AM
    --> FullName: NC.Logging, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
    --> AppDomainName: StubDomain
    --> WindowsIdentity: jones-PC\jones

    Exception Information Details:
    Exception Type: NC.Patcher.UserFriendlyException
    ErrorId: PatchPathNotFound
    Message: Error Code: 3 (PatchPathNotFound):
    There was no way found to patch from version '1900.201011102104.2.1' to version: '2100.201106150210.1.0'.
    The patch servers are most likely in the process of being updated.
    Please try again in a few minutes.
    DetailedMessage: Error Code: 3 (PatchPathNotFound):
    There was no way found to patch from version '1900.201011102104.2.1' to version: '2100.201106150210.1.0'.
    The patch servers are most likely in the process of being updated.
    Please try again in a few minutes.

    Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
    TargetSite: System.Object CheckForExceptionAndReturnResult()
    HelpLink: NULL
    Source: _Launcher

    StackTrace Information Details:
    at NC.Patcher.PatchServerConnectionFlatFile.InternalG etPatchPath(PatcherProductID productID, Version64 fromVersion, Version64 targetVersion, PatchTypes patchType)
    <--Saving Stack Frame-->
    at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndRe turnResult()
    at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Deleg ate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
    at NC.Patcher.PatchServerConnectionFlatFile.GetPatchP ath(PatcherProductID productID, Version64 fromVersion, Version64 targetVersion, PatchTypes patchType)
    at NC.Patcher.Patcher.GetPatchPathToLatest(PatchServe rConnection patchServer)
    at NC.Patcher.Patcher.InternalCheckForPatches()
    <--Saving Stack Frame-->
    at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndRe turnResult()
    at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Deleg ate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
    at NC.Patcher.BasePatcher.CheckForPatches()
    at NC.Patcher.CompositePatcher.InternalCheckForPatche s()
    <--Saving Stack Frame-->
    at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndRe turnResult()
    at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Deleg ate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
    at NC.Patcher.BasePatcher.CheckForPatches()
    at NC.Patcher.CompositePatcher.InternalCheckForPatche s()

    Exception Information Details:
    Exception Type: NC.Patcher.PatchServerException
    Message: Could not find a valid list of patches to get from version '1900.201011102104.2.1' to the target version '2100.201106150210.1.0'.
    If there is not a single patch from version '1900.201011102104.2.1' to the version '2100.201106150210.1.0', there must be at least a chain of patches that can get from one version to the next.
    Also, remember that only a single patch is allowed from every version!
    Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
    TargetSite: NULL
    HelpLink: NULL
    Source: NULL

    2011-06-29 22:36:05.8191 : 1 : Error : Creating ErrorState

    Summary For :
    --> MachineName: JONES-PC
    --> TimeStamp: 30/06/2011 2:36:05 AM
    --> FullName: NC.Logging, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
    --> AppDomainName: StubDomain
    --> WindowsIdentity: jones-PC\jones

    Exception Information Details:
    Exception Type: NC.Patcher.UserFriendlyException
    ErrorId: PatchPathNotFound
    Message: Error Code: 3 (PatchPathNotFound):
    There was no way found to patch from version '1850.201007141849.0.0' to version: '2050.201106210214.1.0'.
    The patch servers are most likely in the process of being updated.
    Please try again in a few minutes.
    DetailedMessage: Error Code: 3 (PatchPathNotFound):
    There was no way found to patch from version '1850.201007141849.0.0' to version: '2050.201106210214.1.0'.
    The patch servers are most likely in the process of being updated.
    Please try again in a few minutes.

    Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
    TargetSite: System.Object CheckForExceptionAndReturnResult()
    HelpLink: NULL
    Source: _Launcher

    StackTrace Information Details:
    at NC.Patcher.PatchServerConnectionFlatFile.InternalG etPatchPath(PatcherProductID productID, Version64 fromVersion, Version64 targetVersion, PatchTypes patchType)
    <--Saving Stack Frame-->
    at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndRe turnResult()
    at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Deleg ate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
    at NC.Patcher.PatchServerConnectionFlatFile.GetPatchP ath(PatcherProductID productID, Version64 fromVersion, Version64 targetVersion, PatchTypes patchType)
    at NC.Patcher.Patcher.GetPatchPathToLatest(PatchServe rConnection patchServer)
    at NC.Patcher.Patcher.InternalCheckForPatches()
    <--Saving Stack Frame-->
    at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndRe turnResult()
    at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Deleg ate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
    at NC.Patcher.BasePatcher.CheckForPatches()
    at NC.Patcher.CompositePatcher.InternalCheckForPatche s()
    <--Saving Stack Frame-->
    at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.CheckForExceptionAndRe turnResult()
    at NC.Utilities.AsyncOperation.StartSynchronous(Deleg ate method_to_run, Object[] parameters)
    at NC.Patcher.BasePatcher.CheckForPatches()
    at NC.Patcher.CompositePatcher.InternalCheckForPatche s()

    Exception Information Details:
    Exception Type: NC.Patcher.PatchServerException
    Message: Could not find a valid list of patches to get from version '1850.201007141849.0.0' to the target version '2050.201106210214.1.0'.
    If there is not a single patch from version '1850.201007141849.0.0' to the version '2050.201106210214.1.0', there must be at least a chain of patches that can get from one version to the next.
    Also, remember that only a single patch is allowed from every version!
    Data: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal
    TargetSite: NULL
    HelpLink: NULL
    Source: NULL

    2011-06-29 22:36:05.8503 : 1 : Info : Checking DirectX Version : 9.0c Or Higher (C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll - 6.0.6002.18005)
    2011-06-29 22:36:05.8503 : 1 : Info : System meets DirectX reqs.
  18. Heh, I happened to be up at 7am EST, on my day off (well second day of a nasty cold), and sure enough there it was! I was wrong. I feel soooo bad about that! :P

    Guess they've figured out that the earlier they get it online the less chance everyone will surge forward at once to buy it and crash the store. How many did that take?! I recall the Magic pack and those before, were a pain to get. The Mutant I waited a couple of day (I was busy anyway). The Animal was the first one I know of them releasing earlier in the day and when I logged on during lunch at work I was able to get it no problem.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bmbeeman View Post
    Interesting... Looking at what the post times show up as, I'm trying to figure out what time zone they running off of. Or maybe I'm just way to anxious and looking into it too much. I don't think this is really hyped enough to have an exciting midnight release, is it? If so, my guess is they're running on PST, which means us eastcoasters have a while to wait yet. I don't work or have school tomorrow, so what the heck... I'll wait.
    lol Hype or no, i'll be shocked (and pleased) to see it available before 10am EST today. MOre likely between 11am and noon.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I've been dissing him and his fascist friends on every sever since the surge event started
    But it seems like it was this picture I made yesterday just before the start of the Freedom invasion that finally made him crack:


    Heh, that explains the crack about 'Null getting off his throne' near the end of the evening.
  21. Was in Talos all evening, minimal lag until the final push when we were well outnumbered by Cole's chumps.

    Was way more fun than previous events, for me anyway. Hit Pocket D 10 afterward, cgs to those who got the Steampunk packs!

    Just wish i'd been playing that blaster toon recently but hadn't been on since just before i20. Would've liked to see what i could've done if i'd been fully slotted with incarnate goodness. I know it makes a difference on the defender i've been playing of late over on Justice.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
    Since always. While it might not seem particularly slow to you, I'm sure you'll readily admit that it takes longer to get from 30 to 40 than from 20 to 30 (and even that is vastly slower than 1 to 10). It does slow down at 30, because the increase in rewards does not keep pace with the increase in experience needed. It is especially noticeable while soloing, and I think that many players, and the developers as well, have greatly undervalued soloing of late.
    Yeah, I must admit it's been a while since i soloed exclusively at that level.

    I've got a number of lower level characters that i'm slowly bringing along, but for the last year i've mostly been playing 3 characters plus reacquainting myself with my first character. The two of the three plus my first were already 50 when i19 came out.

    The third of the newer ones is freshly 50 and now furthest along the incarnate path as i've been playing him about 90% of the time i'm on. Who am I kidding, 95%. He's just about tier 4rd out now and since no new slots are coming for a while i'm hoping to work on a new character, maybe steampunk themed, as their is anAT or two that i've been itching to try.

    I think it also makes a difference that i'm no longer scrambling for funds, as I often was early on, and have a ready supply of regular IOs plus set IOs built up and stored in my two solo SGs.

    Some ATs feel like they level faster as well. Whether they do or whether that's merely subjective I wouldn't want to hazard a guess right now. I know that the Blaster archer/mm felt like it rocketed up and that one I did solo a lot.

    <shrug> I do look forward to the next one I play that I intend to bring up to 50 at least. Hmm, maybe i'll make a project of not teaming except to do one of any TF that comes along...at least until 50 anyway. If I feel like teaming i've got plenty of characters up and down the levels to go on. Yup, that sounds like a plan, thanks for making me stop and think for moment!
  23. Darkscar

    EVGA GTX 550 Ti

    Originally Posted by newchemicals View Post
    Hope your new graphics card is working out for you.
    It's great, thanks! I did turn the ultra settings down to the low end for now as the higher settings were giving my power supply a bit of a workout, but that's a situation i'm about to rectify!

    Again, thanks everyone, I would've been way more stressed out about this whole thing without all your help!
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    IMHO the only way to make a major base update relevant to the majority of the player base is to do it as part of a individual housing update.

    One of the key selling points of CoX as always been the ability to make a visually unique character and character housing would seem like the next logical step in that allowing players to specify not only how their character looks but how and where they live.

    Decoupling the base building system from the supergroup system (and more importantly the need to worry about funds) would allow people who wanted to to spend the time and effort to make a personalized "home" for their character.
    This was one of the main reasons the friend who got me into the game left. He wanted a personal space that he didn't need the funds of a large SG or rich character to create.

    I must admit, in my solo SGs practical concerns alway override artistic. I may wish it weren't so but i'll always take a funtional SG over a pretty one.

    At some point in the future I may have both, but <shrug> that'll take time and since i've no plans on going anywhere anytime soon it'll get done eventually.

    I've recently moved my main playing from one server to another, not because I hate the original server or knew folks on the new server (before joining anyway). Anyway, now i'm left with a perfectly good (solo) base on the original server that sees little use. I know this has been posted elsewhere but it's too damn bad they don't allow transfer of bases/SGs, especially in the case of a solo one.
  25. The levelling speed slows down between 30 and 50? Since when? It's not quite as bad as being in Praetoria and having to turn off xp to enjoy the content, but i've certainly not noticed any slow patches.

    IMO I find that it moves too fast, at least if you don't steadfastly solo, especially if you join TFs on a regular basis. Not to mention Zone Events, RWZ MS Raids, etc. I've levelled solo a handful of times and all but solo numerous more and the only time it seemed like it was dragging was early on when I was new and kinda clueless and had no idea where to go/what to do next to move things along.

    I assumed that's why they did the new helper system.