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  1. Darkfaith

    Issue 16


    We don't know yet. I don't see any reason why not, but that wasn't clarified in the I16 announcement, so to say yes at this point would be speculation. We'll know more then I16 goes into Beta.
  2. Darkfaith

    Issue 16

    [ QUOTE ]
    Power colors cannot be changed yet. Until "Going Rogue" goes live -- which is not expected until several months after Issue 16, which itself is still several months away -- we will not know for sure.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This feature is part of Issue 16, not Going Rogue, so we'll know much earlier than that.
  3. It could be the vid card. My roommate's vid card started doing similar things before we had to replace it...we also ended up replacing the fans in his computer due to a heat issue at the same time, which certainly didn't help what his card was doing. This doesn't really sound like a heat issue though...but I'd check that, just to be safe. You never know.
  4. Is there a different version of those drivers you can use Hooch? Does Realtek have Win 7 specific drivers out? I use Creative myself, so I have no idea.
  5. Ah, didn't even notice that. His other thread ended with him saying he has switched to the 181.71 drivers, and I was posting just before bed so I just skimmed.

    Edit: the time stamp on this report is the same as the time stamp on the one in the other thread, which was posted before he said he'd gone to the 181.71 drivers. Hooch, which drivers are you using right now? And were they a clean install? Someone may want to dig up a driver cleaner for you, I'm on my lappy right now or I'd do it myself.
  6. There have been some problems with the latest NVidia drivers and CoH. I'd suggest grabbing the 185.85 drivers and giving those a try Hooch, those seem to be the ones that work best at the moment. You'll have to completely uninstall your current drivers before installing them though.
  7. I've got Setpoint software running on my setup with no issues, but I think I may be running an older version of that as well (one of the Vista 64 bit versions, if I recall correctly, but I'm not entirely sure). I'm on my lappy and about to head to bed here. If you haven't found anything by the time I get home tomorrow then I'll dig up what I'm running for that too.
  8. Hmm...maybe try running fullscreen in safe mode? Maybe there's a conflicting setting or something. You may also want to post up a CoH Helper and HijackThis (Click on "Do a system Scan and save a logfile." It will automatically open up Notepad and put the info there. Make sure Wordwrap is off in Notepad (Format > Wordwrap unchecked) before you cut and paste here) up here for the techies to take a look at.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm using an nVidia 9800 GT graphics card, and I have the latest nVidia drivers. It's the same drivers I used on Vista 2 hours ago.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Are you using the Vista drivers, or the Win 7 drivers? I'm running Win 7 64 bit on an nVidia 9800 GTX+, and I found that the Vista drivers caused some issues, but the Win 7 drivers work perfectly for me.

    Edit: I'm using the 185.85 drivers right now, haven't tried the newest ones yet.
  10. Not going to happen, from what we're told, and cross posting is against the forum rules. This doesn't have anything to do with constructive discussion of I15. If you were unhappy with the answers in the thread you posted in Player Questions on the same subject, perhaps you should have that thread moved to the Suggestions forum where there's a better chance it will be debated as a suggestion.
  11. I would post this in the I15 bugs forum, the team keeps track of the bugs reported there, and also /bug it in game on the Test server.
  12. I've gotten the "This account is already logged in" message on a number of occasions. It sometimes happens if I log out of one character and go to log into another (sometimes the in game countdown is out of sync with the server one), or if I crash to desktop or mapserver. It usually just means that the last time the server was actively keeping track of your account, it was logged in. If you're really worried though, I would change your password just to be safe.

    Edit: Ah, you already did change you password....well, if a scan doesn't turn up anything, there really shouldn't be anything to worry about, especially if your characters are intact.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    I Highly suggest you sit down & watch the Tutorial Vid, its about 24 mins long.

    Another downside, I cant get myself registered on their forums, I can't get past the stupid: Put what you see in code crap, I know Im seeing EXACTLY what it's suppose to be, but wont accept it. THAT annoys me.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    JJ, are you putting the whole thing, or just the character in black like the instructions say? I swear, it took me forever to notice that myself in the instruction paragraph, despite the fact that it's in caps and bolded >.<

    I'll be giving this a try as well, I'm just waiting for my payment to clear. My group is very excited about this program. It seems to have everything we were looking for in a virtual game table.
  14. Darkfaith

    Subcribing? how?

    That is how you sub to it. That will get you the newsletters for all the NC games you're subbed to. They don't have a general NC newsletter.
  15. Darkfaith

    Subcribing? how?

    Log into your Master Account, go to Account Profile, click Update Contact Information, and then change the Receiving Newsletter option.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    If you look at the team window, at the top it says "pets", click on that.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That will only show if he has the option enabled, which it sounds like he doesn't.
  17. Yup! Go to your options window, then on the General tab go to the Window section, and it's the 'Show Pet Window Option' option.
  18. It's a bug. Known issue...no ETA on a fix as of yet.
  19. They don't currently spawn anywhere 'naturally'. They used to, from what I'm told, before the Council takeover. As far as I know, the only places you can find them now outside of the MA are the ITF, the Ouro intro arc, and the new I15 TFs.
  20. And if you get tired of your current costume, you can change it at a Tailor *nods* plus, you can unlock more costume slots at 20, 30 and 40, and there is also one that can be unlocked at any time with a special kind of salvage. You can have up to 5 slots per character, so you can change costumes on a whim >.> some people are clothes horses...
  21. For many of us, any fixes seem to be rather hit or miss, and there seem to be several varieties of problem floating around. For instance, on my initial attempt to log in it downloaded the patch, and then proceeded to try to fix 'tempfile', which it wanted to take two hours to do. I closed the updater, deleted my checksum, and then verified...and got in. However, when I tried to go back in 2 hours later, it tried the same thing again...and deleting the checksum file hasn't gotten me in. Nor can I find a 'tempfile' in the root game folder, or anywhere at all in fact, to try deleting.

    The other thread on this can be found here.
  22. Darkfaith

    Issue 15 . . . .

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    [ QUOTE ]
    Done. I doubt it's coming for another month, though. Then again, I haven't really fiddled with Beta much. There's a reason I'm glad I'm not chosen for Closed Beta tests

    [/ QUOTE ]

    They skipped closed beta and went to open beta as a way to make everyone feel included, and because there wasn't sweet **** all to test.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    They didn't skip closed beta, they just opened it up to everyone. The content that is up is still in the same unfinished, unpolished state that it would be in if the beta were closed.
  23. They haven't announced any more yet. That doesn't necessarily mean they're done though....they haven't announced any events for this year yet.
  24. Try going back to get one of the easier ones you're missing...sometimes if you get one that you're supposed to have, it'll force a refresh. I experienced this bug briefly during the I13 beta, and that worked for me. If that doesn't, I would suggest contacting Support.
  25. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Despite all his power, Lord Recluse apparently feels the need to keep a pistol at his side, but really, when you consider he still robs banks, he might just be a fan of old school villainy...

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.

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    >.>....<.<.....*runs off to watch Star Wars now*