94 -
they are mate, fully able to respec between Crab-brute (if ur a wolf spider) or fort-night (if your a blood widow) we also strangely get PPP's (Brute ones)
I always thought that the dif between blood widows and night-fort would be the shiny metalic cossy over the matte color one and the armor ofcourse.
then theres the buttcape that the devs stated probably wouldnt make it into Live when released but they are being worked on.
Spider -
I can see what you mean but seriously does it really matter that much? im sure the reason its like that is due to a physiology slider.
Only think im a lil confused at is why we are able to access Bane and Crab outfits from lvl 1 surely they should be locked until you branch?
Spider -
we have Arachnophobia saved on Test for anyone who wants in
send me a tell or a mail @Dark Ebon Spider or for mail Lord Ebon Spider on test.
Spider -
i have read almost noe of this but i will say damage wise BANE spider mace is AWESOME!!!!! and being a bane spider in itself is nothing short of fun.
Im writing all this having just got to lvl 24 on test server with Wolf Spider Operative Swift TesTE and others i cant remeber all i am Cain Defiler (Planet Defiler on Defiant)
[/ QUOTE ]
My Post is right above yours Cain......and you couldnt remember me......Lord Ebon Spider lol
what I found interesting was that even though Cain hadnt fully gotten the correct powers (his words I havent respecced correctly) and he is able to rip enemies in two with ease, speaks volumes. I cant wait hopefully tonight I will be a bane as im lvl 22 now and the guys n gals of Arachnophobia are helping
big thanks to
Cain someone.... lol
Forsaken Golem
Wolf Spider
Operative Swift
and all the rest of you amazing people lol
Spider -
Which is somewhat of a shame because I thought that female wolf spiders would exist since, I would presume not every female who works with Arachnos would be a Psycher. I also remember early Artwork that showed an awesome cape that wrapped around the shoulders but I cannot find that picture any longer and its not in my artbook.
Spider -
Yeah im sure that will be how it is, in that you MUST wear the helmet on your Uniform but on the other slots the only mandatory part is the crab spider limb pack and even then its a sleeker version to suit costumes
Spider -
I must admit its getting intense now waiting for tuesday, but all in all the one thing im hoping for is that I dont need to use my Submachine Gun once I turn into a Bane spider.
but I am starting to fear the worst
Spider -
some lucky people over on U.S.A servers seem to have gotten into BETA a lil early and sent some screencaps.
While awesome they did say that Wolf/Crab and Bane cannot have the option of no helmet
I really hope we can add a few select Arachnos bits to other costume slots to make them a lil more unique to, I wonder if they also get the collectors ed cape?
Spider -
Atlas Park Outside City Hall.
With the cameras all ready and poised, pointed at the podium, the journalists waited eagerly. Joseph Infinus was rarely one to make public appearances, but after the recent events the public had called out for an explanation to what happened at Infinicorp. and here they would find out. But this press conference had already been planned, it wasnt a response to the outcry.
Someone suddenly pointed to the sky and heads began to turn; as they did in shot the gold and silver form of Infinitron, coming to a gentle landing at the podium. Taken by surprise, it took a few seconds for the photographers to start snapping away.
The metallic voice echoed forth from the helmet of the hero,
Good afternoon all; I know you all have wanted interviews with me for a while, and again I will politely decline. I have something to say and would...
Where is Joseph Infinus?, shouted a journalist from the crowd. Infinitron continued,
...and would like to not be interrupted. I will not be taking questions, as I feel there will be none needed to be answered. There was a gentle murmur through the crowd, with the journalist who shouted out looking embarrassed but still anxious, soon her question would be answered. The metallic voice issued forth once more,
There is a reason that Joseph Infinus has not made any public appearances for the last couple of months; you were told he was working on a top secret research and development project. This was a lie, but a necessary one. At this point Infinitron raised his hands and removed his helmet. The crowd gasped, as before them stood Joseph Infinus with huge scars across his right eye socket, in which sat a pupiless eye.
The deception that you have now realised, that I am indeed Infinitron, again has been necessary to allow me to run the company properly. Now that this has been cleared up, I can make my full statement.
Last week you are aware that there was an attack on Infinicorp., but the details of this were played down. This was to prevent panic and undue alarm; but, on this day of all, I must be truthful as continuing this lie would be disrespectful and just as bad a crime as the one covered up. The attack was orchestrated by a villain by the name of Dark Ebon Spider.
He butchered my staff, the scientists, the office workers, the guards, with no humanity at all. Only one survived, and that was because Spider planned to kill him infront of me. I defeated Spider, but at what cost?
Heroes in this city get so much praise, they do great deeds in the name of what is right. But we are not, despite the attitudes of some, gods. We exist in this world for better or worse and do our part. But sometimes out part isnt the right part. In pains me to tell you that Spider was my friend
A gasp went up from the crowd upon this, Infinus continued,
He was once an aspiring hero, but his skills were not fully realised and he became corrupted with power. For some reason he blamed me in part. This attack was in retaliation for that, these people died at his hands because of me; and I was no better. That day, Spider died at my hands; there was no mercy, for he asked for none. This city needs heroes, there this is no doubt, for we do great things to stop terrible things. But I feel disillusioned, this fight is over for me. I pass on my luck to the next generation.
With immediate effect, Infinicorp. is closed and I retire as a hero of the city. Farewell
Upon this, Infinitron took flight and blasted off into the sky, leaving behind a wake of confusion and truly puzzled faces as they tried to understand what had just happened.
Posted on Behalf of Infinitron due to him not being able to log in at all
Spider -
yes but do you think that the Hive Mind will arrise in the story line? since banes have that Hive mind to aid them in dealing with threats.
it might not be a power though
Spider -
I wouldnt Believe everything you saw on CoD (City of data) or on the american boards.
for one the info was removed and two bane spider branch didnt have the call reinforcements that we KNOW it has.
that info may have been initially right but who knows now. we will just have to wait it out till tues and see for ourselves.
LOL i wonder how long it will take to get to 24?
Spider -
*Performs assassins wedgie on ReclusesPhantom causing 1 million discomfort type damage*
Spider -
*takes a bow*
I thank you all
Just thought of something, it says Infiltrate Arachnos from within, now how could you Infiltrate Arachnos and still be Arachnos? easy what about the Original "owner" of Arachnos The Weaver?
what if the old controller of Arachnos is trying to bring down Recluse so it can regain control?
crazy theory but perfectly plausible, plus this old faction of Arachnos could indeed be the coming storm.
Spider -
Renowned Arachnos hero Dark Ebon Spider was murdered on today by Infinitron a known vigilante from paragon city.
It was a well known fact that Infinitron had a hatred of Spider for all the good work he does on the Rogue Isles even going far enough to spread malicious and outlandish lies about Spider, these ranged from stating Spider was a Known Terrorist to calling Spider an Assassin for hire. It sickens us here at the Gazette that the people of Paragon city will likely hail Infinitron a hero and be held in high regard for taking Spiders life.
Infinitron started by assaulting Spider who then tried to defend himself, Infinitron then beat Spider severely and when her was weakened the vile vigilante then grabbed him and flew into the sky before hurling Spider back towards the concrete below where he was killed on impact, Spider's body has been taken back to his beloved Grandville where he will be cremated and cast amidst the tangle.
The Gazette has interviewed a few of the super powered beings in the Rogue Isles who knew Spider and over all it seems that the isles will greatly mourn this great man who will be sorely missed.
Article by Steven Peter Ider
P.s. after reading some of the other stories in this thread particularly Romanov's contributions I conclude my stories are dire lol -
BANG AND THE COMPETITION IS GONE!!! usually by being shot in the head
Spider -
What do you mean mean Kali? im not sure I follow what you mean.
I always assumed the Hive-Mind if introduced would be some form of boosted Perception and possibly defence, I do hope that the Hive-Mind is implimented and is part of the storyline of the Bane Spiders.
Spider -
I was just thinking, when you take the Bane Spider path do you think the story will impliment some form of the Hive-Mind that all Bane spiders have? I mean when fighting a Bane Spider can "access" the thoughts of all his Brother Selfs (as Banes call them....I suppose Sister Selfs too now) to see which of them fought said foe and whether any of your Other Selfs found a weakness that you could exploit.
so do you think that this will be implimented somehow and if so... how
I was thinking that it could be how Banes receive missions but it could easily be their Inherant, like maybe a defence bonus for other banes or arachnos on the team.
what do you guys think
Spider -
He isnt a Huntsman is he? he doesnt have the colar, raised spider limb backpack or the cape. I always assumed he was a general grunt.
and i would still team with a bright pink wolf spider before i would ever team with that idiot. I hope on the SoA arch we get to defeat him and humiliate him
Spider -
Yeah that sounds like a really good idea, dont know if it fits the SoA line though, heck perhaps a future epic could be Praetorian, so for heros they would gain villain AT's and for villains they would receive hero AT's lol that way you could have praetorian patrons for it.
Spider -
I know we will most likely end up with no PPP for SoA, from what I have seen we wont really miss out since most of the powers we have already.
but if you had to create a patron for each of the 4 branches what would you create as far as Patron and power choices.
Spider -
to be honest any EAT's that get developed from here on would be for both....so were looking at something like Incarnates where they have good and bad ones, so i doubt they would release a Mu class to us simply on the basis that it would further restrict character choice as Mu suffer from cool look, cool powers but have almost no animation.
Spider -
No, they don't.
[/ QUOTE ]
they dont what?
if it was in referance to the Arachnos forces are you saying when you fought against Ghost Widows forces there were NO Mu NO Wolf Spiders No Crab spiders just blood widows, night widows and fortunatas?
P.s. http://www.cityofvillains.com/store/helmets.html <---- tells you who rules each sector -
no Bane_Bane_Bane
with ingame title of
Bane Bane Bane
Spider -
OOOPS im sorry, I really didnt mean to mess with the forum
Spider -
Edit: Don't do that! Don't break the forum lay-out!