More SoA Screencaps from Beta
This still does not answer the question, Is the Backcapes for Widows in the game, i'm suprised none of the devs have said yes or no, seems weird, loving the Guns for the Spiders tho
Glad to see we get the Arachnos Weapon 3 (the cool Huntsman shotgun-type one).
I shall be using weapon 2, with the spikey bit on the end.
I really should do something about this signature.
While awesome they did say that Wolf/Crab and Bane cannot have the option of no helmet
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WOT? *storms off*
I must admit its getting intense now waiting for tuesday, but all in all the one thing im hoping for is that I dont need to use my Submachine Gun once I turn into a Bane spider.
but I am starting to fear the worst
Oooooooh shiny things. Time to frenziedly start planning the crazy colour scheme for my night widow
While awesome they did say that Wolf/Crab and Bane cannot have the option of no helmet
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WOT? *storms off*
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I'm guessing that's just for the first costume slot, the one where you have to wear the uniform. Hope so anyway.
"Maybe in the end, what makes heroes into that we're just too stupid to quit."
Yeah im sure that will be how it is, in that you MUST wear the helmet on your Uniform but on the other slots the only mandatory part is the crab spider limb pack and even then its a sleeker version to suit costumes
what the hell the website on the link says ACESS DENIED
The board mods have probably moved it into a restricted access area of the forums.
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This still does not answer the question, Is the Backcapes for Widows in the game, i'm suprised none of the devs have said yes or no, seems weird, loving the Guns for the Spiders tho
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There doesn't appear to be at the start, although you may get the chance to wear them at 24 or 25.
Positron said that the buttcapes won't be in for i12 release but it is being worked on.
some lucky people over on U.S.A servers seem to have gotten into BETA a lil early and sent some screencaps.

While awesome they did say that Wolf/Crab and Bane cannot have the option of no helmet
I really hope we can add a few select Arachnos bits to other costume slots to make them a lil more unique to, I wonder if they also get the collectors ed cape?