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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
    Somebody above also said the Rikti have fought the Battalion off - which is interesting because as the game stands, we're pretty well stalemated with the Rikti at present. That could lead one to suspect the Battalion would be somewhat circumspect in their initial contact with us... plenty of fifth columnists (lower case variety) etc... The idea being if the Rikti and the Humans have fought each other to a standstill and the Rikti can beat the Battalion... then when the Rikti and Humans join forces to take on the Battalion...
    The Battalion is an alien force the Rikti Lineage of War battled about 100 years ago. They were mentioned in The Hro'Dtohz file, a clue received in part four of Dreams of Peace and Acts of War arc from Serpent Drummer.
    - from Paragon Wiki

    I could certainly believe that once the power of the Battalion has been witnessed (or was Galaxy City enough?) we would certainly want to join forces with anyone who successfully beat them off in the past. A trip to the Rikti Homeworld anyone? I can but hope.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RadDidIt View Post
    I'm having a hard time understanding this sentiment.

    The Well = Humanity. It is everything we are and we are everything that is it. It is our collected potential, will, and the force to use them. It is the scientist that is driven to create feats of technological impossibility, the mutant that learns to control his genetics with resolve, the natural warrior who learns how to go +7.5% faster with a little gamble most think unnatural; the Battalion are coming to consume us, everything we are.

    Good lord, isn't it MORE awful that they might take our Well and LEAVE US intact, doomed to wander without merit and will? Sure, getting eaten might suck, but... *shiver* imagine if they didn't!

    I'm also still, honestly, quite intrigued by a species so powerful the Shivans are their scouts and herald and use intergalactic beings (Kheldians) as their fuel.

    If that doesn't excite you or scare you, well, my friend, you've skydived a few too many times and have blown an adrenal gland.

    I guess it depends what floats your boat. The Battalion as they were appeared as a Cthulu or Unicron type entity. It didn't matter about your alignment, beliefs, weapons, powers... you were getting consumed, end of. That's a threat: a foe who you are nothing more to than a light snack.

    Bear in mind that IMHO, the Well is, as others have described, a bad plot device and something that should never have been brought to the forefront of the plot and it's hard for me to care that much about it. Using Shivans as scouts and other species as fuel is intreguing and very epic hence why I've been excited about the Coming Storm since they were first mentioned.

    In short, the Battalion were already an exciting, epic threat to me from how they were built up in the first place and I hope they still will be. Adding the Well into the plot does nothing for me other than make me groan in the knowledge that we'll have to put up with yet more nonsense about the Well in the future. I guess YMMV as they say.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tyger View Post
    From what I can surmise: it's the difference between the early Borg in Next Generation "You will be assimilated" no negotiation, no exceptions and the Voyager Borg with the Queen and her yuri-like crush on Seven of Nine as well as the ships getting blown up every other episode they showed up in. Sure they were more visually impressive as the post-movie upgrade but something was lost; terror.

    They were no longer a force to be avoided. Instead they became the technological buffet car that got ransacked whenever they decided "we need an upgrade that the Borg have". I know it was because the series would be over in one episode if the Borg acted like the Borg of old but there could've been a better way of getting round it.

    That and the Well is just a bad plot device to justify Incarnate powers being for everyone.
    That's it in a nutshell for me. For me, the Battalion was more fearsome when they didn't have a Well munching fetish to them. To worry about them wanting to consume our Well means you kind of have to give two hoots about our Well which, quite frankly, I don't. I'd far rather have a foe that wants to consume everything like Rularuu rather than honing in on a meta-plot artefact that I care nothing for.

    But anyway, this isn't helpful. My dislike of current Well Lore is detracting from discussion about the Battalion as it stands now rather than what it might have been. So I apologise for the derail.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
    Don't worry. The NPC forums are filled with posts about how players hack the game by using inspirations and slotting enhancers.
    Crey Lieutenant: I almost had him. He was down to 10% health, Total Focus was almost recharged and then BANG! He goes and pops Instant Healing! I swear, I'm sick of getting my butt kicked by these guys!

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rock_Crag View Post
    Wouldn't it be lovely if we had to ask for Rularuu's help in stopping the Battalion? Very 'Silence of the Lambs', no?
    That would be awesome.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TheDeepBlue View Post
    Y'know, you didn't give any mention as to what they were the last time I saw you mention those documents, so I have to wonder why you're saying this again, but not saying much again.
    Lamenting the changes in story from what I remember to what we have now really. When I first read about them, the Battalion were described as a vast armarda that travelled from galaxy to galaxy, seeking out power sources and consuming them somewhat similar to a horde of locusts. They stripped planets and systems bare, consuming stars as they went and laying waste to anything that stood in their way. That which could not be consumed was destroyed, leaving darkened, dead space behind them. They never stopped, always moving, always hungry.

    There was something about the way they were described that made them utterly relentless, never ceasing and I liked that, as if we were finally going to face an enemy that couldn't be bargained or reasoned with, that never stopped. It was these descriptions that got me very excited to know about the Coming Storm, there felt some real terror, a sense of foreboding. And, as I said, there was not a hint of Incarnates or Wells in it. Oh, and knowing that one of the Menders used to be one of the Battalion was quite a twist as well.

    Now I know little of how things get developed behind the scenes but from the descriptions I read compared to what the Coming Storm is now being built up into, the Battalion doesn't sound anywhere near as interesting. I think the threat of being utterly consumed just sounds more thrilling than "Oh no, they're going to eat our Well!" Our Well's nuts anyway, they can have it. It's one of the reasons I think Rularuu is terribly underused as a foe: he doesn't care about us or ruling us, we're just a snack to him.

    But in all honesty, I should keep my mouth shut. Whatever I remember from back then has clearly been either superceded or developed into where we are today, turning the Battalion's devouring of any energy sources into voracious Well hunters, causing our Well to seek out useless champions like Cole. Call it regret or lamentation if you like I guess I just wish the Battalion sounded like more of the immense, all consuming invasion force rather than them being after our Lucky Char... our Well.

    So feel free to ignore the above but you did ask.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tyger View Post
    As Lister said mockingly to Rimmer: You never learn do you?
    Not in the slightest. And quite frankly, I'm saying it to goad them.

    The Unofficial Meets are always awesome and even if no-one from Paragon decides to grace us with their presence I'm sure I'll end up doing something embarrassing again. Fortunately last year it was just Spad and I turning up in identical, limited edition t-shirts that were only available to buy for 24 hours. Don't ask about what happened at Omega Sektor, I've tried to scrub it from my memories.

    And yeah, we're all still there in Firebase Zulu even if my surname is spelt wrong. Again.
  8. To be honest, I think Praetorian mobs have all kinds of cheat hacks jammed into them. The other day I got downed by some IDF troops on my Kat/Dark Scrapper and hit Soul Transfer, a power I thought had something like a mag30 stun on it. Those gits just shrugged it off immediately and sent me straight to the hospital. Grrrr....!

    Sorry, just venting.
  9. It's times like this I miss the 'old Battalion'. I had a chance to read some of the documents relating to Ourboros before they were put in game and the Battalion sounded absolutely badass. Not a mention of Wells, giant blue Smurfs or Praetoria in sight.

    Now the Incarnate lore's been jammed in there, who knows what they'll be when they show up. Such a shame.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    Except they look like the Wolf we had in the Haunted House, the German Shepherd pet, and the Coyote travel form. Still not digging having a dog as the tier 9, and wouldn't mind having the option of, say, Fluffy or something in addition to the dog. Especially with Dog Mastery coming down the line, soon.

    Rest of the write up looks solid, though.
    Exactly how I feel about it too.

    The Umbra Beast will not look 'unlike anything else in the game'. Not in an issue where we've got Wolf Mastery and Uberluck Black Wolf adding to the German Shepherds in game. Of all the pets, why another damned dog?

    Of all the ideas they could have used for the Tier 9, surely a Giant Spider with a murky aura on it would have been more thematic? Some shadowy arachnid crawling from the depths of our nightmares... it's not like they don't already have the rig or haven't used it for the revamp of Dark Astoria.

    It's laziness like this that has really disappoints me and has taken my excitement for Dark Control from "HELL YEAH! WANT IT NOW!" to "Ah ok, when you're ready I guess".
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Antigonus View Post
    Well, it worked (sort of) for Indiana Jones.
    I think that Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is a pretty good argument for why they should NOT bring Ghostbusters back after all this time.
  12. Aw, he's beautiful.

    Thanks for sharing, made me smile on a gloomy day.
  13. I remember it well. Parts of it all too well.

    Alas, that was the last official event NCSoft Europe ever did for us before it got nuked from orbit. I would love to see another event like it but I highly doubt it'll ever happen. If it does, I will do the underpants dance again. Gladly.

    As it is, Omega Sektor no longer exists. It's just a gutted shell of a building in the middle of Brum now. But there will be the Unofficial Meet this September which also takes place in Birmingham. The thread for it should be very close to this one in the European Lounge.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Hello, ladies. Look at your question, now back to me, now back at your question, now back to me. Sadly, it doesn't make sense, but if you looked at the poster you quoted and applied past examples and a smidgen of logic it could make sense.
    Look down, back up, where are you? You're on a blimp, with the man who could make it all make sense. What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's a note saying "It's Golden Girl, what do you think?" Look again, the note is now a facepalm image. Anything is possible on the internet where smilies run wild. I'm on a Nemesis Steam-horse.
    You owe me a new monitor.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
    You know what, I’ve just had one of my depressive mood switches, looking at this in the post elative light of a serious down mood, I can’t believe what I fell for.

    Anybody else realised that this was announced when the super packs went live? That it’s just a way to distract us from being pissed off about their attempts to gouge us?

    “Here look shinnies, look at the shinnies, don’t complain about the $20+ costume set, ‘cus look shinnies.”
    Even if this is remotely true (and I am enough of a cynic to believe it could be), it doesn't matter to me, I'm voting with my wallet. The 'Super'packs will never see one penny of my money whereas thanks to these adjustments, I may well now buy the Gunslinger pack.

    And even so, it still doesn't detract from the fact that a Dev spent her own time to give us, the players, something that we have asked, begged and pleaded for and that it's been given to us at no extra cost. The Superpacks may be a blatant cash grab but it's efforts like this, listening to feedback and making reparations that remind me why I love this game and the development team so much. So thank you.
  16. I think Dink is now one of my favourite Devs. As such, they deserve a theme song:


    Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
  17. That's it. As soon as I get back home, "Shindig" is going on.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
    Ah well. That's money I'm keeping then.
    Same here.

    Gotta say, Paragon are doing a really good job of helping me budget in these tough times. Thanks!
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Simon: I'm trying to put this as delicately as I can... How do I know you won't kill me in my sleep?
    Mal: You don't know me, son, so let me explain this to you once: If I ever kill you, you'll be awake, you'll be facing me, and you'll be armed.
    Simon: Are you always this sentimental?
    Mal: I had a good day.
    Gods damn it, now I want to go and watch the whole gorram series again...
  20. I wasn't going to post in this now epic thread but I must just pop in to applaud Ironik for a much needed laugh today. Those bios are brilliant, well done sir!

    (Not that there haven't been other things in this thread that have made me laugh out loud of course. )
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jwbullfrog View Post
    The size of the blade is directly proportional to the worthyness of the wielder?

    Just a thought.
    Ooooh, cutting! I like it!
  22. Because, it's not like we have over 20 years worth of TV screenings, videos, even the cruddy quality DVD release that proves otherwise is it? Like this:


    I tend to think that we need to stop getting angry with Lucas and start treating him like that mad old uncle who we just nod and smile at whenever he starts talking. Poor old fool is clearly losing his marbles.
  23. I'll most likely be there but will need a PC too.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
    I was mostly bummed about the size difference.
    Ditto. I thought 9-10 feet was about right for him. Way bigger than a human but not so huge as to be preposterous.

    But yes, as he's in the background, he could still be that height.

    Oh, and final thought, Cap's belt: doesn't that just look like our IDF belt option?