2483 -
Yes, yes and treble yes. I've wanted better tattoos for men and any kind of tattoos for females for years. Ever since I spotted this young lady in the 'Spelunker' mission, I've yearned for tattoos for women:
I did find the final arc fights tough but not insurmountable with enough inspirations and a Shivan or two. But I do agree that difficulty should be up to the player to decide.
Oddly enough, the thing that killed me most was the fact that I played both First and Night Ward on my Warshade and both of them are full of enemy groups that love to go 'poof' once they're defeated, leaving no bodies behind. For a Warshade, that's a killer! I need more corpses dammit!
Less wispy disappearing things! More dead bodies! -
What Sam and Techbot said. I couldn't have said it better.
Personally I think the Dean McArthur and Leonard arcs were a step in the right direction, putting villains in control of the situation rather than being lackeys. I'd love to see more of that kind of flavour.
No arguments here. The sooner we get away from the dimension I refer to these days as 'The Dev's Folly', the better.
And yes, Katie's personality is radically different all over. It's not just the first meeting, it's everything from all of her missions in both zones. That did bug me but I'm not convinced there could have been a better way of handling. Like not being a jerk for example. Shame really, if she'd have gone all cold on you after locking her back in the network, fair enough, even if it was for her own good. But she's horrible to you for the whole two zones and that bugs me too.
As for consistent storylines, I'd rather make my own. But it's been said that the Devs are trying to tell a full story with Praetoria. I can go with that but somehow they missed the mark with First and Night Ward for me. By not tying it to anything, it falls between being part of a story and a brand new zone and that irks me. I'd rather it was one or the other instead of trying to be both. -
Quote:Quoting you out of order here but I think my point is not coming across well. You're absolutely right, a hero can be a hero anywhere. It's not like a character of mine going to the Shadow Shard refuses or is unable to use his powers. Of course not. We're asked to go and help but that's about all we're given. The comparison to Croatoa is fair but when Croatoa was introduced, it wasn't like there was some huge interdimentional battle that was tearing up our city at the time.A hero doesn't need a reason to go to another dimension and help people. If you can't find a reason for your heroes to go there, then don't. No-one will hold it against them. But please don't act like your heroes are nothing more than soldiers in a war and anything that doesn't help in that war is not worth doing.
Quote:So far as I'm concerned, tying First Ward and Night Ward to the Praetorian War would have been a mistake, since I'm ******* SICK of the Praetorian War and I like to think there's more to that particular storyline and that particular side than Marcus Cole.
What I'm saying is that in trying to cater to all three sides, they've missed many chances to link it to existing content and tell a consistent story. Because they had to cater to Primal earth heroes coming to the zone, Katie doesn't remember you even if you're on a Praetorian character, mangling her personality in the process. Had they gone about this differently, they could have used the technology that gives different responses based on your badges. Have one for completing her 1-20 story arc awarded retrospectively and have it trigger a different dialogue tree when you speak to her.
This is what bugs me; that they could have done this with greater care, catering for all three sides. A lot of the arcs in both zones are padding anyway IMHO. They could have had three separate arcs and contacts but they didn't. And that's what makes it feel so distant, remote and unrelated as a pair of zones. And that's a shame because some of the stuff in there is great. It's just these niggles that really undermine what could have been an awesome location.
And in this, I can whole heartedly agree. I play villains to be bad, not the shady sidekick to heroes. Villains are in need of some serious love by the Dev team IMHO. -
Helmet still looks weird.
He's got the grimace dead on though IMHO. -
You're not alone.
I found the iTrials to be an amusing distraction at first but now I don't go near them. I play to be a hero or villain, not Generic Character 0026 beating on a sack of HP with cheating mechanics.
I too wish that there were more people about levelling their characters rather than grinding endgame raids. Right now I'm trying to complete every story arc listing in Ouroboros on my Warshade and having a great time doing so, even on the really old ones. -
Quote:Which means it will never happen. The Devs have never had a good track record at being consistent to their own lore, I certainly don't expect them to start now.To have statues of all these random no-namers and bit-Heroes, and NOT have one of Statesman and Psyche? That would be bad form and out of character for the Paragon Universe. And shallow and petty too, really =/
How interesting. I was about to make a post on a similar topic. I've just run both First Ward and Night Ward back to back and although I was entertained, I left the zone asking, "So what?"
The problem I found was that both zones, if you'll forgive the abuse of the metaphor, fall between three stools. In trying to write one story for three different alignments, the Devs have failed to make it engaging on any front.
Primal heroes have no business in First Ward. We're recruited to help the poor people of First Ward but the majority of what we see out there has nothing to do with protecting the innocent and more to do with facing whatever foe is causing trouble next. The people in the zone make it quite clear over and over that you are an outsider and that you don't belong there. Through all the story arcs, none of them have any relevance to Primal affairs. Are you helping to diffuse the war between Primal and Praetoria? No. Are you recruiting their help? No. Are you taking down the machinations of Cole's regime? No. The only real 'Cole-aligned' presence in the zone are D.U.S.T. who are pretty much redshirted by the Apparitions the moment you meet them.
The story arcs never even try to suggest that anything you're encountering might be a threat to Primal earth. We know from Dark Astoria that they will be but there's nothing to suggest that in FW or NW. Plenty of opportunity, especially as the missions even send you back to Primal earth to speak to people who could warn you of the danger the Talons might become. But no, not even a squeak. In trying to make FW a continuation of Praetoria, they alienate any outsiders, making the whole affair irrelevant to Primal earth concerns.
Praetorians have no business there either. From any the four alignments in 1-20 Praetoria, FW and NW ignores at least two of them, possibly three. None of the returning contacts remember you or your actions (i.e. whether you betrayed them or helped them) and it's broadly assumed that you're there to help them, even if you consider that Cole was right to send all these people into oblivion. In trying to make the story open to outsiders from Primal, it fails to follow up on the great promise of 1-20 Praetoria where your decisions made a difference and makes massive assumptions about your motives for being there.
Primal villains have no business being there either. This one is enormously irritating to me. Aside from a few minor options to be more brutal towards your foes, both zones don't even try to cater to villains. There's not even the chance to seize power for yourself or the desultory offer of payment should you help. In trying to keep the story mostly heroic, villains are simply forgotten about as if they never existed.
Finally, and this is the most frustrating thing, the zones are beautifully crafted, the arcs fun and challenging and the characters (mostly) well written for a change (Master Midnight can die in a fire, permanently this time). Had these zones been part of Paragon or a contested island between the city and the Rogue Isles, it would have been far more relevant, far more interesting. But because the writers are trying to cater to all players, they end up catering for none. Had the zones remained co-op but had arcs for all three alignments, they could have been so much better. But instead, I just left them feeling that it was as if I had temporarily placed my character in a post-apocalyptic game rather than a superhero game for a short period.
My apologies if that came across as a rant but I do feel hugely disappointed in both zones. Just as I did when Cimerora came out, I remember that I play City of Heroes (and Villains) to be just that. The whole of Praetoria just seems to be the Dev's Folly and a huge waste of resources. A real pity. -
Great, I feel old now. And I'm only 36.
All I'll add is that two of the three examples provided could not be participated in unless some of us got a transatlantic flight to the Plummit. So no, not really relevant to those of us who have limited methods of interacting with the Devs.
Oh and for the record, I'm quite calm about it all, just disappointed. At least this mess has prompted me to get AdBlock installed. -
I think you've hit the nail on the head with the bolded word. I think I've made the right decision to unsub at this time too. I'm still playing through Night Ward just in case it changes my mind but so far, no. I don't think I'm going to miss either it or any of the Incarnate system.
Quote:Amen to that. With the Devs able to cobble together a set like Darkness Manipulation out of existing powers (mostly), I hope it's only a (very short) matter of time before we get Martial Arts for Blasters.The Martial Arts secondary is such low-hanging fruit, it's practically a root vegetable.
I think the problem lies in that like Dominator Secondaries, Blaster Manipulation sets are so unique, the Devs would rather spend their time on sets that can be used by lots of ATs rather than on unique ones. However, I do think it's about time Blasters got a few more Secondaries, Dominators too. -
If they ever created a rocket cycle that worked like the hover board but was ridden like a motorcycle, they'd have my points on the day it was released.
I always love reading your updates and the adventures of your geek girls. As my own daughter approaches her fourth birthday, she has begun to take an interest in what Daddy does on the computer and likes to sit and watch me (although it's never long before she wants to take over and do some typing). I'm hoping we can both follow in the Sister Flame school of games education.
Hey SteelRat, good to see another old timer.
Quote:Recluse who? You know we don't talk about villains any more, they're all just our slightly shady cousins who we all go beat up Praetorians with right? Heavens forbid we actually try to promote the villain side of the game.I personally preferred having States and Recluse up there. That was, in fact, my all time favourite. It rocked.
Make it an option, please?
/sarcasm off.
And although I appreciate the apology also, I still think that this was very poorly handled from a community relations point of view. Pulling the poll the moment the technical screw up was spotted would have been blunt but better than leaving it up and letting people think that it was actually going to change anything.
And for what it's worth, I have no issues with the apparent sexism of the picture. I dislike it because it's a truly awful piece of artwork. And I know damn well that Paragon can do better than that. -
Quote:I always sigh whenever I hear the old "Well X does it so it must be ok" argument. Plus I think CoX lost its way as a 'comic book based game' a long time ago.Really, I just primarily object to the 'argument' of 'X is done in comic books, so it's ok to do in the game!', even if X is really bloody stupid. Like that pose.
I think the worst thing about the loading screen is that I hear the word SPANG! every time I look at it as I figure that Penny got hit in the face with a frying pan before leaping at Shadowhunter.
Although I also agree with TBA that the Penny we're seeing now is incongruous with the one we encounter in Faultline even with five years questionable 'experience'. So yeah, I think CoX could do better. -
Quote:I play and RP on both Union and Virtue and there isn't a lot of 'open world' RP. As Bill said, PD is a good place to try but a lot of RP co-ordination happens through channels. For Union, the place to go is Union Roleplayers. Not sure about Virtue though, there seem to be a number of channels that could help. These may be restricted though depending on if you're a Free player or a Subscriber (VIP).RP server - All servers have RP to some extent. Best to check down in the server forums, even if you can't post there yet. Virtue is generally considered "the RP server," but it's not enforced. Union, I believe, was the European RP server. Check pocket D.
All servers I've ever started on tend to be very friendly and helpful. That's one of the great things about this game's community. -
Unless I really like a character, I tend to only IO them once they hit 50. And out of the three Defenders I've taken to higher levels on SOs, I'd say that my Kinetics/Ice had the best time of it. A little squishy in earlier levels as others have said but Ice is very safe to work with and Kinetics gives great recharge and endurance buffs. Kinetics doesn't tend to gain much from IO sets, lots of its powers don't take inventions so the difference between my IO build and my SO build is not huge.
Kinetics/Sonic is also another solid choice (Siren's Song is just awesomeness in a can, especially if you can gain some stealth in some way). Mine's only 30 at the moment though so I can't speak for what it will be like at 50 yet. -
Quote:Normally you have to go to very specific bars for that sort of thing.I find it equally distasteful that P.Yin can point both Yin and Yang at us simultaneously.
Hey ho, guess I'm going to have to tear up the Ode to Statesman's Crotch poem I was halfway through and rework it into begging for Old Meat and Two Vegless to come back. -
Interesting, I just rolled a Claws/Fire Brute for precisely this reason.