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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Wonderslug View Post
    It probably means open beta is getting close, but prepatching has in the past preceded live launch by a up to a month or more. Since the vast bulk of any given issue patch is generally bulky art and geometry assets that are unlikely to change significantly during beta it's not really a good predictor.
    I hope it's not a month or more, then no DS until May for prepurchasers.
  2. Does that mean we're skipping OB entirely and going straight to Live in the coming weeks, or does the prepatch usually come before OB? Sorry I've been out of the loop for a good year now, and dunno patch history well enough to make a call.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzen View Post
    So is already April and Demon Summoning is not yet live. Was happy when I saw the patch download today, but it was for a stupid fix in AE. The test server is still close for the general public and we still don't know much about the demons apart from the trailer and info in Going Rogue website. Devs please hurry up with Demons!!!!!!! Or you shall all burn in HELL!!!!!!!!! LOL
    DS Nao?
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rabid_Metroid View Post
    It's a new one to me. Out of curisoty, where can I find the origional?
    I didn't bother to read the Farmer's Manifesto, but if I had to hazard a guess I'd say it was alluding to:

  5. D4nnYb0Y

    *pokes WW*

    Originally Posted by Barbeque View Post
    it goes over the whole game files when it installs the patch...the actual patch was so small u probly didn't notice it get downloaded first
    Ahh ok, mea culpa. Thanks for the clarification.
  6. D4nnYb0Y

    *pokes WW*

    Originally Posted by Jacks Assortment View Post
    You sure it was a 2.8 gig patch?

    *Edit: Patch notes are up, it was just an exploit fix after all. Maybe it was only a 2.8 Meg patch, seemed to take awhile for such a small patch though (and I could *swear* it said Gig). Oh well, sorry if I got anyones hopes up.
  7. D4nnYb0Y

    *pokes WW*

    Originally Posted by ZanderCross View Post
    2.80 Gigabytes!? GREAT SCOTT MARTY!

    Had too make the reference lol sorry... Anyway, are you talking about the EU test servers, or the US test servers? Or is this a pre-patch for live? I am at work and can't check here.
    I'm talking about U.S. live, Updater dled a 2.8 Gig patch before I could login.
  8. D4nnYb0Y

    *pokes WW*

    Really? That's a huge patch just to fix an exploit. /boggle Where are the patch notes? I didn't see them in the announcements.
  9. D4nnYb0Y

    *pokes WW*

    So was the 2.8G patch released today the prepatch?
  10. D4nnYb0Y

    *pokes WW*

    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    Think I'm gonna hang onto that chart and keep it updated. And pull it out every single time I see someone make that fallacious statement.
    You should, I honestly thought they always put out new Issues on Tuesdays. /boggle

    (It may be because I play WoW, and they also happen to release major patches on Tuesdays.)

    I still highly doubt I17 is coming out tomorrow; hoping it's DS prerelease but I'm a bit skeptical of even that.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jacks Assortment View Post
    I want it to be a hidden meaning though >.>
  12. Anyone know how long it took them to patch Dual Pistols in? I haven't been able to find the announcement on the forums containing that information.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Street_Wolf View Post
    Surprise Demon Summoning patch? /wishfulthinking
    If only... 2 hrs probably isn't enough time though, or so I'm told.
  14. I saw that, I was Red Repped for asking about it in the Training Room Forums.

    Dunno what it means, they seemed to think it was just an exploit fix.
  15. D4nnYb0Y

    *pokes WW*

    Ya I didn't expect I17 to go live tomorrow (as Issues are patched in on Tuesdays), was more hoping that DS might be coming sooner than I had hoped (since as I said DP was also released on a Wednesday).

    More than anything I was confused by their choice of words, Live Publish specifically. Oh well, we'll see tomorrow I guess. Fortunatley I can play Stacraft II in the meantime (a Beta I was actually invited to).
  16. D4nnYb0Y

    *pokes WW*

    What's this about? Quoting Avatea:

    "The Live North American and European City of Heroes servers will be offline for the implementation of a build on Wednesday, April 7th, 2010.

    Start Time: 4AM Pacific Time (7AM Eastern Time / 12PM British Summer Time / 13:00 Central European Summer Time)
    Expected Duration: 2 hours
    Expected Finish Time: 6AM Pacific Time (9 AM Eastern Time / 2PM BST /15:00 CEST)

    Patch notes will be available after the downtime.

    We apologise for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience!"

    Does this mean no Open Beta? Or perhaps DS is being released seperatley from I17 (Dual Pistols also went Live on a Wednesday)? I'm not speculating I'm honestly asking.

    (Ok maybe I'm speculating a little bit. )
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    Or something is up with your network provider. Or, even more likely, you've got the same antivirus/firewall software on both machines and you've configured them to work properly with the live servers but not the test server.
    If he can get on live then it's not his ISP, and I already told him to check his firewall.
  18. Also as someone else said in your other thread, it is CB atm so there could just be something wrong with the Updater. People were having trouble patching late last week, and now one of the Training Rooms is down.

    The fact that it's not running on two completely different computers, and one with the Client already installed from previous versions, leads me to believe that it's an issue with their servers.
  19. So as I understand it your Updater is stuck in a loop? Have you tried (after completely removing your CoH Test folder) to clear out any registry entries related to the CoH Test Client?

    Also, you really should email support if you haven't already.
  20. D4nnYb0Y

    *pokes WW*

    Second, an update would be really nice right about now.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Premonitions View Post
    Doesn't help my poor, Unmade, alien bug armada soldier Corruptor , and TRAPS sounds kinda nefarious, to me.

    really? I'd like to hear more about this.
    Noxious Gas, the tier 9, is currently only castable on an MM's henchmen; it would have to be redesigned for other ATs.

    Also, how do Traps carry an evil connotation? Hunters, militaries, and even modern security firms use traps in the real world... If you are going to argue that traps are nefarious, you may as well call any weapon based set the same.
  22. D4nnYb0Y

    No Mouse Cursor

    Yes there are other people having this problem. There was a thread already started about it, but it must have been either deleted or moved to the CB forums by the mods.
  23. Are you sure you're using the right shortcut? (Make sure to use the one with "C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\CohUpdater.exe" -test).
  24. Ok first off make sure you run the Updater as Administrator and that your firewall isn't blocking the Updater.

    (Also I should clarify that even if you're the only User on your Win 7 comp, you must still right click the desktop shortcut and select "Run as Administrator.")

    If that doesn't work delete your CoH Test folder, then make a copy of the CoH desktop shortcut (name it CoH-Test or some such) and add (space)-test to the end of "C:\Program Files (x86)\City of Heroes\CohUpdater.exe" under properties (right click on the desktop shortcut to access properties).

    Next run the Updater; after it runs for a second it should create a new CoH Test folder, which will be under Local Disk C: Program Files (x86) by default in Win 7 64 bit. Close the Updater and copy+paste the contents of your CoH folder (which should be in the same directory) to the CoH Test folder.

    Run the Updater again (make sure to run it as administrator). It should do a quick repair and update your test client to the latest CB version.

    Sorry if you've tried this already; if it doesn't work post back and we'll try something else.
  25. I'm not noticing the same behavior. If I set my Thugs to defensive follow and spam the bind, they will stop attacking and follow me. Perhaps you should just set them to passive follow for now, as it will accomplish the same thing.