398 -
It would be effective if it had absolute enforcement. Of course to limit home births and such there would have to be an authoritarian government as powerful as the one that existed in Orwell's 1984. But it seems like the people of Western Europe and now the United States are increasingly okay with handing over their freedoms to increasily authoritarian governments in exchange for the perception of security and safety. I'd rather it not go this route though. I'd rather that society across the earth change its view to seeing that 1-2 child households are acceptable, 3 child homes being occasionally acceptable, and anything more than that is irresponsible likening those who choose to have too many children to what we view as trailer trash nowadays.
I completely disagree. That tribes still exist today is mostly due to a policy of non-intervention by the governments of the nations they reside in. You say that current technology allows us to leave undesirable genes in the gene pool but your not taking into account the fact that as a species we are still evolving. Look at the traits still appreciated by our culture today. The ideal person has intellegence while still being athletic. Yes we also have an overabundance of obesity. Give it time. Our technology both industrial and agricultural has just advanced faster than society has. We will catch up.
Agreed though I might add that I fear that there are people in public office at all levels of government that are ideologically similar. -
Quote:To add to this there are plants that produce their own selective herbicides to cut down on competition in their area for resources. The question of whether it is morally good to limit population by controlling births is going to be a big one in the coming decades possibly century. Looking at the bigger picture it may become neccessary for the well being of future generations to limit the population. The way I would suggest doing that follows.Sure it makes us more destructive. Killing far more than what you need for survival is part and parcel of being overly destructive.
You're using an argument from a navel gazing book to reinforce your point? Come on man. There is a reason to hunt down and eliminate other tribes, namely the fact that in the future, your own progeny would then have less competition for the resources available. You must be unaware that animals like chimps do wage war on neighboring groups for resources. It's not something that is limited to humans. And said warfare is also practiced by the hunter/gatherer tribes that you seem to hold in high regard. This pretty much directly contradicts your second paragraph.
The law itself is simple all births must be licensed and are limited to no more than two per person, fathered or mothered, with stricter requirements for the second license. The first license would cost a small proccessing fee and require proof of ability to care for the child, which I'll leave undertermined so that it doesnt cause a further and worse derailment of the thread. The second license would be much stricter and take into account the physical and mental health/ability and genetic history of the parents as well as the normal requirements.
Willful violation of the law if proven would be punished by a fine of $2000, sterilization of both parents, the man immediately and the woman after she has given birth as well as the removal of the child into the care of the state and placement into a home of someone who is unable to have children but has a license or into the home of someone who has already reached the limit but is willing to care for more. Unintentional violation of the law would be punished by sterilization of the parents, the man immediately and the woman after she has given birth. If they can qualify for the license and pay a fine of $500 they are allowed to keep and raise the child. If the child is a third child for both parents or if they cannot qualify for a license and pay the fine the child shall be removed into the care of the state and placed accordingly. If the violator(s) are not of age then their parents are fined $1000 and in order to avoid sterilization the underage violator(s) must attend a parenting class at their own or their parents expense with a maximum of three unexcused absences allowed. Any sterilization that occurs is billed to the violator(s) if they are unable to pay 5% of their pay would be garnished until the debt is payed.
The law can be temporarily revoked if there is a population decline. -
Angry rant deleted after reading a post and coming to a new understanding.
You, Another_Fan, build for maximum efficiency and thus consider blasters the least viable of the archetypes because they are not very efficient in the terms of overall character stats. The one thing blasters do really well is damage but in overall build efficiency adding damage to a character who already does damage very well but doesnt do anything else very well makes very little difference in the overall efficiency when efficiency = offenses x defenses especially if the defenses variable is low.
Damage alone doesn't make much improvement I'll agree with you on that. It when it is used along with high amounts of recharge that it becomes a noticeable improvement. Your standard blaster wont gain much out the musculature alpha at any teir. A recharge focused IO build blaster approaching or exceeding permahasten amounts of recharge however improves much more. -
If I follow you arguements what I'm I think your trying to say is that damage is least important variable in determining overall performance and that survivability is the most important. An easy way to sum it up is that in the ages old tactical debate of Offense vs Defense you are on the side of and aparently always have argued on the side of defense.
However what you fail to take into account is that the enemies in the game have a set amount of survivability themselves just like they have a set amount of offensive capability. There is a point when building for offense were a character will only need minimal defenses because the enemies will be defeated before they will make enough of a difference. The realities of the game and the way set bonuses are set-up means it is easier to create a defensive advantage than it is an offensive advantage. -
Nope just trying to better understand the math involved in this problem. I'm trying to predict the outcome of an slightly expensive home experiment to decide if its worth building and testing and tried to explain the forces involved as best I can. Its been several years since I've had any practice with physics or more than basic algebra.
So lets make some comparisions.
Lets assign values for the boxers:
Boxer A does 20 damage per punch and has 50 hp.
Boxer B does 10 damage per punch and has 100 hp.
Case 1 Control no modifications to their stats:
Punch 1: Boxer A 40hp remaining, Boxer B 80hp remaining
Punch 2: Boxer A 30hp remaining, Boxer B 60 hp remaining
Punch 3: Boxer A 20hp remaining, Boxer B 40 hp remaining
Punch 4: Boxer A 10hp remaining, Boxer B 20 hp remaining
Punch 5: Boxer A 0hp, Boxer B 0hp
In this case whoever throws the first punch wins.
Case 2 10% modification to damage where the stats listed above are considered the baseline for each boxer:
Boxer A now does 22 damage per punch
Boxer B now does 11 damage per punch
HP remains the same
Punch 1: Boxer A 39hp remaining, Boxer B 78hp remaining
Punch 2: Boxer A 27hp remaining, Boxer B 56hp remaining
Punch 3: Boxer A 16hp remaining, Boxer B 34hp remaining
Punch 4: Boxer A 5hp remaining, Boxer B 12hp remaining
Punch 5: Boxer A 0hp, Boxer B0hp
Once again whoever throws the first punch wins.
Case 3 Lets double their hp while keeping the damage the same as Case 2:
Punch 1: Boxer A 89hp remaining, Boxer B 178hp remaining
Punch 2: Boxer A 78hp remaining, Boxer B 156hp remaining
Punch 3: Boxer A 67hp remaining, Boxer B 134hp remaining
Punch 4: Boxer A 56hp remaining, Boxer B 112hp remaining
Punch 5: Boxer A 45hp remaining, Boxer B 90hp remaining
Punch 6: Boxer A 34hp remaining, Boxer B 68hp remaining
Punch 7: Boxer A 23hp remaining, Boxer B 46hp remaining
Punch 8: Boxer A 12hp remaining, Boxer B 24hp remaining
Punch 9: Boxer A 1hp remaining, Boxer B 2hp remaining
Punch 10: Boxer A 0hp, Boxer B 0hp
And again whoever throws the first punch wins.
Case 4 Hp remains the same as case 3 since the change in hp made no difference in the outcome. The increase in damage will be made considering Boxer B's stats to be the baseline.
Boxer A damage is now 21
Boxer B damage remains at 11
Punch 1: Boxer A 89hp remaining, Boxer B 179hp remaining
Punch 2: Boxer A 78hp remaining, Boxer B 158hp remaining
Punch 3: Boxer A 67hp remaining, Boxer B 137hp remaining
Punch 4: Boxer A 56hp remaining, Boxer B 116hp remaining
Punch 5: Boxer A 45hp remaining, Boxer B 95hp remaining
Punch 6: Boxer A 34hp remaining, Boxer B 74hp remaining
Punch 7: Boxer A 23hp remaining, Boxer B 53hp remaining
Punch 8: Boxer A 12hp remaining, Boxer B 32 hp remaining
Punch 9: Boxer A 1hp remaining, Boxer B 11hp remaining
Punch 10: Boxer A 0hp, Boxer B 0hp
Results are the same as Case 3 however if the HP were increase Boxer B would win.
Just thought I'd present the data in an easier to understand format Another_Fan. -
Rularuu the Ravager and his aspects are some of my favorites in the game. Theirs just something otherworldly about them that I can't quantify.
The Clockwork King is one of the better looking villains from the begining of the game but his look is starting to get a bit dated.
Positron's armor with its glowing lines is probably my favorite look for a hero character. I'm a big fan of Sci-fi and his armor fits that genre than any other peice in the game in my opinion. -
Wish I had seen this topic earlier. My main character is a blaster. Part of the problem with incarnate level blasters is that everyone is still stuck in the mindset that defense is king. In my opinion it is not. I build to my strengths rather than trying to shore up my weaknesses. It not that building for defense is a bad idea its just not my preference. I view blasters that have built for ranged damage as ranged scrappers with poorly built defense. A blaster will never have as good a protection set-up as a scrapper.
I say dont use protection. Load up on as many damage and recharge set bonuses as you can. Slot up musculature and spiritual alphas. Build up some more endurance through set bonuses and accolades. You don't want to run out of breath during an encounter do you? If you run into a situation where your not sure of the outcome you can always rely on lucks, and if things get too hot you can always pull out till things calm down.
A blaster is like a hot rod. Its supposed to be sleek, fast, and powerful not clanking around like a Volvo that someone tried to put armor plating on. My blaster does 181% more than his base damage as his enhanced damage instead of 100% more like an SO build would. He also sits at 165% global recharge almost all the time. This does not include defiance, build up, or aim. He also has enhanced endurance both max and recovery as well as nearly capped HP so ha can take a scratch or two and still keep blasting.
This in my opinion is the way blasters should be built.
Edit to add: It also takes less buffing to get me up to full potential. -
Quote:Willie Wheeler is evolving!Huh... I can't for the life of me remember who is in this one... ah well, one way to find out... Mystery Guest, I choose YOU! (fling, thump) A Praetorian Guard? I don't remember even having a Prae... what's that? Willie Wheeler? Uh, sure Willie... yeah, I guess it's cool that you got that costume code from the Developers... Comic Con, huh? Not bad... Ready to go to battle, huh? You DO Realize the code just makes you LOOK like a Praetorian Guard... it doesn't actually give you any powers, right? Willie? Where are you going? Willie? Oh for the love of... ah well... every game system has it's magikarp I suppose.
Cue music and transformation sequence.
Willie Wheeler evolved into... -
Challenge for me is coming up with builds that are effective and powerful that are outside the current min/maxers' line of thought. Or another way to put it is I like to sit and puzzle out builds that are effective and powerful that do not build for softcapped defense.
Fixed that for ya. Also just because a women has no right to dictate your reaction doesnt mean polite society can't ostracize you for it.
Only ever had someone ask a/s/l one time. It was during a visit to Virtue server earlier this year and I was on a female character which is kind of a rarity for me. This is mostly from memory. Name has been changed to protect the idiot.
iFail: Hey you look pretty nice.
Me: Thanks I worked for a while on this costume.
iFail: a/s/l?
Me: Derivative of 26X+105 / XY / 36.438664 -116.872627
iFail: XY? are you sure not XXX?
Me: ...
iFail: wanna cyber?
Me: No I prefer my sexual encounters face to face. I gave you my location in GPS coordinates. Just plug them into a GPS and follow the route it gives you. I'll be waiting. This time I think I'll wear the French Maid outfit.
iFail: Holy **** ive got to go to the store.
About 30 minutes later...
iFail: wt* it says your in the middle of death valley
Me: You just wasted money on a gps didn't you?
iFail: long string of expletives deleted
Me: Let me spell it out for you Derivative of 26x + 105 is 26 years old, XY is my chromosomes guys have a Y chromosome, and as you just found out the coordinates I gave you are in Death Valley. You could have figured this out if you weren't typing with one hand.
iFail: another long string of expletives followed by "you owe me the money i spent on this gps"
Me: No I don't. You just paid a stupid tax because you didn't take the time to figure out if I was being truthful about my location to a random stranger on the internet. Also I wasn't truthful about the French Maid outfit. Its actually an Oscar the Grouch costume.
iFail: wut?
Me: Exactly.
/gignore iFail -
Thank you for responding. It looks like I'm in a catch 22 then. The only way I can justify an attorny's fee is if I know that it will work and if I know that it will work I'll have already built and tested it which could possibly give them legal claim to it. Unless my situation changes and I get a lot more disposable income I either have to wait the remaining 4 years to even start or work on it in in some secure place, get a successful test, and then demolish it.
Also now that you mention it I think it is a "covenant not to compete". I am beginning to hate the damn things. It seems like every single company has them and they always seem to contain vague language as to what they cover. Its partly my own fault for signing it but when its a condition of employment and you need a job... -
Local Man I hate to ask for free legal advice but without going into the details of my situation I am like I said in my previous post under a contract which extends 5 years past my period of employment that allows the company I worked for to claim any inventions I make that could have anything to do with communications, electrical transmission, or power generation. I have an idea I'm going crazy from not being able to work on. If I started to work on and test it now would they be able to claim it if I waited to file my patent until after the contract expires? Or should I continue to be paranoid and play it safe and not do any work on it until the contract expires?
There are smarter people here and there are less trolls in my opinion.
My math skills have decayed so much that I don't even know where to start looking for the answer to this so if someone could help me out or even just point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it.
I'm trying to calculate the force exerted on object in a particular direction. The direction the force be applied would be perpindicular to the positive x axis on on graph in the positive y direction. The total force applied is equal to approximately 100 lb per square inch. The object would be fixed so that it could not move in either direction along the y axis. It can only move along the x axis. The object is set at a 45 degree angle. The question I'm trying to answer is how much force is being transfered to the object in the direction of the x-axis?
I'm sorry if my wording is confusing or imprecise. I've explained it as best I could. -
Gotta agree and disagree with this statement. 2-3% isnt all that useful but when you build for it you can reach some ridiculous amounts of power. For example a full breakdown of my blaster's extra damage. He has 40.5% from set bonuses, 10.5% from assault, and 30% from musculature core paragon. 81% extra damage on all powers does in fact have substance.
From what I see I'm okay with the blaster set. I can sub it in on my main character to boost my recharge by just a little bit putting me at about 3-4% off of permahasten while maintaining my current 81% above ED or 181% damage powers and get a range boost. Actually I'm more than okay with it. Its almost like that set was tailor made for my main.
I'm in a situation like this and its why I'm slightly informed. Note slightly. I'm not an expert or authority.
Just a couple of things:
1: If you use company time or resources then the company is entitled to a share or the whole thing depending on how good their lawyers are. Company reasources can include any training you might have recieved while working for the company or any potential training you could have recieved if you have open access to the learning materials.
2: If you sign a contract stating that any inventions you create during your period of employment and for a specific amount of time afterwards are the company's. This can vary based on the language of the agreement and can be absolute or vague. For example if you worked for a communications company and invented a better dog house or catbox they would have no say as long as you didnt use company reasources or time and you didnt sign a contract cover any and all inventions. For example I am still under one of these contracts even though I am not employed by that company anymore for the next 4 years. The language is general enough to cover all electronic devices I might invent so until 2015 I can't really work on any of the inventions I've got tumbling around in my noggin. And the company's lawyers make the IRS look as weak as BP accident prevention plans so I don't even put stuff on paper for fear that they would find it and make a claim that they own it since it was being worked on during the period that the contract was in effect. So when ever a eureka moment hits me I file it away in my memories to be recalled later. -
No no no. You have to drill before you spill... giggity.
You do have to admit though that the picture with the aura bringing the focus right in on the mage's butt-in-tights isn't exactly showing them in the best light. For some reason everytime I see that image I picture that guy walking away with that aura on drawing attention to a place I'd rather not pay attention to while the music from the 6 million dollar man keeps playing in the background.
Of all the things for people to focus on. I only put the Twilight reference in to cause a few laughs.
For some reason I keep picturing Statesman in a situation similar to the one in "Shrek Forever After". You know the one where the kid was following him around going "Do the roar." Not going to attempt a joke though. I'm not witty enough to make it funny.
I can't help myself. What about harnessing a near permanent magnetic field?
Edited to add: I am not mocking you. I am quite serious.