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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
    My example was a literal example of YOUR example, so there you go.
    After re-reading the original "Santa Claus" post, this response of yours here makes no sense to me whatsoever.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
    should it bother you to politely send them away?
    That's kind of hard to do when that person is your supervisor. :P

    I kinda get harassed for not believing in their god. There's not much I can really do about it tho. I've gotten rather good at ignoring them, but... you know, I really shouldn't have to do that.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
    That was an extremely bad example to be agreeing with. In her example, the person finally just decided they were going to be disagreeable by stating the opposite of the current opinion. It'd be like if you went to a church, let them talk about god for a while, then announced loudly "God isn't real." Yes, there is going to be a fallout over that.
    Except I don't do that. I don't go into their churches and announce how silly I think their beliefs are. No, they come knocking on my door, or bothering me while I'm at work, or trying to eat, or any of the other things that everyone else does in their daily life where it's otherwise not OK to be bothered by total strangers. But what they're doing is OK because... why? No one's actually ever answered that one!

    So, there you go!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    Ever been to in a Santa Claus convo before?

    You know how tiring it gets sometimes when someone constantly say Santa Claus is real over and over to the point where the other person just pips up and say "Santa claus" dont exist. and then it goes back and forth for a bit until the santa claus beleiver say, "you're just trying to crush everyone hopes and dreams."

    Why cant a person be allowed to believe what they want without the santa claus believers pushing their view over and over?
    Now you know how us atheists feel each and every single day. *sigh*
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
    The Community dies if the Community wishes to die. If the Community wishes to endure, it will.

    So for you, the community dies when the server shuts off. For others it will endure on the Titan Forums and with Plan Z.
    So you admit the new AmigaOne X1000 is a perfectly viable platform that everyone can use, and you will make sure that Project Z will make a compatible version. Excellent!

    EDIT: Seriously, that group of rather die-hard CoH fans trying to continue the "community" after the game is dead is looking rather frighteningly familiar to me. I've already been there and done that with the Amiga community. Never again!
  6. How long has the ReactOS team been working on making a Windows XP clone OS?

    I figure making a CoH clone game would take about half the time it will take that to completion, if it's produced in mostly the same way.
  7. Coyote_Seven


    Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
    I gave up on my review thread because I couldn't handle the constant whining I was getting from people who didn't like what I had to say.
    Whining is about the only thing almost everyone is very good at. Most people never learn how to take constructive criticism, so if you point out a problem with something they've created, they'll take it as an attack and respond accordingly.

    I never gave anyone bad rep during that stage of the system. I remember watching my rep yo-yo from extremely bad (after, say, calling BillzBubba on being wrong) to extremely good (posting in the market forum). Whenever I gave someone rep, I commented on it, and signed that comment - TalenLee. I felt it eminently important to ensure that whatever I did, I was willing to attach my name and my identity to.
    That rep system was just so totally abused. I really despised it because all it did was help to ensure groupthink and smash down anything that went against the little subculture that had developed here. Certain posters were given immunity against this base solely on their status as a local celebrity; they could pretty much say anything they wanted and get away with it. But if you disagreed with them, and you were not a celebrity on this board yourself, you'd be pretty much drowning in the red marks forever and ever. Never was there a bigger reminder of how much we're still like the other animals on this planet on this board than that stupid rep system. For me at least! I rejoiced when it was removed.

    Not that removing it did anything to stop the little personality cults all around this board. In another thread, someone said something to the effect that we kind of blinded ourselves to the reality that our game was slowly dying, and a shutdown was inevitable. A year ago, if anyone had tried to make a post warning that the game would go offline by this time would have quite likely been shouted down, being forced to drown in a sea of trite little memes and trollfaces. So maybe in a way, we all deserve this cold splash of reality on our faces. Our playground is going away, and none of those silly little things we did to hurt each other will help us to get it back now.

    I never felt any true sense of camaraderie among any of my fellow players, particularly on this board. While playing the game, I would sometimes get private messages from other players who lurked here, as they quietly agreed with me about how crazy a lot of the posters here seemed to be. I might have been just as crazy in trying to point out such things here. I just liked to try my best to put the truth where I thought it should be, especially when others were doing their best to short circuit rational thought with such inane memetics that I thought I'd escaped once I left high school. Most of you are older than that; I'd have figured you'd have known better by now!

    So maybe that's my biggest secret of all. The collective antics of this bulletin board over the past eight years have been a contributing factor in my becoming ever more of a misanthrope. And yet despite that I continued coming here, making occasional attempts to gently point out when I thought someone was being inordinately cruel or inane, or usually both at once. My conscience would bother me if I didn't at least make an attempt.

    I don't really know what that makes me. So there you go!
  8. Coyote_Seven

    In other news...

    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    You hate good movies?
    There's about seven billion people on this planet. The odds are that at least some of them actually liked Howard The Duck. If that's even just 1%, that would be 70,000,000 people.

    70,000,000 fans of a bad movie.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
    You know what they currently are. How you think they should be is immaterial, especially someone like you who can probably cite specific sections of the EULA from memory. You clicked "I agree," right? I really can't understand your whole consumer rights angle when you as a consumer agreed to conditions that you apparently didn't find agreeable. I think you should own your decisions.
    Do you stop to read all of the agreements you have to click "yes" on just to get your computer operating the way you want it, let alone videogames? Not just read them, but understand them. And what if some part of it confuses you and you have questions? Who do you call, customer service? I doubt you'd get a satisfactory answer. I'm pretty sure if you tried to read all of that legal felgercarb, that would be the only thing you could do for quite a while.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
    I would honestly kill to have a version of COH that runs like Minecraft - you buy it, you own it, play it offline in singleplayer or on servers that you personally pay for to link up with friends.

    I honestly believe that MMOs will end up there.
    That's an awesomely cool idea. The Paragon City we're now familiar with would be the base, as the game comes out-of-the-box. And you could add to it. Your own missions, your own contacts, your own NPC groups, your own zones. Or you could change other things you didn't like in the default game, or remove them altogether.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zem View Post
    Yes, you are being silly. Do not try to tell me you read "forever" in that ad and assumed the game would literally NEVER shut down. Because I don't believe you. And I don't think any court would either.
    Well, I tried looking up what legal precedents might exist in this regard, but my quick and cursory Google search came up with only one article on a UK website that essentially demonstrates that companies are doing what I already figured they were doing; legally redefining words and phrases so they can continue using them in their ads to make them sound better. Such as "forever" and "unlimited". And they actually act surprised when customers call them on it.

    If you don't mean "forever", then don't say "forever". Why is that so hard to understand?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    Then sounds like you people and the people that got "ripped off", have a very solid case and should go ahead and sue them and the case should be a slam dunk for ya'll and be over quickly. Why isnt that in the works? What is stopping ya? With evidence that solid, you shouldnt even need a lawyer to prove that fraud. Its been what about two months now nearly since the refund announcement and no one started a case? Is it hesitation because the case is not as solid as they try to put on like the was hording points for months instead of actually spending them knowing an online game can end at any moment? Or is it they are just heated right now but knwo in their hearts that it is not fraud?
    Perhaps a class action lawsuit would be a good idea. When we win, we'll all get $5 vouchers good for any currently running NCSoft game. Success!
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zem View Post
    Nice. I would counter with a lengthy explanation of how sometimes that word isn't meant to be taken literally but I have some work to catch up on. It took me forever to get through traffic this morning.
    So you're saying it's OK for a company to make exaggerated claims about a product they're advertising. And here I thought that was bordering on fraud. Silly me!

    There are some products out there that are "guaranteed forever", and the manufacturer actually means it and they've been good on their word about it. You try using a slogan like, "Play Free Forever" and then discontinue your product a year later, and see how much your customers trust you afterwards.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zem View Post
    You are essentially asking the government to impose a value-add feature into a product because... you want it. That's not how this should work and it would set a very bad precedent.
    Unfortunately, that's exactly how it works. It's the Golden Rule: "The one with all the gold makes the rules". Corporations do this sort of thing all the time. Just look at how much the copyright laws of the U.S. have been changed just to keep Mickey Mouse from entering the public domain.

    Our problem is that even collectively, we just don't have enough gold to make anyone take us seriously.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    Sure you can see it that way...just like the other big businesses out there.. their true goal is profit. As I said NCSoft lived up to their mission statement to me for over 7 years. Up until 2 months ago I think you will find very little Anti-NCSoft on the forums; even though at that point they were still an "MMO Killer" but I guess it only really matters when it's an MMO you like.
    Well I guess I could have called it "fluff". But in this instance, I think George Carlin put it so much more eloquently! I say that his general philosophy about life and people really applies to something like that so-called "mission statement".
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    Their goal of making people happy is just a goal. Doesnt mean they have to actually even reach that goal. Or in another way, there goal is to make people happy, they never said exactly how many people so that could mean if two people are happy, then the goal is met and they kept their word.
    In other words, it's BS.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    NCSoft made me happy for 7+ years... Goal achieved!
    Nothing in their mission statement says FOREVER...
    So NCSoft is a literal genie?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who heard that everyone's accounts at CoH will be banned on Nov 30th.

    I guess it's pretty serious.
    Thank you, Forbin.



  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    Many people believe consumers are only supposed to have positive reinforcement rights: they can buy a company's products, or they can choose not to, but that's all they are entitled to do. Those people are wrong.
    Indeed, those people are dead wrong. If a company didn't want my vociferous ire after making a change I didn't like, then they should have never solicited my interest in the first place.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
    The same people are making the same negative, off-topic posts again and again, just like they do in every thread.
    Welcome to the Internet!
  21. I thought that I ought to mention that I finally upgraded from XP to Win7 over this last weekend. After re-installing Alcohol 120% and its virtual drive, I decided to attempt to install Civ4 and its two expansions again, using the disc image files I'd made.

    There were absolutely no problems. I was able to install everything with the disc image files without a hitch. Mounting and un-mounting the images caused no errors or problems of any kind! I was impressed. I like Windows 7.
  22. Pixar started out as a division of Lucasfilm. A spin-off from ILM I think?

    The circuit is now complete.
  23. Coyote_Seven

    Windows 8

    I just barely upgraded to Windows 7 and I love it!

    From what I've seen and read about Windows 8, I intend to give it a pass.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Reiraku View Post
    Though not as bad as Grinnz, who was literally banned for no reason. The community team at the time could not find a reason behind why he was banned, it just sort of happened, but they refused to lift the ban anyways.
    Oh gods. Yet another reason for my contempt toward this board's mods. Such abusive behavior by them is one of the reasons why I never tattled on another poster for saying things I didn't like, or for drifting toward forbidden topics (gasp!).
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    He just did.
    If you say "no" to something, doesn't that mean you disagree with it?