30 -
No problem Peter Almighty!
All your questions are various things I've wondered from time to time as well!
(And really, '*******' was censored????)
That's just goofey! -
Thank you all for sharing your wisdom Miladys Knight, Mr Liberty, and Rigel Kent!
I think I'm going to go with Assault for the one space I have left in my projected build. I was playing last night, and I wasn't really in mortal danger, cept once or twice where I just popped a green and was good to go. And I haven't gotten to Drain Psyche yet, so hopefully that'll just make everything better!
(For a little more info, I tend to solo a LOT. But I sometimes duo with my roomie, who's currently a Scrapper.)
Specifically, especially to Rigel Kent, I have Hover/Fly, and 3 Fitness (Need that Stamina!) and am planning on 3-4 of the Ancillary powers. What I was saying in my original post was that I had 1 slot left, after my planning on Mid's and I was trying to see if Assault would be useful, or if I should take Medicine, because then I'd have to replan what I was taking to get two powers from it. (I kinda worry about not being able to heal myself!) I wasn't just looking for taking a new pool power just for the fun of it!
However, in my playing/ planning I really try to stay at range, so I took Mind Probe as a melee power for when I can't avoid it. TK thrust didn't seem neccesary. I also didn't think I needed both Amplify and Concentraion, or both Screech and Scare. Just 1 of each of those sets. And I've been on the fence about Shockwave, hearing both good and bad about it. I'm still planning on World of Confusion, despite the many poor things I've heard about it. So, I'm planing on 14 of the 18 primary and secondary sets....which I think is pretty good. If I'm passing on a sooper-dooper power, please let me know!
Thanks again very much everyone!
Hey there folks!
I have a wonderful little blaster I've just gotten up to 21, and am wondering which would be better to take?
I think I'll have 1 free power slot with everything I'm planning on taking, so I was thinking maybe Assault from Leadership. But then I was thinking it'd be SO nice to have a heal, so I was thinking Medicine, but I'd have to sacrifice 1 other power to get Aid Self.
I'm getting the MM power....whose name I cannot remember right now, but it aids your regeneration, at 22.
So...should I just wait for that, and it'll make me be even happier, and I can just take Assault, or would Aid Other & Self be very useful...?
All opinions are welcome!
Thanks for your help!
Thank you all so much for the input. I really appreciate it!
I've decided to go with the DM/WP. It seems pretty good so far... of course I'm only level 3 right now...
Anyway, I was wondering, are there any powers I should make sure I take, or ones I should really avoid? And, I'm not sure, do I really NEED Fitness with the /WP... I think I took it on my DB/WP, but I'm just not sure it was neccesary.
Thanks for any more input!
Please help me Scrapper experts! I usually play Controllers, Defenders, or Blasters... but I want to play something a bit more straight-forward for awhile, that won't die in 2 hits!
I've played some Scrappers, who I love, (they're ~ lvl 20) and they're a DB/WP, and a DM/SD. Both are great fun, but I have another alty idea, and either DB/DA or DM/WP I think would work really well. I really want to play this character, so it needs to be able to survive and do decent damage, which I think all Scrappers are anyway... but are either of them 'broken' in any bad way? Are there certain powers in either set I MUST take, so that they work properly? Which ones do you think work better, are more fun, or just nice effects/ animations...?
Should I really wait for I16 for /Elec Armor? that sounds fun also...although I'm not so sure how that fits my character idea....
I'd love to hear any input from you! Thank you very much for your time and thoughts!
Hi folks! Back again for more of your sage wisdom!
I'm in the planning stages of a new MC Dominator, and I was wondering which secondary you thought was best to good for soloing it. (I mainly don't want to gimp myself!)
Really all of the secondarys look interesting, and they'd all fit my theme well, aside from /Ice and /thorns, and probably not the upcoming /Earth. So, I guess my questions geared more towards Electric, Energy, Fire, and Psi... I do really like Psi...but would really like to try Electric or Energy I think...
Thanks for any advice you can give!
Hi folks! Back again for more of your sage wisdom!
I'm in the planning stages of a new MC controller, and I was wondering which secondary you thought was best for soloing it. I already have a MC/Rad wich is pretty great, but I'd just like to try something a little different.
Looking at the boards I didn't see a whole lot about Mind/ without /Rad.
I'm especially interested in FF, Storm, and Kinetics, but curious about Thermal and Cold now that it's coming. Not so interested in Emp, TA, or Sonic...did I miss any of them?
Thanks for any advice you can give!
I'm trying to decide which char I should make for my new Corrupter (never having gotten one to 10 I think...).
I really like the idea of Dark/ as the primary, but cannot decide on a seconday. I've narrowed it down to /Rad or /Strom. I haven't seen much mention of Storm on this board, at least relating to Dark.
I'll be mostly soloing this character... and I *usually* play Controllers or Defenders (just some background).
Do these mesh well together? Will I be able to handle solo work? Are there any certain abilities from them that are must-haves?
Thank you all for sharing any opinions you have to offer!
Thank you all for the responses!
Taking this all under consdieration, and checking with my duo partner, I went with Plant/Kinetics. I got him to level 9 today pretty easily, and it was lotsa fun too!
Thanks again for the input!
I tried to copy today too and had the exact same problem...! Glad it's not just me!
Hi everyone!
Today I tried (repeatedly) to copy a character to the test server. I followed the link that in the post to copy to the test server, and it made a new window, and wanted me to log in. When I log in, there's ONLY the options to login, go to the forums, or account management. And there's nothing about copying a chracter there...actually no real text except it saying I'm logged in.
I've done it before, but now I'm on a computer with Vista...could that be messing it up?
Thanks for any info you can provide!
Question, for all you smart/ observant Controllers, who've reached higher levels than I...!
If you're a Plant/FF do you get the heal/benefit from Spirit Tree, if you have your Personal Force Field (1st FF power) up? If you do, I think that'd make Plant/FF very impressive....if you can't, well, that kinda sucks. I assume you can't cast Spirit Tree when your PFF is up, but if you cast Tree, then PFF...?
Thanks for your replies, oh sage ones!
Seriously, I just cannot decide what to take as my secondary!
I have 1 Plant/Storm, but it's on a different server and only like, 12 or so. This is going to be for primarily duoing with a Fire/Kin that my duo partner just rolled.
For secondaries, I have no interest in /Sonic. everything else is game.
Personally, I think /Empathy seems a bit too healy, and /Trick Arrow seems a bit of control overkill... I'm not terribly fond of /Thermal. So I'm leaning towards Force Field (which my partner's not fond of the bubbles), Kinetics (which partner is taking, do we need 2?), Radiation, or Storm (Both of which I've used before, Storm with Plants/, a little).
So, like I said, I'm open to any of them really, except for /Sonics, and maybe /Thermal.
Which one do you think meshes best with Plant/ and would work best with a Fire/Kin for a fun time? Please, any input will be happily accepted!!! -
Thanks very much for the replies/ build posts DocOz3000 - it's greatly appreciated! I'm still not 100%, but I think I'm leaning towards the SD/SS...
Any other sage words of wisdom from anyone?
Hello all!
I have an old Taker of mine (OLD! He has the second Anniversary badge!) that I've just started playing again. He's IN/EM... but I've got another In/EM on another server, and with this concept I was thinking WP/ might be better when it came out, but I never got to rerolling him. Now, SD/ has come out, and I've loved it with the toons I've tried it on, and I think it'd match his theme just fine if not better than WP/.
Anyway, working with him as IN/EM....well, I just got him up a few more levels and I'm not that thrilled with the /EM. (And I've just rarely ever been happy with IN/ ...not sure why.)
Reading many posts on here is very informative, but people are asking different things from what I'm wondering, so I'm trying to take all the info in, but my head's getting confused. So, I'm thinking, maybe I can post and get it more collected so I don't get a headache...!
Anyway, question is, if I reroll him, with SD/ which would be better, /SS or /SM? I've never been a huge fan of either, just from reading descs pov. But with SD/ I'm sure I'd like that, and it's pretty graphics are enough to keep me happy if /SS doesn't do a whole lot graphically (does it?).
And I get confused, is /SS or /SM either one does more st or aoe damage?
Which looks neater?
Which works better with SD/?
Would WP/ really be a much better choice for with either? Are there any huge holes in Def/Res going any of those routes I should really worry about? (I tried working through Mid's but I'm having trouble comparing possible sets...)This would be a mostly solo Tanker, but I do have a duoing partner who I may play with (unsure what they'd be.)
(I know /DM works really well with SD/, but I have one of those. And the weapons and /DM, /FM, /IM just aren't right with the concept.)
Oh, I of course plan on Health & Stamina, and planning on Combat Jumping & Superjump. Not planning on Tough & Weave...would they REALLY be necessary for anything I've suggested?
Okay, I think I just spewed out a really big post there...sorry! If anyone has any input to help a poor confused altoholic, I'd love to hear it. Thank you very much!!!! -
Thank you everyone for your various insights, opinions and build postings! It's all quite helpful!
(I need to copy and print this thread so I don't lose it when the boards move!)
Infernus_Hades, you've piqued my interest with your talk of a tanky-type build...would you be able to elaborate on that, and/ or post a build?
Again, thanks so much everyone! Feel free to post any other ideas you have! -
Hi everybody!
Just a general question... previously CoX had some double rewards weekends. Like Friday thru Sunday. I took the Friday off work to play and it was a fun weekend!
I haven't seen any announcements of such a weekend for a while. Anyone know if there's any coming up soon?
Thanks for any info!
Hello all!
I'm working well on my Dark/Ice Defender....just got to 13 - loving it so far! I was wondering if anyone had builds they could post, and maybe some thoughts why they may have taken/left out/slotted various powers the ways they did?
I'd love to see some people's ideas, and see if they inspire me towards any certain build or not.
Thanks very much!
Thank you all for your thoughts and opinions!
I'm going with a Dark/ Ice, which I think should work very well. Again, thank you all! -
Hey there - I've started a Dark/Ice, which I'm loving.
I'm just curious, why is Freeze Ray better than Bitter Freeze Ray? I looked at the stats in game and they do the same hold, mag, and duration, but BFR does more damage.
I didn't look at the cost, activation, or recharges though. Is that why one is better? Thanks! -
I know this has been asked in months/ years past...but nothing seems to stay on the boards past a couple months, so I'm just wondering - what Defender do you think gives the best control?
My friend and I are rerolling for hopefully the last time for a while, and he'll be fire/ fire blaster. I Figure, I set them up, he knocks them down. Is there a Defender that's really good at that? I've done Dark/ Ice before, and that seemed pretty good in that regard. I'm thinking Storm would be pretty good too.
Any thoughts/ opinions are welcome! Thanks much!
Hey there!
I was wondering if this is a good combination? I think I read EC has some of the the top control, and I know RE is pretty good. Do they synergize well together?
Also, how does the Animate Stone work? Is he like a tanking pet? (I think I saw that somewhere.)
My friend and I are rerolling for hopefully the last time for a while. He's making a fire/fire blaster. Will we have a pretty decent duoing system? (I set them up, he knocks them down is my thinking...)
Any not-to-miss powers here? Thanks for any replies!
Hey all!
I'm playing a Sonic/MM Blaster right now, but my buddy, who's kinda shy, is playing a Storm/Electric Defender.
The only guide that I could see on that was from issue 6, or a pvp one from issue 8.
We're primarily going to be soloing or duoing together, and probably missions, radio missions, architect missions.... all PVE no PVP.
Is that old guide still pretty good? Is there any powers he should REALLY take, or really NOT take? Any suggested Pool or Epics?
Thanks very much for any help!
I tried doing a search, and then the 'google search', and while that led to some stuff, those subjects seem to have been wiped, so I'm gonna take the chance and post!
Are there any iPhone apps for CoX out there? I'm not looking to play the game, but I was kinda thinking of that City Tracker thing I once had, or Mid's character builder (or whatever it's called)... just some CoX associated app... other than just going to a webpage.
Okay, so I'm being vague in what I want, but everytime I check on itunes I come up with nothing. So, I guess I'm just fishing for info... thanks very much, anyone who replies!
Good point Milady's Night! At 11:00 I just didn't think of it! Anyway, I'm primarily going to be duoing with a Storm/ Electric Defender (who's new to Storm - wheeee!), and probably soloing occassionally. We may team with others sometimes, but I think that'll be rarer. Single target vs. aoe, I think the Stormie Defender's going to neccesitate (sp?) me going aoe whether I wanted to or not!
I guess I don't mind that at all if I can pull it off!
Windenergy21 - I love guides, especially helpful ones likes your seems! I think you've provided most of the info I was looking for - thank you very much! (Im printing it out right now!)
And DrMike2000 thank you for your input as well! Its nice to get varied opinions and takes on these things!
Thinking of Travel powers I think I'm leaning towards Flight (I named my toon Psyhawk and gave him wings...!) And when I was looking at the Ancillary's, Electric just seemed to jump out at me, so I was glad to see you thought that worked so well Windenergy21!
Thanks for the input folks!