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    250K a year is upper middle class? That sounds like lower upper class to me. Once your income gets into the 6 digits (to the left of the decimal point) range, you are no longer a part of the middle class.

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    Middle class america

    $250k would classify as upper middle class under most of the definitions on the wiki. I would personally consider middle class to be no higher than 100k a year at the most though.
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    As it stands, 35 seems to be the minimum cutoff for permanent co-op. Change that before worrying about the rest.

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    OK, fine, then you put the AE building on a floating rock like the ski chalet, put a door that connects to it in the wall of Pocket D, and code it so you have to be 35+ to get through the door. I agree 100% that it makes no sense to have what is ostensibly an entertainment company set up shop in an active war zone.

    [/ QUOTE ]Except having an R&R facility available for weary soldiers *does* make sense. It should be closer to the Vanguard controlled area, though.

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    Npt really though, since teleportation is apparently so cheap and easy ion CoX land. They could just tp to paragon or teh rogue isles to relax.

    Personally, im of the opinion that there really should not be soo freakin many AE buildings. Have it maybe 4 zones per side and it would be fine.
  3. It would be nice for some sort of fiery costume change emote. Either the player be engulfed in flames, or maybe an explosion.

    Also, a version similar to the holiday rez power, or rise of the phoenix, where wings appear on the back.

    As for the high collar, a "hood down" option would be greatly appreciated.
  4. Granted we know its not possible, but if it were, i would LOVE to see shrinking added as a debuff. After all, alot of the problems with size changing is with being too big, and we already have examples of teeny tiny mobs(clockwork)
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    We definitely need an option to change the color for Occult and Renegade hats from the Magic Booster Pack. Having red hair because you want a red band on the hat looks ridiculous, specially for something in a paid pack. Plus these are the only hats that are like this.

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    thats a pretty common problem with all the hats in this game. Though i dont disagree that the problem should be fixed. The "easiest" way would probably be moving the hair to its own section under hats. That would also let us change hairstyles.
  6. I wouldnt mind the old story arcs being meshed with the police radio missions. Maybe add a third mission option that lights up when a story arc becomes available. Make it so if you do x number of missions, an arc automatically becomes available through whatever contact gives it out. So the text would read something like

    "(Contact name) Is looking for a hero to help with some trouble relating to the (mob name)"

    And have the yellow book icon next to it.

    So, sort of a combination of the way blueside and redside do story arcs. Make it so you CAN do it the old way, contact to contact, or you CAN do it through the police radio/newspaper, or you Can do a combination.
  7. CommunistPenguin

    Energy Rifle Set

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    Pulse Rifle Shot - Minor Energy Damage, -Resistance, Very Fast Recharge
    Pulse Rifle Blast - Moderate Energy Damage, Fast Recharge
    Pulse Rifle Burst - High Energy Damage, KB, Slow Recharge
    Photon Grenade - AoE, Minor Smashing Damage, Disorient
    Aim - +Damage, +ToHit, Very Slow Recharge
    Focused Beam - Snipe, Superior Energy Damage, KB, -Resistance, Slow Recharge
    Piercing Beam - Thin Cone, High Energy Damage, Slow Recharge
    Laser Sentry - Summon Laser Drone[*] Pulse Blast - Minor Energy Damage, Fast Recharge[*] Pulse Burst - Moderate Enery Damage, KB, Slow Recharge[*] Flight - Self Fly[*] Untouchable - Self Untouchable
    Overload - PBAoE, Extreme Energy/Smashing Damage, KB, High Energy/Smashing Damage (Self), -Endurance (Self), -Recovery (Self)

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    Id personally rather avoid a "pet " power in the set. It just doesnt seem all that fitting to me.

    Also, I was figureing make the blast set more damage centered, and make the debuff set have more of the traditional raygun style af thing.

    Also, i like that idea for making stuff thin cones.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Ninja Blade is almost identical to Katana, and in fact use the same weapons.

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    except ninja blade has assasin strike. Or it would if any of them had assasin strike.
  9. CommunistPenguin

    Energy Rifle Set

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    Get ready!

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  10. I was wondering, why certain powersets are not permitted, and why specific powers are gone as well. For example, I wanted to create a mission where i fight my ninja blade/ninjitsu stalker. However, in teh MA, ninja blade isnt available, and there arent any stalker sets with assasin strike.

    Granted, assasin strike is kinda mean to grop on someone, but it should be fair game if you use a harder setting.
  11. CommunistPenguin

    Energy Rifle Set

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    I like it.

    I would have gone a different direction with it, though.
    There is no Aim or similar power. Not knocking that, just noting it.
    I would have gone with Energy/Fire for some of the beams, representing lasers and such burning holes through things, -Def being a good secondary effect for that.
    I would have made one power (the burst or blast) a three-shot burst, giving (low-moderate) damage in a three-tic DoT, and a chance to Stun.

    Death Ray is very interesting, and quite innovative!

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    You know, i hadnt even thought of fire, but it makes alot of sense, and also, i cant think of many sets that are energy/fire.

    Also, I forgot about Aim. My mind is in veg-mode today. Maybe replace Kinetic Nullification array with aim? Use KnA in a defender/corrupter energy rifle debuff set?
  12. CommunistPenguin

    Energy Rifle Set

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    I have a character that this would fit perfectly, so it gets a big thumbs up from me. Though, having them be energy/lethal seems a little off to me. They should be pure energy, same as the attacks in the mastermind robotics set.

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    According to paragon wiki, the robotics set is energy/smashing. i figured lethal makes more sense for lasers, since they would go through armor and such.

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    Death Ray seems odd too, since how do you fire other attacks when you're still firing that? Alternately, you could replace it with something akin to the Malta sapper rifles. (With the same perhaps recoloured effects, I always wanted those in a non-temp power. And the sapper gun as a (probably unlockable) customisation option would be awesome if at all possible.)

    Death Ray - To be honest, I can't think of anything here. Constant damage suggests constant ray, but any animation with said constant ray would look silly when firing off other powers while running it.

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    The idea of the death ray, is that you DONT fire anything else while you have it toggles on. It gives great constant DPS, but at the cost of high endurance and not using any other powers. I figure for the animation it could be just you aiming the gun with a Wavy energy beam going from the tip of the gun to the target, the beam could oscilate wildly, so its not just a straignt line. I figured unless your target breaks line of sight, the ray stays on until you toggle it off, your mezzed, you run out of endurance, you die, or they die.
  13. CommunistPenguin

    Energy Rifle Set

    It would be neat imo if we could have a energy rifle set. And a new model of energy rifle, something retro 1950's esque. I figure start with the powers mm have and work up.

    Pulse Rifle Shot - Ranged, low damage, very fast recharge
    Pulse Rifle Blast - Ranged, Moderate Damage (Energy/lethal)
    Pulse Rifle Burst - Ranged, High Damage (Energy/lethal), Foe Kb
    Photon Grenade - Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect), Moderate Damage (Energy/Smash), Disorient
    Kinetic Nullifier - ST hold, -recharge
    Kinetic Nullifiation Array - Cone immob, -recharge
    Piercing Beam - snipe, with a small Dot added on
    Death Ray - A constant stream of damage that is toggle controlled. Single target, must keep LOS. works with a constant dam/end ratio. Very Heavy end cost, but good damage.
    Photon Bomb - nuke, with disorient
  14. [ QUOTE ]

    I have came to the conclusion that devs want stacking Defense to be easier than stacking res. Why? I dunno, maybe because there seems to be a lot more mobs that counter hefty + def than counter res based sets.

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    My guess, is because a mob that has high acc, effects everyone more or less the same. But a mob that has high damage, hurts squishes mroe than non squishies. So if players max out def, then the devs can just upp the amount of acc and tohit available to mobs. The effect on the squishies will be relatively more acceptable. But if everyone could stack +resist, the only counters available woudl be -resists and +dam powers, which would eat through squishies alot faster.
  15. [ QUOTE ]

    My take on doing pistols I guess it a little different. Rather than various ways to shoot the same gun, have it be a rare super guy gun, with lot of different ammo.

    cryo bullets, napalm bullets, spent uranium bullets (knockdown?), flechette bullets (cone attack), tracer bullets (accuracy bonus) high explosive bullets (aoe, targeted), taser bullets (low damage, stun), magnum bullets (your standard tier one attack),poison tipped, and of course, a nuclear bullet as the nuke.

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    No thanks. I want a gun set that isnt a swiss army knife. I want a pistol set thats about shooting pistols.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
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    Electric Aura: You create a static electric field around your body that has a high chance to electrocute (Hold) and drain endurance of anyone withing the field.

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    The closest analog is Lightning Field (brutes, blasters) but it's just a damage aura (but drains endurance).

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    Doesnt rad have a power like this? Poison gasses or something?
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    Pretty sweet! It reminds me of the Duplicate Boy-type ATs that get suggested from time to time. Unfortunately, the balancing and structural issues that cripple that suggestion also apply to this one... it would require a lot of time investment to create, and quite possibly be easy for players to abuse even so. Keep in mind that salvage and the like can still be farmed -- a significant increase in demand often yields a significant increase in supply shortly down the road. (Or it would, in a free market, which we come pretty close to in this fictional game. Corporate capitalism sucks.)

    Of course, I don't expect to see much done with the coming storm for a couple years at least. So who knows what'll've happened by then, structurally to the game?

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    Balance wise, I was thinking somewhere around human form kheldian for attacks and def. In other words, nothing special, but not terrible. The real balance would be what powers are given to the set to craft, and how many charges each power gets.

    Origin wise, i was thinking tech and magic.
  18. So here is the idea... A tinkerer style character. The set is based around various crafted powers. Players could go either melee, or ranged, or a combo. Balance could be designed around how many charges, or the length of time a power works. So your standard attack power, say "pistol" would get alot of charges, and it would be relatively cheap to craft. But something more powerful would be much more limited. Say crafting a robot pet or somesuch, you would only get 5 charges per craft.

    Initially, you would start off with a choice of two attacks. A club based attack, aka pipewrench, or a laser pistol attack. These would be slottable like any other.

    The rest of the powers you unlock would be a set of craftable powers. Perhaps have two versions of the at, either def& buff/melee&ranged or Melee&ranged/def&buff. Moreover, you would only have a certain number of powers you could have crafted at a time.

    The idea of the AT, is extreme versatility, at the cost of finite use. You can make a katana & pistol/debuffing character, but you have limited uses for your powers, so you must choose wisely which ones to take.

    the craftable powers themselves would be a wide range of powers as they appear in order from other sets and such.

    Moreover, since these powers are crafted, they would require salvage to make. So if a particular power combo became extremely powerful, market forces would encourage players to find new combinations, as that salvage would be much more expensive and hard to find.

    Story wise, it could fit with the coming storm. Kinda like reverse kheldians. This new at would have craftable powers that are available that the new mobs in the coming storm are vulnerable to.

    Just brainstorming, feel free to tear it apart.
  19. CommunistPenguin

    crazy talk!

    So my mercs/trap mm... is a incredibly gifted phychic... who also suffers from paranoid schizophrenia, multiple personality disorders, and Post traumatic stress disorder.

    His background is that he was in a us army unit in the first Rikti war, which got wiped out by a Rikti ambush. This event lead to severe mental trauma, and his personality splitting into 7 differnt people (his unit)

    Anyway, he is paraoid about the Rikti, and I wanted to make some dialog macros to use while playing him. Something where he ultimately suspects the rikti is behind everything, and has a kinda of knowing/not knowing status that his squadmates are actually psychic manifestations of his dead squadmates... so like

    "they.. they got Hicks! but ... Hicks is... rrrahhaHHH GET OUT OF MY HEAD RIKTI SCUM!"

    And various other paranoid suspicions.Any help woul really be appreciated.
  20. Well keep the light on in the bird house of our soul!
  21. [ QUOTE ]
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    As a side note, at their wedding they broke prohibition and had alcohol, at the 3 sisters restaurant.

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    Actually no they didn't. The Rhode Island legislature never endorsed the volstead act so prohibition was never enforced in RI. Since Paragon is in RI, no prohibition...

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    what a random, yet informative first post! welcome to tyhe forums!
  22. [ QUOTE ]
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    The war between the Mu and the Oranbegans.

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    That'd be a neat background setting for a Co-Op zone, via Ouroboros or the Midnight Club.

    The Mu-Oranbega War:

    Someone has gone back in time to attempt to change history in a very unsettling way... the Mu-Oranbega War, historically devestated both sides of the conflict to the point that neither one nor the other had the real strength to carry on. Turning against their own allies, the demons of the Circle of Thorns decimated the Oranbegans when they would show mercy over the last few Mu, sending them out of the demons reach for a time.

    Time is starting to shift; Someone has gone back to the time of this war in order to, subtly, carry out the plan that the Oranbegans had shown the presence of mind to abandon, cursing themselves to destruction as well: The genocide of every last descendant of Mu, before they could spread and recover even a portion of their strength.

    Arachnos has a bit of investment with the Mu in their current state: While they don't want them to rise up and become a rival nation unto themselves (which would leave the fate of Sharkhed Isle and perhaps the Rogue Isles themselves in question over ownership), but their mystical might and talents have proven quite useful to the organization. And letting the Circle of Thorns become a greater power is also not in the best interests of Arachnos as a whole. Lord Recluse has, on this matter, given his ascent to sending agents back in time to make sure that both sides of the conflict are shattered equally, and that things play out to their foregone conclusion (though, not everyone in the organization is told this /exact/ plan...): The Circle of Thorns and Mu both losing the conflict.

    The Midnight Club can't really see a way out of this that wouldn't exactly shake things up worse then they already are, either. The Oranbegans made deals with demons and came back as the servants of the Circle of Thorns. The Mu made dark alliances with Lord Recluse and Arachnos, and if they could so so while still close to the height of their power... or, worse yet, their nation could rise up and become a pillar of evil of it's own volition. While it's against their better judgement, the balance has to be maintained, and the people of Mu and Oranbega have to be sacrificed to maintain order: You have to go back and stop them both, by any means possible, so that no clear winner is on either side.


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    heres a neat idea.... for the hero content... have hereos get in touch with elements of the Orenbegans and convince them not to commit total genocide, and have a mission for heroes to save some of the last muvians.

    Alot of people wanted more morally ambiguous content for heroes, since villans have to play goody two shoes. This is it. heroes would do something, knowing the consequences would be horrific, save innocent children, but destroy an entire civilization and spawn a force of villany in the future.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    How about instead of the old vet powers, how about instead you give us options for the IO temp power attacks, pistol, bat, or hammer?! That would rock my world since I really like all three of those.

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    THIS! I dont even bother to take the vet attacks any more, because they dont usually fit my characters themes.
  24. the 54 reward is kinda weak. Granted its better than the 45 month reward, but still. Why not pick from one of the other many temp powers available. Heck, id love a beefed up throwing knife. Or a pistol.
  25. CommunistPenguin


    thats almost a haiku