Toothpaste and Economics
People can sell their drops for the inf so new people who ought to be getting the hang of the game can easily afford DOs and SOs which we never could before the markets without someone sugar daddying.
Also with MA tickets can easily generate common salvage like Luck Charms or even roll for the Alchemical Silver range and get even more.
There is no problem for someone who can make a small amount of effort and realize they can sell as well as buy in a market. I think new players to the game will do better than old vets who cannot seem to figure out that the markets are not the NPC stores.
total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.
Love how you pre-emptively attack anyone who might disagree with your post. Cause it IS a free market. The prices you see are, ultimately, the prices people are willing to pay. The market is set up in such a way that price gougers can be undercut by sane people. But only if the sane people aren't willing to shell out boatloads of cash.
Oh, and your toothpaste analogy doesn't work because the creation of toothpaste is something companies can control almost infinitely. If you bought up all the toothpaste in the world, the toothpaste producers, noticing the sudden surge in toothpaste demand would step up production. There'd be a tiny bottleneck where you could make a killing, maybe even a stockpiling frenzy, and then... Toothpaste would flood the market from all the overproduction, and you'd be sitting for everything you didn't get rid off in the meantime.
'Production' of Common Salvage is not that controllable in CoH. You can only ever roll for it, or have it drop. So you're never guaranteed any particular Common piece of Salvage. The market is reflecting that. Some people might buy cheap to resell high, some might stockpile for lean times, and some just want a given piece 'rite nao', but can't get it to drop.
So they drive up prices with their demand. Pure capitalist economy at work. Once demand subsides, prices normalize again. Happens a few times a night, it seems.
At the same time, prices for Rares have dropped dramatically cause you can now buy them with easily available Tickets and prices for Uncommons are stabilizing at a higher rate than they used to cost it seems. People probably feel the Inf is better spent than Tickets in these cases. Luckily, there is no direct way to convert Tickets to Inf or just calculate an exchange rate.
Winston Churchill
Globally luckcharms drop as commonly as:
Ancient Artifact
Clockwork Winder
Spell Scroll
Spiritual Essence
Runebound Armor
Differences in their pricing is down to demand. luck charms are used in both accuracy and defence IOs from 10-25, as well as many uncommon and rare sets
Other commons
# Invention: Interrupt Duration for levels 10-25
# Invention: Jumping for levels 10-25
# Invention: Sleep Duration for levels 10-25
# Invention: To Hit Debuff for levels 10-25
Uncommon and rares
* Adjusted Targeting: Rech/End Reduction for levels 20-25
* Adrenal Adjustment: Endurance Modification/Recharge for levels 10-20
* Befuddling Aura: Accuracy/Recharge for levels 10-25
* Bonesnap: Accuracy/Recharge for levels 10-25
* Brilliant Leadership: Accuracy/Damage for levels 15-25
* Cacophony: Endurance/Confuse for levels 10-25
* Calibrated Accuracy: Accuracy/Damage for levels 20-25
* Call of the Sandman: Accuracy/Recharge for levels 20-25
* Celerity: Endurance for levels 15-25
* Commanding Presence: Accuracy/Damage for levels 10-25
* Curtail Speed: Accuracy/Slow for levels 10-25
* Dampened Spirits: To Hit Debuff for levels 21-25
* Debilitative Action: Accuracy/Endurance for levels 10-25
* Deflated Ego: To Hit Debuff/Recharge for levels 10-20
* Detonation: Damage/Endurance for levels 20-25
* Discouraging Words: To Hit DeBuff/Rech/Endurance Reduction for levels 10-20
* Edict of the Master: Accuracy/Damage for levels 15-25
* Enfeebled Operation: Accuracy/Recharge for levels 20-25
* Essence of Curare: Accuracy/Recharge for levels 20-25
* Executioner's Contract: Damage/Interrupt for levels 20-25
* Exploit Weakness: Damage/Endurance for levels 10-25
* Explosive Strike: Knockback/Accuracy for levels 10-20
* Explosive Strike: Knockback/Damage for levels 10-20
* Far Strike: Accuracy/Endurance for levels 10-25
* Force Feedback: Knockback/Damage for levels 21-25
* Force Feedback: Knockback/Damage/Endurance for levels 21-25
* Freebird: Endurance for levels 15-25
* Ghost Widow's Embrace: Accuracy/Endurance for levels 20-25
* Gift of the Ancients: Endurance/Recharge for levels 15-25
* Glimpse of the Abyss: Accuracy/Endurance for levels 20-25
* Harmonized Healing: Healing for levels 20-25
* Horror: Accuracy/Endurance for levels 10-25
* Impeded Swiftness: Accuracy/Slow for levels 10-25
* Impervious Skin: Resistance/Recharge for levels 10-25
* Impervium Armor: Resistance/Recharge for levels 15-25
* Induced Coma: Chance for Recharge Slow for levels 10-25
* Jaunt: Range for levels 15-25
* Karma: Knockback Protection for levels 10-25
* Kinetic Combat: Knockdown Bonus for levels 20-25
* Kinetic Crash: Knockback/Damage for levels 21-25
* Kinetic Crash: Knockback/Damage/Accuracy for levels 21-25
* Kismet: Endurance/Recharge for levels 10-25
* Lethargic Repose: Endurance/Sleep for levels 20-25
* Malaise's Illusions: Accuracy/Recharge for levels 20-25
* Miracle: Healing for levels 20-25
* Mocking Beratement: Taunt for levels 21-25
* Multi-Strike: Accuracy/Damage for levels 20-25
* Neuronic Shutdown: Accuracy/Hold/Recharge for levels 10-25
* Pacing of the Turtle: Accuracy/Slow for levels 20-25
* Paralytic: Endurance/Hold for levels 10-25
* Perfect Zinger: Recharge/Accuracy for levels 21-25
* Perfect Zinger: Taunt/Recharge/Range for levels 21-25
* Performance Shifter: Chance for +Endurance for levels 21-25
* Performance Shifter: Recharge/Accuracy for levels 20-25
* Perplex: Accuracy/Recharge for levels 20-25
* Positron's Blast: Accuracy/Damage for levels 20-25
* Pounding Slugfest: Damage/Recharge for levels 15-25
* Razzle Dazzle: Chance for Immobilize for levels 10-25
* Reactive Armor: Resistance/Endurance/Recharge for levels 15-25
* Regenerative Tissue: Healing/Endurance for levels 10-25
* Rooting Grasp: Accuracy/Immobilize/Recharge for levels 10-25
* Rope A Dope: Accuracy/Endurance for levels 20-25
* Scirocco's Dervish: Damage/Recharge for levels 20-25
* Serendipity: Defense/Recharge for levels 15-25
* Shield Breaker: Chance for Lethal Damage for levels 10-25
* Springfoot: Jump for levels 15-25
* Stagger: Accuracy/Stun/Recharge for levels 10-25
* Stupefy: Accuracy/Recharge for levels 20-25
* Tempered Readiness: Accuracy/Slow for levels 10-25
* Tempest: Accuracy/Damage for levels 15-25
* Touch of Lady Grey: Defense Debuff for levels 21-25
* Trap of the Hunter: Accuracy/Recharge for levels 20-25
* Triage: Healing/Endurance/Recharge for levels 10-25
* Triumphant Insult: Chance to Disorient for levels 10-20
* Undermined Defenses: Recharge for levels 21-25
* Unquestioning Loyalty: Damage/Endurance for levels 10-25
* Unspeakable Terror: Accuracy/Endurance for levels 10-25
* Unspeakable Terror: Fear/Range for levels 10-25
* Volley Fire: Damage/Endurance for levels 15-25

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
It's great that you mention Luck Charm. Did you know pre-i14 that Luck Charms were selling for 40 to 70k? The typical supply qty would hover at 1000 and the demand at 5000.
Now, post-i14 it is down to 20-50k? And it is still moving dowwards. Supply is up to 2000 and demand is starting to move down as the price meets people's expectations.
We're in a heavy adjustment market. People can temporarily tweak prices when the supply is under 200 on a salvage, but most people interested in really making serious money aren't messing around with salvage. They learn about purples and such where they can turn a 1-10 million per market slot profit. A stack of "manipulated" common salvage would be lucky to make 20k each or 200k for a market slot. With tickets, anyone can get any common with minimal effort.
Right now while the market is adapting to i14 and there are random shortages prices can get freaky for people who for whatever limitation are unable to take thirty minutes to run AE content and cash tickets for salvage.
This is a wacky market. It blows my mind that anyone would pay 200k for a common level 20 damage io that I can buy the raw materials for 5k and make for 10k?
250K a year is upper middle class? That sounds like lower upper class to me. Once your income gets into the 6 digits (to the left of the decimal point) range, you are no longer a part of the middle class.
250K a year is upper middle class? That sounds like lower upper class to me. Once your income gets into the 6 digits (to the left of the decimal point) range, you are no longer a part of the middle class.
[/ QUOTE ]
Middle class america
$250k would classify as upper middle class under most of the definitions on the wiki. I would personally consider middle class to be no higher than 100k a year at the most though.
Jay Doherty: Yes, there was this one night that I was ready to go home but had to drop the browns off at the super bowl before I left for home. While on the throne it hit me. I stayed for a few more hours and that why we have the pain pads in the game.
Oh, I forgot, let me go ahead and troll my own post before the the trolls get to it....
It's a free market.
Some random strawman argument using a different product to illustrate a point about the CoH market
For those of you who are not actually trolls, I would love to hear from you on this.
[/ QUOTE ] You lost all of your credibility here.
250K a year is upper middle class? That sounds like lower upper class to me. Once your income gets into the 6 digits (to the left of the decimal point) range, you are no longer a part of the middle class.
[/ QUOTE ]
Middle class america
$250k would classify as upper middle class under most of the definitions on the wiki. I would personally consider middle class to be no higher than 100k a year at the most though.
[/ QUOTE ]
Honestly, how much you make per year and how well off you are depends on where you live. In some places (re: San Fransisco or New York), 250k would probably be considered upper middle class thanks to the high cost of living. In other places, 100k could easily be considered the border of upper middle class and upper class, thanks to low cost of living.
It's great that you mention Luck Charm. Did you know pre-i14 that Luck Charms were selling for 40 to 70k? The typical supply qty would hover at 1000 and the demand at 5000.
Now, post-i14 it is down to 20-50k? And it is still moving dowwards. Supply is up to 2000 and demand is starting to move down as the price meets people's expectations.
We're in a heavy adjustment market. People can temporarily tweak prices when the supply is under 200 on a salvage, but most people interested in really making serious money aren't messing around with salvage. They learn about purples and such where they can turn a 1-10 million per market slot profit. A stack of "manipulated" common salvage would be lucky to make 20k each or 200k for a market slot. With tickets, anyone can get any common with minimal effort.
Right now while the market is adapting to i14 and there are random shortages prices can get freaky for people who for whatever limitation are unable to take thirty minutes to run AE content and cash tickets for salvage.
This is a wacky market. It blows my mind that anyone would pay 200k for a common level 20 damage io that I can buy the raw materials for 5k and make for 10k?
[/ QUOTE ]
Very true. However, just to have a common ground to stand on. I would say 'common salvage' should be standardized across the board by some means. You have silver that you can buy for 1 influence and then items like 'Luck Charms' that sell from 20,000 to 75,000. Common should be just that, common. Instead there are a lot of commons that sell for ridiculous prices.
Personally, I think the developers should regulate the prices by selling common salvage just like they regulate the price of common IOs by selling them at the University for a set price. Plus, that would create another advantage by having another influence sink in place.
(Buying common salvage with tickets is now a very intelligent thing to do honestly.)
Personally, I think the developers should regulate the prices by selling common salvage just like they regulate the price of common IOs by selling them at the University for a set price. Plus, that would create another advantage by having another influence sink in place.
[/ QUOTE ]
The problem I see with this is that it might pretty much kill the market. If I can quickly grab all the stuff I need for an intermediate price, I'll probably not care to go get a teensy rebate at the BM.
Like I don't sell Common IO Recipes at the BM. Other than Vendor's credit, there's nothing in it for me. I usually get more Inf selling them... and the ones you can make money off of as IOs, I have memorized.
If there's no chance of a real Influence gain or getting something I can't safely get otherwise, there's no point in me going to the BM. Which, with Tickets allowing me to get the Uncommons and Rares I want and with some patience also getting me the Recipes I want much faster than real missions might, means the Market will come down to Purples and Tier 2 and Tier 3 Inspirations.
Which we don't really need a Market for.
Personally, I think retaining the randomness of Common Salvage was one of the smartest moves the Devs ever made. That said, I'm also sure that the Commons market will stabilize a bit eventually as more people figure out the next bit:
(Buying common salvage with tickets is now a very intelligent thing to do honestly.)
[/ QUOTE ]
You wanna know what's even better? Having had tons of Base Salvage stocked up just cause you couldn't bear throwing it away and the prices were too low to bother selling it. My Redside guy with the vanity base still has some 3k Brainstorm on him, and Commons are only 1 Brainstorm for a generic roll, 2 if you want to pick Science or Magic. Good thing I didn't blow it all on Magic Rares when I first got it. I would have but I plain ran out of storage.
Winston Churchill
I was buying luck charms for around 5-7k. Or were you talking heroside?
Run MA missions. Roll (cheaply!) for common salvage. Don't worry about the price again until you go sell.
Salvage prices are mostly going up due to AE. People are running lots of architect stuff, and they're not trading tickets in for salvage. Therefore supply goes down.
250K a year is upper middle class? That sounds like lower upper class to me. Once your income gets into the 6 digits (to the left of the decimal point) range, you are no longer a part of the middle class.
[/ QUOTE ]
Middle class america
$250k would classify as upper middle class under most of the definitions on the wiki. I would personally consider middle class to be no higher than 100k a year at the most though.
[/ QUOTE ]
Honestly, how much you make per year and how well off you are depends on where you live. In some places (re: San Fransisco or New York), 250k would probably be considered upper middle class thanks to the high cost of living. In other places, 100k could easily be considered the border of upper middle class and upper class, thanks to low cost of living.
[/ QUOTE ]
Bingo. $150k sounds like a lot more than it is if you live in these places.
A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!
Salvage prices are mostly going up due to AE. People are running lots of architect stuff, and they're not trading tickets in for salvage. Therefore supply goes down.
[/ QUOTE ]
Definitely. I've been using 'Luck Charms' as an example because most people think of 'Luck Charms' when they are getting expensive common salvage. But look at all the other common salvage that is becoming ridiculously priced. Just today I logged on an Alchemical Silver is selling for 55,000 to 100,000 and Scientific Theory which is selling for 100,000 to 150,000.
Obviously the Developers don't mind selling you common and uncommon salvage, they already do it through the architect missions through tickets. So, why not sell common and uncommon salvage through the university for influence for those people who like playing the game, instead of forcing people to farm AE missions?
Ok, looking at AE, it looks like the Developers only allow you to buy uncommon and rare salvage? That doesn't make sense....
Commons are available with tickets under random rolls.
Pick the group of 6 you want to roll (low/mid/high and arcan/tech), and spend your 8 tickets

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
Salvage prices are mostly going up due to AE. People are running lots of architect stuff, and they're not trading tickets in for salvage. Therefore supply goes down.
[/ QUOTE ]
Definitely. I've been using 'Luck Charms' as an example because most people think of 'Luck Charms' when they are getting expensive common salvage. But look at all the other common salvage that is becoming ridiculously priced. Just today I logged on an Alchemical Silver is selling for 55,000 to 100,000 and Scientific Theory which is selling for 100,000 to 150,000.
Obviously the Developers don't mind selling you common and uncommon salvage, they already do it through the architect missions through tickets. So, why not sell common and uncommon salvage through the university for influence for those people who like playing the game, instead of forcing people to farm AE missions?
[/ QUOTE ]False analogy. The devs allow you to buy salvage, enhancements, and recipes with tickets because while you're on AE, you get tickets *instead* of salvage, enhancements, and recipes.
Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
I did one mission from the mission architect. Not a farm mission, not a lame badge mission, just a regular 5 mission arc that was fairly well written. I walked away with 800+ tickets. I spent half on random rolls, most were for low level arcane salvage. I got about 8 luck charms and a some runebound armors and a bunch of other desirable stuff. I put it all on the market for 10 inf and sold everything right away.
just take the random low level salvage roll and walk away with a boat load of luck charms.
Salvage prices are mostly going up due to AE. People are running lots of architect stuff, and they're not trading tickets in for salvage. Therefore supply goes down.
[/ QUOTE ]
Definitely. I've been using 'Luck Charms' as an example because most people think of 'Luck Charms' when they are getting expensive common salvage. But look at all the other common salvage that is becoming ridiculously priced. Just today I logged on an Alchemical Silver is selling for 55,000 to 100,000 and Scientific Theory which is selling for 100,000 to 150,000.
Obviously the Developers don't mind selling you common and uncommon salvage, they already do it through the architect missions through tickets. So, why not sell common and uncommon salvage through the university for influence for those people who like playing the game, instead of forcing people to farm AE missions?
[/ QUOTE ]False analogy. The devs allow you to buy salvage, enhancements, and recipes with tickets because while you're on AE, you get tickets *instead* of salvage, enhancements, and recipes.
[/ QUOTE ]
Why is that a false analogy? The devs let you buy salvage? Just because they are letting you buy salvage with tickets instead of influence doesn't mean you aren't buying them?
Salvage prices are mostly going up due to AE. People are running lots of architect stuff, and they're not trading tickets in for salvage. Therefore supply goes down.
[/ QUOTE ]
Definitely. I've been using 'Luck Charms' as an example because most people think of 'Luck Charms' when they are getting expensive common salvage. But look at all the other common salvage that is becoming ridiculously priced. Just today I logged on an Alchemical Silver is selling for 55,000 to 100,000 and Scientific Theory which is selling for 100,000 to 150,000.
Obviously the Developers don't mind selling you common and uncommon salvage, they already do it through the architect missions through tickets. So, why not sell common and uncommon salvage through the university for influence for those people who like playing the game, instead of forcing people to farm AE missions?
[/ QUOTE ]False analogy. The devs allow you to buy salvage, enhancements, and recipes with tickets because while you're on AE, you get tickets *instead* of salvage, enhancements, and recipes.
[/ QUOTE ]
Why is that a false analogy? The devs let you buy salvage? Just because they are letting you buy salvage with tickets instead of influence doesn't mean you aren't buying them?
[/ QUOTE ]
They replaced the random drops that you normally get with a secondary currency, and, since there is no direct ticket>inf conversion, it isn't an easy analogy to imply directly buying salvage with influence.
why sell common and uncommon salvage at a store when you can get it through drops or from the market? don't be ignorant. you can roll for common salvage with tickets. so your post: [ QUOTE ]
Ok, looking at AE, it looks like the Developers only allow you to buy uncommon and rare salvage? That doesn't make sense....
[/ QUOTE ] shows that you didn't look at the window very well.
Salvage prices are mostly going up due to AE. People are running lots of architect stuff, and they're not trading tickets in for salvage. Therefore supply goes down.
[/ QUOTE ]
Definitely. I've been using 'Luck Charms' as an example because most people think of 'Luck Charms' when they are getting expensive common salvage. But look at all the other common salvage that is becoming ridiculously priced. Just today I logged on an Alchemical Silver is selling for 55,000 to 100,000 and Scientific Theory which is selling for 100,000 to 150,000.
Obviously the Developers don't mind selling you common and uncommon salvage, they already do it through the architect missions through tickets. So, why not sell common and uncommon salvage through the university for influence for those people who like playing the game, instead of forcing people to farm AE missions?
[/ QUOTE ]False analogy. The devs allow you to buy salvage, enhancements, and recipes with tickets because while you're on AE, you get tickets *instead* of salvage, enhancements, and recipes.
[/ QUOTE ]
Why is that a false analogy? The devs let you buy salvage? Just because they are letting you buy salvage with tickets instead of influence doesn't mean you aren't buying them?
[/ QUOTE ]Because the tickets are not a currency *as such*. They represent "drop potential". You then use them at the ticket vendor to either get unlockables for MA, a badge, or to tailor the drops to what you want. Didn't want a bunch of uncommon salvage? Buy rares and roll commons! Only looking for recipes? Roll dem bones!
The logic you were using, you may as well say that Merits allowed players to "buy salvage", since, in fact, you could do that with them. They were, however, an upgrade to the end-of-TF/arc reward selection.
Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Ok, let's say you are a upper middle class American which is about roughly equivalent to a veteran who has played on CoHs for about 2 to 3 years. You're doing pretty well, you make about 250 thousand a year or in CoH terms 500 million to 1000 million influence saved up in the bank.
Being an upper middle class American you decide to take your 250,000 and make a killing on toothpaste, which sells at about $1.50 a pack. So you go to every store across the world and buy every pack of toothpaste you can. Suddenly, the price of toothpaste skyrockets to $20,000 dollars a pack and you've become a billionaire...
Ok, so in truth...
You become bankrupt and lose you're $500,000 dollar house.
Why is it commons in CoH, like Luck Charms are selling for 20,000 to 50,000 on the CoH market? Is it possible that the common drop rates for common low and mid range recipe salvage should be increase a bunch???
Or maybe common salvage should sell at the university just like common IO recipes do, so the price of common salvage is not manipulated so ruthlessly?
Don't get me wrong, I can afford the ridiculous prices of low to mid level common salvage but I doubt people new to the game can, nor can non-veteran casual players?
Plus, I've been noticing that sometimes 'common' salvage isn't even available to buy because it's been either dropping so little or people are severely manipulating the market. (I can't tell which).
Oh, I forgot, let me go ahead and troll my own post before the the trolls get to it....
It's a free market.
Some random strawman argument using a different product to illustrate a point about the CoH market
For those of you who are not actually trolls, I would love to hear from you on this.