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  1. Thanks all, I will be running at +0x8 for speed purposes, I'm not concerned about the hit that I'll take in infamy.

    I remember Battle Maiden being good for farming but I wasn't sure if any new gems had surfaced recently or not.
  2. Anybody know of a good farm for shards? I want to be able to run it with all of my characters that are Alpha slotted so I would like it to be mostly smashing/lethal damage and little to no status effects for when I run it with my Fire/kin corr.

    If you want to keep it super secret squirrel classified just PM me on here or in game @Chymerus.

  3. Ah excellent. Amazing the simple things that are so easily missed despite being right in front of one's face.
  4. So I want to eventually get to Spiritual Radial Paragon (SRP), my current slotted alpha ability is Spiritual Total Radial Revamp (STRR).

    My question is...did I screw myself? The ingredient list for SRP has Partial Radial Revamp and Partial Core Revamp on it.

    Can I use my STRR to craft the SRP or do I need to start from scratch and build up to the PRR and the PCR in order to get the SRP?

    Wish I had noticed this before. Dumb dumb dumb.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Turgenev View Post
    Yes! Thank you very much.
  6. A few weeks back I saw a thread about a themed team of characters that were designed like Robotic dinosaurs, I wanted to show a friend the costumes because they were very cool, but now I can't find the thread.

    I thought it was in the 'Freedom' section of the forums that I saw it on, but now I can't find it. If anyone knows what I'm talking about and can point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    I think there was a booster pack version for $10. However, I rocommend just buying the Mac Version. It's just a code that's applied to your account - you don't need a Mac.

    It will give you a month of game time (worth $15) and the booster (worth $10) for $20.

    EDIT: I don't see the full Mac version in the store any more, but here is the link to the NA version of the Mac Special Edition In-Game Item Pack.
    Excellent, thanks! I looked in the store but I guess I was looking in the wrong place 'cause I couldn't find the pack. I knew that it used to exist, but like I said, I couldn't seem to find it.
  8. I was just wondering if there was still a way to purchase the costume parts that originally were released along side the Mac version of the game (those armored wings, etc.). I know there WAS a place to purchase all that stuff on it's own, but now I can't seem to find it and I really really want those costume pieces.
  9. Seems like a cool idea, and obviously you've put a lot of thought into it.

    I like that one would have to actually put thought into slotting and use of their primary (or secondary) powers to actually manage their endurance instead of just turning off powers. One question though.

    When you say .2 endurance cost for certain powers, what do you mean? If you mean that as an auto power it is constantly draining .2 endurance, what happens if the player DOES run out of endurance, they are auto powers, so, they can't stop the end drain in order to recover their endurance. Unless obviously they slot enough IO set bonuses to counteract it, which is fine because there are plenty of recovery bonuses in game, but what about before they actually start slotting for said bonuses (i.e. low low levels)?
  10. I'd like to run this with my Fire/Kin Corr, Hot Moves Baby.

    I have a couple other characters that are alpha slotted, but the Corr is the only one with a level shift thus far.

    Edit: If I manage to run an LRSF on my Elec/Shield tomorrow afternoon, I could run it with that if another Brute would be preferable to another Corr.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    In the same paragraph Black Scorpion said Trials. Trials in this game are not solo content.
    When he said "Incarnate Trials" he was in fact addressing the concern for solo players and how they would get their components, so I think the "Incarnate Trials" will probably just be a very tough story arc (or two, or more) that can be completed by a solo player.

    The idea (in terms of story anyway) that becoming an incarnate would REQUIRE teaming seems self-defeating to the way the initial introduction arc to the alpha slot played out.
  12. Chymerus

    Weekly SF 02/01

    So I've read on these here forums that the inaugural weekly strike force targets are going to be Statesmen TF and LRSF.

    I want to see if anyone is planning on running LRSF at around midnight EST. If so post here and/or save me a spot. Global me @Chymerus and send me an in game e-mail if you like, I have 3 chars I would like to run it with, just depends on what is needed really.

    So, yeah, get at me if you are interested in running it or are planning on running one, I am off work at 11pm EST and will be online by midnight.

  13. Where is this bit of info? I can't find the patch notes.
  14. It would be REALLY nice to have a market interface item for bases.....then I might actually enter mine once in a while to craft and sell. I just don't' like having to do all the loading and running back and forth.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DrGemini View Post
    Does the weekend of February 4-6 work for those interested? Dr Q would be up first and doing it over a weekend might be good... break it up into smaller sessions over the 3 days/evenings.
    Feb 4-6 works for me......mostly. I wouldn't be able to start until after about 11:30pm EST on the 4th, and until after about 9:00am EST on the 5th and 6th. On the 5th and 6th I have about 9 hours that I can play after 9am and then I can get on again after 7pm.

    Breaking it up sounds fantastic though, the last time I did the Dr. Q TF was about 6 years ago when I was still married.....11 hours straight didn't go over too well with the wife. hahahahaha
  16. Chymerus


    For some reason, Mids is giving me an error message when I try to import your build....
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
    Behavioural Adjustment Facility. Basically the big prison/mental institute/ghulag in Praetoria (currently in the northern part of the Imperial City map).
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Well, we know for sure that the BAF Trial is for 12-24 players
    What is BAF? I've been out of the loop for a while.
  19. Gah, I was hoping y'all were ninjaing Issue 19.5 in....:-(
  20. I would be interested, I really want to run all the shard TFs on my Brute. I do have time constraints though, so breaking it up would be necessary for me. I can do anything after 8pm EST during the week and on Saturday and Sunday I can do any time between 8 am EST and 7 pm EST and then again after 8pm EST.
  21. Uhhhh, what? You mean you had a Kin/Rad defender? Defenders (not blasters) are the only possible AT blue side that can have the Kin/Rad combination, not blasters.
  22. Wrath of Shadow, Stone/Dark. Got him to 24 in beta and loved every second of it. Seismic Smash on a full fury bar is joygasmic.