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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
    A Once Crowded Sky, by Tom King. All the setting's superheroes (with one exception) give up their powers and must adjust to life as ordinary human beings. Things get complicated when a menace appears.
    I just picked this up yesterday and I should dive into it within a few days.
  2. Chyll

    Feral Kat artz!

    Originally Posted by Katfood View Post
    That's excellent... a captured moment of relaxing and thinking... human and gentle. A great contrast with so many of the collection.
  3. My Ele/DM is one of my favorite tanks.

    The heal is a nice part of the DPS chain, and helps mitigate anything the resists can't keep up with. You have a lot of end help with the pbaoe's - and can even work in some extra taunt with them.

    The pbaoe's lack punch though, and fire mastery fills that in nicely.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fista View Post
    Some one refresh my memory... Was there this much blood and thunder over the Circle revamp?
    There was but it was much more broad based. And there were more campfires and sing-a-longs.

    and s'mores

    (And less Posi pointing out the current 'changes' actually fix things.)
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    At least one of them needs a scythe, for one thing >_>
    oh, well, that is a whole other conversation.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the fact the gang finally got some visual love and more in-depth missions. I just don't see the need to butcher the one bit of solid canon they had for a guy who looks like a less cool version of Salvador, i.e. a not overly tall guy on steroids;
    Yeah, but see I liked the new look and his introduction within the story. And, while I admit I hadn't run any skull content in a long time I really enjoyed fleshing out the in game leadership. I just don't see it as a drastic troubling retconn... but everyone's perspective is different.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
    If by Posi saying "Uh, actually, I don't really have much clue about this".....wait, that's not a compelling argument in the slightest.
    If there was another Posi comment after the - "the original creation of the character was supposed to..." post then I didn't see it.

    Regardless, I love what they've done with the new Skull update... so *shrug*
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post

    That is all NOT true with the Skulls. Chernobog as one of the Petrovic brothers is NOT an addition, it's a change to previously established canon.
    And yet we have the creator of the characters telling us differently...
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    Do you fine folks remember when the first pass of the Circle of Thorns revamp came out and people hated it?

    If you do, please log in to Beta, go to Kings Row, and give your thoughts on the new Skulls. All of my in-game buddies and I have absolutely hated what's been done to them.
    I absolutely love the new Skulls.
    New look, new arcs, new difficulty. Top notch.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post

    Every time I run these and this happens, I say, "Hang on just a bit, I have to fix my costume in the tailor REALLY FAST!"

    Or, "One minute, I just have to respec my character real quick!"

    Yes... every time. I try and come up with a different one when I can, but I run them infrequently enough that I can get by with so few lines.

    Yes, I take the slow clicker's aggro! *taunt* "You guys mind waiting while I explain enhancements to my noob friend??"
    Ha! I've done the same.

    "Am I supposed to click the green button now?"
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aurora_Girl View Post
    I think you're *entirely* missing the point, "Fista" (and let's hope that name isn't meaning what I hope it doesn't mean).

    This *event*, which is what it is, not an invasion, was suggested by a player as a way to celebrate the Discovery Channel's annual "Shark Week" of shark-themed programming that's become a bit of a big deal over the years in the US. It's not an actual holiday, as some (non-American, I assume) players have believed.

    It was suggested to the community reps, and the community reps wrote the backstory (mostly for fun, making fun of Shark Week's TV programming) and the community reps are manning the enemies. Zwil and Co. decided Arachnos bosses, Corolax and Lusca were natural fits for the fun of "What would happen if Mako did decide to go nuts in Paragon?" and Zwil himself actually played the NPC of Captain Mako. On Pinnacle, anyway, the banter was hysterical, the challenge was real, and not EVERYTHING in this game has to be about badges and xp. There wasn't a badge because badges require programming and coding, and the community reps don't really do that.

    This was just a fun event, to get together as a server and do something completely unique and have a fun time, and the special temporary titles and Dark Matter aura codes were just icing on the cake. It was an opportunity to directly interact with Zwil and Co. in-game, which is rare, and serves to bolster the relationship between the player community and the community reps.

    If all of that is completely unimportant to you, then yes, I'm sure you were disappointed. It's a good thing the event wasn't designed for people like you.
    I heartily applaud this kind of fun effort and enthusiasm from Zwill and the community reps. Completely.

    Personally, I am in the bored-with-invasions-camp, but absolutely love that this is going on, think the concept is hilarious, and I hope tons of people have fun with it.
  12. Because variety is nice?

    (I will say that my SR/ tank is one of my most reliable survivors and I generally run - +1 or +2/X8 with bosses. And the coming new IO set changes are just going to extend some layering options. So there really shouldn't be any great concern over lasting through fights. No set is really 'poor', and it really is only min/max approach that looks to any options as superior.)
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quasadu View Post
    Ned Stark, of course.
    Agreed. Which is probably why he had to die so early.
  14. Despite intentions to get a 47 scrapper on Exalted and a 48 blaster on Virtue over the hump to 50....

    I spent my entire time this weekend on Rylle -my Dark/Fire Dominator on Justice. She went from 29 to 44 thanks to the Justice United/JFA crowds and Posi 1&2, Katie Hannon, Moonfire, Sutter, Penelope Yin, Synapse, ITF, & and some solo running in Night Ward.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    Beta starting today was mentioned in the Coffee talk
    I missed the coffee talk (good to know), just got the unintentional notes preview.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MadHobbit View Post
    while all of this is good, how about restoring Hamis back to their original values?with ED in place and lots of new IO sets. the Nerf on them seems to be not needed anymore.
    There are other 'corrections' coming that are, at a guess, going to cause ppl to forget all about the hami-o change.
  17. Patch notes for I24 beta were visible very very briefly (looks like the beta forum was being setup and a flag wasn't set. Guess beta will be soon ).

    I managed to fail to keep a copy. The list was....... long..... and I didn't process all the IO info.

    Did I mention it was long?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    Dynamic Duo:

    This dynamic duo acts like one! You guard each other’s back, and take on any challenge with perfect orchestrated maneuvering.

    Primary: Assault Primary
    • Secondary: Stalker secondary (replacing hide with a permanent pet.)
    • Epic: Brute/Tank Epic Pools
    • Inherent: Synergy. All your toggles and passives also buff your Sidekick pet if he is within 20ft. Your pet being near slightly buffs your damage. You can’t directly command your pet but he will take offensive mode for about 10 seconds with every attack. You stop attacking, the pet resets to follow/non-aggressive mode.
    Now this is an intriguing concept.
  19. Put me down for none of the above in the OP.

    Pretty much this:
    Originally Posted by Haetron View Post
    In my opinion: Assault Primary, new Secondary called "Utility" which are hybrids of existing defense and buff/debuff sets.
    In a perfect world and a time machine to use frivolously, I'd go back and talk to the devs about melee AT introduction more like this:

    I'd probably leave scrappers and stalkers alone

    rename tank to Brute (tanker taunt, damage scale, & armor/resist scale, drop gauntlet, provide them fury - building up from the lower starting point should work nicely)

    introduce brute as... Ruffian (arbitrarily and spontaneously named). It would be a Melee/ with a secondary powerset a mix of some armors and debuffs (with damage and armor/resist scales as brute today)

    Then, yeah, there should be room for an armor/ranged set, with something near scrapper def abilities and probably someplace around corrs in damage.
  20. I approve this preview, and look forward to the full issue feature list.
  21. Chyll


    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Congratulations on the milestone.

    As there's really no broad forum title that I can laud you with, I bestowed the only one I found appropriate.
    Well played.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    Hardly a problem for Silver or Golden Age looks, which are 'dated' by definition.

    I do have a problem mixing some older and newer stuff due to a resolution difference- old hairstyles with new faces, stuff like that looks jarring.
    That is probably what I mean more than anything. Take the new bodysuit, or the leather armor sets. Put a plain cape with it. The contrast is just unpleasant around the neck.

    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    I'm on board with wanting more Golden & Silver Age options and expect we'll be getting them at some point. I don't see the point of haranguing the devs just now, as they've been shoveling out long-sought game improvements and additions as fast as their arms can move.
    As I said, I pleased with the general direction. I think they can up their game in presentation and communication, though. This whole hullabaloo over the silver/golden for instance never needed to happen.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    A HUGE back catalog of stuff that works really, really well for creating silver age looks. And I'm a guy who loves that sleek patterened tights w/cape Silver Age look and would really like MOAR of it.

    But it's something the game already does well.
    So my guess is it's been bumped down the priority list so they can cover *other* stuff 'the community' wants that isn't as well represented in the current system.
    There are lots of options, but the recent quality of pieces has made them look pretty dated.

    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    I don't think it's fair to give the devs guff on this topic- they've been adding TONS of great new stuff to the costume editor lately, and if they haven't gotten around to this or that community request yet I'm betting they will eventually.
    The quality level of costume bits has climbed markedly. But they have been getting applied to some real niche elements, and overall flexibility of those elements took a hit (pre-tinting). That has gotten better in the last couple of iterations, and I am pleased with what I'm seeing. Heck, some of the costumes and powers coming have drawn me back to playing more. That doesn't meant I can't have high expectations, though.

    The piece of this game that really sets it apart, bar none, in the MMO market is the costume creator. It's fair, I think, for it's players and fans to request certain elements and actions related to this feature.

    Is it reasonable to expect to get what we want, in the way we each want it every time? No. So, yeah, I'm with you guff is tough to throw around related to that.

    I will throw guff though about process and communication, however, because digging your own hole and complaining that the fan base isn't fair, isn't fair either.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bullet Barrage View Post
    Those were announced at the last Player Summit. So, no.
    Really? I don't remember them.

    But, I'd still wager that they were tweaked some. The pure shiny/matte options in particular.