
Caption Champ 4/16/10
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  1. Chris_Zuercher

    Human potential

    A new scientific study suggests that we human beings still haven't reached the upper limits of our physical potential. Scientists now believe that the human body could potentially run at speeds approaching 40 miles per hour. That would easily blow by the current fastest human alive, Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt, who tops out at about 28 mph. That's not exactly Flash speed, but it suggests that human beings in the future would be consider "superhuman" by today's standards. Now if only we had a supersoldier serum to unlock all that potential.

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
    The great catgirl uprising will finally be upon us.
    That certainly would be a great catastrophe.
  3. OK, the forums were down for a while, and now they're back up and the threads aren't all stretchy any more. And my name in the upper right corner is in that brass color that's supposedly "gold". So either the fix was made or Nemesis has won.

    EDIT: Oh, and FAFM!!
  4. Chris_Zuercher

    Spoilers dammit!

    • The kids discover the Rabbit's deception and don't give him their cereal.
    • The kids end up catching Lucky and getting his cereal.
  5. (Holiday Events theme)
    On the 8th day of CoX-mas my true love gave to me

    8 trips down the advanced ski slope
    7 Snow Lords guarding
    6 Winter Hordelings
    5 mystery gifts
    4 RedCap Mobs
    3 Candy Canes
    2 furry boots and
    A mission from the trickster to me
  6. My impression is that Episodes 6 & 7 will be a whole lot of "Holy pancake! Statesman is dead! What do we do now!?" And there will be something specific happening that will have people wondering how we're going to get through it without him.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frost Warden View Post
    Made from sugar and spice and everything nice, it's...

    The Powerpuff Ponies!

    Not a stretch by any means, since the story artist for the The PowerPuff Girls developed the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic series.

    I'm someone who appreciates the show but isn't obsessed with it. It's designed for little girls, but it's also really well done. I think it's great that there's a show that presents six female characters with very different personalities (bookworm, party girl, shy girl, tomboy, fashion maven & hard working outdoorsy type) and presents them all positively without one being THE ideal. And I'm glad there's a "for girls" cartoon that's actually not lame.

    Still, there are other things out there that cater to my personal tastes better. Obviously City of Heroes is one. Cartoon-wise I'm already following Thundercats, Young Justice, Avengers and Voltron Force, and Green Lanter will probably demand my attention. I've also recently been trying to get caught up with Doctor Who--I'm still at the stage where I miss Eccleston but I'm trying to give this Tennant guy a chance. Add that none of this pays the bills, and bronyism just isn't going to happen for me. But I still get it and respect people who appreciate a very well done series. Plus all the images are a lot of fun.

    Speaking of which, I'm surprised this one hasn't made an appearance yet.

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kiken View Post
    It's the leaked new alternate animation for Super Jump
    Somehow I don't see a "Team Rocket Blast Off" travel power being very popular.
  9. Chris_Zuercher

    Spoilers dammit!

    • Obadiah Stane is selling weapons to terrorists.
    • Rex Tyler survived. He's the Doctor and he becomes Cobra Commander.
    • Planet Vulcan implodes.
    • Sentinel Prime is working with Megatron.

    It's a cookbook!

    wonder how many people get this one...
    Yes, I remember that part of Madagascar.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by OneFrigidWitch View Post
    I am sorry it lacks the easy-mode of blueside. Real villains host theirselves up by their own petards. Unlike blueside, where they get HOORBd to death.
    That is either a brilliant joke or one of the most hilarious misstatements to ever appear on these forums.

  11. CANNONBALL! No, seriously. It's a cannonball. DUCK!
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  12. Is there anyone who didn't see this coming? OK, OK, apparently there seriously are.

    For this game there is actually a good reason to kill off Statesman. In DC or Marvel Comics the readers see things as though they were part of the ordinary populace, just with an insider's view. The Big Iconic Heroes (bad idea to make an acronym out of that) are not just there for the normal civilians to look up to; they are also primarily there for us to look up to.

    In a game like City of Heroes, however, there's a problem. We are supposed to be the heroes. We are supposed to be the ones everybody looks up to, the "paragons" as it were. That there is an iconic, signature hero permanently up above the players, having attained a status us peons can never reach, flies in the face of what this game is supposed to be about. This is especially true with the addition of Incarnate content, which is supposed to make us, the players, the ultimate heroes in the game. Nothing against Statesman as a character, but he flies right in the face of what this game is supposed to be about.

    Now the decision to spoil the supposed surprise may be questionable, but I just figure the developers have read about this study.
  13. OK, that upgraded my interest in this movie. Granted, it was upgraded to "Redbox it, if even that" to "don't go unless it starts getting good reviews".
  14. (Holiday Events theme)
    On the 5th day of CoX-mas my true love gave to me

    5 mystery gifts
    4 RedCap Mobs
    3 Candy Canes
    2 furry boots and
    A mission from the trickster to me.
  15. (Holiday Events theme)

    On the second day of CoX-mas my true love gave to me

    2 furry boots and
    A mission from the trickster to me.
  16. Bad Idea: Trying to level to 50 using nothing except brawl and your origin power.

    Good Idea: Utilizing a thesaurus to come up with a unique name for your character.
  17. He thought of how he could get Max's number, then realized that if he could somehow hack Praetoria's Seer network, he could glean that information from anyone who knew it.

    If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.
  18. Fortunately, the Midnight Squad has issued a "pony curing wand" to rid us of this new infestion.

    Methinks I like the results so far.
  19. Bad Idea: Making your "Eden top, Bikini bottom" costume in real life and posting pictures of you wearing it online...and you're male.

    Good Idea: Selling your unneeded salvage at the auction houses to earn extra inf to buy the salvage you do need.
  20. (Giant Monster theme)

    On the seventh day of CoX-mas my true love gave to me...

    7 aspects of Rularuu
    6 "Save Sally" posters
    5 Accolades
    4 Arachnos Fliers
    3 concurrently spawned Paladins
    2 reward merits
    and a Giant Malta Titan.
  21. (Giant Monster theme)

    On the third day of CoX-mas my true love gave to me

    3 concurrently spawned Paladins
    2 reward merits
    and a Giant Malta Titan

  22. "Aw man! I thought this was going to be a Michael Jackson concert."

    If I am a winner, I permit NC Interactive, Inc. and NCsoft Europe Limited to use my name, likeness, photograph, hometown, and any comments that I may make about myself or this contest that I provide for advertising and promotional activities. I also certify that I am at least 13 years of age and am eligible to participate in this contest.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
    I for one feel no compelling reason to visit Civilian NPC Earth which lacks even street crimes (let alone game mechanics that even permit such to occur).
    I once actually played a radio mission in this universe due to a bug. One of the Customer Service guys had to come in and finish the mission for me because I couldn't attack the "helpless hostages" enemy group.