638 -
I can condense your post to one sentence.
If you honestly think we just magically sell stuff to each other to drive prices up, i challenge you to sell your next 5 pvp IOs for 1 influence each. see how many of them sell for anything close to that.
And its not like we care if you buy SOs, theyre perfectly great..but do you honestly think insulting the devs will win you sympathy? -
Quote:I find it easier to just bring 8 defenders and ignore recluse altogether.I've found this TF very very difficult to do without a dedicated Empath for the tank TBH. Not sure about the unaffected with the taunt though?
When i did it with my Stone tank I found asking them to take down the yellow tower first helped most as that's his to-hit and accuracy checks. With Granite's high Def it made him miss far more, giving me time to regen. -
Quote:well duh. if you dont play the game the way he does you're doing it wrong.Notice the assumption that playing the market isn't playing the game.
Didnt you know the devs implemented pvp and roleplaying options and farming options and AE because theyre not the right way to play too? -
Quote:Aw how precious.sold 5 pvp io's and made 4.3 billion top that and I got to play the game.
you had to plot and scheme to rip others off. i played the game and listed the stuff at the going rate. people that do this crap are the reason the game is in this state you cry that there is farming yet your the cause of the farming. -
Thanks go out to the forum for all their lovely guides, advice, and occasional laughs when someone tries to label marketeers as ebil. -
Quote:It happens on Infinity too when us roleplayers are out and about (usually on friday and saturday nights)Just figured it was worth noting that I've never seen anyone ((talk in OOC quotes)) on any other server, much less in local or broadcast. I've also never seen Pocket D populated by people who aren't just passing through on any other server. Virtue is different. It's not hard to notice it.
Quote:By this he means "the next time someone posts some topic tertially related to it that i can derail as usual with my copypasta whines"[ QUOTE ]
What can you do to the tanker class that will make it more interesting for you and Johnny to play WITHOUT turning it into a Brute, a Scrapper, or a "Perfect" character?
Come up with that and we'll talk about how to make it work in City of Heroes.
[/ QUOTE ]
People been discussing mechanics distinct from Scrapper and Brutes for Tankers to allow then more damage (or the equivalent in debuffs) for ages. Starsman just posted one a couple of days ago. It, and also many of them a number of players have agreed, wouldn't be overpowering or result in a "perfect AT" and are at least worthy of trying out IMO.
Here is not the place to discuss them however, but you're welcome to come by next time they come up in the Tanker forum.
. -
Might also help to find a Super Group ( a guild) on your server. there should be an appropriate list on your server's forum.
Quote:By the same token, you cant restrict MMs either. If they arent going with full guns ablaze and with their secondaries being thrown out like mad their damage potential suffers greatly. Plus I tend to assume brutes will be incompetent just as, if not more often than MMsThe problem is that a lot of MMs don't control their pets very well, and allow them to block other players. When brutes can't do their job because pets are blocking a corridor, they have a legitimate complaint.
I have the same kind of problem when I play a dominator/corruptor. I usually trail behind the brute a decent amount, and then close the distance once the brute has locked aggro. But if there's a MM on the team, often the pets also hang back, completely clogging a corridor and preventing me from getting by. This will sometimes prevent me from using useful powers like Fulcrum Shift to their full effect.
If you're playing on open map, it's not a big deal, but playing with a MM in the narrow caves or Oranbega can be a real drag.
I have had the same issues with controller pets, but since there's a maximum of three per controller it's not as bad.
Add to that the long startup time most MMs have upon mission entry, and the frequent aggroing of nearby mobs by out of control pets, and you can see why a brute wouldn't be interested in playing with a bad MM. And when you get an unsolicited invite you have no idea how good the MM is.
However, if I was looking for a team, I'd accept the invite and just live with the hassles. I'm not saying that brute was right for declining you, just that I can certainly see his point. Also, in certain ways brutes and MMs compete for the "tanking" position on the team, and a self-centered brute might not be enjoy being out of the limelight.
There's also an inherent design flaw in the villain ATs with regard to teaming. Certain ATs (brutes and dominators) have to be played in a steamrolling never-stop fashion. Others (stalkers and Masterminds) force frequent stops in the action to allow Hide to reactivate, set up an assassination attempt or resummon pets. The same kind of issue exists with /Device blasters who insist on using Trip Mines everywhere.
The idiosyncratic demands of the playstyles for each villain AT are part of the reason I favor CoH over CoV. The CoH ATs don't really dictate a particular playstyle: you can steam-roll everything, or you can take your time. With villains, brutes really have no choice but to go nuts, otherwise they miss out on two-thirds of their damage potential. -
Quote:Happened to me last night when i ran an ITF. One guy PMed me asking if it was a speedrun. I told him I had no idea because I didnt know what we had coming. He decided to come anyhow on his Rad.More recent example, over the exp weekend I was trying to level one of my older characters I haven't played in forever because my friend had resubbed. So we both get our Thugs/Trap/Mace MMs and start forming a team. We get a few extras, including another MM, a kin corruptor, and a couple Brutes. I see a broadcast by a high level Stone Brute and figure that'd be a great addition. I invite him, and he immediately says "Sorry, no MMs" and leaves team.
I shrug, invite someone else, and we go on to totally decimate all the enemies without effort because of all the buffs/debuffs, pets, and explosives. Whoever he was, he missed out. We also didn't need him. But undoubtedly, had he come along, he would've thought himself the most important player.
So, turns out, we end up with 4 lvl 35-38 people (but all controllers or dominators, and all players I know). He up and quits saying "sorry, i dont do PL ITFs"
Pity he didnt notice the powersets of the team. We had a plant controller, TWO kins (including a competent fire/kin), My ill/sonic, and a few other people. WE DECIMATED THAT DAMNED TF. We had quite a few laughs at the espense of mr rad who wanted a specific team setup or else it was a "PL" TF -
Infinity is also good. We're usually about the third highest pop, so we dont have the "big" server issues with lockouts during busy days like Virtue or Freedom, but we have a very active playerbase, and lots of friendly people. Also a lot of very good SGs, for every playstyle from roleplayers to hardcore content junkies.
Quote:awesome, welcome to CoH. if you ever roll an alt up on Infinity server, be sure to say hello.Thanks for the kind and informative response I'll take take a close look at all the perks and go from there. I will stick for a while and play this along Side Aion when it gets released
Quote:Oh please. They were always commonplace at 50 in pugs.Thanks to AE flooding the game with inexperienced high-level players, the bad-team-experience rants used to start out with "I was on my lowbie in the hollows when..." are now commonplace at lvl 50. Yay.
I remember way too many pre-ae incidents of complete friggin morons at 50 that I've long since given up on the pug. -
Quote:Some people are absolutely convinced that unless you have a tanker, a "healer" or a fire/kin, your team cant possibly be any good or worthwhile. These types have always existed ingame, and always likely will. Theyre usually good for a laugh when you murder content without them.I won't lie. I spent all of my time over the weekend in AE. I've been playing for (I think) a couple of years now and I absolutely hate life before stamina. I used the time to level a few toons I've been wanting to play at least past level 20.
One of these was a tanker who I ended up having a -lot- of fun playing and as a result, kept right on playing way way past twenty.
I've had a lot of experience in putting together PUGs and with few exceptions, I find the process easy and often a lot of fun. I have a certain combination I like in my teams and spend the extra time looking for specific AT's. As a result we usually end up blowing through reds and purples with little if any faceplants, so I know I build good teams.
I give you this background because I'm not sure what to make of what happened the other day! I was doing my usual, sending tells to a particular AT. I believe I was only trying to fill two or three spaces. I had sent a tell to a bunch of people. All of the responses were very appropriate, ranging from absolute silence to polite declines or acceptances.
But then I got this tell. "Do you have a 50 tank or fire/kin on your team?"
I was a 44 tank, we had a kin, but not a fire/kin. Besides which, I didn't really understand the relevance of the questions as I specifically mentioned "AE" in the invite.
My response was "Uh... no?"
Their response was, "Then no."
What am I missing here? Is this some kind of trend I'm unaware of? Was this person looking for a farm and thought I wasn't running one? And why 50 tank or fire/kin? I am really... really baffled here. -
Quote:I agree with OP, AE is lowering value of characters. At the moment CoX is farmers and powerlevelers paradise, notthing else. As for people saying there is other choises. Yeah, right. Who would waste weeks doing normal missions to get they charcater to level 50, when they can do same in few hours with AE missions.
In my opinion AE is destroying this game. I don't say AE doesn't have good points too, but the bad is alot worst than the good. AE system needs to be redesign so that it doesn't allow extreme powerleveling. Why they don't make so that players doesn't get access to AE missions, before they have at least one lvl 50 character or lower the amount of exp getting in AE missions about 90% less what it's now.
The only way to redesign AE to not allow powerlevelling would kill every possible use of it. As for your attitude..well, if, yes, there are other choices, and frankly, people dp the other choices because people play MMOs for fun, not to be efficient (unless they find being efficient fun)
if you can't personally see why anyone would do things other than the fast way, thats your personal problem, not the game's fault. -
Quote:This is why you never join a team that asks for a healer or a tank.I agree. So many people i have run across in AE missions haven't a clue as to what their purpose on the team is. Why choose to be a Tank, pay no attention to shields and be absolutely incapable of comprehending Agro management and then have the nerve to berate the controller who is forced to use hurricane and tornado just to stay alive, or curse out the Peacebringer for knockback ( we both immediately quit). What possible use is an Empath, who gets to level 40 and only has one healing power (un-enhanced), no rez and only single target buffs- and who every 2 or 3 minutes YELLS, in broadcast, "SOMEONE REZ ME, REZ ME, REZ ME, REZ ME!!!!? I absolutely hate abandoning a team during a mission for any reason. However, more often than not, i have been forced to leave in the middle of AE missions due to this kind of idiocy.
I agree with Slax. AE hasnt affected my ability to rp at all. I still rp daily. I still TF. I still team with friends and do story arcs. AE changed NOTHING except the speed at which I can farm for goods to marketeer with.
Quote:Good riddance. I always hated people like you who thought Radio pugs were awesome fun.My account is allready close, week left to game play. REASON to my account be closed is MA. Do You think I'm only one who has left this game because MA?
You have your opinion, have a nice day. I only say goodbye the old good CoX and welcome farmers and powerlevelers CoX.
Yes it was, but was it this common that it is now?
I played the old CoX over 3 years. So don't come to say me that I don't see the major shift in playing style. People like me, who actually liked the old CoX are leaving because MA. -
Quote:as someone who lives, breathes, and dies Sonic Resonance and Trick Arrow, I can assure you, he's wrong on those accounts too.Really? Cold/ provides no offense or defense?
I don't understand why you keep inserting your foot in your mouth.
Artic Fog gives +resistance and +defense to the defender (and the team). Sleet provides excellent defense in the form of mitigation, and then there's Heatloss. Heatloss replenishes endurance and hits the enemy with -resistance (think of it as +damage to the defender) which gives the defender more offense.
I have limited experience with Sonic and FF but I've already seen some posters explain how off base you are with FF/ but you simply ignore their posts.
Lastly, it's obvious to me that you have very little experience with most of the sets you claim to be adequate or lacking. Perhaps you should take the time to ask about the sets or actually garner some experience. I have experience with Rad/, Dark/ and Cold/ from defenders and everything you've said regarding those sets has been incorrect.
Sonics not only provides you with an anti-mez bubble with but a single hole in its protections, but said bubble also provides some nice +resist all to stack with an epic armor, it has Liquefy (which not only vastly weakens enemies, but can knockdown minions and provide mitigation that way as well), as well as a singletarget debuff as well as disruption field if you have a convenient pet to put it on. And in teams it really shines, given you also have one of the best anti-mez powers ever in Clarity, as well as being able to buff teammates with energy resistance alongside all the other uses of your shields. -
Quote:especially this week/ You can barely keep common IOs on the shelves of wentworths.Fastest ways
Base empowerment buffs (can be deleted and recrafted immediately)
Craft and deleted cheap IO (such as level 10s)
Best way on Balance
Craft and sell memorised commons for a profit. Use profit to use the above 2 ways
Most proftable but time consuming
Craft and sell commons from memory. Sell on Wents. Mix in sets if you notice a good difference between recipe cost and enhancement sale price.
Prior to I14 it was relatively straight forward to get, but with the salvage scarcity created by the AE, this has become significantly harder to speed through. Though common IOs sell like hotcakes at bigger margins than before. -
Quote:Yeaaaah. I love those teams. especially when they wipe and then suddenly start screaming at us controllers and defenders for heals or speed boost (note: the team had me on a sonic resonance controller, and a storm summoning controller)Some people, maybe not most but certainly some, get very myoptic when it comes to experience.
I had a "So bad it was funny" experience this weekend. I was on my level 34 willpower/mace tanker, and advertise that I was looking for a team. I get invited into a group of six and we dive into the AE. I started to get a bad feeling when the leader and someone else got into an arguement that it was better to have six than a full team because some had told him that that's what best for optium experience.
I see a sea of purple 54 bosses, I didn't even look to see what I was bumped up to. I knew I would be folding quickly unless I had some expectional support. But, I hope for the best and dive in, and as expected promply die. I hopital and come back, and we try again with similar results. The leader starts mocking me for my "interesting tanking strategy, lol". I tell him that the bosses are all purple, and get "They're supposed to be, that's the best exp, lol." I say that level 30'ish tanks generally don't do well against 20 or so purple bosses without the support of a some buffers or debuffers. "This team size is best for exp, lol."
Ok, I'm annoyed. I've never liked the "lol" thing. I wonder if people who do that are really laughing out loud like idiots after everything they type, or if they just want to give the impression that they are. In this situation, it just seemed like the guy was talking down to me. "I don't feel like dying repeatedly because you're afraid of having a full team, lol. Bye." He has time to respond with a pithy "..." while I one star and note him before I quit out.
Ya, getting a big fat chunk of experience is nice, but not if the team had several wipes and took over twenty minutes to get it. Even without the wipes, sometimes the higher level mobs just isn't going to be worth the trouble. -
Quote:Oh, don't get me wrong, I love big numbers. this week I'm devoting myself almost solely to marketeering for oodles of cash (plus I find it fun). Some of us do actually find the satisfaction oif farming or market pvp rewarding and fun in its own right.Clearly, you are all wrong.
Games are not about fun, they are about getting progressively larger numbers! It's why farming will never go out of style!
Quite honestly, I don't get that mindset. There's not a lot you can do with merits but get recipes and salvage to get IOs that'll make getting merits easier which in turn makes getting IOs easier, repeat ad nauseum. I guess I can see the appeal of building a toon that's a one-man-army that can take down Lord Recluse's four lieutenants all on their own at the end of the STF, but making such a build requires so much grinding and monotonous farming that, in the end, it seems more like work than fun.
People can farm all they like, all I'm saying is I don't understand these guys. If max rewards is all you're after, aren't you really just removing 99% of the game from your game?
I guess what I'm saying is that the Katie Hannon Task Force has a lot of merit, and I'm not speaking about the reward at the end of it.
Doesnt mean I dont see the value in doing stuff "just for fun" with little reward like Katie, though.