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  1. Farewell Ex. It was a pleasure meeting you at Hero Con 08. May you do well in your next venture.

    Ohh... did you play TR too?
  2. Welcome! Hope to see you at Hero Con '09
  3. Very nice! Glad to hear you guys now have a unique and readily identifiable name. Was this in the works for long and I am curious what prompted the name change?

    Most likely recognition of the developers success with this game?

  4. Great work JLove! Thanks for the new goodies.
  5. heh... that is funny. Reminds me of Hitchhiker's Guide.

    So... is this a hint at what may befall the MMO industry should win?
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    I know this is extremely unlikely but if i14 hits, um, next Wednesday (the 1st)...

    ...well, forget automated emails, that would be such an awesome birthday present. XD

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh yes, this would make an excellent Birthday Gift for myself as well.
  7. Arc Name: Help a Confused Friend
    Arc ID: 8238
    Faction: Custom
    Creator Global/Forum Name: @CatMan/CatMan
    Difficulty Level: Medium to Difficult
    Synopsis: Playing around with new enemies. Bring a friend.
    Estimated Time to Play: 45-75 minutes for 3 missions.
    Link to More Details or Feedback: PM feedback please.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    We can't forget all of the Issue #2 Fixes to Dark Miasma because this was BIG news for all those dark defenders out there (all two of them).
    Off the top of my head:

    -Darkest Night: To-hit debuff enhancements now work in Darkest Night

    -Shadowfall: Shadowfall's resistance buff can now be enhanced

    -Howling Twilight: Rez amount per enemy of howling twilight increased; howling twilight's range increased.

    -Dark Servant: Dark Servant can now move and has a duration and recharge time in accordance to other pets. Dark Servant no longer uses fearsome stare.

    -Twilight Grasp: Twilight Grasp's heal is no longer based upon enemy level, it is a fixed amount.

    *later in issue #2, but before issue #3*
    -Twilight Grasp: Animation time for twilight grasp greatly reduced.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Raises hand. I am one of those two. Glad someone beat me to the posting of the Dark Servant fix. This was significant for that power (much like the addition of Singularity to Gravity Control - which I thought was done at release, not Issue 1 since I recall making a Grav controller early for Fold Space then noticed it was no longer an option in the character creator).
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Now I just have to wait until the HeroCon attendees are allowed in...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Need a hand? I can wreak havoc... when the invite arrives, that is.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    I still randomly get blank pages that say:
    [ QUOTE ]
    Thanks beta testers! See you again soon!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's from just now. I use the CoH board primarily

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yep, and getting it at 10:37 as well.

    Kinda fun... in a way.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    Actually, it means you can SKIP taking the first or second power in the Travel Power Pools and, at level 6, pick the travel power immediately. No pre-requisites.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Very nice, thanks guys!
  12. [ QUOTE ]


    You ONLY pay for access to the server. The client is FREE! It DOES NOT MATTER what platform you play on, just that you have an active account.

    EDIT: IN FACT! GO get your respective client HERE!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Client, unfortunately does not translate to Code which you will need when creating a new account.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    is I14 live yet?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    While I like what I have seen so far in I13 (apart from misgivings about the PvP changes) I too am eagerly awaiting I14 (the Beta especially). I have some creative juices that need squeezing.
  14. Two children, a girl 9 and a boy 7, both play CoH alongside me. Quite entertaining as my son is a natural scrapper when it comes to jumping in headlong.
  15. Star Strider Forces Registry
    Name: Dark Fall
    Global Contact: @CatMan
    Level of Classification: 50
    Origin: Mutant
    Super Rank & Super Group: Leader: Old Men Online
  16. CatMan

    Issue 13 Update

    [ QUOTE ]
    If it means getting a great product for I13 then take all the time you need Posi!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ditto to that. Please take the time needed to male a great issue. Better something with minor problems and complaints* than major ones.

    * You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of time.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    We all pay money every month 15 bucks on up. that money needs to be spent on developing content and fixes for the game as it is now. seem that they just used our money and developed a way to make more money by charging 9.99 for a respec.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Your monthly fee is going towards development of the game, paying salaries, paying for servers (power, bandwidth, maintenance, maintenance staff), etc. And I believe the money from the sales of "extras" goes towards increased development too (recall the wedding pack sales let them do the VEAT's a whole issue early).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Technically, your monthly fee is paying for access to the game servers. That's it.

    What NCSoft as a company chooses to do with the revenues from subscriptions or micro-transactions is really a different matter all together.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    But really, since money is Fungible, Psyte is right. Our payments for access pays salaries, power, bandwidth, etc... see the quoted quote. The Wedding Pack pack is a prime example as was admitted to by the Devs: the costume and emote access we paid for went for future development.

    But really, who would play this game for more than a few months if the subscription did not have such benefits. Obviously, we pay for access, but there is a HECK of a lot more to that access than simply access to a server (anyone can have access to 'a' server ).

    Think of a magazine subscription, if all our subscription paid for was server access, then it would be like paying a monthly fee for the same print of a magazine over and over again. The payments, obviously are for more than mere access.
  18. I must say that the Exteel card is a good bargin since $10 normally gets you 1k of NCoin. The card giving 1.2k is a nice deal.
  19. Honestly, you would sell more of the cards to existing players if the Jet Pack were not time limited.

    Edit: Hmm... is it 30 days from creation of a character or 30 days from the application of the time card regardless of the character's creation date?
  20. Hot Dog, thanks Posi. Glad to know you guys are doing this per server as opposed to globally since it would, in theory keep the price per slot down. Course, the price is somewhat arbitrary but I assume that the money will mostly go to pay for game improvements just as the Wedding pack went for improvements to the game.

    For me, the Veterans reward will be nice on this since it means I can add 6 slots across the two main servers I play on. Man.... I need more slots.
  21. Cheers! Glad to see the vast majority of the crew will remain the same.
  22. Perfect, I think I will take Friday the 15th off then.