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  1. My first thought on the animal booster is that it is really cool.

    But then...I don't think I will ever use it. I like how City is full of humans. Contemporary super beings in a modern setting. I have exactly ONE character with WINGS on it. I get more use out of the party pack, to be honest. (And I love it when people scoff at how I actually spent my money on something they don't like.)
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Willowpaw View Post
    That would be in Quahog, Rhode Island, specifically 31 Spooner Street, plus the annexed pool next door.
    I think you're pronouncing it wrong...:P
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
    I have Antimatter and Siege saved if you need them. Maria's new arc does not have Siege. You can still run the old one, but the new one is MUCH faster.
    Or you can just flashback the old one and quit right after Siege.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    the issues are seemingly erratic, but signs are pointing to only affecting poeple who have pets which summon their own pets (ie tier 2 bots with seeker drones, phantasm summoning its own decoy, ect)

    im just gonna store my rare boosts until the crashing has been fixed, most of my toons which have rares had enough shards on hand to make at least a common or uncommon again
    Yeah, I was gonna edit after I finished reading the thread. No need now! lol Thanks.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ir0x0r View Post
    Does anyone have a spreadsheet of how many shards/what shards are needed for the new unlocked boosts? I wanna know how much I need to grind
    For the rares, you generally just need to run the target of the week to get the unique piece, then craft one or two of the normal bits.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    I ran a complete STF While slotted with the damage rare. No issues for anyone involved.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
    I hope this year we can finally unlock this costume pieces:

    Male version included. The toga is nice, but its 2011. I think we should finally be able to have this.
    It's we need ancient roman clothing? *head asplodes*
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by sleestack View Post
    J.A.R.V.I.S. = "Just A Rather Very Intelligent System"
    Cute. But they can still put in a human Jarvis with a little imaginative writing.
  9. I used to buy Wizard because people were talking about comics in it. lol I enjoyed the letter columns, and would always hope for news about a Psylocke action figure...twisted Mego theater was awesome.

    If not for Toyfare, we probably wouldn't have gotten Robot Chicken, or the very first Kitty Pryde action figure, too.
  10. I love this show. Characters are very well done. For the first several episodes, I thought they would be copying the original Stan Lee comics with a modern setting.

    While I like that they found the Hulk and brought him back into the fold and his interactions with Hawkeye, I have a feeling that means no She Hulk down the road, who is actually more associated with the Avengers (and the FF) then Hulk ever was.

    I'm also disappointed that they want to copy the movies so badly, that means no Human Jarvis (but he has to have been named after *something*, right?) and they are trying to copy movie Tony and can't quite do it. But he's ok.

    Nick Fury is just about the most useless character on this show...He hasn't done anything of any value to date, except capture Grim Reaper once. (Strucker and Reaper are both at large). This is another example of trying to please everyone and pleasing no one with this combination of Fury from 2 different universes. He has NO edge at all.

    Everything else is great though!
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    "Lore Evasion" sounds like an alternative term for a retcon
    Gotta hand it to you on that one. That's pretty funny. lol
  12. It is obvious that some people want content in the incarnate levels that are entirely soloable. When I think of the Apex and Tin Mage task Forces, they kind of have that "epic crossover" feel, like when Marvel does something like Infinity Gauntlet or Civil War. Those stories are usually told in their own limited series. Like, you would have to collect Civil War issues 1-6 to complete that story. However, they would often have tie ins with the regular single character or small team books. An issue of Captain America would explore a minor plot point that was glossed over in the main book. Sometimes it would say "This comic takes place in between issues 4 and 5 of Civil War" or whatever.

    The In game Incarnate Task Forces have several points that lend themselves to this precedent. They mention that Valkyrie, for example, has gone silent. She is presumed defeated and/or captured by the enemy. Yet we see her again guarding the portal at the end of Tin Mage.

    Imagine: You, as a solo player, walk up to Apex. He says the main invasion needs 8 incarnates. You ask, surely there is some way you can help? He thinks, and says Valkyrie has gone missing during the invasion. Surely one or more incarnates can investigate that without much trouble.

    Just saying, could be fun, and give soloers more content.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
    And that's why they published conversion books in the 90s.

    Anyway, you can play ANY game system as just a hack and slash.

    And you can play ANY system as a heavy RP centered game.

    Roleplay is all about the players.

    No system can actually produce good roleplaying. You can't make rules for it. You can't make mechanics for it. Mechanics can't limit it either.

    Saying you can't RP in a particular ruleset is somewhat of a copout.

    Now, MMOs, I will admit are difficult to RP in. And until I find a computer that can innovate as well as a human, I will never include ANY computer or video game as a true roleplaying game. Action/Adventure yes.

    But even the best have very limited paths and results and RP requires a give and take between players and GM, something we don't get with the environment and NPCs.

    There are simply no computer roleplaying games. There simply computer games that claim to be roleplaying games.
    RP is like the Force. It partially controls your actions, but it also obeys your commands. :P
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Tyrant certainly does
    He is neither a contact, nor redside.
    Enough of your pointless
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
    Yup but they are far from Marvel's most popular or featured enemy group. The big players are often one or a small team of supers. They are often wearing some super cool costume and have the "looks cool" appeal. We don't have too much of that here.
    I guess you haven't seen the new Avengers cartoon?
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dark_vengence View Post
    Thank you Topdoc for posting your builds and thoughts, I have been looking for build that was close to my play style. I modified yours for i19, and it turned out freaking awesome, I have my single target attacks, destroy mob attacks, and even a team helper. I mostly play melee ATs, and this is right up there with them now.
    Any chance you could share your insights on that?
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Madame Pistacio View Post
    QFT!!!!!! Esp no nukes in COP!!! I feel like they need to let the enemies drop shards even if they do not drop anything else. The thing is too much of a pain for nothing but the end reward.
    I just wonder why they didn't just limit the amount of times nukes effects can stack?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    He has always run like crazy for me. Even with 2 tanks taunting him, he'd run about sometimes, then come back. Makes his badge even more annoying to get.
    He has unusually high immobilization protection, hence the use of the word benumb.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Elegost View Post
    I'd take a Stalker over a peacebringer any day. At least stalkers are good at something.
    The next best thing to a stone tank isn't "good at something"? o.O
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Those could all be lies - people who come up with things like Trapdoor are capable of any kind of evil.
    Trapdoor is overrated, big time. I solo'd him with every single character I have tried it with so far, (including empathy/psi blast defender and fire/fire blaster.) From all the hype on the boards, I assumed it would be impossible.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lobster View Post
    Add to that the new(ish) giant arachnos room of obnoxiousness, which may be even worse.
    New to side switchers from hero side, far as I remember, that thing has been in since villains launched. And I've hated it since that day.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Tyrant murders countless people every week just to stay in power.
    Frankly, I wonder just how much of humanity is even left to mass murder. Praetoria is ONE city, right?
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    interesting. I just pulled out an ice rad, dropped him into the lava, and he only got off one bifurcation before he was dropped.

    Not really that big a deal here.
    My ice/rad corruptor didn't even put him in the lava! Just held, hit him with the debuffs and kept blasting away. He only bifurcated once.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    Your sheer optimism is the only thing keeping my palm from colliding with my forehead right now.

    It ain't gonna happen. I doubt anyone but a skeleton crew is going to be in the office for the next three weeks. Certainly not enough staff to run a full beta--the previous super-duper closed i20 beta was limited to a scant few things, centered around the new Behavioral Adjustment Facility raid they talked briefly about at the last Meet & Greet.

    It didn't contain everything that's scheduled to go in i20... at least that's my understanding. The only players who know for sure signed a piece of paper saying that NCSoft can vaporize them from their deadly space satellite if they so much as blink any unreleased info in Morse Code.
    You certainly have a gift for words, Chad. lol