28 -
Sweet... And virtue is my main server, @Captain Ambush
Play time! -
It is down for maintenance, I popped on at like 3am and saw a 10 minute warning for it
lol im not just filing ticket after ticket because they dont respond fast enough (which they dont).. That was in reference to all the times this has happened to me over the years. All I can do is file a ticket and wait 1-2 weeks for someone to finally respond, asking me to verify that I own the account.. Then wait another week for it to finally be resolved. I am just wondering if my account is flagged or something? Why the **** does this keep happening?
As for the sticky, it does me no good. The issue may get resolved temporarily but it just happens again the next time I try to purchase something. It is getting really old.
It actually got old a long time ago.. I cannot think of a word for what it has evolved into. Stupid? What the hell is wrong with their system.. I posted here in case maybe someone else had some information since ncsoft seems to be very vague about it. The part where they say 'we fixed stuff on the backend to solve this' is ********. I have noticed no difference since this 'fix'. -
I really dislike the animations for DP. I wish I could have more basic 'gunslinger' animations, instead of the over-the-top and cartoony animations it comes with now.
I understand it is based off of equillibrium, which happens to be one of my favorite movies, but I hope we get the option for different animations later. So, based purely off of looks, I actually prefer AR over DP. Also, the 'ammo swap' secondary damage and status effects are so minor that you have to choose an appropriate secondary to further enhance them.
I actually think the simplistic animations of AR is what makes it refreshing. It is just a gun, you don't need to do flips and spins to shoot it.
But how useful would an ar/em blaster be in a tf? Essentially all I would do is mow down minions with FA, snipe and finish off lieutenants and scratch bosses. If I were to go Cor instead, what secondary should I choose (I don't like to heal, utility is nice so was thinking /storm) -
I have been testing it for a few now and it hasn't proced a single time.. On laying the mine or it exploding in the middle of a mob. Statistically it should have gone off by now.. So I am either extremely unlucky or the proc doesn't work with trip mine. I suppose that makes sense as you could lay down 20 mines and ideally have it proc 20 times at once oO
That is a good question.. Now that you mention it, I would kinda like to know. I will test this on my /dev blaster and see. If I were to guess, however.. It procs when you lay the mine instead of it exploding.
My search-fu is weak and I am sure this has been covered a million-bagillion times.. But how do Archery/Trick Arrow corrs hold up in group situations.. More specifically, SFs? Is it just a wasted team slot? Or do they actually bring some use to the table..
I have been looking over the powers and I do have a 50 arch/dev blaster. I know archery can be good in pve, just have never played TA or combined the two.
I suppose the most important question is, does TA make you redraw from archery.. Even though they are both using a bow? I would think not but you never know.. -
All of the weapon based sets seem to be subpar. Probubly due to them doing the most common/resisted damage type in the game. On paper they may seem alright but in practice they fall behind, at least in my experience. My Archery/Devices I don't like much mostly because of the secondary. Archery isn't too bad but still, lethal damage. The fire arrow is probubly my favorite out of the set, ROA aside. Just wish we had a swap ammo type effect for all the weapon sets, blades included.. So when the lethal/smashing is resisted at least there would be a second damage type to enhance it. My main gripe with AR was full auto being so lackluster. Ignite covers such a small area and locks you in a moderately lengthed animation, although not as bad as full auto. When I rolled an ar I went with energy and found myself mostly just staying in the background with stealth, boosting range and sniping.. I was just wondering if they buffed AR recently or not by reducing animation time on FA or anything really.
I suppose my main problem is I like to go pvp on occasion. Weapons in pvp never have worked for me. I made my bs/shield scrapper thinking parry would enhance my /shield enough to make it worth while.. Forgetting defense is essentially useless in pvp. Even with PFF, 80+% defense to all, its like I'm sitting there with rest on lol
If I want to make a weapon character it has to be purely for pve. I was thinking of making an AR/kin corr.. Or an AR/Storm corr instead of a blaster.. Kin would be great but a little bit involved, plus the blame goes on me if a team wipes (even if its not my fault). Storm is a set I have never played before, so I am not sure of how well it would go with AR.. -
Editing to recap.
Looking for a nice group (tf) AR/? build. I would go with /energy but I like to stay at range.. So maybe mm?
Also contimplating a corruptor instead of a blaster. I like the 'overkill' that corrupters bring to the table and they have much more useful secondaries.
If you could suggest some nice secondaries to go with AR for blasters and corruptors.. Along with reasoning behind it, maybe I can finally make up my friggen mind.
So far I am torn between an AR/MM/Mun blaster and AR/Storm corruptor.. -
I usually just skip anything involving malta XD
What the hell do you have against me ncsoft? CONSTANTLY I get the "We're sorry, but we are unable to accept your order at this time. Please try again later or tomorrow. If you continue to have problems, you may wish to visit one of our retail partners." error. I get this until I send a ticket, you rectify the situation and tell me you can't do it normally and to wait.. Yet it always happens.
What the ef? Do you not want my money? I could understand this happening every once in a while, but constantly over the years I've been here? I am getting a bit sick of this.
I always wait. I wait for a couple weeks even sometimes to only continue getting this error. I am sure you are sick of getting tickets from me, so what is really the effing problem here? -
Recently (as in, ever since going rogue was released) I can only play CoH/CoV for a couple hours. After that ammount of time (aproximately) textures are replaced by random ones. Suddenly, fire has a power boost logo as its texture. Everything is *****. I try to fight through it to get to a safe spot to relog but wind up just crashing.
My first thoughts are maybe my video card was overheating, but my graphics are turned to performance and this is a brand new computer I just got less than a month ago. The temperature in this room is always low and my tower is well cooled.
I have an Radeon HD 5770 1024mb video card, 8 gb of DDR3 ram and a 1tb harddrive running on windows 7 (64bit).
I have tried updating my drivers and am beginning to think either the drivers are bad.. Or this is some sort of conflict elsewhere. Some outside help would be appreciated, I am baffled. -
Quote:I am having this issue with a new account I recently started. It has been about a week now with this error every day on several different cards I know for a fact work (and have plenty of funds on). My main account has no issues, but my new one I can't buy anything (AFTER I successfully bought the going rogue full collection. The same card I used for that is giving me the same error now) Not having vet rewards is bad enough but now I can't even have ninja run. THE HUMANITY!Anyone know when this:
We're sorry, but we are unable to accept your order at this time. Please try again later or tomorrow. If you continue to have problems, you may wish to visit one of our retail partners.
is going to get cleared up? I've got a trial account and am trying (and repeatedly failing) to buy the full account. I'd be happy to visit retail partners, but either they don't have it, or they want to charge me full price + ridiculous shipping.
I also submitted a ticket, updating it each day this has happened. I have yet to recieve a response (it is monday now so I expect a response today). Is this how ncsoft greets new accounts? Been a long time since I had a new account lol. -
Yea, I only have 1 brute.. a 50 ss/shield. I am going to start a /fire brute and I know SS would be great because of rage.. But how well does Dual blades do in pve? I have never really used a dual blades character, so I can't say from experience.
I mostly want to 'farm' and also do TFs on occasion with this new brute. My shield brute is soft capped and isn't bad, but I am a bit bored of /shield. -
I made my level 50 archery/devices blaster a long *** time ago; Before AE or any of that crap. I haven't even logged onto him for almost a year now and want to finally fit him up. That means starting from scratch. He has no sets in him or anything and I have a couple billion on my other characters. So, maybe you guys could post a couple solid arch/dev builds for me to look at? It is always good to get an outside perception.
A note, I have been looking for an arch/dev build on the forums but the only stuff I could find was ancient. Maybe my searchfu isn't that great, but I'd rather just get a fresh view anyway.
I really could use some help with a build. I have no idea. I am usually off playing a MM or melee character and I have not played in a loong time. Not sure what all has been added/changed etc. -
I have only recently rolled an elec/nin stalker. I do remember one of my best friends on CoV played an elec/nin stalker named Thunderside and he was able to tank tv farms with a decent healer in tow. My ss/shield brute with 3 bill into sets couldn't even touch his awesomeness.
That was some time ago (before architect) so not sure how much has changed from then.
I recently rolled my elec/nin stalker and got him to level 25 so far. I must say, the /nin set is quite impressive. Really fits my playstyle. It took a while, but even with SOs I rarely take much damage. Electric primary I really like as well. It was fun enough to level that I am actually thinking about re-rolling him because I don't like the name I chose (Captain GigaVolt) and leveling him back up to 25 isn't that much of a chore really. Probubly going to delete my 50 nb/sr stalker (Captain Ambush), my first character on CoV, and replace it with an elec/nin stalker.
I honestly can't say I have any gripes with either electricity nor ninjitsu at this point. However, I am in no position to give it my 'stamp of approval' as I have only played it to 25. Seeing the build in action through my friend, however, really makes me biased on the potential of the combo. It owns. -
This is indeed true. On my thugs and bots, both broken. I say broken instead of 'annoying' because they essentially are broken. It was ANNOYING before but could work around it. Now anything with an AOE absolutely owns me.
Suppose its time to roll a ninja mm XD -
I suppose I have forgotten the usefullness of o2 for teaming because I NEVER FIND TEAMS END GAME with a mastermind.
I love Gale. It is so handy really. It can be an "OH ****!" button, giving you time to GTFO.. It can help you position a group of mobs perfectly for aoe attacks (works good on my thugs mm).. Or even just 'push' mobs out of a tight hallway and into a more open area so you can actually see wtf you are doing (damn demons..). Once you get a feel for the power and know just how far it will knock mobs, it is really helpful. The posibilities are numerous.
I've even used it to knock mobs BACK into a tank that were tossed away by KB excessive teammates.
It is true though.. Newbs with gale = nightmare. Even after explaining it to them they just keep spamming it as soon as the CD is done, often resulting in a wipe and butthurt QQing.
As for O2 boost, THAT is the worthless power IMO. -
It sure FEELS like a big deal. I love DP cosmetically but it is virtually unplayable for me. I am sure once I get him higher level and get him IOed out it will be passable as a blaster.. But right now in the low-mid levels.. I am having a hell of a time. It is new though, so I am giving it time. I'm 100% sure they will buff/tweak it before GR comes out (one reason I'm happy they used this method for pre-ordering).
DS on the other hand, FREAKEN awesome. I just don't know if I can stomach leveling another MM to 50 and be left out of all the end game content.. -
I have a lvl 50 stone tank and honestly I've always LIKED the granite armor look. Just makes me feel like a hulking mountain that can go afk in the middle of a fight to grab a soda.
However, I am all for seeing something new. Staring at the granite armor year after year has got a TAD old..
After seeing the granite armor all this time though.. It would be difficult to adapt to a new look haha.
Well the thing is, and I will edit my main post..
We have 4-5 (not sure on one) people for this team.. But we wont always be available at the same time. Such is life. So we are having trouble trying to create a team that is deadly as a group but can also dish it out when 1-2 people don't show.
So, in otherwords, it needs to be flexible!
I am liking your suggestions, however I never have been a fan of /em.. So I would probubly replace /em with /ele for a little -end/-recovery. -
I am trying to setup a pvp team of about 4-5 people, but we are unsure what builds we should use. We wont always be available to team together, so we need a flexible plan that will be fine missing 1-2 people.
What are some of your suggestions? We will all be leveling together and hitting the lower level pvp areas for now.
I was thinking going more psychic/ice damage types with a troller tossed in there and maybe a kheld, but i hear they aren't too great in pvp.
I have been playing the game for quite some time but never got into PVP untill now. I know there are threads for a good team of this number, but mostly from a PVE aspect. I need a good solid team for PVP.