Devices bombs IOs




If I slot a force feedback chance for +recharge into my trip mine and time bomb does the IO proc off when you set it or when it expodes? If it procs off when it is set then it only has a chance to go off once. If it procs off when the bomb explodes, then it has as many chances to proc off as the number of enemies it hits. Thank you for the advice.



That is a good question.. Now that you mention it, I would kinda like to know. I will test this on my /dev blaster and see. If I were to guess, however.. It procs when you lay the mine instead of it exploding.



I find it interesting because on a dp/devs/munitions blaster I see 4 ways to effectively slot the proc (meaning that it will proc off if I use the attack in the middle of a group of enemies.) This number is raised to 6 depending on the way Trip Mine and Time Bomb proc off. It also makes trip mine a much more effective power if I can set one and when it procs off the trip mine is recharged and I can just keep using it. The way I have it slotted trip mine and time bomb do a lot of damage and are a taple of my build



I have been testing it for a few now and it hasn't proced a single time.. On laying the mine or it exploding in the middle of a mob. Statistically it should have gone off by now.. So I am either extremely unlucky or the proc doesn't work with trip mine. I suppose that makes sense as you could lay down 20 mines and ideally have it proc 20 times at once oO



I could be totally wrong but mines are pets so any procs should benefit the pets and not you. I put an Entropic Chaos in Lightning storm thinking it would have a chance to heal me.
It doesn't it tries to heal the pet, which can't be healed.



If mines are psuedo-pets then you will never get the proc to affect you. As for stacking, that proc can't stack as far as I know, and it has a global cooldown of 10 seconds. That means that it can't proc for you twice in the same ten second period. So assuming it can proc for you, and not on the psuedopet that the mine uses, you'll only ever get 1 to work on you.



Thank you for the... feedback... Now I can slot my build better than I had before.