TA does not cause redraw for Archery.
...As for how useful it is? Well... It's *meh*. It's got decent debuffs, but nothing really special. Dark can imitate Acid and Disruption arrow with basically 1 power(Tar Patch). Only really *great* thing that TA has is Oil Slick, which is great.
Its not a waste of a team slot certainly.
Most people stick to A/TA due to concept reasons or they think that redraw is the devil, but I think Archery is a lackluster pairing with TA.
There are some other blast primaries that bring more to the table:
-Sonic blast brings oodles of -res to stack with acid and disruption, and it has a sleep.
-Dark brings -to hit and a self heal and an aoe immob so mobs stick around in your debuff area.
-Fire does lots of damage in a hurry and can light up oil slick naturally.
-Ice brings more holds to stack with ice arrow and ice storm slows the mobs so they stick around in the debuff zone longer, and does damage to boot.
All the above do exotic damage as well.
When choosing a secondary, keep in mind you'll want a source of fire or energy damage to set off Oil Slick Arrow. Or, choose an origin that gives you an energy or fire attack (I think Tech and Magic origin attacks are energy damage). Just something to consider.
Trick Arrow is a quirky set. I love it on my Mastermind as it's quite active, I get to debuff the stuffing out of enemies while my robotic minions lay waste. When the set first came out, I played my TA/A defender to the late 40s- and then left her there. The animations were slow and I constantly had to make a choice between damage dealing or debuffing.
That said, I started up a A/TA Corruptor in Praetoria and I'm a having a blast with him. I think the speeding up of animations and reductions in recharge times from when I originally played the set on my defender have made a lot of difference.
As far as your power level compared to other debuffers, I would say we're competitive. Definetly not the best, but certainly not the worst. Glue Arrow, Poison Gas Arrow, Entangling Arrow, and Ice Arrow will make up most of your mitigation. Acid Arrow and Disruption Arrow are your offensive enhancers. Oil Slick makes a nice mini-nuke- particularly paired with Glue Arrow and Disruption Arrow and Acid on the hard targets. And we can't forget about EMP Arrow, which can be incredibly useful to give your team some breathing room.
Keep in mind when you're soloing- Entangling Arrow has a decent duration, even without any enhancement. If you're facing a 3 enemy group, you can entangle one of them, hop around a corner and blast the other two to pieces. All the while, you're only taking return fire from two- instead of all three enemies.
It's a fun set that I play for fun. I think I make a difference on teams when I play it. When I play other ATs, I notice a skilled TA player and I notice their effect on the enemies.
If you're interested in Trick Arrow, check out Luminara's guide (look in the defender forums). She explains most of the mechanics pretty well.
I love playing my trick arrows and love playing with other trick arrows. It's a very versatile set that brings something for pretty much every team.
I would agree with others saying that archery probably isn't the best to pair with trick archery, even though it fits thematically. I'm currently playing a dual pistols/trick archery corruptor, and it's ridiculous good fun and thematically works for me. The sheer amount of debuffs the secondary brings is nothing to scoff at, and anyone that says they wouldn't take a trick archer because of their set is just silly. If you play it well, you shouldn't have a problem finding a team.
Talen_Lee: Taking absorb pain is like branding 'H' on your forehead. Which stands for 'Failure'
Scarf_Girl: ever since I six slotted my Rp with cyber/emo Hami-O enhancements they haven't been able to touch me
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
I wish I would have picked something besides archery to go with my TA. Something with a hold so I could stack it with Ice Arrow and hold a boss.
Something any troller using TA can do at level 6.

My search-fu is weak and I am sure this has been covered a million-bagillion times.. But how do Archery/Trick Arrow corrs hold up in group situations.. More specifically, SFs? Is it just a wasted team slot? Or do they actually bring some use to the table..
I have been looking over the powers and I do have a 50 arch/dev blaster. I know archery can be good in pve, just have never played TA or combined the two.
I suppose the most important question is, does TA make you redraw from archery.. Even though they are both using a bow? I would think not but you never know..