Call Me Awesome

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
    Personally, I don't think I'd even two slot Fly. More important stuff to slot elsewhere.

    I think good slotting for Fly is probably "One Celerity +Stealth" and you're done.
    Er, you mean Freebird +Stealth. Celerity is a runspeed set.

    And I agree, that's my typical slotting for Fly, 1 Freebird +Stealth in the base slot.
  2. It's a mixed bag for me. My Fire blaster has had EVERY zone reset, and when I clear it in a zone it's blacked out again the next time I log that character in. On the other hand CMA has cleared the fog in every zone years ago and still has them clear.

    Probably about 2/3 of the characters I've logged in have the returning fog of war bug to some extent but my blaster's the only one I've seen so far where this bug comes back every time I log in.
  3. I can't give any numbers but from some brief experimentation it looks to be roughly equal to Lightning Rod/Shield Charge in radius... give or take a bit as I'm not sure I had mobs out to the full edge of the LR/SC radius.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    30 Alignment Merits, not 35.
    Ah, I'd thought the PVP recipes were 30-35 merits and figured the Glad Armor proc for the high end.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by tiana_arylle View Post
    You guys are fantastic, thank you for all the information as always!

    I know, getting to that level in 8 weeks is crazyslow. We do, of course, have a zillion alts in the 20s (gotta love that prestige bonus from Praetoria for our newbie supergroup!) Most of our playtime is a duo between hubby and I - this trio is just the one I try not to "screw up" (especially since I'm the tanker!) But hey, at least I'm not scared to run TFs anymore, so there's that

    Thanks for the "tips" about tips! I've done a few of those missions but originally it was just as a "oh, this will get me to the next level" thing. I didn't realize they had purpose. Yeah, we're newbs. Sigh. I'll be glad when I don't feel like a newbie anymore!

    We got our first hero merit when we did the signature story arc the other day. Aaannd we went "eh, whuz this? Paragon wiki? Oh, high level stuff..."

    Thanks again, we're off and running! Take care all!

    ~ Tia
    Tips aren't just for high level, they're there from level 20 on and a great way to afford expensive IO's, and to make good money by selling those aforementioned expensive IO's.

    Glad to see a new tanker in the game, if you haven't yet I'd suggest checking out Dech's Kaison's tanking guide for some tips and techniques. Tanking is more than just taking hits; you need to keep the mobs from directing that damage at your squishy teammates. My philosophy on tanking is that it boils down to attitude; the "you'll get to my team over my dead body" thing. Anyone can learn technique, learning the attitude is harder.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by OV_ohms View Post
    Nope for game accounts it got added to the start. I speak from experience here
    Ok, I was just thinking they'd be consistent... silly idea. One case of finding out is worth hundreds of reasoned guesses.
  7. Call Me Awesome

    no tips ?

    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    Is training necessary? I thought you just needed to be experience level 20+.
    I imagine so; for example you can't (or couldn't prior to i21 anyway) use the O portal unless you've TRAINED to level 25 (now 14). Chances are tips are the same way.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
    Welcome back!

    Holy cats! Zero to thirty five in 8 weeks? What are they feeding the noobies these days?!

    I got nothing, but if you want cash, look into Tips missions. A few of those and you should be able to claim a reward that sells for around 100 mil at the Auction house. It's a nice way to get a little cash when you are first starting out.

    Or by "pretty broke" did you mean "can't purple-out our toons yet?"
    This is a good point, running 10 tip missions and an alignment mission will get you one Hero Merit which can be exchanged for recipes at the Fort whatever in Atlas park. One Hero Merit can buy 5 random recipes (which may be junk or highly valuable) or you can choose one rare recipe from the list. The more valuable recipes cost 2 hero merits and can sell for 100-200 million influence at Wentworths. The really valuable recipes are the Miracle +recovery IO, the Numina's +recovery/regeneration IO and the Luck of the Gambler 7.5% global recharge IO... all of those are worth 100 million +.

    You've doubtless had tips drop on you; investigate your tips and choose the "hero" option. Once you've filled up your rep bar with 10 tips (you can do 5 per day) you'll get an alignment mission drop as a tip. Run that mission and you'll first get 50 reward merits. The next time you go through this you'll get a hero merit.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by OV_ohms View Post
    If your EU and US accounts had the same login name then the EU account had "EU" added to the start when the server lists were merged. Try logging in as EUMighty_Sejj (or whatever your login name is) and see if your EU characters are there.
    Wouldn't it be Mighty_Sejj_EU? That's what they did to the EU forum names anyway.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by tiana_arylle View Post
    Hi everybody, I'm back!

    Well after some tweaking our team has settled into da/fire tank (me), ninja/therm MM (bro-in-law) and kinetic/ice controller (hubby). We're now all 35 and thanks to freedom, can get our epics!

    The boys have pretty much decided but I'm a bit stuck. Would energy or pyre be best for 3 teaming and the occasional TF? (or something else)? There are our first characters so we're pretty broke, I just don't want to bring disgrace on the tanker cred!

    Thanks for any advice!

    ~ Tia
    The problem with epics opening at 35 is you also have your tier 8 & 9 secondary powers open at 35 & 38... frequently they're more important to you. For Fire Melee Incinerate and Greater Fire Sword are both very nice, hard hitting single target attacks. If you're tight on your build Incinerate can be skipped but I would always get Greater Fire Sword. I'd still be juggling things in the build to try and squeeze Incinerate in though... it's one of your hardest hitting attacks albeit as a damage over time.

    For your Ice/Kinetic controller don't forget about Transference (35) and ESPECIALLY Fulcrum Shift (38), these are two of the best powers in the Kinetic set. One drains enemy endurance and refills the endurance of anyone nearby while the other is a MASSIVE damage buff to everyone nearby. By massive I mean "damage CAP". I would get both of those powers ASAP. I'm not as familiar with the Thermal set but those last two debuffs look quite nice.

    I'd suggest delaying your epic power pool until 41; there's nice stuff there but I'd rather get the big powers in the secondary first.

    Now on what APP to choose... for tankers I usually have two basic choices. If I'm having endurance issues then Energy for Conserve Power and possibly Physical Perfection. If my endurance is under control my default choice is Pyre for Fire Blast and Fire Ball. Since you're running as a trio with a Kinetic you'll have Speed Boost all the time (and if you don't then smack the Kin and tell him to hand out the crack) you shouldn't have endurance issues making Pyre the standout choice.

    With a tanker I take Char at 41, Fire Blast at 44 and Fire Ball at 47. Char is more or less a "throwaway" power; I seldom find use for it so it stays with the default slot. Fire Blast and Fire Ball on the other hand I slot out and use constantly.

    The controller may want to consider Psi for Indomitable Will (mez protection) if he's in melee a lot and having problems with getting mezzed. Otherwise Fire Mastery is nice for more damage... something that Ice control is lacking. Ice Mastery gives you an Oh S@#! power in Hibernate and a good defensive armor in Frozen Armor... it also fits the ice theme if that's a consideration.

    The MM I hesitate to recommend for as I've never played one but Heat looks good from a damage point of view.

    In any case I'm glad to see you enjoying the game.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TriAngel_EU View Post

    Not a chance.
    Agreed, first you have to deal with the massive defense he gets from the orange tower that puts him WAY over the def cap meaning you're going to miss him ~90% of the time... I doubt you'll get enough +tohit to compensate even with everyone running Tactics.

    Secondly, thanks to the red & blue towers he'll be dealing double damage and be speed boosted with power build up meaning that pets are dying very quickly and his channelgun attack will be draining considerable endurance from the tank.

    Finally, and this is the big one, the green tower will cap his regeneration and provide a ~4,000 point heal every 4 seconds. Do you really think any team can beat that much regeneration coupled with the heals when you're missing 90% of the attacks? I haven't run the numbers but you'd need to output ~40k damage every 4 seconds or 10k per second figuring that only 10% of your damage will actually hit to just keep pace with the heal. That doesn't take into account the insane amount +regen he gets from the tower which would push the required DPS up much higher.

    To sum it all up I'd have to say there's no prayer of pulling it off while the green tower's up; it just gives him too much regen and healing.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    Do you mean Storm Kick? Isn't that the one that gives the defense bonus?
    Doh, you're correct there. Chalk it up to my first time playing MA and not knowing the powers well enough yet.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by kangaroo120y View Post
    Yeah Invuln is a bit of a mixed bag, but once you start shoring up your defense with a little slotting, its just a beast, and I agree with most others, its probably next to granite in terms of survival. I honestly never thought i'd say that. but I came into the game during the dark ages, IE, After the GDN and ED and before IO's .. bad bad times.

    My current Invuln/SS with just a single enemy buffing Invinicibility, has 46% defense to all but psi.

    To echo all those years of playing Unreal Tournement.... GODLIKE!

    Actually, I'd like to ask a question to you guys. I can actually slot the Gladiator +3% defense into my build and pull him up to 50% defense to all. You think its worth chasing down one of those? or just leave it as it is. So far I haven't run into any problems, but eh, you never know whats around the corner
    The question is do you have 2.5 - 3 billion influence to spend on one enhancement? Or 35 Alignment Merits?

    Frankly except for the Incarnate trials more than 45% defense is pointless in 99.9% of the game, and the times it may be useful the bonus tohit you're facing is simply too much for another 3% to help much (DE Quartz pets come to mind).

    Personally I wouldn't get it; with that influence I could fully outfit four level 50's nicely, two with optimal builds or one with a monster build.
  14. I've a SR/MA at 16 right now and the thing is a monster. At level 3 (with Crane Kick) I had ~35% Melee defense. Now at 16 with all 3 toggles I'm (still basically unslotted) around ~35% to all positions, again with CK. Once I get slotted up and get the passives I'll easily be soft capped even for Incarnate stuff.

    The scaling resistance in the passives will also help out... does anyone happen to have those numbers available? Looking at Mid's I can't find any specifics on the scrapper version... the tanker should by rights be 25% stronger.
  15. My understanding is that it's a bug. Since it's made the list it should be on the Dev's radar to fix but there's a LOT of more serious bugs that also need fixing. It wouldn't make any sense for it to be a policy; it's just in the notes so players will know the bug is there.

    I just checked the issue 21 known issues list and that bug is on it.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quantumizer View Post
    Thank you for taking the time to write and update this guide. I have a few follow-up questions, if you don't mind.

    First, I'm wondering if these recommendations are for a "tanker's tank". Would you build differently if you're mostly soloing (I play at weird hours).
    Frankly if I was mostly soloing I'd probably roll a scrapper instead; the tanker's advantage is in durability and aggro control and a scrapper has plenty of both to solo and better damage. I play a tanker as a team character with the primary purpose of being the shield that allows the team to fight more efficiently and safely. For shielding a team the tanker is the better choice.

    That being said I might pick up an extra attack early, particularly since you no longer need a travel power prerequisite... you can go straight to fly, super speed, super jump or teleport at level 4. I see I should make a small change in the guide now that issue 21 has changed the travel power availability.

    Second, regarding travel powers... I usually don't pick them up early (if at all) -- unless for concept -- since Ninja Run and Raptor Pack and the various teleport temps get me around pretty well. The only time I generally regret not having one is when I get a mission in Dark Astoria and my mission teleporter is down. So, if I skip the two picks for travel powers, what do you recommend instead?
    Remember you only need one pick now since issue 21 hit. That said you could grab your tier 2 attack, start in on the Fighting pool (recommended if you want to be as tough as you can) or grab a "fun" power.

    Third, I'm wondering about the passives besides RPD. Do you even take resist elements/energies, and if so, when?
    I always take RPD by the early 20's... it's a chunk of S/L resist that, with Tough, can take you to the 90% hard cap in S/L resistance. The other passives I'd rank as follows:
    Tough Hide - in my opinion a must have, it's the same defense as Weave for no endurance cost.
    Resist Energies - a moderate chunk of E/N resistance and a secondary effect of 25% end drain resistance. It's worth having and I usually slide it into a free slot sometime in the 20's.
    Resist Elements - the most skippable power in the set, it's a moderate amount of resistance to F/C damage... two of the rarest in the game. It's secondary effect is 25% slow resistance... something that also doesn't often come into play. It's not a bad power, but don't take it until you've already taken everything else you want.

    Lastly, I see there are only two attacks picked by level 20. I usually have 3 or even 4 (which is maybe is part of why I'm not currently as successful with Invuln. as I know I should be). Sands of Mu and Blackwand would fill some of the gap if you have those temps(I do), but I'm wondering if you have some tricks for getting by with two attacks, especially when soloing?

    Many thanks again.
    The attacks you want really depend on your secondary, and thanks to the recent changes in travel pools you do have at least one more free slot. If you find you need another attack then you can go ahead and snag it to get you through the early levels. I rarely solo my tankers so a break in the attack chain in the low levels isn't that big a deal to me. A set with fast recharging attacks will have an easier time than on like Stone Melee with rather leisurely recharge times.

    I do have Sands, Nem Staff & Blackwand to fill in but even before I got them I typically went light on attacks in the pre-20 levels. Of course endurance was a much bigger problem then. My first tanker, CMA, had truly massive endurance issues in the early game. I spent most of the time taunting, waiting for endurance to return enough to use Heavy Mallet, taunt, wait for end... of course I didn't really understand how to slot for endurance reduction in attacks back then. The last thing I was really looking for then was another high endurance attack
  17. Frankly I'd just stay with a bit above 45% and start the trial with a handful of small purples... medium or large would be a waste so save 'em for characters who need 'em.

    Oh, and yes I believe that all the incarnate mobs share the 64% base tohit so that includes Apex/Tin Mage. As I said I didn't have too much trouble with them on my Shield/Fire sitting at 45-50% def to all. I DID pop One with the Shield for the Veng'd Bobcat... that @!#! hits hard and I used a few inspirations, orange and purple mainly with the occasional "EAT THE GREEN FAST!" for the AV's.
  18. Well, I've an Ill/Emp I rolled up in issue 3 that I've never been very happy with... I rolled him in week 2 of playing because "everyone wants a healer". Don't laugh, many of you thought much the same when you started out... and back then most of the playerbase hadn't really figured out just how much debuffs and buffs completely trivialize simple healing. I know Emp has some tasty buffs but I just couldn't get with the playstyle. The only things saving him from deletion are his level and the fact that I haven't needed his slot. Last time we had free transfers I moved him somewhere else and haven't looked for him again.

    I never really liked the character, so he stalled for a couple years in the low 20's, then my SG mates were running characters in that range and since he was my only char at that level I ran him up into the mid-30's where he still sits to this day.

    I've a Kin/Rad defender who's been stuck at 36 for the last 4 years now; a Rad/Sonic defender on another server sitting at around 34 and a number of scattered alts ranging from the early teens to the mid-20's who've moved into the "maybe someday I'll play them" category.

    I have one 50, my Stone/Energy tanker, who's currently in the permanently retired category... prior to the /EM changes she was a very marginal character, now that the only two decent attacks BOTH take forever to animate I see few redeeming qualities there.
  19. The Incarnate soft cap is 59% as I recall... a Shield tanker is in better shape there than most defense sets since it's not too hard to get there. I haven't run the numbers but at a guess I'd say that being at 45% defense in an Incarnate trial would be similar to being in the high 30's in normal content, say 37-39%. Yeah, you'll take more damage than you're used to but you'll still be decent. Carry a few small purples and you're golden.

    One big problem will be the turrets on the BAF... those suckers seem to be autohit; I've never known them to miss even with over 60% defense and they DO hurt.

    Overall think of your tank as it was in the 30's when your defenses weren't above 40% yet and that's probably fairly close. I've yet to run any trials with my Shield tank although I've had little problem with Apex and Tin Mage.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SerialBeggar View Post
    There are some players around who might need to fill out their one-of-everything collections.
    Indeed, see if they're worth anything on the market and if so sell them.

    Personally I don't find them useful since frankenslotting IO's gets you more benefit and they don't go bad but there are some collectors who are "OOO, SHINY! MUST HAVE THEM ALL!" and willing to drop ludicrous amounts for their latest obsession.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by syrusb View Post
    Well I know it's not any of my mod packs now. I removed the mods this morning and did a verification on all files. The game played well for a few hours this afternoon (boy it's weird not having the map pack) but now I can't get into Atlas on Exalted.

    I've also been locked out of Talos and Croatoa on Virtue and Nerva on Justice, plus some base maps. (Talos last night. Thank goodness for the maintenance.)

    Have sent in a bug report and a petition so I can get my toon moved.

    I am infuriated.
    Good luck getting to the bottom of this; I know just how frustrating it can be to run into game breaking bugs like that.

    This is kind of a shot in the dark but do you have access to another computer you can try the game on? If so you can see if the problem is related to your account or if it's something really odd on your machine.

    A question... do you have any problems with anything else you run on your computer? Windows is such a packrat that after a year or more it can end up with such a convoluted registry that things can get screwy. When Windows starts having issues my usual fix is to back up my files then format and reinstall from scratch. It takes me about 2 hours on average to completely install Windows and all my stuff and it fixes most problems that can accumulate over time.

    If you aren't comfortable with backing up all your files including email, bookmarks and anything else you want to keep, formatting your drive and reinstalling Windows and all drivers & programs then I wouldn't suggest you do this without help.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ORACLE View Post
    If you prioritize toughness from your two choices invuln/dm is the clear winner. I have invuln/dm tank, dm/invuln brute and scrapper....that is how much I like this combo. They are all capped to s/l/n/e/f/c defense and good resists.

    If you prioritize damage, go for shield. AAO wil help ST damage. Shield Charge is a great power too of course. I have one of these too and does fine in most content but not as tough as the /invuln.

    Now you did not ask for this BUT, I would add elec/dm tank to the mix. I might even pick it ahead of invuln/dm and I clearly love that set. I would definitely pick it ahead of shield/dm. Not only is elec/dm good on the old content, the incarnate content favors elec/ at the moment.

    Good Luck!
    Elec would make a good choice, particularly if you can get it's S/L defense above ~35%. A little less damage than Shield, a little less durability (unless you can soft cap it) than Invuln but it would strike a happy medium between the two sets. I'll probably level one someday if I find the time. I have taken a Spine/Elec scrapper to 50 and it worked really well.

    Now while I have played a level 50 Electric tanker it was in Beta on a level bumped toon and I don't think that really counts. I wasn't playing or building it optimally... it was all SO's after all and I didn't know the set. Comparing the Elec tanker with SO's vs my Inv tanker, also with SO's, the Elec tended to be squishier than the Inv. Frankly both tanks came in even or possibly a bit behind my fairly massively IO'd Broadsword/Shield scrapper in durability (roughly 2 billion inf in today's market).

    In any case I think any of those primaries will do a fine job for you.
  23. Call Me Awesome

    What's the deal?

    I have to agree, by canon States is supposed to be one of the most powerful beings in the world and... he's punching out an ordinary Warworks LT? Not to mention he's always been such an arrogant SOB that he'd probably find that Warworks beneath his notice in any case.

    I'm not sure I could come up with something more ludicrous if I tried.
  24. If you want tough and AOE damage then Inv/Fire would be a good choice; Inv/Elec would probably be a good second option.

    I can't speak for SR yet as a mature tanker, but what would you say to a level 8 SR/MA who's already at 35% Melee/Ranged defense? That includes the 10% buff from Crane Kick of course and I'll admit it's going to be light on AOE. Also remember that SR basically cannot be def debuffed and it has scaling resistance to damage built into it's passives. Aid Self will probably be a useful addition but it looks to be pretty good to me so far.

    I'm not sure what TT may be.
  25. I've yet to play a /DM character but I've played both Inv and Shield to 50 and have a pretty good feel for them.

    Invuln starts out stronger as it gets decent resistance to common damage types and a massive heal/HP boost very early. As it progresses Invuln gets stronger yet and once you get your S/L resistance capped (90%) and your S/L (and your E/N if possible) defense soft capped (45%) you've a tanker who's second only to Granite Armor in durability. While there's a few mobs who can cause you problems in the early game (1-20) the vast majority are easily handled with Invuln's very high S/L resistance.

    Shield like most defensive sets feels pretty weak early... this is simply the nature of defense. Until your defenses climb above 25% it feels fairly naked and it doesn't get really good until you get above 35%. Once you reach the 45% defense soft cap, something that's ridiculously easy to do with a Shield tank, you'll start feeling pretty tough. By this point, which is reachable by level 30 with minor IO slotting, you're tough enough to handle most anything the game throws at you.

    Comparing the two as mature tankers I have to give Invuln a considerable edge in raw durability. On the other hand Shield has a considerable edge in damage output thanks to AAO and Shield Charge. Ask yourself which you want, higher damage output or higher durability. Now this is talking about two tankers with moderate IO bonuses... on pure SO's the Shield tank is a lot closer since it can easily get 40% defense without IO bonuses.

    Either primary is perfectly capable of handling most anything... for some of the most dangerous mobs though Invuln will win. As an example facing the Tower buffed Lord Recluse in the STF is relatively simple for an Invuln to handle unassisted provided you've laid in a few inspirations. Shield on the other hand really needs backup to handle LR; while the defense is there there's simply not enough resistance to back it up and that nasty Channelgun end drain will be a PITA.