912 -
Yeah, but you know we were all thinking that exact thing
Red Foil
The trainer in Peasants Rank, Red Foil, may have a visor and snazzy shield, but he's just about the most pitiful excuse for a meta human there ever was. Approaching him results in a frantic "Please don't hurt me! Here, I'll just let you level up regardless of how much experience you've gained!" Ironically, due to balance issues, this functionality may need to be nerfed.
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You do realize what happened to the last person who cracked a joke at Blue Steels expense?
Luckily they were able to get Positron to fill his job. -
Height adjustment seems to mess with some of the costume emotes and make them not flow as smoothly.
A couple of the costume options are ok but I do not see me using very many.
I got more enjoyment out of the Cyborg pack than this but it is worth the cost IMHO. -
Do you have some kind of chemistry issue that makes it physically impossible for you to be happy? I haven't seen one positive post from you anywhere.
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Or to admit that he is wrong. -
KO Blow may be hard to change without altering it from Knockup to Knockback or down.
You also want temp protection and the slow resist travel proc for 40% slow/-rech protection. Nothing says "you're dead and you can't do a thing about it" like -rech on a fire armor toon.
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If you get the correct Day Job bonus you can increase this up to 60% slow resist too. Yummy!! -
Thug/Illusion Extreme Boss farm FTW!
2 hours from level 1 to 50. And it ignores the ticket cap.
True story. -
my brother has a elec/shield brute and lightning rod and sheild charge with aao and fury = win
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I think I got my new toon lined up...that sounds almost better than Shield Charge/Foot Stomp with double stacked Rage. -
Ah Mission 3, how you vex me so. If I have any question for you it is this:
Would the arc rate better if mission 3 was not there?
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Hmm. That's a good question. Removing Mission #3 would certainly help the story flow a lot better, as all you really need is a comment from Minkia, something like "I'll call up Susan and see if she has any ideas. Come back later." Something like that would take care of the entire mission.
But would that be enough to improve the rating. I think it'd need something more -- a better explanation for why Dark Veil doesn't simply teleport the toxin into the caverns, for starters -- along with some more polishing of the details in order to get a higher rating. It doesn't need an overhaul, merely some tweaking here and there.
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Thank you so much for the feedbackLike any writer/architect it is easy to get lost in your personal vision and not quite grasp how it will be viewed from the outside.
I am thinking of the following changes at this point.
Drop mission 3. This will give me the space to flesh out the bios of the various mobs. I will have Susan show up in mission 2 as she was trying to follow a similar lead as you but got captured by arachnos.
Better explanation of why he does not just teleport the toxin to begin with. With mission 3 out of the way I will have plenty of text space to cover this. Basically it is due to money issues but I never touch on that in the story.
And some typo errors that I will clean up as well
Thanks again for taking a look. -
Thank you for the thorough review and honest feedback. I enjoyed it very much, especially the humor. In the end it is a really well done review that gives me some good points to go back and tweak my story.
I do apologize for you not being able to complete the mission. When I first put the mission together it had a spawning problem but I was able to switch maps and it fixed the problem pre-I15. I will run some more testing and see if I need to make an adjustment on the spawning numbers.
Some comments on the points you made:
Minkia and her dialog: When I first wrote it up I had similar concerns as you did with gender and the tone of the flirting text. I ended up keeping the text to stay true to the character design. It also adds a bit of humor to the arc.
Mission 1 has a fatal flaw that I am still trying to balance out. The Crey tend to win every time in the Crey vs Veil Robot battles. Earlier designs had patrols roaming the halls as well but you can not set a battle group as Rogue so the robots would end up fighting each other and breaking the immersion.. I am hesitant on including buffing mobs that early in the arc as they have the potential of being overpowered.
Mission 2 sounds like it has a slight bug. All the computer names should be the same. The way to tell the terminals is not mentioned but came as an idea from another review. The interaction text that shows in the combat logs will tell you if you have the right terminal or not.
Ah Mission 3, how you vex me so. If I have any question for you it is this:
Would the arc rate better if mission 3 was not there?
It is designed to be a plot device and introduce the other major player in the game, Susan Veil. It is also there to break up the missions a bit and give the feeling that there is more than just your little quest going on in the world.
Honestly based on the reviews I think it fails at all of these and ends up making the arc drag on rather than move at a good pace. My thought is to remove it totally and introduce Susan in Mission 2, having her following a similar lead and ending up at the same base as you are.
I will work on cleaning up the typos as well. Thank you again for the review. -
280 for a purple? Maybe I do have a billion inf build thanks to inflation. Most of my purples only cost 10-30 mil when I purchased them so many months back
AE stands for All pie belongs to mE.
And being that nobody else gets any pie this is causing massive amounts of DOOOOM based on this formula
+Pie = -Doom
Ergo, negative pie = Positive doom -
Of the 4 Hasten will make the most difference. FE would be my second choice. For my build I take both very early.
Next would be Melt Armor. It works quite well when stacking with the damage of Rage+FE.
Never took Assault on my Fire/SS so I can not comment there. -
I love the caves under faultline myself.
I will toss my arc into the pool as well
17006 - End Game - Final Moves. (40-50, Difficult, EB Encounter) -
Let me guess
Cafepress.com? -
Do we really need another thread?
Also, given J_Bs posting history it's pretty clear what he means.
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I'm very familiar with Johnny's campaigns and posting history, but I'm just not clear on what the inference is.
Whether or not any powers ever get alternate animations has nothing to do with luck. I've never personally been against the idea of having alternate power animations, quite the opposite. We've simply lacked the tech to do that and the time to create said animations.
The infamous knockout blow animation wasn't even something that I animated, so I have no attachment to it and don't feel any need to defend it's quality. I happen to like it, I know plenty of others do as well, and I know a great deal of people who don't.
What any of that has to do with 'knowing BABs' and the likelihood of this happening at any time is where I'm confused.
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It is actually very easy to explain.
You see, you and the Devs are all part of a massive conspiracy to undermine the comic book theme that Tankers should be following.
Now, I know you are going to deny it because I have a deep understanding of the nature of this conspiracy. It has roots in the old Everquest trinity of Damage/Heal/Tanker. Back then it was decided that a council of elders must make sure this "Holy Trinity" is maintained for not just EQ but all MMO's.
So, hidden as Developers, this council of elders has worked there way deep into every major MMO since that time. Some they pass there influence upon, such as WoW. Others they destroy as a threat to the trinity, such as Auto Assault. Always the holy trinity has been kept in check.
This is why you and the evil devs try so hard to force tankers into a non-super hero mold. If ever a hero were to figure out that the trinity is not necessary, like J_B, this person must be ignored and have the community turned against him. Such is the decree of the great elders of all MMO.
But what not even you know is that you are a Nemesis Automation. Yup, you were replaced several years ago..sometime between avatar #4 and 7 from my calculations.
So, to answer your confusion, you do not know yourself because you are part of a Nemesis plot to make tanks unplayable so that he can finally forcebolt the defenders.
Any questions? -
Please limit any further personal attacks on Twixt as it is inappropriate for these forums. Let's be the bigger people in this debate.
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Personally, Mod8, I think it's been pretty level-headed so far, considering the subject. Of course, having Dr. Myers coming in here with an alt account (OPTICAL_ILLUSION) and talking more trash didn't help.
Point of order: Is pointing out that OPTICAL_ILLUSION is a sock puppet considered a personal attack? I don't believe it is, but other opinions may differ.
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Sock puppet? No.
Instigator? Yes.
I doubt he even believe what he wrote. Just stirring the pot a bit. -
Upgrading CoX? Yeah, I'm all for that.
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That's what SHE said.
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Giggity Giggity....Giggity Goo...
We'll be right back... -
Why is this still going on? 40 pages, and I still don't see why it's such a popular topic. I don't get why everybody is torturing themselves over this.
I've seen the same points expressed over and over again by multiple people. It's growing depressing that so much attention is being paid to something so irrelevant, both to the game and to the world at large.
Just like an inflatable Troll balloon, the more attention we pay to this, the bigger it's going to get, but that doesn't mean it has anymore real substance.
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Because this is the internet and you are taking part in my social experiment. My hypothesis is that as a thread increases in size the chance of somebody mentioning Hitler approaches 1.
So far my data is very interesting and I plan on writing a book about my experience.
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Oops, sorry, you just borked your experiment by creating the desired outcome yourself (mentioning Hitler) - much like Twixt did by his behaviors in his "experiment" by being a participant and the precipitate instigator rather than a neutral observer.
But, hey, go ahead anf write your paper so we can discuss it further!
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Luckily I have learned from that Twixty Wabbit and know how to maintain my objective distance and lend credibility to my study.
HEY EVERYBODY! Look how he just attacked me!!! Im Sad!!
Works every time.