Praetorian Info Revealed




I just got a PM from a very high-ranking plantation manager at Paragon Studios who is generally responsible for brandishing, cracking and even utilizing various lengths and styles of whip to get the employees motivated. He says that Praetoria (from the upcoming Going Rogue expansion) is effectively like our dimension except it's got good and evil swapped around. Remember the evil Freedom Phalanx and Carnival of Light? That's just scratching the surface of the tip of the iceburg. A few other details have been revealed and I'm authorized to share them with the general public:

Arachnos will be good, of course, but they won't be dealing with scary spiders. They'll actually be an avid group of humanitarians running an orphanage for abused kittens called Catnos. Of course, in this sick and twisted world, that's just about as unlawful as it gets, so they still stick with the criminal theme. The Catnoids that resulted from Project: FURRY have one heck of a hairball debuff that you don't want to get caught by.

Mime Domination
The 5th Column already hopped worlds to Axis Amerika, so their absence needs to be filled with the 5th + i Column, which is a group of militant mimes bent on saving the world using their assortment of imaginary powers. Mime Domination is made available to neutral players, using a few unorthodox means of manipulating your foes and aiding your allies. A few powers from this set include:
<ul type="square">[*]Walk Against The Wind: Turning around and making a sort of fanning gesture with your hands, you reduce the movement speed and recharge rate of all foes in a cone area. Some foes, for an unknown reason, may choke and become held, or even vomit. It's silent, but apparently deadly![*]Trapped In A Box: Encase an ally in an unseen fortress that's just barely big enough to breathe in. They will be untouchable in this state, and cannot affect or be affected by anyone (including using the chat feature). This power is a toggle power with indeterminate duration, so how you use it is up to you.[*]Invisible Sandwich: Toss an ally a low-fat, low-carb snack if they're paying attention. Recovers some of their hit points as well as endurance. Now they too can has cheeseburger![/list]Characters who select Mime Domination gain access to the Air Guitar emote.

Red Foil
The trainer in Peasants Rank, Red Foil, may have a visor and snazzy shield, but he's just about the most pitiful excuse for a meta human there ever was. Approaching him results in a frantic "Please don't hurt me! Here, I'll just let you level up regardless of how much experience you've gained!" Ironically, due to balance issues, this functionality may need to be nerfed.

Powerset Proliferation
The powersets will be proilferated to the new Going Rogue archetypes using a Praetorian twist:
<ul type="square">[*]Kinetics will become Potential, a powerset that has all sorts of powers that could theoretically be awesome if only you were able to use them.[*]Dark Blast will become Light Blast, a powerset that mainly benefits from shining glare in the enemies' eyes, reducing their ToHit. It also comes with a laser pointer placate power, which is especially useful against Catnos operatives.[*]Poison becomes Narcotics, which ends up being a self-debuff set more often than not. But hey, who cares! Tell them to get their own.[*]Fortunatley, the proliferations of all the control powersets still negatively affect enemies. It's hard to fight when you're laughing uncontrollably!.. so to speak.[/list]
Nemesis does not exist in Praetoria. If everything is the opposite, then nothing is a Nemesis plot and that in and of itself rendered him nonexistant by way of paradox. Incidentally, the resulting tear in the fabric of time and space enabled the Praetorians with interdimensional travel.

Invention Sets
A slew of new Invention sets have been introduced with Going Rogue:
<ul type="square">[*]Masochistic Tendencies: This one will be popular because one of the Enhancements boosts damage buffs. Unfortunately, it only applies to damage inflicted on self, which doesn't go over too well with the set bonus that grants negative debt protection.[*]Vocal Doomsaying: A placate set that effecitvely renders your character nonexistant and ignored by all NPCs and PCs alike for the rest of your super-powered career.[*]Retrospective Regret: Set bonuses include +300% Damage, +400% Recharge, +200% HP, +500 Endurance and +100% Damage Resistance to all damage types for slotting the full set. Unfortunately, the recipes require base salvage and those really old mez-protect inspirations to craft.[*]Initiative of the Homeless: Each item in this set has a 10% chance of Enhancing the power that it's slotted in. Set bonuses include squandering finances and mooching off of strangers.[*]Tyrant's Sympathy: Huh. There don't appear to be any Enhancements available for this set.[/list]
Hamidon raids are present in Praetoria, but no one is sure exactly what kinds of rewards he receives for completing them. Seeing Hamidon with a cape is almost worth watching him do a raid, though.

These are just some of the fabulous new features we have to look forward to with the upcoming Going Rogue expansion and Praetoria. Stay tuned for more info in the coming weeks!






Hamidon raids are present in Praetoria, but no one is sure exactly what kinds of rewards he receives for completing them. Seeing Hamidon with a cape is almost worth watching him do a raid, though.

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This is awesome, and now I kind of want to see it.



I was prepared to stab you until you had run out of blood, but then I got to the Hamidon part.

That made me chuckle.



In Praetoria Paragon, Joke tells you!



heh.. nice ones... very nice..

Okay... I can swing a few Praetorian Versions of existing in-game goodies...


* Dual Spoons Power Set - Good against Hellions, Skulls and All You Can Eat Buffets

* Talons Power Set - Like Claws but with your feet... I really suggest you take flight with this one.. The Plummet Dive attack looks very stupid from normal jump height.

* Steam Armor - The opposite of Ice Armor... Operates a lot like fire aura but without enemy's pesky fire resistance getting in the way.. just forget about ever seeing what's on the screen again.. visibility is cut to about nil

* Air Armor - Opposite of Stone Armor... You can't move the air or control it.. you just have to rely on Air Resistance for protection.. yeah.

* Brain Dead - Opposite of all Psychic Powers... Not nearly as exciting as it sounds.. you'll certainly catch up on your sleep though.. and you will NEVER need to get Stamina

* Storm Prediction - The antithesis of Storm Summoning.. you don't get any powers but you DO get experience points for correctly predicting the weather in various zones. Now you can level from 1 to 50 just by standing in Atlas and spamming "Today will be Sunny with 0% chance of rain; heavy fog in is expected in Dark Astoria..." in broadcast over and over and over again... those of you who search for AE teams should have this sort of thing down to a science

* Slow Reflexes - This goes beyond the simple defense self-debuff... now when you try to turn a corner while running there will be a 10 second delay before you actually do it.. entertain your enemies and team mates alike! Invent new swear words on the spot!

* Whipped Cream Defense - Tired of Invulnerability? Cover your body in whipped cream and sally forth! Is it a defense set? Is it a Costume Piece? Is it a tasty dessert topping? Who knows! (Side Effect of this power: Female's with this set automatically have the boob slider moved to maximum)

* Anti-Gravity Controller - Hit them with this power and watch your enemies float away! In buildings the hilarity ensues as they bounce hard off the ceilings! But the real fun is in street sweeping.. sure you may not get xp or credit for your enemies until they hit the outer atmosphere and asphyxiate.. but hey! it's worth hearing their fading screams right?

* Inert Emission - Tired of people giving you a wide berth because you're radioactive? Not anymore! Now you can emit inert radiation.. things like body heat or luminescence! Sure you can't do damage with any of this stuff.. but at least your friends will no longer have to put on lead aprons just to give you a hug!

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Chimera can see dogs...




Red Foil
The trainer in Peasants Rank, Red Foil, may have a visor and snazzy shield, but he's just about the most pitiful excuse for a meta human there ever was. Approaching him results in a frantic "Please don't hurt me! Here, I'll just let you level up regardless of how much experience you've gained!" Ironically, due to balance issues, this functionality may need to be nerfed.

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You do realize what happened to the last person who cracked a joke at Blue Steels expense?

Luckily they were able to get Positron to fill his job.



Oh! I almost forgot to mention what happens with the alignment system. See, you can choose to start out in Paragon City as a Hero, the Rogue Isles as a Villain, or just in Praetoria as Neutral. Even though City of Civilians (green side) didn't make the cut, Going Rogue's white side certainly has a lot to offer!
<ul type="square">[*]Gawk! New game lore covers Paragon City's eternal struggle between good and neutral. Discover the exploits of how one person inadvertantly and unintentionally absconded with another's mystical item and the other person not worrying about it.[*]Thrill! New open-zone NPC encounters spice up the gameplay by featuring civilians that don't care one way or another that they're getting robbed. Save them or not! "This may or may not be the only noteworthy thing that has ever happened to me!"[*]Ponder! New neutral powersets give you that super-effective happy medium between things like Fire and Ice, Light and Dark, and even Healing and Damage! Take advantage or disadvantage of the new tools available to you.[*]Enhance! Players who choose to take sides with neither good nor evil will become exemplary neutral, which doesn't offer any particular bonus one way or another that aren't available by any other means.[*]Craft! New neutral Invention sets offer a handy way to use up extra Enhancement slots without worrying about modifying a power.[*]And so much more! There's nothing more.[/list]



Don't forget the Praetorian costume creator will have two main options for upper body types: tops and tops without skin.

The graphic engine will be upgraded to show characters' insides properly.



Hamidon raids are present in Praetoria, but no one is sure exactly what kinds of rewards he receives for completing them. Seeing Hamidon with a cape is almost worth watching him do a raid, though.

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(Synthetic) Character-Origin Enhancements?

Storm Summoning is great because it makes you better than everyone else in the game. - Camma

Knockback is mitigation. It won't be removed just because meleers ***** and moan. - Chaos Creator



Hamidon uses Blue Steel-Os as it is, so I doubt he's after Enhancements.



The best thread I've seen in a while.

Well played, you Rogue.



The best thread I've seen in a while.

Well played, you Rouge Rogue.

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Fixed to include I16



Hamidon raids are present in Praetoria, but no one is sure exactly what kinds of rewards he receives for completing them. Seeing Hamidon with a cape is almost worth watching him do a raid, though.

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Ahh, yes... "In Praetorian Paragon City, Hamidon raids you!"

(cue the inevitable flood of variations on this meme....)

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



In Praetoria, players objected when their powers to build small cottages were nearly changed into snipe attacks.

In Praetoria, players left the game in droves when they were no longer required to have their Enhancements diversified.



Hamidon uses Blue Steel-Os as it is, so I doubt he's after Enhancements.

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Ah yes, how could I forget the uber BS-Origin Enhancements. There's nothing more powerful than BS.

Storm Summoning is great because it makes you better than everyone else in the game. - Camma

Knockback is mitigation. It won't be removed just because meleers ***** and moan. - Chaos Creator