64 -
Having just tried several of these methods, I highly recommend going to Grandville and buying a pack.
If you get the one from an early bank mission, great. I did that mission and didn't receive it (though others on my team did - our only guess was that I had outleveled the reward?), so wanted to try another way. For a newcomer without Fly, the Redside maps can be extremely frustrating, as there are many places that require skirting vertical obstacles.
Quote:This didn't work for me.Hint: You can guarantee you get the Goldbricker Rocket Pack mission as the first mission from Brass if you go to Seer Marino first and get the Talk to Bloody Bay Liason mission from her (at level 15). After doing that you can forgo the rest of her missions and go to Brass. Assuming this is the first time you have talked to him as a contact, the Goldbricker Rocket Pack mission will be the first mission he gives.
Someone new to the zone may have a hard time finding Seer Marino (by using Paragon Wiki and /loc, I could get close, but again there was a vertical height difference between us. I knew she was below me, but didn't know how to get there.. all the more frustrating when you're doing this to get a vertical travel power).
Once you do, you'll find the Paragon Wiki coordinates for Marshall Brass are incorrect (the Z coordinate should be positive). But even then, he won't talk to you, as you need to talk to another contact first. More running around, only to find that she won't talk to you, either: you need Newspaper missions to start.
I had avoided going to Grandville because I expected high-level mobs to spank me. There aren't any between the Ferry and the Jetpack master, and you can earn 10,000 Infamy a lot faster than you can go through the Marshall Brass line.
Just go buy one. -
Based on the helpful responses above and Fleeting's excellent guide, here's what I'm working on:
1: Call Thugs Acc Dmg Acc Dmg Acc (laterDmg
1: Twilight Grasp Acc Heal (laterHeal Heal Rech
2: Tar Patch Rech Rech Rech
4: Darkest Night EndRdx, tHDebuff, tHD, tHD[/COLOR]
6: Equip Thugs EndRdx
8: Hasten Rech, Rech, Rech
10: Howling Twilight Rech Rech Rech (laterEndRdx EndRdx
12: Call Enforcer Acc Dmg Dmg Dmg Acc
14: Super Speed Run
16: Shadow Fall EndRdx ResDam (later) ResDam ResDam
18: Gang War EndRdx ResDam (later) ResDam ResDam
20: Fearsome Stare Acc Fear Rech tHD, Rech, Rech
22: Hurdle Jump
24: Health Heal
26: Call Bruiser Acc Dmg Dmg Dmg
28: Stamina EndMod, EndMod, EndMod
30: Petrifying Gaze? or Assault?
32: Upgrade Equipment EndRdx EndRdx? Rech?
35: Black Hole? or Tactics? Rech
38: Dark Servant Acc Rech Rech Hold Hold tHD? Immob?
41: Night Fall(Soul Mastery?) Acc Dmg tHD Dmg Rech
44: Soul Tentactles Acc Dmg Dmg Dmg Rec EndRdx
47: Soul Storm? or Assault/Tactics?
49: Tactics (or if already taken, Vengeance?
I don't mind the lack of pistol powers, but I'm scared not to have Fly. I somehow missed the early Raptor Pack, despite running the mission (a teammate thought I may have outleveled it during Double XP weekend?), so I may try getting one from Marshall Brass or even taking my lumps as a lowbie in Granville.
But unless I drop Hasten, it's hard to fit Fly here. Fleeting shows a way to do it without Darkest Night, but that post may have pre-dated the Rocket Packs?
Am I going to get slapped silly as a SuperSpeeder who doesn't know the maps? -
Thanks, Min! How's this look now?
1: Char Acc, Hold, Hold, ??
1: Psionic Dart Acc
2: Mind Probe Acc, Dam, Dam, Rech?
4: Fire Cages Acc, EndRdx, Immob, EndRdx?, Acc? Rech?
6: Hasten Rech, Rech, Rech?
8: Health Heal
10: Hover
12: Flashfire Acc, Acc, Disor Dur, Disor, Rech, Rech
14: Fly
16: Psychic Scream Acc, Acc, Dam, Dam, Dam, EndRdx
18: Hurdle
20: Drain Psyche Acc, Heal, Rech, Rech, Heal, Rech or Heal?
22: Stamina EndMod, EndMod, EndMod
24: Hot Feet EndRdx, EndRdx, Acc, EndRdx, Dam, Dam
26: Telekinetic Thrust? Smoke? Acc, Dam, Rech, Dam
28: Subdue Acc, Dam, Dam, End, Rech?
30: Assault or Maneuvers?
32: Fire Imps Acc, Dam, Dam, Dam
35: Tactics EndRdx, ToHit?, ToHit?, EndRdx?
38: Psychic Shockwave Acc, Dam, Dam, Rech, Rech, EndRdx? Acc?
41: Charged Armor (Mu Mastery?) EndRdx, ResistDam, Resist, Resist
44: Power Sink? Surge of Power?
47: Summon Guardian Acc, Dam, Dam, Dam, Rech, Rech
49: Vengeance? Ball Lightning?
That's a tight set of power choices, with these questions left:
- Is Telekinetic Thrust now a key power?
I could take Smoke instead, which might save me a couple of smacks on the head. I could also take an Aid power.
- Assault or Maneuvers?
- Now that I have Stamina, am I best with a Patron Pool other than Mu Mastery?
Or stick with it but replace Power Sink with Surge of Power? I'm a PvE player who teams as often as possible, soloing when needed.
- Vengeance or Ball Lightning?
- Any slotting changes? -
As a new player building Fire/Psi, will I now need Stamina? I had hoped to get by with Drain Psyche and Power Sink.
I didn't pick Fire/Psi to farm or revel in my overpowered set. I just like both power sets, and I won't miss the way things were pre-nerf. But I'd like to avoid repetitive resting. Can I do that now without Stamina? -
Help me fill in the blanks below for my first Fire/Psi build.
It's also my first Villain (hence my preference for Fly, which is easier on a newcomer than other travel powers), so if it looks like I don't have a clue, I won't argue. I've read every Fire/Psi guide I can find, but there's no substitute for experience, so please add your thoughts.
I put it in this format, instead of Mid's, to make it easy to read at a glance, since I'm more concerned about powers and slot balance than timing and sets.
1: Char Acc, Hold, Hold, EndRed, EndRed
1: Psionic Dart Acc
2: Mind Probe Acc, Dam, Dam, EndRed, Rech?
4: Fire Cages Acc, Dam, Dam, EndRed, Immob, Rech
6: Hasten Rech, Rech, Rech?
8: Hot Feet Acc, Dam, EndRed, Dam, Dam?, EndRed?
10: Hover
12: Flashfire Acc, Disor, Disor, Rech, Rech
14: Fly
16: Telekinetic Thrust? Acc, Dam, Rech, Dam
18: Smoke? EndRed?
20: Drain Psyche Acc, Heal, Rech, Rech, Heal, Rech or Heal?
22: Psychic Scream Acc, Dam, Dam, Dam or Acc, End, Rech
26: Assault? Maneuvers? Cinders?
28: Subdue Acc, Dam, Dam, End, Rech?
30: Tactics EndRed, ToHit?, ToHit?, EndRed?
32: Fire Imps Acc, Dam, Dam, Dam, Rech?, Acc? Rech?
35: Psionic Lance? (or Tactics, if I took Cinders earlier)
38: Psychic Shockwave Acc, Dam, Dam, Rech, Rech, End? Acc?
41: Charged Armor (Mu Mastery) EndRed, ResistDam, Resist, Resist
44: Power Sink EndMod, EndMod, Rech, Rech
47: Summon Guardian Acc, Dam, Dam, Dam, Rech, Rech
49: Vengeance? Ball Lightning?
If you figure these powers are a given for the build:
Char, Mind Probe, Fire Cages, Hasten, Hot Feet, travel1&2, Fire Imps, Psychic Shockwave, Patron1-3
and if you add
Drain Psyche, Psychic Scream, and Tactics (plus Maneuvers or Assault),
then you have three levels of Blank choices (16, 18, and one later level). In this build, I filled them with Telekinetic Thrust, Smoke (remember, I'm a newbie who doesn't know his way around), and Psionic Lance.
Better choices? Cinders? Assault vs Maneuvers?
Will I need Stamina, even with Drain Psyche and Power Sink? If so, drop TT, Smoke, and Psionic Lance?
Do I need the Medicine Pool? This build doesn't even have Health.
Slot changes? I can choose later for Set. Right now, I'm dirt poor, and it's enough to look ahead for basic IO's.
I've already taken the character to level 14, and it's great fun. Now I'm at my first blank for a power choice, and I'd appreciate any veteran input. -
Quote:Yep, I absolutely understand that. Instead of asking about the 'best' Fire Dom type, I'm asking vets about the differences, and this thread has sure helped.Saying one is better over all is like saying your left arm is weaker then your right arm. Each has their situations where they really shine
Lili's guide is useful, too - thanks for mentioning it. The latest version I can find is here. -
Fleeting's guide is very helpful! Recommended.
For those who haven't seen it, after discussing powers, it gives sample builds oriented toward damage, control, and support, highlighting the options.
Three following questions:
- Is the Raptor/Rocketpack a viable alternative to travel powers?
I've never used one, and as a new player, I've found Fly hugely helpful on my Hero.
A vet can make more use of Superspeed than I can. For someone feeling his way around, flight is a big relief, as GrinningSpade noted above.
- Do most MM's take Leadership?
It clearly helps. But all powers help, and Fleeting's offers it one build, while in another, he replaces it with more control options. How useful have other players found Tactics and Maneuvers?
- Can I make an effective Thugs/ build without Dual Wield or Empty Clips?
GrinningSpade suggests it for damage, and Fleeting for control (through Knockback). Both are good things, but once again, so are other powers, and as a newcomer, I figured my pets would do more damage than I do. Is that not so?
__________________ -
That's a first-rate explanation! Thanks.
You've clarified the differences well, and I now have a couple smaller questions:
- Is Mind/Fire viable for PvE?
Most builds I see aim at PvP, which isn't what I'll be doing.
- Are both Fire/Psi and Mind/Fire reasonable for a starting (read: 'with zero Influence') player?
I don't mind if that means I miss the Uber-build when I pass on the most expensive IOs; I just need a workable build for a unwealthy Villain.
You mentioned that Mind/Psi is expensive to perma. Am I all right playing without perma? On my Ill/Rad controller, I see why perma would be useful if I could get it, but I'm still a powerhouse even with my average-Joe slotting.
Quote:This is very appealing, the ability to switch focus from damage to control depending on the situation.Combined with Fiery Assault, you basically have the best of both worlds, with the best control and the best damage, although the build is very tight.
But then you add a similar thought for Fire/Psi:
Quote:I love the overall flexibility with some odd situational powers like Smoke and Bonfire available.
- Does either Mind/Fire or Fire/Psi encourage a wider range of tactics?
I love choose my actions according to each battle and team. -
Help me get a sense of the difference in play between Fire/Psi and Mind/Fire?
I'm planning my first Dom, and I'd like a build that offers different choices for different battles. That's more important to me than raw power; I like keeping track of each mob and my teammates, and choosing my actions accordingly.
Would Fire/Psi be more damage-oriented and Mind/Fire more for control?
Any recommended guides or sample builds? What I've found so far has been helpful, but far enough out-of-date that I wonder if much has changed. -
Any suggestions on where to find a Thugs/Dark build in the simple format of "here's what I picked and why"?
Here's one that's easy to follow for this Ninjas/Dark.
For a newcomer like me, simple powers lists
like this
are better than nothing, but I'm still lost about order.
Builds without discussion, like this
Leadership Early
Leadership Late
no travel power until 22,
are also tough. I'm happy to make my own choices, but it's nice to learn from vets, and it sure helps to have a sense of the tradeoffs.
Are my travel powers just a matter of personal preference, or are some a better match for this build? Is Leadership essential, and if so, how early? Will I go nuts trying to make it without any pistol powers? In the nebulous levels between 10 and 18, how do vets recommend planning for power pools?
Inquiring newbies want to know! -
Helpful thoughts, thanks. I've started with Thugs/Dark, though the others are still appealing.
Given that powerset, three quick questions:
- any thoughts on whether I can get by without my own attack?
I gather from other posts that the question has been asked many times, yet I'm finding few explanations about it. I'd just as soon let my Thugs do the damage, but if that won't work, it's better for me to know now.
- will any travel power match this set?
I'm inclined toward teleport or SuperJump, but the very few build examples I've found feature SS.
- is Leadership essential for Thugs/Dark (or all MM's), and if so, how soon do I need it in a build? -
Thoughts on the differences between Dark, Poison, and Storm for a Thugs MM?
I'm playing my first one, and I've read through the guides to get a sense of how the powers fit with Thugs. But I'd like a clearer picture of the tradeoffs between the secondaries.
Dark offers more healing and Poison more debuff, is that right? Storm is damage boost? How do they compare in control?
I'll play purely PvE, in teams as often as I can get them, but I'd like to be able to solo as needed. I like making active choices in a fight, especially when they vary with the situation and enemy. I'm less interested in a powerset that requires me to be active only in the sense of constantly reapplying the same powers.
Which sounds like the best fit? -
Those are great options, thanks! Doms and Corruptors seem likely matches, of one power set or another.
This Thread has also turned my interest to MM's, especially with Metacreativity's good examples above.
Even this is appealing, though I realize Galadiman was commenting on MM drawbacks:
Quote:"Multitasking" and "situational awareness" sounds very much like what I enjoy about an ill/rad controller, though I suppose it depends on how much your tactics vary. This is a good distinction:My 2 cents, regarding MMs:
I loved playing my bots/FF MM when I started her... But when I started teaming with her, playing her went from fun to work. Everyone wants bubbles, and I don't want to disappoint... Lotsa work. Even with a fire-and-forget powerset like bubbles, playing a mastermind decently involves huge multitasking and situational awareness.
Quote:(It's probably my predisposition to dislike 'maintenance' types of AT's (where there's a strong need to reapply buffs), it was probably a poor choice to begin with for me - rad suits me A LOT better personally.
Everyone has a different play style. Some want to do massive damage above all. Some love melee. Some like being able to shrug off a dozen enemies at once.
For me, a non-melee AT rewarded by 'situational awareness" and a willingness to vary tactics is it. Sounds like there are several ways to do that Redside. -
Quote:I purposely didn't mention Deceive for that very reason. The more I play, the more I become impressed with the versatility of Deceive, and its ability to add to your rate of experience/minute.I probably would have just started stealing the group's experience by confusing all the bosses.
I'm surprised the leader didn't hit you with that old chestnut too!
But I've seen the view you mentioned: if you count experience not by your rate of acquiring it, but rather by the total experience available by defeating each mob on a mission map, then yes, Deceive will lower your total count.
Of course, by then, I'll be halfway through the next map with even more experience, but this particular occasion seemed ill-suited to that discussion. -
Advice for a newcomer in choosing a Redside AT?
I'll play around with them, but I tend not to have alt-itis. I'm wildly happy with my Ill/Rad Controller blueside, and I'd like some of the same strengths as a Villain. Here's what I'm after:
- can solo or team well
- varies tactics to adapt to each fight
- benefits from seeing 'the whole picture' in a big team fight
- makes active choices in battle
Some players apparently see Controllers as 'static' contributers, as in this Thread:
Quote:That's not been my experience, but in any case, that's not the playstyle I'm after. I like making quick choices.I'm sure some MMs will disagree with me, but if you're playing your MM 'right', IMHO, you're going to be standing around, A LOT during a battle... This has occasionally made me a little bored, but you really are a support class ... you are there to support your minions (not the other way around) and your teamates. This sort of playstyle lends itself more to the people who liked being a controller in CoH.
Since I usually prefer non-melee classes. The ones with most first-glance appeal are Masterminds. Dominators, and Corruptors.
Are Masterminds really that hands-off in play? Even if not, my main concern about them is that much of the fighting is done through the pets. I love pets, but usually I like them to support me, rather than the other way around. For that reason, in WoW, I preferred a Warlock to a Hunter, and in Diablo my necromancer used a basic clay golem to tank, while he used each level-up to strengthen his own damage and control.
Anything I should know about Dominators and Corruptors in light of the above preferences? -
Helpful posts, thanks. Sounds like Knockback was his concern, and that 'Storm' was likely the other powerset (along with Energy and Illusion) that he didn't like.
Quote:From my end, far better for everyone would have been to say, "I hate chasing after targets, so please avoid knockback." Instead, it took several tells to get even a vague sense of what troubled him. It wasn't until this thread that I began to understand.The tanker was (relatively) polite and explained his reasons when prompted to do so
Better still, of course, would be to see how I played, rather than assuming the moment he noticed my AT. I certainly noticed how he played.
Quote:I have come across Illusions creating problems for themselves (as an Illusion player I can say that) from not understanding the game beyond their own power tray. Don't be one of them.
I'm aware that Holds can break targets slipping on Ice, for instance, though that tends to be more of an issue for hard holds. I know I can build unwanted aggro on myself with ill-attempted holds or wasted heals. Anything else?
Quote:illusion is pretty hard to play if you don't know what you're doing.
Good notes on Spectral Terror, too:
Quote:The spectral terror pet has 2 powers - Cloak of Fear and terrify.
Cloak of fear is a 20 foot radius, mag 3, 7.35 second terrorize(which is the fear power that causes mobs to cower in place) and -15% to hit, this power pulses every 5 seconds
Terrify is a single target power that does a 3 second afraid (flee) and a 22 second terrorize after a 2 second delay (and an additional -15% to hit), this power fires every 6 seconds.
Good thoughts, thanks!
I'm Blueside for the foreseeable future, though I may try CoV later. I was surprised at how much I was affected by themes: apparently, I really would rather help an old lady cross the street than go rob a bank.
If I were more nefarious, I'd surely get in touch, Hart. Sounds like your play is challenging and fun.
JJ, thanks for your nice post, too. I'm on less in the evenings, but I'll see if we have a chance to overlap. -
As a new player, this exchange with a Tank was an eye-opener for me yesterday.
NotRealName: i didnt know you were illusion. i dont team with illusion, but you can stay through the mish before i kick you.
Polaric: All right.
(the rest proceeds through Tells)
Polaric: What's the trouble with illusion?
NRN: i dont team with energy/ [[I missed what other type he said here]]/ illusion.
Polaric: Okay. What's the issue with them?
NRN: im the Leader and i get to choose. thats the way it is.
Polaric: I'm not arguing, just learning. What's the trouble with illusion?
NRN: i dont like chasing after things.
Polaric: Ah. I don't use Fear much. Mostly Blind.
NRN: dont use PA for this mish or Phantasm.
Polaric: Okay.
What's the issue here? As you can see, I wasn't able to get much in the way of explanation.
In groups, I'm cautious with PA (and don't yet have Phantasm) to avoid unplanned pulls. But since the Decoys stay behind me, I've found them harmless as long as I move carefully. They also work fine in the middle of a big fight likely to last longer than their timer, or in a clear area. I don't cast them in tight spaces between mobs.
This exchange began after I cast PA to save my redlined toon who had a stray boss pounding him. At +3 to me, he'd resist attempts at Blind, and since I cast RI in the middle of the main group (where it affected more targets), I didn't have it as protection on my stray. Without help from the Tank or another teammate, it was PA or death.
I do use Spectral Terror and watch closely for runners; I've never had one pull another group. I'm also becoming increasingly impressed with Deceive, but since that's a misunderstood hold, it didn't seem worth mentioning in the above exchange.
So is the problem here Knockback? Does it really make for that much running around?
Or is there another issue in play? -
Quote:Ah, thanks for that explanation. I'm playing a Hero, and this TF must also have been 'signature.'All Strike Forces (villains' task forces) are "signature". Most (all? I forget) Trials are non-signature.
Thank you! I'm having great fun. I'm continually amazed at how good the game is. -
No-drama, no-politics player looking for a SuperGroup.
Me: Would like to know about your players before I join.
Not Me: Just wants bases.
You: Want to know about potential SG-mates before inviting.
Not You: Take anyone, no questions asked.
Me: Returning CoH player, thoughtful teammate, single character. Good with kids, wipes feet at door. Animals trust me.
Not Me: Pulls when impatient, wont help if I dont share the mission.
You: SG with mature players who help each other. If you have RL friends or family in the same SG, thats a good sign. A website and forum are good but not essential.
Not You: netspeakers, game hackers, hardcore players who require SG members to make a certain type of AT.
Me: Willing to go into Circle caves to help friends.
Not Me: Drops out when you have a cave mission.
You: Have SG rules shorter than a page.
Not You: Have SG members who need rules longer than a page.
Me: Marvin the Martian.
Not Me: Pokemon.
You: Like players to add something to your SG.
Not You: Just want more players in your SG.
Me: Repeats the best bits of NPC dialog.
Not Me: Repeats gossip.
You: Enjoy a bit of light or medium RP without requiring it.
Not You: RP-heavy or RP-disdainful.
I'm on mostly in the daytime and late afternoon for a couple of hours at a time. While I sometimes join a longer TF, Im not likely to Raid. Specific-duty SGs arent the right match for me now; Im a low-maintainance player looking to contribute through good spirit and play. -
Quote:I've saved on some DOs I bought at reasonable prices, but like anything else, it takes awhile to learn how the Market works. Guides here have been helpful, but familiarity with demand is essential... and it's always easier to make money when you have money!It isn't like the old days where you are stuck with the inf you character can build. Take a look at the market.
I had characters that could never get enough lot for enhances, and I'm practically playing Scrooge McDuck with characters that I have had for less than a week because of the Market.
Back to the original question in this Thread, Local's evaluation above is, once again, spot-on with what I found in running my first TF since returning. I found a few times when Group Invisibility would have been helpful, and I am putting it on my 'teaming' build, but we still did fine without it; it just would have saved a few minutes here and there.
SI has been useful, too, again as a time-saver in 'search' missions.
And what Altoholic implied above has certainly been true for me so far: finding teams has been easy, as long as I've been willing to jump into someone else's story arc. -
This is a big help, thanks.
New question: yesterday, I did the Synapse TF, which I believe is now levels 20-25 (back in the day, it was higher, as was Positron). Our Group Leader was 20.
When we began, all the enemies were 27... too much for us to handle. How did that happen?
Assuming the Leader had his difficulty settings at +2, does that mean the TF runs at a base of 25?
We began again with a new leader, level 50. That bumped him down to 25 (and me to 24), with enemies at 26 (his settings were +1), much more achievable.
If the TF base settings are always at the highest level of the range, that makes it important to have a leader at or above that level. If not, what else do I need to know about how the level of enemies is set? -
What a terrific set of advice and info - thanks!
Tired, thank you for the Trials links, and Steele for the explanation of Radio missions. I'll start them today.
This is exactly what I needed! There are good guides here for specific AT builds and strategies, but what I lacked was a sense of 'How to Get Stronger, Even as a Newcomer.' Now I have specific missions and boosters to seek. -
Good tips, thanks! I'll look at Cavern of Transcendence, which is new to me, and at story arcs.
Are there story arcs that lead to useful bonuses for a new (meaning, well, poor) player? My build has to rely on DO's and SO's, as that's all I'll see for some time.
One benefit of a good TF that may be hard to capture in a story arc: it can make for especially challenging play.
I've been teaming in a lot of short missions this weekend, and it's good fun, but each team really runs through the mobs, and we've never needed much in the way of strategy.
As I recall, Positron was, for many players ,the first time they actually had to coordinate tightly, to plan their pulls and holds. It rewarded teams willing to talk for a few seconds before each fight, and I liked that tension. It was always tempting to rush, but with little room for error, the Task team felt more like a team than a loose collection of players. -
The Forum here is once again quite helpful. Thanks for the good thoughts.
Quote:Absolutely. I should clarify that I'm an old veteran returning to the game (which is still great!). I wrote the very first Positron TF Guide years ago,First and most important, are you trying to make a character that is- Character conception -or-
- Mini-maxed
which doesn't make me an expert in anything, but it does make me old. Pre-First-Hasten-Nerf old. ED is new to me. I just learned there's a Vault. I'm full of Salvage parts I've never seen.
So I'm trying to learn what works well now, many Issues later and with a new playstyle for me:
1) mostly shorter periods online
2) a genuine interest in teaming but because of 1), a realistic expectation to solo often.
I didn't know we could have two builds, so I will make one team-oriented and one for solo.
Quote:I think there will be a lot more exemplaring going on than what has gone on in the past as characters can be exemplared to a lower level and still get xp. Therefore, it becomes important in regards to what order you pick your powers even through respec-ing.
Note that Local's excellent guide and the older, still useful one linked by Obscure (above) have a similar set of power choices. The really big choice comes at 12, my current level.
Why 12? If you take a travel power as a given at 14, PA at 18, and a run to Stamina along the way, 12 is the last time for awhile you'll get to choose. If I pick Hasten now, I won't get Invisibility until 24, unless I push Stamina even further away.
Since I don't know how useful Invis is (either SI or GI), this is a good place to get a sense of other people's experiences.
Quote:the ally rez you can get as a day job accolade
I've seen all kinds of new powers in my time back; today a teammate had a handy 'Teleport Team' I'd never seen before.
Quote:If you want to delay SI or GI for a while, I suggest you go to Bloody Bay at level 15 and do the "Patrol Bloody Bay" mission from the Longbow contact. That will give you a 30 minute "Hyper Stealth" temp power -- not full invisibility, but it might be enough sometimes.
Thanks: this kind of tip is really useful. I'm starting from scratch, so I have no Influence other than what I get on the go. Any other achievable bonuses I should seek?