2935 -
Am I the only one that noticed the range is 9 ft? Aren't most melee attacks a 7 ft range? Yes, the weapons are *that* big.
Ooh, I can never pass up a chance to get some Cami artz. Hopefully this is scary enough - and/or silly enough
Decided to try and get a little bit of feedback if I could while I'm working on my next review. If you've watched a few of my videos, which one is your favorite trailer? Which one do you think is my best review? And why?
Quote:The only problem is that even the MA community is to the point where it's almost done with it. I'm not trying to brag, but I would say that I'm a fairly well known name in the MA community. I've made a few pretty good arcs. But getting anyone to play my newest arc feels like pulling teeth sometimes. I use the MA Arc Finder channel and it has gotten me exactly 1 play. Another one of my channels got me 1 play, and I got my third today while teaming.I would probably find a different way to find my way around the arcs then. For instance, much like your culinary analogy, word of mouth always works better than reading adverts from the yellow pages. Or as people have done, can create global channels specifically for decent MA arcs. Kinda like a concierge.
On a random note, my wife recently bought me a bunch of the City of Heroes comics, including the entire Smoke and Mirrors arc. The comic book shop also included a couple random Spiderman comics used as padding - one on each side of the stack. And one of them was the first issue of a Spiderman "Smoke and Mirrors" arc, featuring the Scarlet Spider, and I had very little idea what was going on. Carry on.
Quote:remove broadcast from your chat tab?That might be the case on Virtue, but I'm on Freedom. You see on average 10 farm request per minute and every time you enter or exit a door, you have to wait 10-15 seconds before you can move.
Yes, I COULD just change servers, but I should not have to change servers to just properly play the game. That's the point. -
I don't think I'd do anything far-reaching. I'd probably travel. The world, not the universe. I'd do smaller things as I travel - fill local food banks to the brim. Give money/food to those in need that I happen to come across. etc.
I'm pretty sure I'm not going to run the F-Art contest next year, but I did have an idea and thought I'd ask for some feedback. I'm not using it for this year's F-Art contest, though I may hold a mini F-Art to finish out the rest of the year.
My main question is: would it be too much to ask the general voting public to use a more complicated system of voting.
I suppose I'll just cut to the chase and spell out what I'm thinking.
You have a theme every month, just like the current F-Art contest. But instead of having a separate voting thread, every entry is judged on a 10 point scale by anyone wishing to judge it, divided into 3 or 4 categories like "concept" "Use of theme" "CoH-iness" etc. And the winner would be the one with the best average score.
Would this be too complicated to work well? -
I'm starting to think there's something to Wrong Number's theory that the devs do not like her... or at least her arcs.
I also watched Sucker Punch recently, and it didn't live up to my expectations. I wanted to like it, I thought I knew more or less what it was going to be. But it just didn't click together in the end. I don't mind the fantasy within a fantasy concept, but it didn't feel right to only include the real world at the very beginning and the very end. I never cared for... I don't even remember her name, but the one who survives at the end. She wasn't that strong of a character, which is ironic considering that's what the movie tells us she is.
And then the first fantasy just didn't gel for me. I would have been much more interested in the goings on of an insane asylum than the goings on of some weird bordello with dancing. And the second fantasy... where she is the hero and saving the day... is supposed to represent her doing a strip dance in the first fantasy, and I assume it's suppose to represent her psychiatry sessions in the real world. But that just doesn't make any sense to me.
I don't know, I'll have to check out those animated shorts sometime, they sound quite interesting. -
You might be able to send a /petition with the arc name and number. I believe unpublishing the arc does not actually delete it from the server, it just makes it hidden. They *might* be able to republish it for you.
I've enjoyed seeing this thread evolve. I like pancake. It doesn't make as much sense now, but I think that's why I like it.
For this thread, I'm not talking about things you would have to buy as a free or premium player, I'm only talking about things to buy as a VIP player.
With the new Paragon Market, we're seeing a lot of neat new things for us to have. Most of them are things that have been asked for in the past, some are new things, most make sense to be put in the store - bonus costume slots, character slots, enhancement slots, costume pieces, travel powers similar to booster pack powers, etc.
Is there anything that you would like to be added to the game that you would be upset if it was a store-only item? Like what if they added Epic Power Pool customization as a premium purchase? What about a new epic pool - something on par with current epic pools, but with really nice looking powers? Alternate Mastermind pets (just the physical pet, not a new powerset. Like an alternate style of zombies for Necromancy)? -
In comic book universe - Heros and villains can't copyright their own names apparently. As soon as one dies *bam* the next random person with similar abilities comes and snatches up their name.
Congratulations! Well deserved.
And with Battlewraith's withdrawal, there will be no use of immunity points this month, though there will still be an elimination unless someone else withdraws (which would kind of stink, for an art contest based on eliminations... we've gotten down to 3 and only eliminated 1 person through voting). You may use them for the other options, including forcing me to come up with next month's theme... I mean, getting to know next month's theme early.
Quote:I'm sorry to hear that, but I completely understand. Every month you have submitted you've done an amazing job and have usually been near the top of the voting, and I didn't realize that you never managed to nab the top spot. From day one, you've brought your A game... and I just went back and looked through all the months. I didn't realize how low you placed some months even though you've always produced a top notch piece of art. I think you're right that for whatever reason, it just never clicks with the FArt battle voting community. My favorite pieces through the months are Scratch from January, and The Magician tarot card from June.Gratz DD, well done.
I don't see any point in continuing this competition. Between this year and last year's competition I haven't won any theme, despite putting in considerable effort to do so. I've really come to the conclusion that this isn't the community where I should be trying to focus my efforts. Thanks to everyone that voted for me and please continue to follow my work on Deviantart. -
Interesting, I was curious so I checked and I hit 48 months based on my start date on June 12, but I hit 48 months based on my paid time on August 26th. So I'm right there alongside you and Samuraiko. But rest assured, everyone else reading this. I will not be making a new post about it.
I have apparently forgotten to post this due to my overwhelming use of copy/paste, but in my other contests in the AE boards that use the exact same voting method, the way I would decide a tie breaker is the one who got the most first place votes. And Zortel's vote was not counted because of the incorrect third place vote. In this case it is Darth Delicious with 7 first place votes, 4 second place votes, 2 third place votes, and 1 early bird point. Battlewraith came in a close second with 6 first place votes, 6 second place votes, and 2 third place votes. Liz came in third with 1 first place vote, 5 second place votes, and 6 third place votes. Christopher Robin came in fourth with 1 first place vote and 4 third place votes. Graph breakdown below.
As far as the "Early Bird" points, I disagree that it creates a situation where the art doesn't matter as much as getting it in early. In this case, it made a difference between winning and coming in second place. Almost every month, Darth Delicious has put her art up early and it's paid off. Is the art worse for having been done early? Apparently the voters don't think so. Of all the things I've tried in this year's FArt contest, I think the one that worked out the best was the early bird incentive. -
Ahh yes, thank you for reminding me about that point. My calculations fail me once again, and congratulations DD. If I do this again, I must remember not to make the deadlines at midnight. I'll have the full results posted later this afternoon.
And the voting is over! There is a bit of rules I have to decide how to handle. Zortel's vote is technically invalid because of their 3rd place vote, and if I were to count that one vote, it would put Darth Delicious and Battlewraith at a tie for 1st place by points, but DD would be ahead by having more 1st place votes. If I do not count that vote, Battlewraith is ahead by 1 point. I have one other option I am looking into, I will post the final decision tomorrow.