Possible Fan Art contest extension




I'm pretty sure I'm not going to run the F-Art contest next year, but I did have an idea and thought I'd ask for some feedback. I'm not using it for this year's F-Art contest, though I may hold a mini F-Art to finish out the rest of the year.

My main question is: would it be too much to ask the general voting public to use a more complicated system of voting.

I suppose I'll just cut to the chase and spell out what I'm thinking.

You have a theme every month, just like the current F-Art contest. But instead of having a separate voting thread, every entry is judged on a 10 point scale by anyone wishing to judge it, divided into 3 or 4 categories like "concept" "Use of theme" "CoH-iness" etc. And the winner would be the one with the best average score.

Would this be too complicated to work well?



i'm guessing this is in answer to the controversy in this years FArt voting system. I think to be honest, any categories you introduce will result in the same way of voting. Friends will vote their friends the best in category, the unbiased will vote for what they like most. That's all you can ask and all you should expect i think.

Art only becomes art if people discuss it. If you produce something and no one takes any notice, it's nothing. if you spray can a wall and people call a meeting over it, it's art. Whether people like it and will vote you in, is a whole different matter

My Mini-Comic
AE arc id: 464928



My personal feeling is that greater complexity will actually reduce the number of voters. And the Number of voters has been in decline for a while - which just happens to concentrate the 'personality' voters and other issues that people have been taking umbrage at.

Unfortunately, I'm not sure how to drive more traffic to this little corner of our mutual obsession.

Be Well!



Yes making things more complicated is going to drive people away. Period.

I have to be honest, between the annoying bickering and the (in my opinion) ever changing judging/rules I haven't even looked at the FArt competition in months. I appreciate you taking the mantle up this year but it was just too much for me to deal with.

Best of luck to you for the remaining part of the year and to whoever takes up the task as FArt master/mistress net year.



I've held many smaller contests. The simple ones (i.e. pick a number between 1-100) always draw big
and the complex ones I've tried get a tiny fraction of the number of participants.

Originally Posted by PowerStream View Post
Yes making things more complicated is going to drive people away. Period.
I have to be honest, between the annoying bickering and the (in my opinion) ever changing judging/rules I haven't even looked at the FArt competition in months. I appreciate you taking the mantle up this year but it was just too much for me to deal with......

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris