Bronze Knight

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nightchill_EU View Post
    Couple of question:
    - Why no procs into mortar?
    - Why SJ +stealth instead of -slow from Winters Gift (Stealth can go into sprint with celerity), well generally I use Cele in sprint+Super Speed.
    - Are the x3 LotG really worth it compared to just +recharge and x2 Enzyme?
    - Is Empty Clips worth taking?
    - How is Dual Wield better than Pistols (DPA looks better on Pistols)?
    - Is Triae Beacon really worth taking if you dont go for max +recharge +heal? I mean, tripple dip +300% regen looks sexy. Single 150% shouldnt make the difference on a fight, should it?
    The answer to most of these is because I was going for the soft cap.

    1. I needed the melee def
    2. I HATE stealth effects in this game I only need stealth when I'm traveling or speeding so I put it in SJ.
    3. The +health is usefull in many of the new trials where the softcap isn't enough any more, and the +regen stacks nicely with triage.
    4.Yes but if I had more recharge I wouldn't need it.
    5. I have no idea.
    6. IMO yes. It has a wide range and with Radial ageless I can allmost stack it.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nightchill_EU View Post
    Anyone has a build to share? To see what I should aim for?
    Here is what I did with it. I run fire ammo all the time. I went with Void for the 1/2 punch of Hail of Bullets followed by Void.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  3. Bronze Knight

    Inside Scoop

    Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
    * 5th Column: "It's all right, I guess. I mean, we got snazzy uniforms and we get to play with weapons and all that... but... I'm from Jersey... I don't speak German... I don't even know what my job title is... I can't even PRONOUNCE it... and can someone explain to me where the heck happened to the first four columns? No one seems to want to talk about it..."

    O YES!

    And they would have to be reciting the local talent! they couldn't maintain their numbers otherwise!

    Darn it now I want to go watch Megus XLR again, "just a guy for jersey" indeed.

    For that matter I can almost hear Requiem telling his fellow nictus that he'll have their jorblocks.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lycantropus View Post
    First of all, they're based on a series of islands, and after reading the description of the new zone one of the areas is called Mercyview. .
    I think its called that because its a neighborhood that has a good view or the Mother of Mercy hospital which is on a hill that over looks the First Ward zone.

    Built in the shadow of the bluff atop which sits the Mother of Mercy Psychiatric Hospital
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Benchpresser View Post
    Or it is possible FW was built over the Praet version on Orebenga? (I know- spelling...)

    My question is- do you mean to tell me that no one in Cole's forces noticed what was growing underground when they built the city???? To me that would be the first place to shore up!

    Real question is how was it fixed for Praetoria?
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Flarstux View Post

    On a more (or less) serious note, the whole magic being the most powerful force thing there seems rather abrupt. No mention of magic until the next to last paragraph. Why is the place so magical? And why did no one notice all this powerful magic when the place was being built?

    Explain it, GG!
    My guess is that this line is the reason.

    Those who know Cole’s secrets know that this is a place where the barrier between this world and the next is stretched thin
    At a guess this is where Cole found the another source of The Well. And when the sonic fences were turned inwards the massive burst of death/destruction eradicated what remained of the barrier between this "next" world and the normal world was eradicated
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LISAR View Post

    Slender ... Pony?

    Naaaa can't be. I'm calling BS on this one, Slender Pony is a phony.
  8. I believe in the post about the paragon point store the values that were stated their implied that the total cost of the boosters had not changed.

    However that is for the content that Is already out, no mention is made of future booster packs and their point cost but I can't see them changing it.
  9. Standard code rant.

    Standard Animation rant.

    Standard Balance rant.

    Standard this should have gone in the suggestions forum rant.

    This post brought to you by the "Standards let's Maintain Them" forum initiative.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    Any problem caused by too much ordnance can be solved with even more ordnance?

    More or less.

    Actually it's just more. The answer is almost always more.

  11. Bronze Knight

    A not real rant!

    Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
    Just when I thought there was ONE last set I could still hate on, the devs had to come along and ruin it.

  12. Bronze Knight

    Average height

    Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
    I bet Statesman slouches a lot.
    It's that 1/2 helmet. Its so heavy in the front that it is throwing him off balance!
  13. Anyone else suffering abnormaly high number of crashes in iTrials after the latest hotfix?

    I have joined two and lead three iTrials so far tonight and crashed on every single one of them.

    Four of them were hard crashes to desktop never even got the error reporter.

    And then just now standing in Pocket D trying to invite people to a Keys trial I had another crash.

    Anyone else getting It this bad?
  14. An interesting question Sam let's see what I can come up with…

    Brutes: Simple Berserkers. Although powerful and resilient there tendency toward blood drunkenness leads them to their death more often than not.

    Scrappers: Heavy assault. calm and collected enough to aim for their enemies weaknesses even in the heat of battle however killing the enemy is still far more to them than actually surviving.

    Blasters: Team players. the Heavy gunner, the backup, the provider of covering fire, the Last thing that stands between the ravenous hordes And the pure support classes,should the melees fall.

    Masterminds: Leaders. The team organizers, the orchestrators, the one with the plan, the coolhead. The one that has an eye on everything that happens and knows why, The one that has the one thing the team needs, whatever that may be.

    Corruptors: Much the same as blasters, standing right behind the melee types buffering the worst from the pure support classes.

    SOA's: talking only about Wolf spiders here and crab spiders in particular. they are basically the backup mastermind. They have leadership skills and Range AOE damage to pickup and slack there may be in the team. despite the fact they could lead they wanted to prefer not to. Especially after the ugly business of leaving Arachnos, Preferring instead to simply blend in.

    You know what's interesting tho? I currently have 3 masterminds, 3 corrupter,s 3 scrappers, 1 blaster, 1, Dominator, 1 SOA, and 1 Warshade. that I'm working on. with another 3 characters that are shellved for the moment. Thats it, 16 characters, feels like a lot more when looking at them on the selection screen.
  15. Bronze Knight

    Freeing Up Names

    *Eyebrow Twitch*

    Will it never end?

  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rodion View Post

    My question is: when are the devs going to fix childish behavior in players?

    When the Matrix is real.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
    I'm hoping whatever Doms get is so awesome that it makes up for the lack of proliferation in 3.0!

    *Crosses fingers*

    *Chants to self*

    Gatling Gun Assault/Grenade Launcher Control!
    Gatling Gun Assault/Grenade Launcher Control!
    Gatling Gun Assault/Grenade Launcher Control!
    Gatling Gun Assault/Grenade Launcher Control!
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
    Titan Weapons are already going to be huge. You want one that is larger?


    We had years of weapons that are too small. at this point I say to just make em oversized and then if necessary make em smaller later.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ScottyB View Post
    DarkGob beat me to mentioning smartphones.

    Well, I can still mention the CueCat. I think I still have one somewhere.

    Anyone remember the CueCat?

    ... anyone?

    I would remember but...

    I have no hands.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zortel View Post

    Dose this mean that je_saist is the equivalent of dividing by 0?

    But dose that make him a digital or analog person?
  21. Bronze Knight


    Originally Posted by JonasAlbrecht View Post
    Hey all, I'm returning to the game after a two year hiatus, and am in the process of fixing my characters. I've taken care of my Tank, and am now turning an eye to my Crab.

    Looking at my build, its clear that I was just throwing random powers on there and hoping for the best. I'd like to use my respec to focus my crab into something useful. My goal is to make a team oriented, pets-lite/no-pets character. Furthermore, I'm interested in learning what makes the Crab Spider shine. I really didn't ever get a handle on them way back when.

    You can take a look at my ranged debuff AOE no-pet soft caped build, sounds like what you want.

    Are you planing on getting the incarnate stuff?

    Also, if you want to know why I did some of the stuff I did feel free to ask.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  22. Bronze Knight

    New emotes?

    Here is the Ultimate power emote. Geting my merits worth out of this one.

    But the best part of this emote?

    /petsay_all <em ultimatepower>

  23. Bronze Knight

    Rogue Magazine

    3ed issue is great!

    Should do a spot on armor fashion at some point, for us Tec based hero's and villains.