Freeing Up Names




So ... does anyone think, that with the release of Freedom, they might do another pass on freeing up long disused character names, or even find a way around the no duplication of character names in the game?

I was just thinking that with the hoped for influx of new players the frustration of how hard it is to get a decent name to match your concept might be a newbie turn off they'll worry about?

For myself, as a "thinking about returning to active play again" person, the irritation of the "name already in use" message is a big put off.



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Zwillinger already posted on this, there is no name purge in the works. Part of the plan for I21 is to lure former subscribers/players back into the game. It would be a real jerk move for Paragon Studios to invite former players back to the game and for them to come back only to discover that their names have been wiped out of their accounts. So no name purge in the future, and not likely to see one happen.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
Zwillinger already posted on this, there is no name purge in the works. Part of the plan for I21 is to lure former subscribers/players back into the game. It would be a real jerk move for Paragon Studios to invite former players back to the game and for them to come back only to discover that their names have been wiped out of their accounts. So no name purge in the future, and not likely to see one happen.
Just to be technically correct....

IF they re-ran the script, the people coming back would not see a "Name purge." Their names would have been marked as available until the account became active again. Any name that someone else took, that character would be "Generic ### ### ###" and have a free rename token.

They would NOT be coming back to an account full of "Generic."

Now, how this would work with non-subscribed "premium" characters, I don't know. I'm running off the *assumption* that it's comparing the sales database as a record of "who's active," and until a Premium player buys something, they wouldn't have recent information there. And going by "Last played," well, I can subscribe for a year and be in the hospital for six months, never touching COH - and they'd want to avoid accidentally genericing a paying VIP customer.

I agree *something* needs doing - I'd suggest running the script and freeing up all Trial accounts over 90 days old, for instance - but how they'd pull this off with non-trials - I'd think it'd take a bit more work.



No they are not planning to. And with the advent of Freedom I expect they will never run a name purge again. The best you can hope for is that they switch from unique names to Name@globalname type thing. Which would allow duplicate names.

Beyond something like that happening you won't see old names opening up. And I don't know how likely something like that is because it would likely require a change to the character database structure to accommodate it. Plus who knows how many linked databases.

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Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post

I agree *something* needs doing - I'd suggest running the script and freeing up all Trial accounts over 90 days old, for instance - but how they'd pull this off with non-trials - I'd think it'd take a bit more work.
Agree that something might need to be done in regards to the naming system. Paragon Studio's is hoping to lure new and former players back into the game with I21 and some of them will try to shoot for some iconic sounding names, which have already been taken. Granted if they're willing to be flexible and creative they can come up with something but when your trying to get the name "Red Mask" and instead have to settle for "Mauve Face Cover" it is kind of disheartening.

TerraDraconis' suggestion is the only thing that I could think up of also, but something like that requires a lot of time to implement, implies literally building and designing a new system from scratch, and heavy amount of testing to insure it will function with other parts of the game.

Overall I don't think the dev team is planning to do anything with the name system, and will leave it alone as is. Players are just going to either learn to be creative, settle for something else, contact the player that does own that name and see if they are willing to relinquish or trade it, but a name purge is not in the plans.

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Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius