989 -
My characters on Liberty, Virtue and Union are staying where they are... I'll probably build a new one on the VIP server just to have someone to play with there, like my "token" character on Freedom, but I'm not about to relocate completely.
'Sucks about losing Galaxy, though. -
I more or less play my Peacebringer like a smashy, Energy-type scrap... He does that pretty well.
It's too bad you weren't on Liberty. I spent a good chunk of this last weekend running around on my lowbie MA scrap... He could have used some blasty back-up with those darn vahz.
As I said recently in another thread about the situation red-side, I seem to cross paths with a fair few people when I'm doing the lowbie-thing... But nine times out of ten it seems like both they and I are going about our business solo. There are people out there on non-50 characters, they're just not actively looking for teams. -
Hami hard-crashed me into restart oblivion about five minutes after we started... 'Stupid green mutant jello-blob. >_<
People still play red-side... I cross paths with them pretty often when I'm playing my own villains (Which include a tank-gone-bad, FWIW-
) on Liberty and Virtue.
Of course, a lot of them are running around alone when I see them, and seem to be soloing. As am I most of the time... So, maybe it's not so much that there aren't villains anymore as it is a matter of the people who *are* around not looking to team quite as much as they used to. -
On Liberty... Try the Rikti War Zone on Saturday or Sunday afternoons (Pacific time), or during early evening (5-8pm Pacific) on week nights. Early-on it was easier to get trials together at other times, but lately things have slowed down enough to make "off hours" problematic if you want to run with more than the bare minimum number to start.
Quote:Poor Scir...* Scirocco: It's not really nercrophelia if the dead chick can still walk and talk is it? Is it? Oh, come on guys...
* Scirocco's original name was Imad... after his emo conversion he has legally changed it to Isad.
I think you're spot on about Statesman and Recluse, too. -
Darn it... Now I want an eclair.
Food porn. You has it. -
Here's my laptop (Since that's the machine I'm on at the moment-)
Fitting for a thread on this forum, the graphic is a drawing of my favorite Stalker, Grey Kestrel, and her Adept partner, Cardinal. I didn't draw it myself (As an artist, I'm a pretty decent colorist but my line-art sucks). Melissa Uran did this one.
Quote:I've never been spotted by either Grandville's turrets, Striga's or Bloody Bay's (Kestrel went through Shivans like candy when I was solo-leveling her, so I spent a LOT of time in Bloody Bay in the middling levels-)... The Lambda and BAF turrets, though? Oh yeah. They'll see through your Hide like it's not even there. The big Goliath security guard, likewise. He's evil that way. Watch out for the sybil patrols in the Lambda collection phase, too.Actualy it depends on what level of the bane spider scouts you run into....like if you run into Boss verison they have atactics effect that they use...thus they will sometimes notice you. Turrets will notice you as well if they are specifc types of turrets like the ones that shoot the machine gun, missiles and have the flame thrower on them(for when you get too close)
A really weird thing that sees through hide is the skorpion arachnos...those are able to see through hide quite well.
The encounters on that mission in Preatoria that have a about 30 of the syndicate spawn as an ambush also see you no matter what now...that is a new change...as in you can die...go back into the room with them and they will attack you when you get too close to them.
Oh and another thing that sees you out of hide....the turrets inthe trials...along with the security guard captian inthe lambda trial..they are also not fooled by a stalker with hide.
And if you think any of those are not seeing you....you obviously have not encountered them...or if you have you had someone else attack them first or take the aggro first.
As for Bane Scout bosses, as far as I know I've never run into one that could do that. Maybe I've just been unusually lucky, but even the 50+ ones I've run into on TFs haven't done it.
Ambushes that target the character rather than a location (Like so many of the Praetorian ones-) are a whole different issue. And yes, some of them are glitched and will hold aggro even after you've left the map and come back. It's evil... but it's not an evil born from seeing through Hide per se. It's just an issue with how the ambush is coded to work. -
Quote:Same. I don't think one has ever seen me in Hide. (Pretty sure they will spot people just using regular Invis, though, and I know they'll peg you if you're only using a Stealth IO-)I walk up to Bane Spider Scouts and AS them all the time. They don't see me.
FWIW, I also went and followed a couple of Eagles around inside a mission with Surruna (one of my DB/WP stalkers-)... They never spotted him, even when their path-finding made them patrol right around him. -
A useful thing... Knowing the age of the building actually made it a bit easier to figure out what #1520 looked like as far as the little architectural details were concerned.
Quote:As I said, I'm really just not invested enough in the argument to burn a couple of hours making the kind of list it would take to get Arcana to do more than dismiss anything I have to say. If I were that passionate about it, I'd do it... But it's simply not so hot a topic to me that I feel it necessary. Nor am I entirely convinced that even AFTER all that work it wouldn't simply come down to a difference of opinion over what's an intentionally "sexy" costume bit and what's not.I'm just chiming in to say, "I agree with Arcanaville".
And I find it interesting that most of the people in disagreement with Arcanaville have said, "I'm not going to get into a discussion of specific examples with you, as I don't have the time".
I pick my battles, Guy, and this one's not a big enough deal to go into obessive levels of detail over. Before it was over we'd probably have someone building a program to collect the pieces and quantify the exact amount of skin every piece left bare in order to compare the contents of every update produced to date against samples scanned from Fredricks of Hollywood or something. That would be very, very silly... but tell me you can't see at least the threat of that happening. -
I have to admit that the flatness is one of the things I actually like about the Vanguard weapons (Yes, even the bow. It's the over-all, side-on *shape* of that thing that bugs me, not the thinness. XD), but that has a lot to do with the way I color them and why.
I most often use them when I want one of the birds (My stalkers, for instance-) to have a low-key, energy-based weapon that's well-nigh invisible. I tend to make them very dark to get the side-view as subtle as I can... Having them vanish even more completely from certain angles is a just feature in that case, not a bug.
I'm with you on the odd angle of the claws though. I still use them on Summer Moon (my Claws scrap-) and I do like the over-all look of the things, but... yeah. They're odd on our models. -
Interesting to know that it may be weirdness with the way things are designed. I've always just chalked it up to random glitching when some goon who shouldn't know you're there just decides out of the blue that he can see you.
I've had random Council and CoT minions suddenly notice my stalker, for no apparent reason at all. An EB version of Positron did it to me once. (That was NOT a Good Thing. o_0) I've never noticed Longbow Eagles breaking Hide, but Wyvern spawns have spotted me from absolutely insane distances a few times, and while we were running tip missions earlier this week FCM had assorted random mobs from a couple of different factions spot his Stalker as soon as he walked into the room.
It hasn't been a terribly common thing in my expereince... but it's not super rare, either. Having it happen to FCM's guy two or three times in the same night was bizarre. -
Palrah is my badge-monkey (Badge-canary? Badge budgie? o_0)... He's a flying Dual Blade/Willpower tank. I didn't set out to make a badge collector with him, it just turned out that having a very mobile, very tough, reasonably stabby toon in that role was a good fit.
Why collect them at all? I started out just collecting them for the titles, but after getting five or six hundred of them it became more of a completionist-thing. I'm still a casual collector by badger standards (I won't make Pally a villain just to get the red-side badges, for instance-), but looking at his list still makes me grin. Having all of the crafting and Oro badges, for instance, is something I'm mildly proud of. Those took some work. -
The only person on the forum I've IL-ed is Golden Girl. Unlike her, you tend to make decent points. There are times when I disagree with them (This being one of those times-), but until and unless you reach her level of sheer annoying lunacy I don't see a reason to ignore you.
Quote:Sorry, but I'm not going to get into one of those nit-picky little battles with you, Arcana. I've seen far too often how silly those become, and I'm just not invested enough in the subject to open the costume editor and burn an hour or two meticulously listing every single female costume piece in the game that I'd put into some skimpier-than-guys-get pile...Please be more specific: which things that I said did not look like "strippers and fancy underwear" appear that way to you. I was pretty careful to specifically write off the entire "tops with skin" and "bottoms with skin" as being possibly within that category, even though there are obvious exceptions as I noted. But what did I say was not skimpy did you think was obviously so.
I also know perfectly well that a list like that is exactly what you'd insist I compile before you bothered to consider my opinion worthy of more than casual dismissal... So, so much for that.
Suffice to say that I'd call the witch costume, many of the corsets, the top+skin designs, some of the skirts and various other assorted bits and pieces farther on the sexy side than I care to use on most of my characters. When I look at a costume pack and see that the females got corsets or spike-heeled thigh-highs (again) while the guys got the nice suits and killer jackets (again), I'm going to raise an eyebrow.
And for what it's worth, I don't think "Sexy Jay" got his nickname due to his own choice in office-wear. -
We obvioulsy have very different idea about what does and doesn't look like "strippers and fancy underwear", because a fair few of the things you listed as not being in that catagory very much ARE to my eye... Many of the +skin top and bottom options, for instance. Maybe I'm just a prude or something, but there are some pretty skimpy choices in that lot. >_>
Personal yea or nays on many of the basics aside, are you honestly going to look at releases like the Magic pack and the latest Steampunk sets and try to tell me that you don't see any particular trend towards the... lets say "more revealing" side of things... with the female costume choices, as opposed to what they made for the guys? Seriously? To me, there's a pretty obvious difference between what they made for the male models and what the females got. As someone else noted upthread, with Magic the guys got Mister Impressive Arcane Dude. The gals got... what? A lacy, transparent coat with bare sholders and Windy the Fetish Witch?
I'm glad gals at least got the high-collared cape... I really am... But, still. My sonic defender looks like she's freezing her butt off in that bolero.
Anyway, yes, we do have things in the costume editor that don't look like spandex strip-wear. I do know that and I'm glad they exist. I can honestly say that if those pieces weren't there, my entire list of characters would be male, because I generally don't care for the sexy/skimpy look when I'm putting together a costume for one of my crew.
Heck, not even *all* of the extra packs have been so bad in that respect. (The female bits from the Martial Arts pack were great. I love those things to pieces-) But I do think the trend is still there... I was honestly surprised we didn't see cave-girl style fur bikinis with the beast pack. -
Quote:Yep. Stalkers.Stalkers? Really? Wow. I'm surprised.
So what Secondary works well for KM Stalkers?
Jeez, Stalkers? I can't believe it!
Mine are both KM/WP and have turned out to be a heck of a lot of fun rather they're doing the solo thing or playing "sneaky scrapper" on teams. I've even taken the older of the two through the Incarnate system. -
I just wish the pieces they settled on doing for the female side didn't tend to default so heavily towards "stripper and fancy underwear".