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Quote:Gotta' say, tromping around in Psimon's brain was pretty entertaining...Lol, I don't find this game "emotionally engaging" one bit.
But if i had to pick one, Westin Phipps' freakshow teacher arc was pretty nice. It gave me a warm feeling of being a huge **** in a video game. Wish there was more villainy content like that. I really enjoy playing a bad guy in a video game, especially if there's an option between good and evil.
"Psimon Sez" and "Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge" were actually a lot fun too. The latter one is even more fun when you find a reference to it in a Vernon's arc. -
A boat-load of new players, I suspect.
Some of the new people that Freedom brings in will be jerks. I have no doubt about that at all... But "some" isn't "all". The odds are pretty decent that there'll be at least a few good role-player types mixed in there, too. -
That one made me grin the first time I saw it... See, I was running it with Mei'jin (my first stalker)... She's already a Nemesis agent.
"Oh, yeah... That's it... *nods* He tried to replace me with an automaton. Yep. Because I'm such a terrible threat to his plans. Awful risk. Totally have to be eliminated." -
Quote:It's fun to sneak around maps and to hit things from Hide? Even a scrap with layered stealth really can't do that as well as a Stalker. I know... I have a few "sneaky scrappers", too.Like already said. Stalkers don't do any thing particularly better than the other three melee ATs.
There is a meta of:
Where does stalker fit in there?
Why play an AT with less durablity and less Burst and Sustained DPS than a scrapper?
We're not all in this to be power-players, you know. -
It's a little funny, but almost all of mine are red-side, and almost all of them come from the process of leveling Kestrel... I guess it makes sense on some level, since Kes is one of my very few devoted role-play characters, as well as being one of the ones I have the strongest emotional attachment to. I guess when I'm playing her, I'm more involved with how she would see things and react to them than I am with most of the others... The stories seem to have more impact when she's the one I'm running them with.
Anyway, "O Wretched Man" is definitely a favorite. When I was leveling her, I think Kes ended up hitting every single mission red-side that included Paolo as either a rescue or a companion. She's never faced him as an enemy, and after that arc in particular she pretty solidly considers Wretch a friend. She's flat-out fond of the big lug, and knowing his past and why he is the way he is just moved him soundly into "you may be a villain, but you're still just a big, mushy sweetheart" territory as far as she's concerned.
Vernon von Grun and his arc just amused the hell out of her (And me. Vernon always makes me grin...) She considers him a much better Mad Scientist than Aeon.
The one that made the biggest impression, I think, was her Patron arc, though. When Kes got into the 40s and I started looking at Patron pools for her, I knew I wanted to go with Scir's. She'd always seemed to have a bit of an affinity for the Mu guys, so it only made sense to go that route. I'd never run his arc with anyone prior to that, and really had no clue where it was going to go. Imad ended up being another one of those characters that Kestrel got very attached to... Which was problematic, given the conclussion that whole story-line is railroaded into.
As a character, *I* know she'd never have given Daos the time of day. She wouldn't have given up what Scir was planning for anything in the world... But the plot doesn't give you a choice.
Don't get me wrong. She still wouldn't have let him finish that ritual... It was a Very Bad Idea, and she knew it... But her reasons for throwing a wrench in the gears wouldn't have had anything to do with Arbiter Sticking-his-nose-in-everyone-else's-business. It would have been done under the rule of "Friends don't let friends commit kharmic suicide", not because some over-bearing Arachnos chrome-dome told her to.
With the arc ending the way it did, though, and with Scir's reactions being what they were, I didn't have much trouble figuring out how Kestrel would feel about it... I can't think of another arc in the game that could have made one of my characters more unhappy than that one made her. That's why I remember it. Not necessarily as a favorite, but as one of those bits of story that made an impression based on the strength of the character's reaction to it.
Kes did go on to do the rest of Scir's arcs, and these days I do play her as still having a strong association with him. I like to think that they eventually sat down, talked things out like rational adults and sorted out what happened and why... But Kestrel still wants Daos' head on a freaking plate for ever making Im doubt her. -
Quote:For what it's worth, I've done PVP exactly once with one of mine. (And even then it was only a bit of payback directed at a dude who decided to grief a group of us helping someone with his RV hero badges. <_< PvP isn't usually my thing in City, but he was begging for it.)Stalkers seem to only be good at one aspect of the game, which is PvP, which almost everybody ignores, especially the devs.
Single-target burst damage is virtually worthless in this game from any practical standpoint, especially when coupled with the squishiest defense of any melee archetype in the game.
Anyway, I really think that whole "But they're only good for PVP!"-thing is one of the perceptions that works against them as an all-around AT. The truth is, they handle just fine in PvE, especially if you like to solo. They're not OMGAWESOME if you're out to seriously build an UberToon, but they're not bad, either. -
I play mine pretty often (I'm in the process of leveling a new KM Stalker over on Union, so Kestrel, Mei, Ru and Shade haven't been around as much on Liberty as they usually are-), but stalkers just aren't particularly common over-all. Too many players consider them a broken, or at least heavily sub-par, AT I guess.
I enjoy my own a lot, but that "LOLStalkers"-thing seems to work against getting other people to try them. -
I'm really fond of 'One Good Spider'... It's a heck of a lot of fun if you're just doing a morality mission for fun instead of rushing to finish and get your merit.
I particularly love running it with Shade in Shadow, who started out as a Responsibility Loyalist in Praetoria. Those three Arbiters? They're the same three chumps she beat the snot out of way-back-when at level 20, when they had the nerve to try to blow up her poor, over-worked friend Raymond's reactors. It's always a very "Oh, hi there. Remember me? No? *crunch* How about now?" sort-of thing.
I chuckled the first time I saw them come up again.
Their situation really hasn't improved since Neutropolis... -
I'm not quite willing to read enough into the illustration to start waving around the "-ism" danger-flags about it, but I will say that it took me a minute to figure out exactly who Brawler was supposed to be the first time I saw it. It doesn't look anything like him. I was very much scratching my head and wondering, "Who the heck is that guy?"
Once I figured out he was intended to be Brawler, it was more of a "Since when is he a white dude? That just looks weird."
Psyche's expression and pose, on the other hand, didn't strike me as anything unusual, I'm afraid. It's so standard issue for a female comic book character that I didn't even give her a second glance... "Yeah, yeah. Big boobs. Goofy expression. "Look at these!"-pose. Whatever." Sort-of sad, that. To be so used to that kind of thing that it doesn't even ping as odd. -
Eh. That's more or less why I don't do many TFs/SFs... I'm just not a big fan of speed runs, and that's about all anyone seems to want to do anymore. Even when they don't come right out and say "This is a speed run", the habits picked up from that style of play still seem to find their way in.
To each their own, I guess. -
Quote:Yeah. My bird-brains know that feeling.But I took a travel power and still have to take the tram!
And I fly!
Particularly the ones who spent time in Praetoria.
"Wait... What do you mean I can't just fly over the #$^%*& wall?! The top's RIGHT THERE. It's not even as high as the tops of the buildings! ... So, I can't get to the top of the buildings either... What kind'a lousy two-bit universe is this?" -
I did a tier 4 Cardio Core Alpha on Mist (He's got Dwarf, Nova and Light form, but is a "human primary" build-), along with tier 3 Clarion Destiny, Reactive Interface and Ionic Judgement. Originally he had tier 3 Radial Seers in Lore, but I'm in the process of switching over to tier 4 Radial Polar Lights for almost-purely aesthetic reasons.
I adore the guy...
I really do...
But I've never been under any illusion what so ever that he is, or ever will be, the least bit dangerous. He's a wimp in comparison to almost every other character I have. I still manage to have fun with him (even in the iTrials-) in spite of that, and for what it's worth, he did a fair bit of that journey to 50 solo. You just have to be careful, and take advantage of things like your flash attack, and being able to stay in the air and blast if you're facing goons that are less dangerous at range than they are up-close.
As for Voids and Quants... That's what "bringing the smash" is for. -
Quote:This...Stalker is probably the best Kinetic Melee AT.
Stacking Build Up with the tier 9 auto recharge is superior to recharging Power Siphon, which can't stack with itself and is often wasted on high recharge builds. Burst has a 100% chance to critical from a hidden state... yes, that's as powerful as it sounds. Assasin Strike for Kinetic Melee looks awesome too.
I have a KM Tank, a KM Scrap and two KM Stalkers. The Tank does just fine, and I like the way she plays quite a lot. (She's WP/KM-) No complaints about her at all. Siphon actually compliments a tank's pace reasonably well.
The scrap, I can honestly say I hate at this point. I played him all the way to 50 trying to give him a "fair chance", but... ugh. Siphon looks great on paper, but with him it was a pain in the rear in practice. I'd have given almost anything to replace it with a plain old Build Up like my stalkers have. Plus, he's always been prone to odd bouts of not being able to hit the broad side of a barn, in spite of being enhanced for Accuracy out the metaphorical wazoo. The others also do their share of wiffing, but not nearly as badly as that scrap. There have been times when the streak-breaker was the only thing that allowed him to hit at all.
The stalkers are just great. Their animations are fun, they have a very straight-foreward build up that works well for the way a stalker tends to handle, and they hit like a freaking sack of bricks. The first time my Shade one-shotted a CoT Spectral leut a level or two higher than she was, I giggled. Now that she's 50+3 with a nice set-build and a Tier 4 Musc Alpha, she's just a nightmare. Build Up + Burst right out of Hide, in particular, is love. (And, like my tank, Shade combined Willpower with KM. It's a good pairing.)
So, yeah... Having played three of the four possible KM varieties now, I'd recommend the stalker based on my own experiences. YMMV, as always, but I really did find playing the scrap to be an annoying slog in comparison. -
Quote:Do we actually have red-name clarification of this somewhere, Venom?"COMPLETE, MAGIC, COSTUME, SET". This means all costume pieces that came with the pack not just a single costume in said pack, this question was already asked, and answered. It's the Magic Pack with out the power or costume change emotes. But it has all the costume pieces, for 400 Points - Five dollars. And yes, it will be 800 points for what would be the old booster pack, they stated there would not be a raise in cost from what we've been used to paying, just more choice of what we want to pick out from something. You see what one person says, and try to turn it into what YOU want to see, rather than truth.
It would be nice (and, I think, fair-) if 400 points bought all of the magic pack costume bits, but I actually read that as "400 point for one of the Magic costume sets" not as "400 points for both", too. It's not terribly clear what they mean. -
With my own characters, I don't see it as having anything to do with the Well or with the old gods of Primal Earth. They're not human and not Primal natives, so neither really seems to apply to them.
Given their origin (They're a species of non-canon Rularuu; Faathim's creatures-), to me their gaining Incarnate status simply means tapping into more of the strength and the will of their own creator... That's why so many of them have ended up with Barrier and Rebirth.
It also means that Darrin Wade is making progress.
Just not quite in the way he imagined.
As for what the status implies, it's not only added strength. It's also added responsibility. They've always had the mandate of looking after the humans of the Shard, even when those humans migrated to another universe. Now, they seem about to be given an expanded mission... To look after the Primal and Praetorian humans, too.
Lore pets looking like Shard Reflections was actually a Good Thing for my crew. I explain them as exactly that... Reflections pulled across the divide to aid their cause. -
I like them...
I'd have prefered them to be a bit bigger... maybe somewhere half-way between the Vet wisp and the Croatoan version... but they're pretty little things as they are, and I've always liked the PB blasty visuals and sound effects.
(Plus, they "go" very well with my Incarnate peacebringer's look. Double-win!)
Quote:Interface definitely works with them, but I don't think the Spiritual Alpha ever has.I thought Spirit Alpha helps to speeding up the recharge of the Lore Pets. It was not the case when I time mine last night. Did I get that wrong?
Does the Interface proc carry forward to the Lore Pets attacks?
Also, once we are allowed to colour the Lore Pets, the MM community will be screaming for pet customerisation once more - and louder too. I am not against it though. I have been wanting it for ages. -
Ash and Beans will be keeping their Vikkis. Zhen and Rose are content with their big, stompy clockworks. Keiranen isn't giving up his Seers and Shade is perfectly happy with her IDF Ranger and Suzume is keeping her Commander.... But a few will be switching.
Pally and Ty both need Vanguard guys. Silver is getting Rularuu to push around. Kephren the siren is going for the Romans, Cholula the night widow needs that big, evil Arachnos Tarantula and Mist (my Peacebringer) is getting T4 radial Polar Lights... almost purely for decorative reasons. Blue wisps match him perfectly. Likewise Mei and the Nemesis. The only way they could possibly have suited her any better is if the Boss-pet had been a Fake instead of a Warhulk. XD
I'm not sure what I'm going to do with Kestrel... Neither her seers nor her clockwork really suit her, but none of the new ones are really better in the theme-department. If the Arachnos faction had included another Mu or if the storm elementals could be turned bright red instead of being mostly-purple, I'd have been set... But no such luck. -
Quote:I do something similar when I'm leveling one of my crew... I'll run arcs to get tips, do the tips for a change of pace until I have my daily limit, and then go back to the arcs for a bit.I do both. I run arcs until I get tips. Once I've done five tips, I usually switch to a different toon. I run arcs solo though, for all the reasons others have already given.
I know it's nowhere near the fastest or most efficient way to level a character, especially since I tend to run them solo or duo/trio, but I like them a lot more than the same handful of speed-run TFs or AE farms. -
Quote:I sure hope so... FCM and I watched the first episode the other night, and it was just flat-out dull. The kid was beyond annoying and, while the motorcycle-fu horseman-thing seemed like it might eventually be interesting, the five minutes it was around really didn't make up for the rest of the show.I wasn't that keen on Durarara!! early on, in fact I wouldn't have watched beyond the first 3-4 episodes were it not what my uni anime society was showing. However, I'd suggest you persevere with it, as it gets much much better later on.
Quote:That does worry me some.The first thing I'm doing is taking off the "Helper" tag. For those of you on Liberty who know me that may put the magnitude of community change coming in perspective.
I'm cautiously hopeful about the changes coming our way over-all, but... yeah. I can also see how things might get kind'a hairy.
Hope for the best but be ready for the worst, I guess. -
No contest... Pally and Kes (Palrah and Grey Kestrel) are my blue- and red-side mains for a reason. They're my favorites.
I'd miss all the others, but I could still play for quite awhile and be happy with just those two.