263 -
Quote:Debuffing has nothing at all to do with soloing av/gm's. They resist them 87%! Put it this way, if you debuffed one -100 to hit, thats only -13 tops. Thats assuming they don't have an otherwise boosted to hit like incarnate av's, which seems to be about +15. All that leaving them basically untouched.
Going to fight an av/gm, Defense! Defense! Defense! Then fill what's possible with resistance. Look at your to hit reducing debuffs probably can't get as high as 100 or so continually. If you can... (/Dark can) then you soft cap is effectively lowered while you to hit stuff is happening. In the above example, of you drop a -100 to hit, its resisted 87% down to measly -13. But look at the math: That means to soft cap against your enemy you only need a 32 def. Hilariously, with incarnates +15 to hit that means its 47.
But yeah, the lesson is that you want moderate defense even if you have very strong -tohit
Debuffing resists works the same way. A good solid -20 res debuff is really a poncy -2.6. That wont do squat.
This is why it's always been a total myth that /poison was good at fighting av/gm's. It can do elite bosses tops - none of its debuffing powers stack even.
That all said, there are usually advanced sort of tricks you can do to pull it off, but thats really another topic entirely.
But seriously. The only real power that mm's have is that they are smart enough to bring friends. Fighting someone tough? Well you've got six or so pets with you already, find a few other guys and bring them to. Even the very most stupid player is at least on par with the pet ai these days
Ummm.... *looks around for the newbie sign above my head*... Not seeing it
You left out the most important thing... Soloing GMs is about stopping thier Reg.
But then again I have never attacked any AVs or GMs in this game, and I dont currently have a 15 billion biuld tank. -
.....Every time you 6 slot siphon life with no damage mods a puppy dies somewhere.
....Also... Just some general thoughts.
..No Luck of the Gambler Global Recharge IOs?
..All over you have IO sets, then a bunch of just Normal IOs were you could easyly put Sets. Why?
..End useage is going to kill you.
..Why bother with Hasten if your not packing much Global Recharge?
..Stamina 1 slotted... with no end reduction anywere in the biuld?
Others will be along with other points. Its a start, I dont mean to sound mean, but thiers definitely a TON of room for improvment without breaking the bank. (asumeing your trying to do this on the cheaper side? yes... no?) -
First advice... Start doing yoru Tip missions religously.
This is one of the best ways for you to get expensive IO without having to farm Influence or AE.
As to what you have here... (without plugging into Mids)
Rules of how to make your Elec Tanker a God.
#1 rule of Elec Armor.... Soft Cap Smash/Lethal Def.
#2 rule of Elec Armor.... Get Fighting Pool.
#3 rule of Elec Armor.... Raise your En/Neg Def to at least 32.5%
At a glance you seem to be lacking everything. The First one can get expensive, so shooting for 32.5% is a good place and isn't to to bad mark. Rule 3 can also get expensive as early on your fighting other aspexs of your biuld to find ways of raiseing this number.
Not having Tough and Weave is REALLY going to hurt. Weave is the single biggest Def boost Elec Armor will see even counting IO set bonues. Tough is what makes Elec have the potential to reach the 90% Smash/Lethal Levels. As a Resistance based set, any Resistance to tack onto your numbers is a good thing, and none bigger then Tough.
Seeing as you Have Ninja Run...
I would suggest you Drop Super Speed, Mu Striker, and use your 49th power and pick up Boxing/Kick, Tough, and Weave.
Weave will also give you another Mule slot for Luck of the Gambler Global Recharge.
I used the Mu striker for awhile in my biuld (for the extra Sm/Le res bonus). But after respecing out and picking up other things Never missed him. Hes pretty squishy and even as a tank its hard to keep things from eating him. Better to just buff yourself up. Tough and Weave will add a lot to this biuld.
Adding tough also gives you another spot you can put Reactive Armor.
Grounded - is over slotted, I like having as much Neg Res as possible but that little 10% isn't worth that many slots when your static shield is under slotted. 35% is a much better number to make sure you mod up then the 10%.
Taunt - I found I like Perfect Zinger here better. Mocking does have better recharge, but Prefect has better Sm/Le, and a nice Damage proc. But other then proc it depends on whats going on with the rest of your biuld.
Ball Lightning - I dont reconginze that set in thier.... Generaly this is a automatic 5 slot, and gains Postirons blast. Great Recharge boost, accuary, Fire/Cold res, Rec, and a damage proc all in one.
Power Sink - Not enough recharge.. for my tastes. I like useing Powersink as a weapon. Dont forget you can use Taunt IOs here as well.
Without seeing the mids numbers I dont want to comment on to much else. It seems you went heavy in recharge but guessing your not perma hasten. (could be wrong).
What Alpha are you looking at as well? Alpha slot isn't all that hard to at least get the first few stages, especialy if you stick with doing WTFs and TFs in general.
The 2 Alphas that most people take on Elec Armors is Spiritual (going with perma Energize route, and bigger heals) and Cardiac (End reduction for mass amount of toggles running along with Res boost. This is how Elec can hit 90% Smash/Lethal). -
Low levels thier useful here and thier, or just for pulling.
Quote:Its what I get for not puting some -------- in betweenWell, you quoted me. And not the entire post, but the first 3 lines were directed at me.
Quote:I'm pretty sure I brought some other aspects besides just using my words.
But I'm glad we agree at the end lolThat did come off wrong on my part "recycled" not the best word for it.
All is good -
Sooo.... I'm a newbie MM Player because I play a Thug/Pain.
Bots/Traps... Hated it
Bots/Therm..... was ready to cut my own eyes out from having to reshield (will be better in a bit).
Thugs/Dark.... meh... not my cup of tea.
Thug/Pain is just fun to play, its very Chaotic, fire and forget combo. Maybe that does make it Newbie friendly but certainly doesn't make someone a newbie for playing it.
Its a great Tankermind combo, as you and your pets are super tough and your packing heals on top of it.
Is it a AV/GM solo king? Nope.. your only debuff is Angushing Cry, and a few other odd things you can pick up. Is it rocks solid vs everything else. yes, Big Yes. -
Quote:I get the impression that you think my entire post was directed at you, which is wasn't.My focus while answering was soloing, since the OP said he wanted to take that into account.
Painbringer is useless if you are a CORRUPTOR soloing. This is not the MM forum. I gave examples, Brute and Tanker, I didn't say they were the ONLY ones. I didn't say /Thermal was better than /Pain. I just reminded how the last tier powers worked when soloing. Both power sets have their merits. I have tried both Corruptors and MMs with both sets.
I see a lot of ties in your comparison table, which I disagree. Some powers even have buff/debuff components that take other tiers into account, it is not as simple as pairing some powers. Team size also matters, as well as positioning, damage type, enemies, etc, which were not taken into account when you covered teams.
I might have mentioned Pain being a great MM secondary, but I fully realize this is a question about Corruptors and thats points out repeatably in my posts.
As to comparison table, it was quick and dirty. I wasn't trying to go into absolutes as to many of those depends on whats going on. And it is, as easy as just compareing them to each other for a over all feel of the sets.
You really can't compare Rise of Phoninex vs Condiuit of Pain. Both are totaly different Rez effects. Its totaly what you want, but between the 2 thier also the easyest to comapre side by side. Same for Thaw vs Enforce Morale.
If you look towards the bottum I do make mention team make up etc do play a VERY large role in which set is more effective.
Rest of your post is bacily a recyle of what I already said, but in your words *shrug*.
I argee with you final suggestions very much. These sets are to close in what they do (but how they do it differs), to not try them both out and see what you like best. -
SD/FM Tanker
But yeah, what ever your friend feels comfortable playing and enjoys, is a lot more important when what messes well. -
Quote:You forgot Scrapper, Blaster, Stalker in their to. Any of those 5 Archtypes LOVE PainBringer . Also... pyscho Doms love it.Just a quick reminder:
/Pain tier 9 is Painbringer, which is awesome on a Tank or Brute but useless when you solo.
/Thermal tier 8 and 9 are debuffs that will benefit your team and you when you solo.
Also if your going to bash Pain for its "useless Tier 9 while solo", then you have to bash Thermals 2 shields, and Forge while solo. Which happen to be the big selling points of thermal.
Pain Bringer useless while solo?? Hardlyat least not if your a pet class, another reason why /pain is a great MM secondary.
Solo usefulyness...
Pain vs Thermal
Nulify Pain ................vs..............Warmth............ Tied
Soothe...................vs................Cauteri ze.......... Tied
Share Pain...............vs................Fire Shield.......... Tied
Conduit of Pain.........vs............... Rise of Phoniex.....Tied
Enforced Morale.......vs..............Thaw................. ... Tied
Soothing Aura..........vs............... Plasma Shield........ Pain Wins
World of Pain............vs..............Heat exhaustion..... Tied
Anguishing Cry...........vs............ Melt Armor.......... Tied
Pain Bringer...............vs.............Forge........ ........ Tied
So Im not seeing a win here for thermal for the solo argument. Both sets lose quite a few powers usefulness while solo. Pain has a extra one thats useful while solo over thermal.
Raw power of the induvidal powers is a different story. Both get bigger bang for buck with larger teams.
Thermal has higher Res, but its a differnce of 11.25% vs 15%.. and World of Pain grants Res bonus to things Thermal Doesn't.
( 11.25% vs All... and 15% vs All (except Toxic and Psi).. Cold res only 7.5% )
Total Resist Numbers.... WoP: 92%... vs 97.5% Shields. Not Really a big difference...5.5% differnce, and Therm total lacks res vs Tox and Psi.
WoP also has 10% To Hit and 16% Damage.
Granted Thermal has Forge, with High global recharge 4-5 targets for +20% Tohit, and 40% damage.
No Question Pain out heals thermal (extra big heal, plus healing aura).
Thermal out Debuffs Pain due to having 2 debuffs.
(Melt armor vs Anguishing Cry)
-20% Defense, -22.5% Res... last 40s, 150 sec recharge (TAoE)
-30% Defense, -22.5% Res... lasts 30s, 120 sec recharge (PBAoE)
Thermal a bit easyer to use, but Cry has higher neg def. I call this a wash for the most part.
Heat Exhaustion is single target, and basicly does what Pain Bringer does, but as a debuff.
I'm really not seeing any flat out.. Thermal out preforms Pain.
Pain has a advantage of Solo surviablity (due to heal aura and WoP) and Thermal has a Solo DPS advantage vs Single target (due to second debuff). *Pain has to Hit buff and Damage boost from WoP
Group wise, really depends what the groups make up is and what your doing.
Both become a lot stronger when thier powers are magneified by 8 man teams.
Back to the OP question... Ether. -
Quote:Edit: Ops, If you noticed earlyer int he thread I made comment on the new changes, brain fart on the 16+ clicks on second partSay that again in a few weeks. You might not have heard what is happening to Thermal...
That said, for soloing, it's pretty even, although it's nice to have two pbaoe heals on yourself.
Pain is really good on masterminds - it's very hard to lose pets when your secondary is pain.
On a MM Pain works really well... Overall Res boost + Tough + Epic Res power + Bodyguard mode + IO sets for DEF/RES to minons + Suppreess pain = Undieing Tankermind. -
For awhile now the first thing I do with a new character after tutiorial is to sell off the 2 large Inspirations you gain. The Heal one can get anywere from 100k to 500k!!!
Its a very handy trick to give your new toons some Influence jump start for the time they need DOs.
I didn't realize you could keep reloading like that LOL. You should bug this honestly... the reload combine with a few other things = Influence exploit. -
Pain still wins in number of clicks.
1 Click... Buff entire team, pets, minions etc up to 255 targets (effects the Corruptor as well)
1 click... Perma Pain Bringer on 1 target
2 Clicks... buff entire team blah blah (cannot effect the corruptor)
6 Clicks... Forge on 6 tagets (very dependent on recharge)
Also should make note, World of Pain comes packing a 7.5% To Hit buff and a 12% Damage Buff.
Pains Big second heal isn 't that suicidal if your not taking damage. If you stay off the aggro grind a bit, its a very nice heal to use.
I would also point out that Pain has Suppress Pain aura Toggle. ( Pulseing Heal tics).
Not going to lie, I liked to see some tweeks to Pain in like of the new Shield change. But its still not a cut and dry Thermal over Pain.
Depends a lot on what your doing with it.
Me... I hate clicking... Pain is the way to go. -
Agree this is a huge boost for MMs.
I'm a bit sad now that I deleted my 28th level Bots/Therm MM. I just hated the buff bot syndrome so much.
With this change i think we are going to see an influx of /therm MMs and buffer toons in general. -
I went 4 Eradications and a Sirrico.. but this was due to going for Health boost and En/Neg Def boost. Damage and End are fine in it (especialy since my Tanker is Cardiac).
Yeah just saw that myself, that makes this discussion a tricker now.
Thermal has better resists, and now your only to clicks away from applying that better resist to everyone around you. One of the selling points of Pains World of Pain. Though at least world of pain still has a Dmg and To hit boost in its favor. -
To bad Frostworks didn't get turned into groupwide buff.
And here I just got done telling someone I liked Pain better then Thermal because of the 1 button buff. -
OMG!... I nearly choked on my Mtn. Dew while reading those notes.
Full of Win is a understatment...
My only issues... why didn't you tell us sooner about what we could redeem astral/emp merits for. At least a over view (you can buy recipes, costume options, and some upgrades later on blah blah).
And... as a speed boost hater... Well I;m willing to take one for the team since this will make everything 10 times better over all for buffers and teammates a like.
Mmm... I might have to pull out my Thermal/Force Field toon again LOL. I really really hated having to bubble everything x2.
Only concearn about the buffs now... kind sounds like you can't buff someone outside your team. Maybe I just understood that wrong, its a small cost if its true, just wont be able to buff random people you meet anymore.
A little annoyed with the prospect of having to do more Trials just for some of these new goodies.. but at least thiers a 3rd trial coming. I've certainly had my fill with the first 2, so much in that I dont even want to work on a 2nd toon to go incarnate. Alpha is good enough for them. -
on A Scrapper... Urgg this is a VERY big can of worms.
Massive Res + increased Reg + soft capped s/l
Massive reg + Soft capped energy type def + Hp boost
Very strong S/L res + soft capped Def + big hp boost
Right off the bat... what kind of Budget are we talking here? Soft-caping s/l on Elec isn't cheap so Im asumeing higher end but it does matter greatly between how these set function. -
I have played both of these, and it really depends utlimatly what your looking for in the sets.
First and most important question... Do you like buffing people?
If your answer is no, Toss Thermal out of the window. It has 2 shields you need to constantly be rebuffing people with and forge.
Thermal might beat out Pain on raw Resistance bonus, but thiers a lot ot be said for hitting 1 Button and buffing everyone around you with 17%-18% res vs having to put 2 shields on each person and maybe pets etc. World of Pain also comes packing a To Hit Boost.
Heal wise, thier basicly equal (though Pain does have a bigger extra heal).
Pain also packs a healing aura, not to be underestimated.
Debuffing... Thermal beats out pain, as Pain has only 1 debuff, thats hard to perma due to recharge.
But pains back Pain Bringer buff which can be perma, turning your target into a mini-reg scrapper with a damage boost.
Over all I think Pain is the stronger set. Thermals not crap, I just enjoyed Pain more. It was a lot more fire and forget, were as Thermal is very active.
Now for Solo on a corruptor.. definitely /Dark. Its got basicly everything.. debuffs, buffs, heals, control. Dark Doesn't heals/Buff as well as Pain or Thermal. But dark also beats both them out for Debuffs and Control. Dark is very Jack of All trade, and works great with any primary. -
To be truthful, none of these sets "shine" on SOs alone.
Out of the 3... Elec is the way to go for what your looking for. End light, Damage Aura, and basicly immune to End drain. Also with sticking with just SOs, elec +20% global recharge in lightning Reflexes is very very handy. -
Bringing up PVP IOs, you might also want to make note of Shieldwall +3% res all. AFter all, if your going after the PVP IOs this is a multi-billion biuld.
For a set that boasts these high resistance, adding 3% on top of them is very worth while and can make the difference between being Almost Hardcapped Smasth/Lethal, and Hardcapped to Sm/Le/En.
Also helps get Neg Energy Resistance to a nice 50% range. -
Just to be clear, Ice "doesn't" have to buff anyone. Yes its got some nice Shields to buff people with but you dont have to. Unlike Force Field... were thats really why your taking the set, Ice offers much more, then just buff shields.
Ice has a very nice single target debuff (Benumb), Add this to stacked Sleets, Heat Loss, and a the addition of achilees heel proc. Ice also comes packing a Biult in defensive toggle (artic ice).
Plus utility in snow storm.
Jack of All Trade is why /dark is so popular. Dark can debuff just about everything to some degree on top of having a defense toggle, a pet healer/holder, AoE Heal, and some controll.
Unlike Ice, Dark also picks up its location debuff very early on (Tar Patch vs Sleet). -
Biuld looks fine to me, DPS and Healing should be fine especialy backed by that Def and Res.
This is a tanker we are talking about, not a scrapper. Tanker wins fights by out lasting everyone else, Not by DPS alone.
You might want to mention in your guild that Power Sink is a effective Weapon and utility for tanking. To many people see it only as a end recovery tool.
A bit side topic.. but worth mentioning...
Alighment merits were the route I took. Paying the 2-3 Billion was never a option (they rarely go on sale so even if you have the money you might not get one). With that in mind 30 Alighnment merits doesn't sound so crazy.
I converted merits to Hero Merits, along with dong my dayly tip missions. I got it down to a science and could run all 5 of my Tip missions in under 45 minutes.
I have talked to others about this, and was surpised how many people dont realize you can just blitz many of the Tip missions. Set the diff to -1/x1 and just run past everything. your a tank after all, thiers nothing that can stop you. Run throw hit your goals and poof. You can complete a Tip mission in some cases under 5 minutes. Getting your 5 (or 6) tips can take more time to gain them, then running them.
You can basicly gain 3 Hero Merits every 2 days if you can keep a constant flow of Merits coming to convert (and Influence). If not 1 every 2 days.. for 60 days.
60 days sounds crazy but you have to ask yourself... can you farm 3 billion in 60 days or less? If not.. that 60 days for minimal work to gain the alignment merits doesn't sound so bad now. -
As a fellow Elec/SS Tanker, I have to say I dont like this setup at all. But that doesn't mean its not useful to someone starting out.
My Choices for powers to pick for Elec/SS tanker firs 20 levels.
1: Charge Armor (no Brainer)
1: Jab (Default)
2: Punch... Need to grab more attacks. In the first 6 levels offensive is stronger then any def/res your going to pack.
4: Haymaker... Again.. get an attack chain leveling will be easyer and quicker.
6: Static Shield... Status pro.. on a Res set. Nuff said.
8: Grounded.. again status pro and this ones passive.
10: Boxing.. yup you heard me. Another attack, and its needed for Tough
12: Energize.. Unlike what people like to say this is a great heal. Anyone that says this heal is substandard doesn't understand what Energizer is.
14: Tough.. why this over Conductive? Most things are Smash/Lethal in damage type. This plus charged armor puts you at 50% unbuffed to Smash/Lethal, even with DOs you can start pushing 60% resistance mark, its very noticeable.
16: Lightning Field... Why so late? End + the number of Mobs you can handle. Once you have Tough and DOs you can now effectively use Lightning field. Before this if your only fighting 2 or so mobs at a time Lightning fields not going to do much for you.
18: Rage... Welcome to the start of the good life for SS.
20: Conductive Shield.. yes now you can take it.
By 20th level your looking at Base Resistance numbers:
Sm/Le: 50%
En: 82.5%
Neg: 30%
Fire/Cold: 35%
Psi: 35%
* DOs your tacking on 6-10%ish to each of these depending on slotting. Which means you will Cap out your En Resistance. This is pretty huge if you started out in Praetoria, as Pure en attacks are pretty common. 90% resistance turns you into a god vs them.
Because Grounded comes biuld in with En/Neg I dont see a rush to pick up conductive before other powers. Plus Charged Armor is packing 35% res to En. Yes you want it, but in these early levels were powers make a HUGE difference in what you can and can't do I think biulding up your other bases is more important.
Fire/Cold you will have no res vs until 20th, but in the lower levels its not a big deal. Neg could be if your picking on circle of thorns. But honestly I would stay the heck away from CoT in the early levels, not because of the Neg Damage but because of the status attacks, tohit Debuffs and other dirty tricks.
I also dont believe in getting taunt before 20. Generaly speaking most toons are still soloing, and even if they do group, you will most likly be dealing with numbers that your Lighting field + Guantlet alone will take care of nicely.
Travel powers are completely "meh", espeicaly if you come packing Ninja run or beast run from power packs. Thier are a ton of Temp Travel powers you can very easyly pick up (not even by crafting mnd you, which you can also pick up jet pack from Wentworth). A character with nether of these might want a travel power but at these lower levels traveling isn't that bad. I have even found street sweeping faster leveling below 10 then doing missions due to the time ti takes to get said mission and find the mission map vs just bashing some heads.