263 -
I was useing IO sets and IO and had only soft capped Energy (was near on a few others).
Add that to the heal, and it was a very squishy brute compared to other brutes I have played.
Prehaps thats what the problem was... as it sit by itself the set isn't to to bad (save for the heal that everyone basicly agrees has issues). But take the same kind of IOing and apply it to another brute and your tiers above what a EA brute could do.
I took the Enchancment out of the EA brute (with 4 respecs) and put them into another brute (Elc) and it was total night and day difference in capacity. And Elec Armor by many is kinda a Meh set compared to others ( Willpower, Inv, Stone, etc etc )
Style wise, stalkers and scrappers I think work well with EA. But Brutes and if tankers ever get it need a few tweeks.
I argee that Conserve Power needs to go. Having Energry Drain and the requirement that you need to use it OFTEN and A lot for the heal means never worrying about end.
Replaceing the power with some kind of Taunt aura effect would help. Particulary if the Taunt aura added some time of surviablity to the brute/tanker. Be it ether increase Reg, Heal, DEF, Res, or whatever. -
I was really intersted in EA on a brute after they gave it a heal so I gave it a try.
At level 44 I had enough.
The Big issues I found with the set.
Has a hard time reaching Soft Caps. For a Pure Defense set it really seemed like the Def just wasn't thier. Even useing IO sets to help push it up it had a hard time soft caping (unlike SR).
Its heal.... while intersting lacked greatly. As pointed out if you use it, your getting extra attention when you want it least. END was never a problem with the biuld due to haveing to basicly fire off the heal as soon as it charged, not for END but to try and get HPs back whenever you could.
The set ether needs a bigger heal, another heal, or biult in reg.
Its certainly overall a interesting set, and has potential but only if someones willing to burn A LOT of Influence to make it so, or the Devs are willing to push EA a bit higher up then were it is now.
A Primary that has Soft Controls really helps EA work. And sadly any set that requires another set just to work isn't going to be very enjoyable for anyone to play. -
I'm not sure were all the "get a farm toon" and "go Farm stuff at blah blah" are coming from. I thought I made it pretty clear I have and do both *shrug*. But I do apphriate the helpful suggestions. I don't need them, but others reading this thread may find the information useful.
As to the 3 Purples in one TF, I have grouped with this person before and they always seemed on the level. So without reason to doubt him, I have to believe he really did get 3 purples on that TF. RNG is just that I suppose... Random.
Anyways since posting this yesterday someone must have felt sorry for me.
I go into my first tip mission of the day, hit KO blow on the nearest Minion and POW.
Ragnorok: Chance of Knockback
The Purple Dead zone has been broken LOL. Someone must have turn on my "Can recive purples" Code.
Granted it wasn't the best of Purples, compared to what you can get but I was VERY very excited to finaly see one drop never the less.
To make things double exciting, I my glee of joy I hit my AoEs and see the following pop up.
Incarnate Shard Bonded
So not only did I get my purple recipe, I also got the last shard I needed to upgrade to my T2 Incarnate Enchamcent -
To also confirm this I did the Alpha slot, and even had my T1 Alpha slotted when I realized I couldn't go the Cimerora. Then went and did that mission Arc so I could.
So Double Busted, you definitely DO NOT need to have Cimerora unlocked to complete your Alpha Slot Mission. -
To Clarify my current main Im working on is Ele/SS/Mu and can easyly Tank +4/x8 and kill them thanks to plenty of AoEs and ST attacks.
Killing things in mass is not a issue. Getting a Purple to drop appears to beRNG hates me.
My Goal isn't to get purples, my rant is just frustation in not getting any after all these toons and time. -
Quote:AVs with massive To Hit bonuses, supported by waves of auto-hit patch attacks with massive unresistable DoTs.
For starters...
I hate Battle Madien.... Enough said
I am plesantly enjoying Alpha and Im not even a nut case about it.
Its just enough to add to characters filling in gaps and holes without going over board. -
Its all good, I dont "need" purples to enjoy the game. Just frustrating know that in theroy by now I should have gotten a few vs what I see everyone else get. *shrug*
PS I hate you Golden Girland Gratz
My latest Tanker has been very enjoyable in this particular Threads topic.
No Purples (Never even had a purple recipe on any of my toons LOL Dam RNG)
**But have plans to add Shieldwall +3% Res when I can**
To date only thing that has given me any problems as far as a group is Longbow. Everything else has ranged from Super easy mode, to Moderate (for Heavy negative Energy or Psi types). Besides Multi layers of Protection, the biuld also uses passive Protection (Knockdown in all SS attacks and End Drain in all Ele Attacks )
Still experimenting around with different groups
Speical Note to Lady Greys TF, Those Hydra and thier near 100% toxic Damage will rip me to shreds unless I use Power Surge. -
Going with End/Res myself. At least on my Electric Tanker, Most people say Electric tankers shouldn't have End issues, but I do.
Running normal powers etc I dont run out before Power Sink isup, but if I go Heavy AoE ( Footstomp, Electric Fenses, and Ball Lightning) I can bottum my End bar out with all my toggles if Im not careful. The Alpha slot with the first End has made a pretty big difference. So much that I can run Manvuers in the background now as well as all my toggles and go AoE happy and be ok.
SSo it really depends on your biult, just because you have a end recovery doesn't mean you should nessaryly skip the End/Res as a option.
And on the other end.. I have 5 Resistance powers, tacking on more resistance x5 is very hard to skip. -
... I realize there not, but they sure seem like it.
/vent on
In that last few days I have done... 3 Lady Grey Taskforces, 1 Apex (I hate you), and gone on a killing spree at the "Wall" and Rikit war Zone (to farm Vanguard).
# of Purple Recipes gotten by me..... ZERO!
On one lady Grey Taskforce, a memeber of the group got 3!!... 3!! in a single TF *blarg*
Ok /vent off
Anyone else find that the RNG on Purples just hates them?
PS - I have multiple 50s and have NEVER seen a single Purple drop to any of my toons. -
I like the thought...
Lower a blaster health the higher there +DEF bonus
Might mean a blaster could survie for another 15 seconds under the aggro they generate.
And a Tanker that had there current Defieance + Guantlet would be kinda interesting... Certainly couldn't be any worse LOL. -
Knight Saber
Somewhat old SG, with not alot of memebersHowever we do have a working base complete with Teleporters, work bench, and Med center.
Always looking for more people. We are a low manitance SG, we play the game to have fun and relax. If you want a SG for PLing, HO raids and PVPs.. THIS IS NOT THE SG FOR YOU!!
We do go on Task Forces when there enof members online -
Positrons Task force has been needing a serious over haul since I3.. with the revamp of Faultline there realy no reason not to redo this task force. I think its fine to still have the final Mission be in faultline, since the zone is 15-25.. the upper level of the TF is 15 as it is..
Definitly should have the final map be on a instant zone of the Dam area itself, and i relay like the idea of hte boss with a key to get into the interior.
Have the final door be one of the biulding near the entrance to the dam area. After getting the Key from the boss inside you open a door in the back, going throw this door players arrive in a instant zone of the dam thats more in level with the Task Force.
CoT are definitly out of this TF.. adding aracnos I think would be best. We alreayd have a TF with Sky raiders and freaks, give us a low level Hero one with Arachnos.
On another note.. what so hard about getting a character to 15 to expeerience this zone? I think I put 3 or so hours into my blaster and shes just about 12th level now.