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  1. Bosstone

    Player's Summit

    At one time Positron (the in-game one) would have killed anyone near him if he ever left his power suit. He was quite literally trapped inside it. The Freakshow are into intense bodily mutilation and hackjob cybernetic grafts. Another character from another IP had to wear special glasses else release intensely powerful and dangerous energy beams from his eyes whenever they were open.

    Post-apoc most certainly doesn't have a lock on potentially grim/depressing/horrific situations, and as games like Fallout show, it doesn't have to be grim/depressing/horrific either.
  2. Bosstone

    Player's Summit

    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    If there is one genre that I despise, it has to be "post apocalyptic". It is almost uniformly depressing. The whole artistic movement has people with no imagination other than to see how much blood can be splattered or how much the human race has been "wrong" about whatever the artist has a beef over.
    And yet quite a lot of people like it, if the continual popularity of Fallout is anything to go by.

    So...sorry? They wound up with something you don't like. Doesn't mean everyone doesn't.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vauluur View Post
    Also, with +3 level shifts I'm not sure you'll regularly fight something that still cons as a +4.
    Pretty much not. Once you get your Alpha shift, nearly everything is going to be +3, and once you get either the Lore or Destiny shift, just about everything except for maybe one or two trial bosses will be +3.

    For that reason, it's not really worth building up your accuracy to hit +4s. +3 is pretty sufficient and easy, and Accuracy insps will bridge the gap when needed.
  4. This thread confuses me every time I see the title.

    I keep wanting to respond "Only when I press the movement keys."
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by xhris View Post
    Anyway, apparenlty this is not the kind of forum where people can actually voice their opinion and quote an actual announcement made by a redname. Didn't know that and I apologise.
    I love this argument. It's so ridiculous, and it never stops being so whenever it comes up.

    You voiced your opinion, right enough. What you want and are sulking about is that you expected people to agree, not laugh.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by xhris View Post
    So, ok apparently we get 2 new faces, the Living Ham and Mr. Constipated. Yes, this changes everything..
    Your own words:
    Originally Posted by xhris View Post
    Lame? The new policy takes sexism up to eleven. Zwillinger said no male items ever, so no new faces, new hairstyles, new anything. Only unisex and females exclusives. That's not lame, that's disgusting.
    Hate the policy for your own weird reasons if you must, but if they are directly contradicted by reality then don't be surprised when someone points it out.
  7. Bosstone

    Player's Summit

    Originally Posted by NuclearToast View Post
    This was a huge surprise to me too, although I don't like them and am probably biased.

    FWIW, a lot of people didn't like them because they knew the packs would be huge sellers and saw it as a dishonest way to empty wallets.

    So you can still hate on them even though they're successful.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by xhris View Post
    Except that already happened when extreme sexism became the official company policy. And I'm not planning on funding this stupidity, which in the long run will only mean less and less costume options for me.
    Look up a few posts.

    Your entire premise is wrong. Not just misguided, but proven incorrect.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
    So, I don't know where you saw that men wouldn't be getting new faces, but I'm thinking that who ever said it was wrong.
    It's a faulty assumption caused by badly misreading redname posts. He translated 'unisex and female costume pieces' to 'nothing for guys EVER, including hair and faces'.
  10. Bosstone

    Player's Summit

    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I think that BR placed so high because of the novelty factor of being the forst market power set, and the general market frenzy with the launch of Freedom - people have settled down now, and seem to plan their buying a lot more carefully.
    Also, just as a completely off-the-cuff guess: it's the only ranged set that's been offered for sale (at least, that's not free for VIPs), so if you want a new ranged set, you take Beam Rifle. On the other hand, if you want a new melee set, there was StJ and TW, and now Staff, to choose from. Splitting the vote, as it were.
  11. If you use Mids, in the Configuration options there's a page where you can adjust base to-hit. You can adjust it to 39 (base to-hit vs +4s) or 48 (base to-hit vs +3s). That will let you factor in things like Kismet or Tactics easily. But yeah, 144% Accuracy against +4 or 98% Accuracy against +3 to get 95% chance to hit.

    If you're mathly inclined, then you can figure it out by: 95/(39 + any to-hit buffs). So if you want to hit +4s and you have Kismet, that's 95/(39 + 6) = 95/45 = 2.11~. Subtract 1 for base accuracy and you're left with 111.11% accuracy needed.
  12. Agreed that it should be case-by-case. There are some cases where unintended consequences do not substantially harm the game and in fact improve the experience. Then there are others that are identified as exploits by the devs, do break balance, and quite literally the only reasons for keeping them are entirely self-serving.

    For example, the HO exploit was always stated to be an exploit. Powersets were not designed with the exploit in mind, and thus the exploit enabled them to achieve higher levels of performance than intended. The only reason given to keep them on was that players didn't want to lose their brokenness. The OP is on record as complaining hyperbolically that Shield Defense is now worthless, when in fact it was merely brought back in line with other defense powersets.
  13. *adds a mark to the 'Blasters are SUPPOSED to suck without billions of inf' tally*
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Leo_G View Post
    I want that loincloth *yoink*
    Gah, WARN people first! My eyes!
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    ((Z, you forgot this one.))

    MEMO: Please do not put staffs in the staff.

    Yes I know it's staves. That kills the joke.
  16. Addendum:

    Staff fighting staff fighting staff fighting staff staff staff fighting staff.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
    Am I the only person who isn't excited about this set at all? And is actually a little miffed that by the time I qualify for T9 VIP the only set I want pieces from (Celestial) will likely be pushed out by a set I don't really want at all (Mecha)?
    Everyone's unhappy about something. If they kept Celestial on you can bet someone would find a way to complain about that.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
    Seriously. WTF. Are you guys trying to piss off the paying customers here?

    The people who have Tier 9 have either been paying for this game for several years or have put in a couple hundred dollars in points to buy their way up the ladder. It's also only available to VIPs, who by definition are paying at least $10-15 a month, so the 7-year player who dropped to premium as soon as Freedom launched can't have it.

    Sure looks like they're rewarding paying customers to me.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Virfortis View Post
    You only say that because you're on the inside of the Patrician bubble, looking out.
    You can like or not like something. I get that you don't like this.

    But calling it insulting? That's just a weak attempt to shame Paragon into doing what you want. I have yet to see a credible criticism that mentioned being insulted.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Virfortis View Post
    This is just insulting, on an entirely new level.
    It's your decision to be insulted, and yours alone.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Virfortis View Post
    I already proved I was willing to pay for the costume set, just not the pathetic price NCSoft is wanting.
    Who said they wanted it? It's simply an option. What they want is to give some good stuff to long-time VIPs.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Virfortis View Post
    I'm sorry that you failed your "sense motive" check, try putting more points into intelligence. I indicated that I was a VIP at one point. I wouldn't mind buying the set, but at +$200 (to get the rest of the tokens) PLUS an extra $45-60 to get the set before it's gone, that's pathetic. I wouldn't mind if it was free for VIP either, as I'm only not a VIP because I can't play enough at the moment. I was going to re-sub for the summer, but now, screw it.
    In other words, you want it for free.

    I can understand being upset about Tier 9 VIP in general. I sympathize with not being in a position to obtain costume sets. But not caring about Tier 9 VIP until a set comes along you like? Yeah, that's wanting what you like to be free.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Acemace View Post
    To limit the amount of trouble I'm going to get into I'm just going to link to one low res screenie that was
    taken on test before the set was removed -for further polish, here. I can't wait. =]



    Psst, go look at post #23 in this thread.

    Or even just click here.
  24. Translation: "I like this, so it should be free!"