1191 -
There's no such thing as gender parity for game costume pieces when males only wear certain classes of clothing and females wear pretty much anything. I don't know why this is such a challenge for people to understand: the costume creator is NEVER going to be "fair" for both male and female characters. Ever. By all means, lobby for the items you want, but quit pretending "equality" is even possible.
The fabric of the Universe is disintegrating. We are all Doomed™.
Logged in to get the free pointy hat, even though I don't expect to use it. Saves me the trouble of ever wanting it, which would be inevitable if I didn't have it.
That's a good question. Haven't noticed whether it was a team that specifically engaged in a TF, or if this happened to a normal mission team. It doesn't happen as often any more, but I believe it has been just run-of-the-mill mission teams.
Edit: And just to be perfectly clear, I'm refering specifically to the "character seems to still be logged on after player logs off" bug. I've never encountered the "something ate my xp booster" bug. -
Quote:Like Shadowe, I have always seen this happen when a friend logs off while still part of a team. It's fixed only when they log in with a different character.To my knowledge, most of them have been fixed, but on occasion, I see someone on my global friends list marked in green with a character name, but dimmed out as if they were on a different server with no server name listed - a sure sign that they aren't logged in, but are still being counted as logged in.
Quote:Your opinion has been sufficiently expressed and duly noted.Funny how the idea that 'googling the costume bits' is such a common response. Because that is SO much easier than..you know..letting us actually PREVIEW them in game. Why should anyone be 'forced' to search for pics...when a preview is something we ought to have?
Because I DID google search the bits..and all I could find was a few old threads with screenshots from the front. Bit hard to see any gaps that way.
I also looked at a few people with the bits, in game. Didnt see gaps either. Great arguments.
The celestial rifle is still junk.
And yes, actually looking at the parts on another player in game is a perfectly valid approach. The fact that you didn't see the obvious gap tells me that either a) you didn't look very well, or b) you didn't look. -
The "ring floating behind the back" thing is sometimes used as an Eastern version of a halo. Several deities are occasionally portrayed this way, such as Benzaiten (Japan) and Kali (India), though carvings of them naturally show them attached, since the sculptors didn't have anti-gravity. Other artwork typically shows them detached, floating behind the shoulders. Depends a lot on the individual interpretation.
I've actually found this recurring topic ("free up character names") to be quite useful. It's nice to have something reliable to set my clocks by.
The preceding sound glitch and fairly consistent "playtime before crash" would also indicate some kind of progressive failure going on, whether it's heat related or something else.
Quote:Used the word "bored" up there. Nothing about laziness or difficulty involved. The zone-hopping, map-jogging and cut-scene make the Ramiel arc more than 5 minutes total, so hyperbole is just that. Neither threads nor influence are hard to come by in itrials, so an irrelevant point there, in my opinion. And in fact, after doing two BAFs, I did have threads and salvage enough to a) unlock the Alpha slot, and b) slot a tier 1 into it.Highly ineffecient. If you're too lazy to do the ramiel arc, or you're one of those people who think it's too hard, just auto unlock it in ouro using the voucher system, otherwise it's a 5 minute arc, and those threads (and influence) you would be burning to unlock the slot the way you mentioned could be put towards actually getting something slotted in it, the slot isn't worth anything if there is nothing in it.
It might be inefficient compared to the 5 Astrals for an Oro unlock (which would still require the equivalent of running at least one BAF), but it doesn't bore me to tears, the way the Ramiel arc has. -
As a side note, if you get bored of the Ramiel arc (as I did, rapidly), you can unlock Alpha with a BAF or two, particularly if you don't mind burning threads for ixp.
Off-topic discussion of "wizard" semantics is off-topic.
Bio Armor - either Claws or Spines, not sure yet. Possibly Katana.
Nature Affinity - definitely Beast Mastery.
Water Blast - probably Dark Miasma. -
Mysterious artifacts should always be studied by top... men...
And, like a large and unsurprising number of people in this thread, obviously has a less than useless understanding of copyright and intellectual property laws and, more importantly, their nebulous and extremely subjective enforcement.
Some folks need to do a bit of genuine study before opening their mouths. Not holding my breath on that, honestly. -
That really was all you needed to say the first time around. Having established that you don't actually care what input others might have here means that you're really just here to cry and stomp your feet.
Immersion? Exact duplicates? How about the fact that you have travel powers, while your duplicates/clones don't. Nor do they have any of your other pool powers. They didn't go to Warburg to get nukes. They didn't go to Bloody Bay to get Shivans. They didn't collect several dozen badges and their attendant accolades. None of their powers have enhancements or IO set bonuses. They can't use inspirations. And while this might be a bit of a stretch, they don't have a living, thinking being at the controls.
The irony of you demanding "fairness" when you have the opponent so hopelessly outclassed is astounding. -
Why is it that so many people labor under the ridiculous notion that the developers who work with the market are the same developers who work with "something serious" like PvP?..