150 -
/ss blaster would be nice .. tired of the old two...
i wish they'd release another pack for female players soon. I can make higher detailed stuff in photoshop in a couple hours. this stuff takes so long to get. i just want more clothing that is on the "tights" level really. there's just too much guys stuff in this pack.
pvp and cov will never mix for me. it's just not hardcore enough and how the whole game works... it's a straight to dvd movie where other games and I'm not even talking about mmorpgs, is where the real fighting players is at. I like the pve better. I wish they'd have just had completely separate servers for it so it didn't ruin the "balance" of powers in the pve game.
come to think of it they should ammend to this pack. There's more stuff for guys and then the hair for guys and the male normal or male huge. Guys would be inclined to use it more. I think they should add the stockings for girls at the least but it still feels lacking.
Since the males got that hair, it would have been nice to see some clothing for the leg section of the female, like regular stockings isntead of fishnet. Various comic book artists have shown this over the years (Chris DeSimone, Chaos Comics, Masamune Shirow and several other artists, even Cambell) for female scientists. That costume piece was something asked for in the big thread years ago, so it would have been nice to see it. I'd definitely buy it then. There's just not enough in this one. I'm kind of tired of waiting for more normal female clothing to be released.
[/ QUOTE ]
It is extremely easy to make "stocking" for females with the current creator. Just choose tights and get a shade a little different from your skin. Trust me. It works. My friend pulled it off really nicely.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yeah I've been doing it that exact way but i want something authentic with the pulling and the straps. pretty easy to do. Another game I won't mention added it finally and stuff like that in another game called Second Life (which I'm pretty sure is okay to mention) it's easy to do that too. It would make it at least one reason I'd buy this. I don't play guy characters or really like the mad scientist thing. Nice pack, just would have liked a little more for the girl player. In some game I played not that long ago the female mad scientist dressed this way. Also that Chaos! Comics Classic horror monsters 4 issue release a LONG time ago depicted them that way. So it would have worked well for the female mad scientist without the work around we both discussed. -
Since the males got that hair, it would have been nice to see some clothing for the leg section of the female, like regular stockings isntead of fishnet. Various comic book artists have shown this over the years (Chris DeSimone, Chaos Comics, Masamune Shirow and several other artists, even Cambell) for female scientists. That costume piece was something asked for in the big thread years ago, so it would have been nice to see it. I'd definitely buy it then. There's just not enough in this one. I'm kind of tired of waiting for more normal female clothing to be released.
yeah but not everyone is in a sgor buys money online, so it is hard to get those sets, and still slot everything on a few other characters =(
yeah that range nerf sucks. Castle needs to actually play the game. everytime something is fun or good in this game they nerf it to the point of playing this game is pointless because down the road as he does his 'job" more sets will fall like this with the line "it was broken" or "wasn't working as intended." SO sick of that nonsense.
castle screwed up with psi bad. Like hey let's nerf it so people don't play it. Really good developer logic. I wish someone a bit more experienced...
I wish we can opt to have missions we make not be rated. I don't want people I don't know rating them. It's just stupid that I have to deal with that or someone has to message me complaining how hard something is (that I can solo or duo with no problems.) I don't make my missions for everyone just for me and maybe 1 friend and I DO want the experience, infamy and even debt from mistakes in battle but I don't want some strangers rating my missions bad because they are too small minded or too poor a player to complete them. It's frustrating me so much. Testing them would be fine if we got the exp/inf for it. I could care less about the little ticket system or badges that are worthless to me.
"When in a big crowd, is often overwhelme"
Did you see the scene in Batman Begins when he drops down into the middle of an entire group of bad guys in that warehouse and beats on them all? I guess if you take into account Dark Knight he seems to be able to handle any situation though. If I were to make him in this game I'd probably go stalker though and then when the expansion hits, switch sides. Maybe that spy class has melee though. I don't know really. -
The one guide posted in the guides is basically what I use and it works fine. Both my bane and crab can solo anything. I don't use any sets because I don't have any friends to give me money and I don't farm or play the market game because I don't have time like that, so I just use regular IOs and a couple SOs and the only issue I have occasionally is with accuracy (since I removed offensive training for venom grenade) but I might switch it back. I noticed solo that I could kill faster than the grenade works with how I play anyway. If you are a twitch style player (play a lot of fps) then you can probably do without venom grenade and kill quick. Most people in this game are slow players from what I've seen or kind of lazy on the keyboard. I guess I could slot most of my attacks with 2 accuracy but I like the faster recharge. Again for me it's just a money issue. maybe in 2012 i'll have enough money after playing from issue 1 to actually afford sets for one character.
hm my fortunata build is the same as above (other than super speed and soul tentacles) and it survives well but I feel like the damage is horrible. The night widow on the other hand even with recharge feels slow to me and when it hits, it doesn't hit like a bane which bugs me. I'm having trouble finding a middle ground where with either the night widow or the fortunata I'm able to kill well and do something impressive. I definitely won't complain about it's survivability though.
I thought it would be up at midnight central or eastern but i guess not.
I'd pay 100 dollars for an all access pack that gives you the taskforce costume pieces since I never group or have time to. I mean i have them in the MA now but not for myself. They aren't that great looking (roman stuff for instance) but since I'll never group or do a taskforce i'd pay the 100 for those too. -
You have your healing flames at 48% slotted with 3 so's? That percentage is way off! At lvl 25 and 3 white so's, I think I have like 780 hp and only heal for like 268 with healing flames. That is closer to 35%. This guide kind of reminds me on how I tried to build a tank into a damage dealer when I first started playing coh. I've found it better to play to an archetype's strengths. If you want to be a wall, build a tank. If you want to be a melee class who deals massive melee damage, be a scrapper, brute, or stalker.
[/ QUOTE ]
actually my /em blaster out melee damages scrapper brute and stalker classes all of which I play and play with in rikti zone. That's not even counting all the HIGH end ranged damage. -
Yeah it feels like my individuality isn't there outside the character creation screen, although the new allowing us to scale now, similar to poser is cool. I just wish they would have some more interesting faces. Besides, regardless of the genre (superhereos),story, arch types, missions or environments, the most important thing is fun. "Fun" is not one of those things that can be pigeonholed and easily created and emulated. It's all about the intangibles. How can they tweak this one skill to make it more fun? What would make this environment more enjoyable? That's what I was getting at.
I also agree 100% with your last post. The same can be said about the blaster archtype/class too I think. -
I understand, words are always taken wrong online.
I work on games myself. FPS genre, so I am well aware of how long it takes to change stuff. I am just saying the variety (in the missions) is an issue. Also with life short and time precious... waiting isn't the best. Rushing isn't either but if they took a lot of the good ideas that are here and used that as a base to put up on the test server, people could get "hands on" and start giving the developers more feedback and things could start happening.
I've played just about every mmo out and this one is the most original definitely and if you just read my last post, I do like a lot. There are some things I don't like though. Not liking something 100% doesnt mean you should "move on." No, I just want to see some action again on test where it won't harm anything. I have tried every arch type, I like this one the best. I don't want to play any others I don't like. Again that doesn't mean the game isn't for me. I am faithful to the one I do like. I enjoy it the most. I posted some ideas. I never said I hated clicking on anything either. I don't click anything actually, I use binds...irrelevant though. I already posted an idea about defense. You know in a ranged combat battle I could see a person skilled in just that, saying "let me handle this", thus this would be a basic idea for some sort of defense for blasters at least vs anything ranged. We already get hit hard in melee as we all know. I like the melee secondaries because with timing you can use them and suffer no damage from an enemy. It's just about timing which can be pretty shakey right now and more a gamble sometimes then a proven art, at least against the AI. I do know some of the others like fire need work. We've all heard this though.
Right now because of the changes they made it's a bit harder than before to handle things. Not impossible but it just feels wrong when you look around at other arch types fighting (like a few others posted).
I was here at beta and I left and came back 2 times now, and I still see some same problems yet they somehow managed to bypass these problems and get right to work on an expansion pack. I really think they should stablize what we have now though. Take these ideas and flesh out a base build on test for people to work with and provide feedback from both PvE and PvP. I think the former is really important too as it was where this game started and a lot of people I talk to liked this game for that specifically and now there is a whole new element that added which caused confusion between the two styles of play (pve/pvp). They make alterations to accomidate PvP and it hurts PvE. This kind of situation has been seen in many MMO's in the past. -
I love superheros too (collect comics weekly, movies, game etc) but come on the missions are anything but interesting when you've done them over and over and over. I still love the game, actually the pvp is more fun to me then the rest of the game. I enjoy most of the content but there are some things I don't like, if it's wrong and bothers you in how I voiced it, then that's your problem, not mine. I'm not posting for you. I do have distaste though after all this time. I have HUGE distaste - I should be crucified.
I added a few other comments too in my past post about the "changes." Still, most people covered everything in this thread honestly there is a lot of reiteration at least on the aspects I would even begin to touch on. I like the thread so I posted. Also obviously you didn't read my last post, because I said I liked melee personally as the secondary although sure there should be changes not just to the obvious, but a few other things. I think blasters should have an ability to handle ranged combat from an enemy better since they would be experts in the art of "shoot outs", I also stated. Perhaps a marksmentship ranged training ability to define a better sort of defense/offense against other ranged users. Sorry you got all upset. You should leave and cool down maybe. Sounds like you had a bad day, and I won't comment any more on it.
It is true from a perspective that going slow on some changes after there is a wealth of dicussion to start implimenting and testing it now would be unwise...when new games are coming. Why make people wait? I really think they should deal with these changes for blaster before they think about releasing an expansion. I love superheros but hating to wait months and months for something is not then in turn saying I don't. Heh. You're crazy to think that. Life is too short to wait around and I would just like to see some changes made soon. I would like the devs to use this thread and many others, there is a lot of key info here, and put together a base at least for testing on the test server. Action needs to be taken, the talking has been done. -
Well those mission can get a bit boring. I love the blaster class so much and that love has carried me through those missions. I just know sometimes people would say "play another class", but this is the one I love (and I have tried the others), plus any doing those mission again is not fun. That also ties into the balancing of the secondaries. You know where people find out fire secondary (like me) isn't that great. Or even if you play around for awhile to find you don't like one, then remaking the character and going through everything again can be tiresome. I guess that part of the post may sound like a compliant but hey it would be cool to see some new and more interesting missions - more variety... of course AFTER they fix up blasters.
It's fun to read one post, then think you have ideas to add such as I did. Then suddenly 4 pages later someone posted those ideas. This repeats and now I am fresh out of ideas for changes. It seems everyone has covered the most important points. I believe Concern's post was definitely what I was envisioning personally. I know some points might tread into other "ats" but theyhave a few of our powers too. I personally like the melee stuff, things do get close and I am very fast to hit them with my melee. It's like a bayonet on a rifle sort of thing you know? I don't have problems managing the ranged with the melee. I just don't like how the ranged is currently, not to mention how defenseless I feel. Not that it stops me. I just feel I have no choice, but the way blasters are built, you would think there would be some defense. Such as we should be better at "dodging" ranged attacks from other ranged enemies since as a blaster we are specialized in "shoot-out" style combat. -
That is constructive. Should I open the game files and start working on the game? Seriously saying what the guy above said. It is much harder now. I can't believe in these communities people accept bd changes. I could sit here and write constructive changes in detail but it's been done. I work on games myself (not this type) but I have a good sense of balance and things do need to be changed to blasters right now. As the person above said what blasters are described as and what they really are right now are not the same. It's a bit misleading and like the person above also said, it is a bit frustrating when you see people with their alts outleveling your main character you are trying so desperately hard to play.
Maybe you took the tone of my post wrong and didn't read a lot of other ones saying similar stuff. Wanting things fixed is wrong? How I voice it to you is wrong? I am my own person and I am just stating how it is from my<--(key word) perspective. I do like the game, I liked how it was before some changes and you know yourself I am sure being an intelligent person, that some changes can be wrong and bad in this world. I want to stay and remain faithful but with life so short (unless you have nothing to do but wait), why wait for changes?
By now the devs have read everything about this already anyway in regards to being "constructive."
And actually like these points from Concern
This is what I would like to see happen to blasters.
1. Impliment PvP damage resist bypass in PvE.
2. Increase the range of all primary powers to be greater than the Diameter of Foot Stomp. Greater.
3. Take all PbAoE status effects and toggles in Blaster Secondaries and make them summonable drops or target toggles. Other than cloaking device of course.
4. Make all current melee attacks have a range of 20 feet, either by changing the animations or just letting them have the range. Increase the damage on Melee AoE attack powers again.
5. (stolen idea) Give each single target attack a -10% res that lasts 5 seconds. This not only helps boost the blasters damage a minute amount but also allows the blaster to help a team. Thus encouraging teaming.
6. Swap the damage caps of blasters and scrappers.
7. Remove the rooting effect from blaster attacks.
8. Faster activation times on powers for blasters.
9. Making level 32 nukes into more useable AoE powers like Head Splitter or Full-Auto and less situational all end consuming powers.
[/ QUOTE ]
I actually agree a lot with point's 2,4,6,7 and 8 /although all are good. -
Yeah I see that and I am SORRY I posted wrong to you in your thread (I did read it too, it's great), but honestly how can we do this? It's just kidding ourselves when what needs to be done, can't be done by us. I do see where you are going with the thread but seems like this is just what they want us to do, when what needs to be done is things just need to be fixed, and I know there are other threads like that.
Best advice I can give then is to voice your opinion on how things should be changed and hope they change it. In the meantime any new "tricks" you do to fight better, be it ranged or surprise attack etc (the ones you mentioned) would only strengthen and add to our playstyle later when they finally put the big band-aid on the hurt blasters. -
They just need to fix us damn it. Instead they put their efforts to arenas and gimmicks. That might be cool but it's like building a car and then doing a half [censored] job on the engine (the blaster) just to get to the paint job (the arena). PvP is cool and all but just in general, pve/pvp whatever, blasters need help and we can't wait a George Lucas amount of time for another issue. This game doesn't have that kind of magic anyway. They just need to seriously work this out now before adding more features or an expansion pack.
I'm tired of every mmo I try, weakening ranged classes. I just had that problem in WoW with Hunters so I quit come to this game and I noticed after the very last patch that it's even harder now to play to the point of not even wanting to because it's not really fun... not to mention missing a lot more now.
I think there's some club for mmo devs or maybe they teach them this in some mmorpg 101 course, where they make a cool ranged class and everyone likes it, then they nerf it (usually damage). It's also not just one nerf, but they keep doing it and doing it to the point of where it feels like the class is hanging on extinction. Then patch after patch comes and there's no new changes for us, maybe bad ones but nothing actually better.
I really don't want to wait until the next issue to see blasters get fixed up. If this game was good I would be faithful to it, but so many new mmos are coming. I just hope if they don't fix it, they see the hurt when a lot of people move on (leave). Right now, it sucks to even log in and play and I don't want to make alts and do the same lame missions of killing a bunch of guys and clicking on glowing boxes or rescuing some hostages, it's so damn repetitive.
COV won't be anything special if they can't even get the act together in COH. -
I was looking for something like this on the server but not like something where I am going to lose my individuality because I have to obey some costume code. I won't. I rather keep it small anyway.
I also read there was an actual fire fire blaster group at one time. Someone contacted me, this still around? -
I'd be curious to know where you went after 38. I started playing and I am totally lost. People are a little intimidating in this game compaired to others I have played, so when I ask questions in game I usually don't get a friendly or straight answer. Not to mention they take what you pick on your character too serious. It should be about fun, but maybe these days being 133t in CoH on your resume, gets you high paying jobs, the perfect signifigant other and high society status.
Anyway, if you or anyone can post your recent fire fire builds, I would be really interested. I'm not too good with the acroynmns yet or anything, and the documentations tough to get right since half is outdated. Thanks.