Blood Spectre

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  1. Who are you padding all that post count for anyway? The Mod? Is that it? Mod?

    Let me give you a litle inside information about Mod. He likes to watch. He's a lurker. Think about it. He gives users flamebait. He gives you this extraordinary topic, and what does he do, I swear, for his own amusement, his own private, roflolcopter, he sets the user guidelines in opposition! It's the fail of all time. Post, but don't swear. Swear, but don't flame. Flame... Don't troll. Lol! And while you're hopping from one thread to the next, what's he doing? He's lulzing his sick ******* *** off! He's a grammer-nazi! He's a sadist! He's a n00b! Follow that?? Never!
  2. RaiderRich: You're the worst threadjacker I ever heard of!
    Sleestack: But you HAVE heard of me!
  3. I haven't been reading your ideas, although I am sure they are good, because our community is, in my experience, pretty sharp.

    Which is why I want to ask this simple question. Why should WE have to fix stuff like this? It's not our job to make these forums safe. We're supposed to be able to trust NC to do this.

    Now this damn post is going to sit there collecting free advertisement for it's criminal operation until Tuesday, you know that right? Because we have zero, ZERO moderation over weekends and holidays. Does that sound right to you? People have been known to flame and threadjack with impunity on Friday night in the full awareness that nobody will do anything about it until Monday morning. These is just the worst abuse of a gaping hole in our security that has been unadressed for some time.

    Listen, I'm not saying our dedicated NC personel dont deserve a weekend off. I'd never say that. I'd simply pose this question. How much would it really cost to pay someone for an hour or two a weekend to just buzz through and kill threads like the one in question? How is that not a sound investment for NC? The cost would be minimal, the job could probably be done from home, and we wouldn't descend into this kind of anarchy every weekend.

    Anyway, I just wanted to put that out there.
  4. Flamewar.
    Famewar never changes.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
    Well most of the answer would only mean anything if you've watched the seasons that you haven't watched. And kitsune's answer was a bit tounge and cheek....there is a single answer but much like an onion there are layers to it.

    Short answer: The smoke monster is the Man in Black (introduced season 5)

    Longer answer: Jacob and MiB were born on the island thousands of years ago after their pregnant mother washed up on the island. Their mother was rescued by a lone woman (Mother- Allison Janney) who helped her with her labor and subsequently killed her after giving birth and raised the boys for her own. Mother raised them very strict telling them there was no other world besides the island. When they found there were other people on the island she forbade them to interact with the other people. The boys only activity was playing a "chess like" game with black and white rocks. MiB defied her and went to live with them, leaving Mother no choice but to eventually give shepherdship of the island over to Jacob and the job to protect the "Light of the Island" a hidden cave with a golden glow and mysterious properties. She eventually goes over and slaughters all of the other people, to which MiB kills her in retaliation. Jacob in despair throws MiB into the cave with the "Light of the Island" which immediately expels Smokie and the dead body of MiB. He then buries Mother and MiB in the cave (Adam and Eve from an early season episode) with his game pieces. Later it is seen that "Smokie" is in the form of MiB and seems to have memories and follow the rules that Mother laid out. One of which is that they can never harm each other. Whether Smokie is either the soul of MiB (or somehow the MiB himself), pure evil taking the form of the MiB, or even Jacobs guilt manefested or some combination of the those leads to the "3 possibility theory". Smokie has also shown to take the form of other dead people: Christian Shepherd (on the island from Season 1 on) and John Locke (Season 5 on) are two important examples. It was shown that over the years Jacob and MiB kind of played a real world version of their game with people. They both had fundamental differences in how they viewed people and how they approached "the game". Jacob for one chose not to interact directly with people's decisions. Kind of a fate v. free will thing. (But that is a very simplistic explanation)

    Hope that helps.
    Huh. Sounds like the show got a lot better after I left.
  6. Blood Spectre


    I just have a quick question and then I'll stop bothering you guys. I'm at work right now so I cant check myself. Are the Vanguard (Sword) among the list of NPCs we can fight in MA? What about their signature characters? (Borea, Laventra Serpent Drummer, Gaussian, Dark Watcher, Lady Grey appologies for spelling)

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
    If I get the philosphies right, Paragon City is a typically flawed Democratic Republic (or similar). People elect leaders, there are social programs, there are laws designed to provide justice and equality.

    The Rogue Isles is evolved anarchy. People have jobs and there are hospitals, but there is no Bill of Rights. There are no laws, only common sense rules like "Don't cross Arachnos" and "Don't pick fights with people that can beat you up." There are organizations, but no labor unions or means of legal recourse against an employer. There are police, but they have no internal or peer review, they do what they want how they want and keep up appearances just enought to keep Arachnos from replacing them. I doubt that the Rogue Isles hold elections, and their idea of a social program is likely feeding the homeless to the Arachnoids.

    The difference between Paragon and the Rogue Isles is like night and day, as it should be: the Rogue Isles are a dystopia, a cautionary tale: "this is what happens when you let the (nicer) bad guys win."

    Of course, the Rogue Isles are not a total dystopia, just as PC is not a total utopia.

    In Paragon City, white collar criminals like Countess Crey can hide behind the law for years at a time.

    In the Rogue Isles, it doesn't matter if you toe the line or not; when someone with greater power wants what you have they will come and take it; there are no (effective) laws to hide behind.

    Feeding all of the lawyers to the Arachnoids (but not the Snakes; common courtesy) is probably the first thing Recluse did.
    This is a pretty concise summation, in my opinion.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
    "What was the smoke monster?

    What if I told you there were at least 3, possibly conflicting, complete and total answers to that?
    I would ask for all three before passing judgement.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by falloutsurvivor View Post
    The lost are Mind controlled.

    They are forced to work for the rikti.
    They are homeless who are captured and brainwashed by the Rikti in the Sewer so they fight for them.
    Not really. They become part of the Rikti group mind and come to embrace different ideals in most cases. It's not mind control, just a radical alteration in perspective.
  10. I stopped watching this early in the second season, so I have no idea what the story was like at the end. I just want to know one thing. What was the smoke monster?

    If there is a complete and total answer to that, I'll be happy.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GreenFIame View Post
    Not really since Arachnos first Attack Paragon City first, which cause the heroes to lose there powers, read Coh comic's by Top Cow call Hard Crash. The first Time Lord Recluse and the other Villains first Show up and don't forget them Attacking the The prison, The Zig and freeing all the bad guys there.
    sentence structure
    ur doin it rong

    That said, you make very good points. Recluse did depower all the heroes in Paragon in the hard crash storyline. And yet, the people of Paragon City were happier without super powered conflict exploding into their lives every day. Well, anyway, that didn't pan out for anybody. But I don't believe that, in the course of fighting for their lives, murdering Statesman, commiting suicide in order to ressurect him, and driving Recluse and his cronies away, that the FP stopped to gather any incriminating evidence of Recluse's attack. You and I know what happened, but it's not public knowlege.

    If Countess Crey can keep spinning her wheels and getting away with it, then so can Recluse. Though I will concede the Countess her superior fashion sense.

    It's the same for the Break Out. The Zig is not a very secure place, and with all those super powered inmates to account for, who can say exactly what happened on the day of any given escape? Nobody, conclusively.

    Well, my villains could tell you, but they wouldn't.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bounder View Post
    Your skin is ugly.

    But you see how I said sorry at the end there. I knew I was being lame and whiney, and was acknowledging that. That's why you pointing it out here doesn't bother me. I already pointed it out myself.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bounder View Post
    You are the one that quoted me first and then threw out the whiners line, champ.

    If aspects of the buff don't bother you, fine. Obviously it does bother others enough for them to wish a change. Doesn't equate them as lame.

    I'm sure there are things you find annoying that others do not. Someone shouldnt jump out of nowhere and call you lame and whiner for it.
    That is exactly what they should do if I start lamely whining about the little things that bother me.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bounder View Post
    To throw it back at you: Are you whining about people you think are whiners? Tsk. See how silly that was for me to throw out there? Same as you.

    Seriously, why shouldn't people have choices? Why call people that want a quality of life change whiners? Do you not want people to be able to decline something you know annoys them just so you can be a little RPG bully and get glee from inflicting it on them?
    You dont know me champ. I've never tossed out a Fortune on someone who didnt cast it on me first. I figure most people do unto others as they'd have others do unto them.

    I just think making a huge deal about it the way you are is pretty lame. It's NOT a big sound, it's NOT a big graphic, and it's NOT a sizable buff. Don't be such a whiner about it.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by dave_p View Post
    You *can* use it to your advantage by tailoring your market uses to take advantage of our wonderful new "features". Like selling multiple copies of the same thing. So basically, I'm letting the new market UI dictate how I'm conducting at least some of my business. Social engineering ftw.

    Oh, and I'm still loving unchecking all my helpful warnings and auto-complete "features" every. Single. Time. I log in. Thanks again devs. Oh wait, they don't read this forum, I forgot.
    I'm almost never selling 2 of the same thing. I'm usually selling my loot, which rarely drops in multiples of the same damn thing. This feature is beyond useless. I actually marketeer less now because it basically doubles the time it takes for me to list any given item. Man, it pisses me off. Sorry just needed to blow off some steam there.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
    Now here would be something, Blood, imagine Sister Psyche in the new Mother Mayhem's outfit, or some variation.

    Edit: @ Golden Girl: a bit of costume advice I can give you it to combine the Witch bare top with say Martial Arts 1 robe or casual blazer and other such low-cut over tops to give the look of a nicely Buxom lady without a Witchy look.

    Finally: "No Distinguishing marks" I see two. ... Yeah it was already done, but still.
    It's hard to improve on the sexyness of an outfit that is basically green electrical tape and high heels.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    She doesn't look nearly as pouty as Mother Mayhem
    That's actually a part of my point!
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bounder View Post
    I sure notice it. On a team whith dozens of things going on, it kinda gets drowned out, but not always. Otherwise, its a sharp pain to my ear every 7 seconds. Some people are just more sensitive to different sounds than others.
    Others are just whiners.
  19. What can I say, I have a soft spot for redheads.
  20. Cool stuff, but our universe's Sister Psyche is way hotter.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ideon View Post
    Having played through Lady Grey Task Force so many times, even with the recent green mito buff (which we still got through using a PuG without nukes or pets or controllers or dominators!), the strength of the AVs is just a tad... weak.

    The Honoree is meant to be an epic-class AV who was a Hero-class entity transformed into a super Rikti/AV hybrid. Sure, he has Unstoppable which would push his Smash/Lethal resists beyond 100%, but almost all of the time he never uses it.

    Dra'Gon and Lord of War: Hro'Dtohz are fairly big, and wearing giant armour and everything and they fall faster. Sure, Dra'Gon does exotic element damage, but most Tankers/Scrappers/Brutes have no problem with that anyway.

    For a future update, might it be feasible to give The Honoree Reichsman-class HP, and Dra'Gon and Hro'Dtohz half of Reichsman-class HP? Also, allow Honoree to summon backup from the portal or something at 75%/50%/25% health if the generators weren't taken down (shutting down the portal) before engaging him in battle.

    This would make the fights with the AVs more longer-lasting, as well as more tense due to backup, and increasing task force time, perhaps?
    If the game is too easy for you, perhaps you could avail yourself of the difficulty options already in the game and not **** up the TF for everyone else.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Castle View Post
    I don't disagree.

    I'll be reducing the Green Mito Protection to 15 later this idea how long it'll take to get to the servers, but there it is.
    Good show man. Good show.