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  1. Blackleviathan

    i24 badges?

    Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
    At this point, it is looking like it is going to be a badge-light issue. Mainly accomplishment badges.

    And I still haven't found a group capable of doing the Hard Way badge, let alone the Really Hard Way.

    Sorry for the gripe, but I don't feel like a "master of badges". I know it isn't solely my fault in this case though, but it doesn't matter.
    I only called you "master" cause you are on the ball with getting issue badges n stuff up on forums ^^

    And also: Yeah I have only 2 badges still from Mag trial... 1 out of like 20 teams ive been got through it and have SHadow master and completion badge.... thats all :C and so many people farming 1st half is mostly done.
  2. Blackleviathan


    Welcome back if your coming back to CoH
  3. Blackleviathan

    i24 badges?

    nice ill have to take a look at that ty!
  4. Blackleviathan

    i24 badges?

    anything yet for like zone events, arcs?
    just wondering
    hopefully the master of badges (snow globe) will have that info up
  5. Blackleviathan

    Starter package

    I thought they had a starter bundle unless that was limited time.... the power ups, the one 30 day jet pack, are a good starting items. like ninja/beast run are a good perma travel power too.

    alignment system is nice to have too so it gives you more zones to go to vill/hero side.

    probably one thing thats a lot of fun if your into all the costume creating is the super tailor access.
  6. Blackleviathan

    Busy, busy, busy

    mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm memes.......
  7. Theres that and Id LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE to have more Global friend slots would be an awesome QoL thing too
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    what did the instant snowstorm do? Was it an attack power or just for visual affect?
    just a visual effect.... but a neat one that looks like a lot of snow flakes falling around you n stuff....
  9. totally random but they should have the [instant snowstorm] on paragon market during winter and have a perma version of it like snowball n stuff.
  10. The Devs have already said this wouldnt work to change powersets once youve made a toon. just how you rechoose the order you get powers n stuff..
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LSK View Post
    I thought there was something like that if you do to many chats at a time u get silenced from chatting for a few min.
    theres that.... but like have a delay after a post so that you cant spam the help/lfg channel
    like have it say: "wait 15 more seconds to post in help channel" kinda how theres a 30 second delay when changing costumes only make it like 10 or 15 seconds.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
    I would love it if Catalysts could be traded. I need a ton of them.
    I have like 25 i dont need D: i wish i could give you some
  13. They should have the incarnates at least work till like level 40 (maybe 35) because I'm always getting stuck doing people's patron arcs and then always doing it at 35-40 range

    Theres that and being able to use incarnates on the long freakin tf of dr q would be awesome and probably cut it down be another 1/2 hour to hour with incandescent power and judgement powers for kill all missions
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    Well in the villain arc, you get to choose how many of you you face... all the way up to 8. It gets pretty absurd. I did it as a Demon/Thermal once. They were all hardcapped resistance, they kept rezzing and healing each other... I had to wait five levels and come back.
    Fighting a bunch of duel blade/regen stalker clones Is fun :3
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zenlon View Post
    I am *so* excited for this event. I love in-game dev participations and other goodies!
    ANNI!!!!!!! Add me on here ya crazy man!
  16. Blackleviathan

    Soon (tm)

    Originally Posted by LaLoca_Mo View Post
    When will we be able to mix Boleros with wings again?!?
    that would be awesome to do trench coat w/ wings D:
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by cursedsorcerer View Post
    Bad idea: Doing an Incarnate Trial with AE/DFB babies.

    Good idea: Waiting patiently for I24 beta.
    bad Idea: badgering the Devs to push i24 launch sooner and have a ton of bugs still

    Good Idea: using help channel for its intended purpose
  18. all I want to know is there going to be a badge for this event and the rikti invasion other than the 3 for the accolade?
  19. Blackleviathan

    Worst MMO ever

    Originally Posted by Venture View Post
    By not getting involved in the first place.
    dittto here :P
  20. They really need to put like a timer on help channel so its not flooded with spam as well as inf spammers spamming their crap all the time.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Master0fCeremony View Post

    Maybe Cole's Nuke blew up parts of praetorian zones right into the orbit.
    Mmh, no to easy...
    YAAAAAAAAAAAAAYY another outer space zone and map!!!!
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    Well, in that case I could see Pendragon OR Aurora doing it, but it'd be more likely that BaBs ends up standing there and those three are scattered around the city and the isles.

    Because currently BaBs is the only one that doesn't do anything, I believe. Except states and sister, but they're dead so they can take a break. BaBs just stands around in a police station, I think.
    I would be nice if BaBs could be where liberty is and have 1 trainer in AP
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    i24 looks great, but I don't think those three will be standing in Atlas like that. Looks like a posed shot.
    I think you might be right. I think ms liberty is more of an iconic person to be there and it would suck to have that Changed.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mad Grim View Post
    Frankly I'm not sure who's arguing what anymore. All I know is I disagree with both of them.
    I know that feeling oh too well