HELP yourself tab
There is this wonderful thing called IGNORE. If you don't like the conversation going on, you can add those people to ignore and go about your business. Should the conversation be going into an area that might be worth sending in a petition about someone's conduct, you can petition and maybe the GMs will put a damper on it.
However, I would like to point out that there is this wonderful thing (tho sometimes annoying) called Freedom of Speech. People have a right to say just about anything they want to (with few exceptions) without fear of retaliation. Given that this game is run by a private company, they do have the right to restrain speech when it violates their rules. But, the only real measure you have against it is to /ignore.
@ Dr Gemini
�If we would come together and be great role models, it would be amazing to see how the next generation turns out.� |
There is this wonderful thing called IGNORE. If you don't like the conversation going on, you can add those people to ignore and go about your business. Should the conversation be going into an area that might be worth sending in a petition about someone's conduct, you can petition and maybe the GMs will put a damper on it.
However, I would like to point out that there is this wonderful thing (tho sometimes annoying) called Freedom of Speech. People have a right to say just about anything they want to (with few exceptions) without fear of retaliation. Given that this game is run by a private company, they do have the right to restrain speech when it violates their rules. But, the only real measure you have against it is to /ignore. |
City of Heroes User Agreement
City of Heroes Rules of Conduct
If anyone is in violation of either of them, type /protest and report their character name and/or global name. Use /getglobalname and/or /getlocalname if you do not know them. Everything said in any chat channel is logged. A NCsoft support person will review the report and the chat log and if the person is found in violation of either set of rules, then appropriate measures will be taken.
In the mean time, the only thing you can really do is /ignore, /gignore, or right click on their name and click "ignore spammer" or "ignore".

However, I would like to point out that there is this wonderful thing (tho sometimes annoying) called Freedom of Speech. People have a right to say just about anything they want to (with few exceptions) without fear of retaliation. Given that this game is run by a private company, they do have the right to restrain speech when it violates their rules. But, the only real measure you have against it is to /ignore.
City of Heroes User Agreement
City of Heroes Rules of Conduct If anyone is in violation of either of them, type /protest and report their character name and/or global name. Use /getglobalname and/or /getlocalname if you do not know them. Everything said in any chat channel is logged. A NCsoft support person will review the report and the chat log and if the person is found in violation of either set of rules, then appropriate measures will be taken. In the mean time, the only thing you can really do is /ignore, /gignore, or right click on their name and click "ignore spammer" or "ignore". |
There is this wonderful thing called IGNORE. If you don't like the conversation going on, you can add those people to ignore and go about your business. Should the conversation be going into an area that might be worth sending in a petition about someone's conduct, you can petition and maybe the GMs will put a damper on it.
However, I would like to point out that there is this wonderful thing (tho sometimes annoying) called Freedom of Speech. People have a right to say just about anything they want to (with few exceptions) without fear of retaliation. Given that this game is run by a private company, they do have the right to restrain speech when it violates their rules. But, the only real measure you have against it is to /ignore. |
@ Dr Gemini
�If we would come together and be great role models, it would be amazing to see how the next generation turns out.� |
How very condescending of you...and how very mistaken. As I mentioned, these individuals are harassing people who are using the HELP chat area to ask for help rather than for reenacting their favorite lunch-room diatribes...and those diatribes seem to be primarily about how everyone else (for some reason primarily Canadians) are inferior.
You can A) Ignore them. or B) Report them if their conduct falls against the rules.
This is also why I do not use the help channel very much because many of us know that the "Help" channel has simply become an extension of the kind of chatter that makes Atlas park no longer the place to be.
@ Dr Gemini
�If we would come together and be great role models, it would be amazing to see how the next generation turns out.� |
They really need to put like a timer on help channel so its not flooded with spam as well as inf spammers spamming their crap all the time.

I thought there was something like that if you do to many chats at a time u get silenced from chatting for a few min.
like have it say: "wait 15 more seconds to post in help channel" kinda how theres a 30 second delay when changing costumes only make it like 10 or 15 seconds.

The HC on Freedom is mainly used as peeps personal blog/twitter account/instigate. As others have alrdy stated, "just use the ignore feature." Any valid question will be answered and with proper usage of this ignore function you are sure to see desired response.
The HC on Freedom is mainly used as peeps personal blog/twitter account/instigate. As others have alrdy stated, "just use the ignore feature." Any valid question will be answered and with proper usage of this ignore function you are sure to see desired response.

When did the HELP tab become the personal chat room for a band of pubescent teabaggers? When they're not mocking people who're asking legitimate questions they're nattering on about how much they hate Canadians (seriously!) or people who "play the race card". Is there a procedure for this? I'd ask in the HELP room but....