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When using Teleport powers such as Recall Friend, Assemble Team, the Pocket D VIP, the Base Teleport and the Mission Teleport, the character using them does a funny spastic animation now, as if he/she is continually starting the teleport process but cannot settle into using it.
Is this a known issue? I can't seem to find anything about it.
Okay. I'm glad that we have reorganized the emotes to included all of those that weren't previously. But what happened to the quick links? I used to be able to use lots of emotes quickly by using these. If you don't know what I mean here's some examples.
'ev = /e victory
'ew = /e winner
'gw = /e welcome (with Welcome! text)
'of = /e fancybow
Now ' just opens the first emote window and there is no way to continue except to click manually with the mouse because the new listings have no quick links.
Is this temporary? Will the quick links for the new listings be added in a future patch? Please, I liked having these emotes so easily accessible. Now it's just a pain in the butt.
Well, it appears the Dev Digest only has posts from before the forum change. As the new forum usues different code the old links no longer work. There don't appear to be any new posts listed there, so we really can't tell how or if the Digest will work as it used to.
As for the password thing, yeah, I don't like it either. Didn't take me that long to figure out the issue, but the thing is I don't want to use my game account name and password to access the boards. I prefer using a seperate password for security reasons. I really hope they fix that. I erks me to no end. As it is I am only visiting the boards now from my Mac, which has better security than my PC. I would prefer to use my PC though.
Note: I do not like having to use my game account password to log into the forums. I know you probably consider these boards safe and whatever, but I don't. Please add the ability to set a different password for the boards than on our game account. Until then I will not be hanging out on these boards.
Thank you. -
Sorry - I didn't make myself clear: was trying to make the macro for my toon, not my pets. Should this command be a keybind instead?
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Either way.
/macro Bow "emote fancybow"
/bind numpad5 "emote fancybow"
... should do it.
/Macro Bow "petcom <em fancybow>"
[/ QUOTE ]
Alternately you can use /macro Bow "petsay_all <em fancybow>" which will make all of your pets do the emote or /macro Bow1 "petsay_name petnamehere <em fancybow>" which will activate the emote for a specific named pet.
You can also chain additional commands such as /macro Bow2 "petsay_name petnamehere <em facybow>$$petsay By your command."
Actually, the new powersets have been confirmed over on the Going Rogue website. In their Bios, it says that Desdemona uses Demon Summoning, and Maelstrom uses Dual Pistols.
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Just because the new signature characters are confirmed to have those powers does not absolutely confirm that we will get them.
Statesman has Incarnate powers? We don't have those yet.
1. Paragon City is one big town. Kings Row is a district within the city, not a town in and of itself. Same goes for all of the Rogue Islands. While I like the idea of having a "Home Zone" for a character, I think that that can easily be roleplayed (I do so myself with several characters) and we do not need to spend our entire game time there.
2. There are a number of contacts like this already throughout the game. Radio and Papers are this way. Borea in RWZ and Marcus Valerius in Cimerora are like this. I don't have any objection to adding more of these kind of contacts with extended level ranges, especially for the redside, but I don't think they should keep you in a low level zone throughout your entire career. Level ranges should still be used.
So, no to 1 and yes to 2 but with conditions.
Bane's Poisonous Ray is only ranged with no delivery tag
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Poisonous Ray does Toxic damage. It's clearly indicated in the power description. See here also.
Web grenades?
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But then those don't do damage, do they?
Really? So there isn't going to be a new AT (Rogue), just two new powersets? I had heard rumors of both but didn't know it had been confirmed. After reading the info about Desdemona, I wonder if this new demon summoning will have some drawbacks, like if you summon too many or run out of end, your own pets can attack you as well. Interesting, very interesting.
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Nothing confirmed, but Positron hinted that there will be Demon Summoning Masterminds and Dual Pistol Blasters and Corruptors.
If there is a new Epic AT in Going Rogue (which does seem like a logical time to introduce one) it will not be related to the powersets already mentioned. It will be something different. There is a lot of speculation on what it will be (Spies, Mercenaries, etc.), but I don't think anyone has speculated that it will be a combination of these powersets before.
Hey, at least I'm not throwing out terms like "Witchadidja" and "usedtacould".
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At the rate it's going, not CO... At least, I sure's hell hope not.
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So you know, sure's is not a proper contraction. The words sure and as should never be combined in such a way. Your sentence should read, "I sure as hell hope not."
For future reference.
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<rubs temples>
Don't you mean... a contraction? Not... a conjunction?
<head asplodes>
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You're absolutely right. Sorry, got that Conjunction Junction song stuck in my head and couldn't think of the correct word. I apologize for your head.
At the rate it's going, not CO... At least, I sure's hell hope not.
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So you know, sure's is not a proper contraction. The words sure and as should never be combined in such a way.
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Unless you're from the South. Which is where I'm from.
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Sorry, did not realize that you were speaking in regional colloquialisms. Please continue.
Which Mind Control attacks are you referring to specifically that have no positiona defense? I'm looking at the set here and all of them appear to be ranged or AoE.
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Just because they are ranged or AoE does not mean they can be defended against by range or AoE defense. Only Psionic attacks are like this. Because they attack the mind abstractly not directly, the position of the character who they're attacking does not matter.
Actually if they went by comic book definitions most mental attacks wouldn't even require line of sight.
There is no attack that goes only against positional defenses. They all have a damage type.
I only want one thing from the new boards. Everything else is fluff.
When I click on a thread topic... I want to be taken to the first post in that thread. Not tossed somewhere seemingly random and forced to scroll up to find the OP.
That's it. Too much to ask?
Oh and a pony.
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Um, you can do that here. You see those little page numbers that appear below a thread topic? Yeah, if you click the little 1, guess what happens? You get the first page of the thread.
Why software companies have to make software to do the most common sense things for people just boggles my mind. Use a little logic.
The only thing that really lacks on this board system is the Search function, as stated above.
IMO, that damage badge should have never been a requirement for an accolade. There is not a single accolade heroside that requires such a long term commitment.
Of course, it's too late to change it now so we villains are just sol.
Superspeed has Flurry, Flight has Air Superiority, and Leaping has Jump kick. I gave my pool a simple low damage punch to try and follow that setup.
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Note how each of those actually ties into the power pool somehow? Flurry is a barrage of super fast punches. Sounds like Super Speed to me. Air Superiority? Um, duh. This is completely obvious. Of course a flier should have this attack. And Jump Kick? Well, the pool is called friggin Jumping. How does a Jump Kick not fit in?
Sorry, but adding an attack just for the sake of having an attack is not the way it works.
As for the rest of your comments. It makes no difference. This is not a NEW travel pool. It's just a mishmash of the other pools slammed together in a way that you would like to be able to select them. You can get all of the powers you suggested already in one way or another. Mixing up and combining old powers does not equal new powers.
If you want to suggest a new travel pool you should come up with something that would actually be new.
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I'm in for the OP's new power pool.
Im just curious though, which is why I quoted you, where is the theme with fly in air superiority?
Flurry you puch super fast, jump kick is a kick, but you don't launch into the air for air superiority, nor do you launch your foe upwards ala KO Blow?
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It allows you, as a flier, to knock other fliers out of the sky. Seems to fit thematically, doesn't it? Yeah, it can be used on the ground too, but its primary function is to knock enemies out of the sky.
Here's a question: What stops you from taking SJ and just NEVER using it to its full potential? It would LOOK and FEEL like what you are proposing (at least in my head it does), and it would not require any Dev time.
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I think I raised a good question here... that everyone has ignored.
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Sorry, I actually thought I had responded to you but proboably got sidetracked defedning myself. The truth is your idea is exactly what I do right now. It kinda works, and will likely be the best option I get, but when your jump speed is twice as fast as your run speed it kinda ruins the flow so to speak. You get this stop/go momentum thing going on.
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That's why you take and slot Swift to back it up.
Why was the sound effect for this changed? It used to have a nice deep bass boom. Now it sounds like a wussy snare drum. Please fix it. I can't even stomach using the emote as it is.
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It sounds like you are using the wrong emote, since ;drumlow gives the "snare drum" sound. If that's not the case you might want to try Verifying your files, since both ;drum and ;drumlow work normally for me.
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I confirmed with 4 other players last night before I sent in the ticket. I know the difference between /e drum and /e drumlow. I was using /e drum and the sound was the same slow beat of /e drum (not the fast beat of /e drumlow) but sounded like a weak snare drum instead of a big bass drum.
Also note the limits of the image size. The file size cannot be very large either or it will not work.
For those willing to learn, teach.
For those who are unwilling, /ignore.
If you don't wish to be bothered, don't PUG. There have been awful teams from day one.
Only difference now is the population boost brought more players in. Some lousy, some good. I've run into newbies in AE who break the stereotype and wanted to know and do more than AE could provide.
Not every noob who gets sucked into AE stays there. Of late, with my new scrapper, I've been able to form teams for regular missions because of the noobies who are seeking for the real game and want more.
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Good point. To this I must add, try to recruit for mission teams from players in AE. I pulled a fast one on an AE team last night without even trying. After several attempts to find a farm to play and a lot of standing around waiting (instead of just running a normal, intended for our level AE mission) I told the team I was leaving to head to Port Oakes to do some arc missions instead. Four other players followed suit and asked to join me. When I got to Port Oakes I recruited a few more members and we were off and running. Together we went from levels 5-6 to 11-12 in about an hour and a half before we all had to crash out.
This morning I logged back onto that character to check my market sales and saw the leader of that AE team from last night, still at level 6. Guess the farming wasn't as productive as the regular missions we ran.
Never seen that myself. Some people have .gifs that cycle on a timer, though.
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Leech is one of the players who's avatar does this. I'm not entirely sure how it's done. Maybe he will pop in and tell us.
We can't fix it. We are players. Recently several sounds were updated in the game.
From the front page of the forum under the name Technical Issues and Bugs:
Discuss technical questions and/or bugs here! This is NOT a forum where official technical/QA support is available. To report a bug use the /bug command in game. For technical assistance email support@coh.com.
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I did post it in game, but I was told (by the GM that responded) to go ahead and post it here too. The devs do read this board. This isn't Player Questions.
You mean the avatar?
Go to My Home at the top. This will take you to your forum account page. There click on Edit next to Personal Info etc. At the bottom of that area you can enter a URL for your avatar.
Your avatar must be hosted at another site however. There is no internal avatar system.
I usually upload mine at Paragonwiki or Ouroportal but you can generally use any site that allows pictures to be hosted.
Welcome to the boards!
Speaking of "mild-mannered by day..." I have a monster hero and was thinking of making one of his costume slots human for how he used to be, but for some reason it felt like cheating. Anyone else do that with their heroes?
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Almost all of my heroes have a "street clothes" slot. My lycanthropes and shape shifters likewise have the same depending on their background story.
I have one hero who is actually dead (well, actually I have a number of undead heroes). His charred and rotting flesh is difficult to disguise. So, he uses a portable hologram to make himself look like he used to. His third costume slot is therefor his old PPD uniform complete with his former appearance but with a pale green aura to distinguish that it is a hologram.