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  1. [ QUOTE ]
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    Does this have a significant impact for us users? Will we still keep the same dev team?

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    I don't think I can stand to lose any of the devs.

    I'm still not quite over the loss of Cuppa

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    My thoughts as well.
  2. Perhaps I'm just missing it, but I don't see anywhere on the PlayNC site to register for the Austin meetup. Am I just blind?
  3. Thanks Artic! I like 'em, but kinda wish we could get ones of the Rikti Heavy and U'kon Gr'Ai too
  4. Very cool. Liked the build up and the action shots.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm off to the store, and it's an attention-deficit announcement thread, so it'll be a short post.

    - Anshe Chung is known outside the Second Life community as a successful virtual hospitality and real estate entrepreneur. She made the cover of BusinessWeek! Are any of the other photographed people newsmakers?

    - There's a significant omission here. The biggest American MMORPG doesn't appear in the slideshow, even once! Is it because of their not-so-customizable avatars? Is it because of their cutthroat IP policy and history of litigiousness? Or is this a good old fashioned press snub?

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    He's talking about Second Life I think. I'd call that more of an interactive chat room than a game though.
  6. Great guide. Glad to see I'm not the only one who plays this way
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    I am excited beyond comprehension.

    [/ QUOTE ]


    Also, the new Rikti designs are freakin BAD [censored]!
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Wasnt this one of the big sells for even having a base? The idea was SG members would get a buff of some sort from having one of those IOPs. Im sure it is somewhere in the bowels of the forums, but I wonder what is stopping the implimentation?

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    Time and a fairly problematic exploit last I heard.
  9. Belabras

    3 Years.

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    All machines are flawed - you'll never win

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    In the immortal words of Bender
    "Bite my shiny metal posterior"

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    Not really a good advert for invincible robot overlords, is he?

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    "This is the worst kind of discrimination. The kind against me. "

    note: it's a little hard to find Bender quotes that won't get hit by the censor.
  10. Belabras

    3 Years.

    [ QUOTE ]
    All machines are flawed - you'll never win

    [/ QUOTE ]

    In the immortal words of Bender
    "Bite my shiny metal posterior"
  11. Belabras

    3 Years.

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    who doesn't dig giant robots?

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    The people they stomp on?

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    The squished do not get to offer an opinion

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's robotic tyranny

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    The very best kind

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    I can see there's no reasoning with a machine

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    My logic is indesputable.
  12. Belabras

    3 Years.

    [ QUOTE ]
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    who doesn't dig giant robots?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The people they stomp on?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The squished do not get to offer an opinion

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's robotic tyranny

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The very best kind
  13. Belabras

    3 Years.

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    who doesn't dig giant robots?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The people they stomp on?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The squished do not get to offer an opinion

    Thanks for dropping by Cricket!
  14. Oddly enough, we're actually getting the outcome of the SSOCS soon. Something like it's second cousin's grandchild, but that is better than nothing.
  15. Is Muad Dib's Ill/Sonic guide gone forever?
  16. Hehe. I'm sure it's not that bad
  17. [ QUOTE ]
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    At least on test, she says something like "Save the Sorority, Save the University"

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    Only thing she said to me was, "Like...Hi!"

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    That's it!
    so... yes, not exactly a model of eloquence...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Prior to the TV show Heroes, I started a cheerleader type character. For some reason, the character never really worked as a hero for me. I tried a couple years ago when I saw energy melee... the pink pom-poms of doom.

    But, as a villain, well, let's just say that Cheer Queen Ashliegh is throwing a hissy fit over not getting crowned homecoming queen. She also doesn't take to kindly to people poking fun at her liberal use of "like... OMG!"

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    Any relation to Becky the Tarantula Mistress?

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    Believe it or not, I haven't done that mission yet. I either get distracted by a new alt idea or invited to beta something...

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    Like, oh MY GOD! Becky is, like, totally awesome! I totally can't believe you haven't met her yet!
  18. [ QUOTE ]
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    At least on test, she says something like "Save the Sorority, Save the University"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Only thing she said to me was, "Like...Hi!"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's it!
    so... yes, not exactly a model of eloquence...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Prior to the TV show Heroes, I started a cheerleader type character. For some reason, the character never really worked as a hero for me. I tried a couple years ago when I saw energy melee... the pink pom-poms of doom.

    But, as a villain, well, let's just say that Cheer Queen Ashliegh is throwing a hissy fit over not getting crowned homecoming queen. She also doesn't take to kindly to people poking fun at her liberal use of "like... OMG!"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Any relation to Becky the Tarantula Mistress?
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Shiney 5 x 5? lol wuh?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Whedon speak ftw!
  20. [ QUOTE ]
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    1) IOs provide a bonus of 7.5% at level 10 through 40% at level 53. Is there a chart showing this progression by level? At what level would an IO out perform an SO?

    2) What determines the level of an IO you invent? I was guessing player level, but if L53 IOs can exist that can't be it.

    3) Since you don't out level your IOs (you can still get benefit from an IO 4+ levels beneath you) is there also no upward limit to IOs you can slot? If my L10 character had an L53 IO could they slot it?


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    There are no level 53 Common Inventions. Commons only exist at 5 level increments starting at 10. Uncommons and Rares can go to 53 though.

    It's based on the level of the enemy you defeated to get it.

    You can still only slot Enhancements that are 3 levels higher than yourself, so your L10 character can't twink with an L53 IO.

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    Ok, now I'm confused. I thought with the lvl 30-50 IOs if you slotted them it would mean you wouldn't need to reslot those powers with new enhancements as you progressed because the IO would scale with you. Is this not the case?
  21. You don't have to choose between the two sites. Why not do both?

    Thanks for the heads up Lighthouse.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    Hey gang. Here's what happened. Matt's been swamped with Inventions and I9. He approached me a few days ago about helping him write this article as I was the one who wrote the original design doc on all of the changes we're making to Hamidon in Issue 9. I wrote out the article for curse-gaming and at the very top, I left a blank section to talk a bit about Hamidon's back story, the history of raids over the years, and reveal what Geko's original idea as far as player strategy was.

    I'll admit, I was a bit hazy on the back story. I've done the arc myself and I had the vague memory that it had something to do with a mutated scientist named Hamidon, but couldn't remember the details. All I could remember was his creation of the Devouring Earth, and part with Terra and the love letter. I didn't want to mess anything up and get the facts wrong, so I just left that section empty and set it back to Position for him to fill in. When I read over what he'd written, I didn't think that sounded like what I remembered. "But he's Positron," I thought, "Surely he'd know.

    Well, he got it mixed up obviously. Between his own hazy memory and more importantly just being really busy fixing things for Issue 9, he came up with something about an ancient god. Brian, one of our mission/story writers, set out an email shortly after the article went up that that basically said "The Hamidon is a what what of what?"

    So Brian, who actually knows what's going on in the story and was conveniently ill the day we sent this article out, has rewritten the backstory and we've asked curse-gaming to update the article.

    Other than that, I hope everyone enjoys the article. I had a lot of fun writing it.

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    Cool, thanks for clearing that up BAB!
  23. [ QUOTE ]
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    To be honest, this isn't an official site so the reviewer are probably under some misconception about Hamidon.

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    [ QUOTE ]
    City of Heroes / City of Villains: Redesigning the “Hamidon”
    By Christopher Bruce, Cryptic Developer

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    Yeah, I actually found it a little annoying that one of the Devs knows so little about the game (even if he were trying to use "elder god" in a figurative sense) that he referred to defeating Hammi as sending it (him) back to the dimension from which he came.

    Duh, read through a story arc of the game you code for once in a while.

    It just looks bad to me. Cryptic's own developers (at least this one) know very little about the background of something that they are writing an article on... one that said dev knows full well is going to get published online and read by actual players.

    I mean, come on, spend the 1-2 minutes it'll take to skim through the text of the arc and find the part about Hamidon being a scientist who mutated himself.

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    What if it wasn't a matter of "just" a mutation? What if when he mutated himself, what actually happened was that it opened a gate to the Elder God Hamidon who then uses his body as a way into our world? What if this Elder God consumed the scientist's body in such a way so as to not require the scientist's actual body to reform here, which would explain the lack of such a body each time the Hamidon is defeated, or assuming this, repulsed from this dimension?

    It's possible there is more to this than we currently know.

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    I like the theory, but the fact that the scientist's name was Hamidon Pasalima before his transformation is a bit problimatic.