The Solo Artist's Guide to Tri-Form Warshades [I9]
Great guide. Glad to see I'm not the only one who plays this way
Great Guide!
I especially like the boom & preboom macros
Reposted from the 'criticize my guide' thread so as not to be lost when the threads are purged
I think you sell Nebulous Form a bit short in your guide, but otherwise everything looks good as far as I can see. Yes, it has an activation time and it's less than ideal for a panic button, but especially when solo I get a great deal of use out of NebForm for phase herding. It can also be used for phase tanking when teamed, but since this is a solo guide I'll just speak to the former.
Basically, the tactic works like this: you turn on NebForm and only NebForm - no Shadow Cloak, no Super Speed, no powers with Stealth IOs. Then you run around a room. Enemies can see you but they can't hurt you. Break their line of sight and get them to gather up. You have to do this relatively quickly because they'll de-aggro after a bit when they can't hit you.
Once you've got a good crowd gathered, you drop NebForm and immediately hit your Eclipse bind or macro, followed by Mire (or double-Mire, depending on the level and neg-energy resistance of the enemies) and Quasar. Fun, fun, fun. Pop a blue inspiration, pop Stygian Circle, and repeat in the next room. Or, if you're out of blue inspirations or Quasar is recharging, switch to Nova and fly up to the ceiling raining down death instead of using Quasar.

Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server
great guide thank you
great guide. You discuss street sweeping, how about hazard zone farming?
My WS just hit 40 and Eclipse just got slotted up, yet somehow I dont have hasten (I hate altitis, you forget why you made them power choices sometimes).
Aside from the Kheld arcs, I am steering clear of missions... done them enough... and PI on Freedom makes me grind my teeth.
I am looking at some hazard zone sweeping... larger spawns, and no farmers.... (except for me).
I'll report back after I have toyed with it all...
Nicely written guide. I would like to add one thing - if you slot Gravitic Emanation, it'll become your opening power for every fight. It's an AoE stun and knockback, so it gives you lots of time to beat on the mobs before they recover. Against normal mobs you can do GE and then Nova attacks will wipe them out before they ever recover. Against bosses or stun-resistant mobs, use GE to knock them down, get in a few Nova blasts, then go Dwarf while the Fuzzies do the damage.
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Good suggestion. I'll try it next respec I get and incorporate it into the next version.
Excellent guide. Thanks a lot.
This is a great guide -- and it has given me lots of ideas. My WS just hit 20 a few days ago, and I'm having a great time learning to use dwarf form. Your guide has me planning a respec at 22, and changing my mind on some of the powers I was going to take.
I have an 8-button mouse, which is great for my form-switching binds. One button each for Human, Nova and Dwarf. I use the CityBinder program to set up my binds, which has great Kheld binds built in, and it makes it easy to make changes.
LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control
Great guide, great power suggestions. I'm moving from an all-human 'shade to Tri-Form, because the form powers work so much better solo than the human powers.
edit: Removed bug-specific form slotting suggestion, to conform with the guide.
I went with a different system for my binds, as such:
f3 "powexec_toggleon Black Dwarf$$bind SHIFT+LBUTTON powexec_name Black Dwarf Step$$goto_tray 9$$bind_load_file f:\binds\dwarf.txt"
f2 "powexec_toggleon Dark Nova$$goto_tray 8$$bind_load_file f:\binds\nova.txt"
[/ QUOTE ]
f1 "powexec_toggleoff Black Dwarf$$bind SHIFT+LBUTTON powexec_name Shadow Step$$goto_tray 1$$bind_load_file f:\binds\human.txt"
f2 "powexec_toggleoff Black Dwarf$$powexec_toggleon Dark Nova$$goto_tray 8$$bind_load_file f:\binds\nova.txt"
[/ QUOTE ]
f3 "powexec_toggleoff Dark Nova$$goto_tray 9$$bind SHIFT+LBUTTON powexec_name Black Dwarf Step$$powexec_toggleon Black Dwarf$$bind_load_file f:\binds\dwarf.txt"
f1 "powexec_toggleoff Dark Nova$$goto_tray 1$$bind SHIFT+LBUTTON powexec_name Shadow Step$$bind_load_file f:\binds\human.txt"
[/ QUOTE ]
The way you have it, you press 'b' to switch to Dwarf, then 'b' to switch back to human, and 'v' to switch to Nova and back. Trouble for me was, I'd keep getting confused and press the wrong button and either switch to a form or human when I meant to do the other -- particularly when I was in Nova and got stunned and detoggled and knocked back into Human form.
With this set of binds, I press F1 for human, F2 for Nova, and F3 for Dwarf, no matter what form I'm in. Easy for me to remember.
Thanks. I am familiar with the bug that allows the slotting of form powers from level 1, but opted to leave it out of the guide because it is technically an exploit and if they ever fix the bug, that whole section will be instantly obsolete. I have also heard a few horror stories (though not many) about people who have had problems reslotting their characters in this fashion. Overall, better left out of a guide but I do discuss it on the forums at times.
Interesting binds for form switching. I am a bit too set in my ways now with my v and b keys, but if I was just starting out I would probably opt for your binds as well.
How about adding in a level by level guide? Showing what powers to pick up when, and how/when to slot them.
This guide is great - but I really, really wish there was a sample build I could load up into Mid's and play around with.
Thanks, i'll see what I can do. It needs a revision.
Great Guide! I've been playing my shade for quite some time(he's level 41 and by far my fav hero), and I've read Plasma's guide often but just discovered yours. I agree with the posters about Neb Form and Grav Emanation, I use both a lot. I don't yet have Inky, but based on your post, I will probably get it. Otherwise my power choices and play style seems a lot like yours. I have Orbiting Death just cause it looks so cool standing outside mission doors, tho I never fight with it.
One suggestion on slotting. I noticed that all your early powers just have the one default slot in them. I personally put all the slots before Nova into Starless Step. Two endredux and three range enhancements make teleporting an awesome travel power.
Thanks. I am actually currently working on a rewrite for I11. I could wait for I12 now I guess, but I want to get it out there.
For traveling, I actually find myself using SS more than TP these days. Though I used TP a lot in Faultine and Skyway.
Thanks again for the comments.
could u show those macros for a pb plz? and do those binds start with /bind?
For which powers? Some of the binds would not work for PBs.
nova, and dwarf
Ah, those are simple. All you need to do is replace the power names. So instead of Dark Nova, it would be Bright Nova.
just tried didnt work. can someone retype 4 nova and dwarf?
Think someone could post a build for a ws?
Here is the build I am currently working towards. When I rewrite the guide for I12, I'll be adding builds for each stage I have in my guide.
Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.30
Dark Adjudicator Ideal: Level 50 Science Warshade
Primary Power Set: Umbral Blast
Secondary Power Set: Umbral Aura
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Fitness
Power Pool: Concealment
Power Pool: Leaping
Hero Profile:
Level 1: Ebon Eye -- Apoc-Dmg:50(A)
Level 1: Absorption -- S'fstPrt-ResKB:30(A)
Level 2: Gravimetric Snare -- GravAnch-Acc/Immob/Rchg:50(A)
Level 4: Gravity Shield -- S'fstPrt-ResDam/Def+:30(A)
Level 6: Dark Nova -- GSFC-Build%:50(A)
Level 8: Starless Step -- Acc-I:50(A)
Level 10: Hasten -- RechRdx-I:50(A), RechRdx-I:50(34), RechRdx-I:50(34)
Level 12: Sunless Mire -- RechRdx-I:50(A), RechRdx-I:50(31)
Level 14: Super Speed -- Run-I:50(A)
Level 16: Shadow Cloak -- LkGmblr-Rchg+:50(A)
Level 18: Gravity Well -- UbrkCons-Dam%:50(A), UbrkCons-Acc/Hold/Rchg:50(42), UbrkCons-Hold:50(42), UbrkCons-Acc/Rchg:50(42), UbrkCons-Hold/Rchg:50(45)
Level 20: Black Dwarf -- ImpArm-ResDam/EndRdx:40(A), ImpArm-ResDam:40(37), ResDam-I:50(43)
Level 22: Stygian Circle -- EndRdx-I:50(A), EndMod-I:50(50)
Level 24: Hurdle -- Jump-I:50(A)
Level 26: Grant Invisibility -- LkGmblr-Rchg+:50(A)
Level 28: Unchain Essence -- Posi-Dam%:50(A), Posi-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx:50(46), Posi-Dmg/Rng:50(48), Posi-Dmg/Rchg:50(48), Posi-Acc/Dmg:50(48)
Level 30: Gravitic Emanation -- Amaze-Acc/Stun/Rchg:50(A), Amaze-Acc/Rchg:50(43), Amaze-ToHitDeb%:50(45), Amaze-EndRdx/Stun:50(45), Amaze-Stun/Rchg:50(50)
Level 32: Dark Extraction -- S'bndAl-Dmg:50(A), S'bndAl-Dmg/EndRdx:50(37), S'bndAl-Acc/Dmg/Rchg:50(39), S'bndAl-Acc/Rchg:50(39), S'bndAl-Dmg/Rchg:50(39)
Level 35: Quasar -- Armgdn-Dmg:50(A), Armgdn-Dmg/Rchg:50(36), Armgdn-Acc/Dmg/Rchg:50(36), Armgdn-Acc/Rchg:50(36), Armgdn-Dmg/EndRdx:50(37)
Level 38: Eclipse -- ImpArm-ResDam/Rchg:40(A), Aegis-ResDam/Rchg:50(40), TtmC'tng-ResDam/Rchg:50(40), RctvArm-ResDam/Rchg:40(40)
Level 41: Stygian Return -- RechRdx-I:50(A)
Level 44: Stealth -- LkGmblr-Rchg+:50(A)
Level 47: Combat Jumping -- LkGmblr-Rchg+:50(A)
Level 49: Invisibility -- LkGmblr-Rchg+:50(A)
Level 1: Brawl -- Acc-I:50(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- Run-I:50(A)
Level 2: Rest -- RechRdx-I:50(A)
Level 1: Dark Sustenance
Level 6: Dark Nova Bolt -- Decim-Build%:40(A), Decim-Acc/EndRdx/Rchg:40(5), Decim-Acc/Dmg/Rchg:40(5), Decim-Acc/Dmg:40(3), Decim-Dmg/EndRdx:40(3)
Level 6: Dark Nova Blast -- Apoc-Dmg/Rchg:50(A), Apoc-Acc/Dmg/Rchg:50(7), Apoc-Dmg/EndRdx:50(7), Apoc-Acc/Rchg:50(9), Apoc-Dam%:50(9)
Level 6: Dark Nova Emanation -- Posi-Acc/Dmg:50(A), Posi-Dam%:50(11), Posi-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx:50(11), Posi-Dmg/Rng:50(13), Posi-Dmg/Rchg:50(13), ImpSwft-Dam%:30(46)
Level 6: Dark Nova Detonation -- Posi-Acc/Dmg:50(A), Posi-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx:50(15), Posi-Dmg/Rchg:50(15), Posi-Dmg/Rng:50(17), Posi-Dam%:50(17), ImpSwft-Dam%:30(46)
Level 20: Black Dwarf Strike -- Hectmb-Dmg/Rchg:50(A), Hectmb-Acc/Dmg/Rchg:50(21), Hectmb-Acc/Rchg:50(21), Hectmb-Dmg/EndRdx:50(27), Hectmb-Dam%:50(19), Mako-Dam%:50(19)
Level 20: Black Dwarf Smite -- C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/Rchg:50(A), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg:50(23), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx:50(23), C'ngImp-Dmg/Rchg:50(25), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx:50(25), Mako-Dam%:50(27)
Level 20: Black Dwarf Mire -- HO:Nucle(A), RechRdx-I:50(29), RechRdx-I:50(29)
Level 20: Black Dwarf Drain -- Dct'dW-Heal:50(A), Dct'dW-Heal/EndRdx:50(31), Dct'dW-Heal/EndRdx/Rchg:50(33), Dct'dW-Heal/Rchg:50(33), Dct'dW-EndRdx/Rchg:50(43), Mako-Dam%:50(50)
Level 20: Black Dwarf Step -- Range-I:50(A)
Level 20: Black Dwarf Antagonize -- Zinger-Acc/Rchg:50(A), Zinger-Taunt:50(31), Zinger-Taunt/Rchg/Rng:50(33), Zinger-Dam%:50(34)
[u]Set Bonus Totals:[u]<ul type="square">[*]+8% DamageBuff[*]+3% Defense(Smashing)[*]+3% Defense(Lethal)[*]+3% Defense(Fire)[*]+3% Defense(Cold)[*]+3% Defense(Energy)[*]+3% Defense(Negative)[*]+3% Defense(Psionic)[*]+3% Defense(Melee)[*]+3% Defense(Ranged)[*]+3% Defense(AoE)[*]+2.25% Max Endurance[*]+94% Enhancement(Accuracy)[*]+4% Enhancement(Heal)[*]+127.5% Enhancement(RechargeTime)[*]+99.4 (8.25%) HitPoints[*]+Knockback (Mag -4)[*]+MezResist(Held) (Mag 4.4%)[*]+MezResist(Immobilize) (Mag 4.95%)[*]+MezResist(Terrorized) (Mag 4.95%)[*]+26% Recovery[*]+42% Regeneration[*]+16.1% Resistance(Fire)[*]+16.1% Resistance(Cold)[/list]
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>| Copy & Paste this data chunk into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
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</pre><hr />
How do you put level 3 & 5 slots into a power you don't get until level 6?
So youve reached level 50, and decided to roll up a Warshade. If youre like me, you are a casual gamer who doesnt join Pick Up Groups all that often, and will team occasionally with SG-mates or friends. This means you are part of that die-hard breed: The Solo Artist. We are a proud people; we enjoy wading into large groups of minions and indiscriminately dishing out justice to all present. Backup? Who needs backup?
Many of you may be asking why solo a Warshade? Kheldians are made to team! Those of us who solo do so for a variety of reasons. Whether your play availability is during off-peak hours or you just dont like to team, soloing through Paragon City can be a very daunting task. In any case, it requires different strategies, power selections and, most importantly for a Kheldian, slotting.
So humble reader, I hope my experiences (mostly) soloing my Warshade will help you do the same for yours, if you too are a Solo Artist.
First and foremost, if you are new to Khelds and have not read Plasma's Ultimate Guide to Kheldians, READ IT. It contains a wealth of valuable information about Kheldians and will give you a very good understanding of them. When I first made my Shade, I read through it twice. It was invaluable to me as I was a wee noob Kheld. Once I had the basics understood, I was better able to match the Warshades abilities to my play style.
I would be remiss if I didnt give a brief explanation of each power, so here we go. It is important to remember that rating/description/slotting recommendation is from a solo perspective, so your mileage may very. Some powers are truly wonderful, especially in teams, but Ill give them a low rating, simply because they just dont work very well solo.
Dark Sustenance This power gives you some major buffs on teams, but only if you are in human form.
Solo Rating: 0/5
Available at level: Inherent
Slotting: N/A
Comments: You wont get ANY use out of this power going solo, so lets not waste any more time on it.
Shadow Step AKA Teleport
Solo Rating: 2/5
Available at level: 1, Mandatory Power
Slotting: 1 End Redux
Comments: Shadow Step is a bit of an end hog, and I use super speed as a travel power with a Warshade, but this power is useful to TP into spawns to mire, and can be a handy escape power if you are immobilized (as youre a bit squishy in human form).
Shadow Recall AKA Recall Friend
Solo Rating: 1/5
Available at level: 10, Mandatory Power
Slotting: 1 Range Increase
Comments: Like Dark Sustenance, useless as a Solo Artist. I gave it a 1 as chances are even a Solo Artist will join a team from time to time. Plus, I like being a nice guy and offering a taxi service to lower level toons in the Hollows.
[u]Umbral Blast[u]
Shadow Bolt One of two powers you can choose from at level 1. Quick attack with a fast recharge.
Solo Rating: 2/5
Available at level: 1
Slotting: 1 Acc
Comments: None
Ebon Eye The second of the two early powers you can choose from at level 1. More damage than Shadow Bolt, with a longer recharge.
Solo Rating: 2/5
Available at level: 1
Slotting: 1 Acc
Comments: Freakin laser from your freakin eyes! This looks cool on any toon, but doubly so on a Warshade, because you get that cool glow eyes aura. Going solo, dont take both Shadow Bolt and Ebon Eye unless you plan to respec them out later. You wont use them after level 6.
Gravimetric Snare Glowing ball of Nictus goo that immobilizes a target. Mobs can still hurt you, but its very helpful in the early levels to keep melee specialists away from you.
Solo Rating: 2/5
Available at level: 2
Slotting: 1 Acc, 1 Immob
Comments: I waffled giving this power a 3. Pre Nova, this power is VERY useful. You can hunt mobs that have (primarily) melee attacks and take them out with ease. This is the power that will help you get to Nova. I just couldnt justify giving a 3 to a power that will be largely unused for 44 levels.
Dark Nova Do I smell calamari? Its your first shape shift power, and its a goodie. Also know as the squid form, Dark Nova makes you floating ball of hurt. While you cant take it very well (you are very squishy in Nova form), you can dish it. And then Dish it some more. You get four free powers while in Nova form.
Solo Rating: 5/5
Available at level: 6
Slotting: 1 FlyMod
Comments: This is your big gun. You will practically live as this form until level 20, and still get a great deal of use 20+. You are very squishy though, and that can be a problem if things get dicey, especially solo. I recommend the fly mod so if things do get out of hand, you can beat a hasty retreat.
[u]Dark Nova Powers[u]
Dark Nova Bolt A fast ranged attack with a quick recharge
Solo Rating: 4/5
Available at level: 6
Slotting: 1 Acc IO, 3 Damage
Comments: This power is good for filling your Nova attack chain as well as pulling before you can TP them.
Dark Nova Blast A more powerful, slower recharge, ranged attack
Solo Rating: 5/5
Available at level: 6
Slotting: 1 Acc IO, 3 Damage
Comments: Solid all around attack
Dark Nova Emanation Cone shaped attack that strikes multiple foes. Nova Forms most powerful attack.
Solo Rating: 5/5
Available at level: 6
Slotting: 1 Acc, 3 Damage, 1 Recharge
Comments: Great power, helps you spread out the damage to multiple foes. Very useful to take down many foes at once to make best use of Stygian Circle solo. It does have a long recharge, so slot is accordingly.
Dark Nova Detonation AoE Blast attack with Knockback
Solo Rating: 5/5
Available at level: 6
Slotting: 1 Acc, 3 Damage, 1 Endredux
Comments: Same as with Emanation, useful to make best use of Stygian Circle.
[/ QUOTE ]
Shadow Blast A more powerful ranged blast
Solo Rating: 1/5
Available at level: 6
Slotting: Dont take it, but if you do dont waste the slots. 1 Acc.
Comments: Simply put, you dont need any of the other human-only attacks as a Tri-Form Solo Artist. However, play styles differ, so I can see how someone would want another big gun to back them up in case things go wrong. Still, overall, I would recommend against it, or at least respec out of it after 20.
Starless Step AKA Teleport Foe
Solo Rating: 5/5
Available at level: 8
Slotting: 1 Acc
Comments: This power is invaluable to a Solo Artist. Playing solo, you dont want to charge into a spawn that has a Quantum or Void in it. So use this power to bring him to you! Combined with Gravity Well and/or Inky Aspect, you will have no trouble soloing your way past the Quantum wielders.
Sunless Mire An AoE attack that will greatly boost your damage and accuracy output for 30 seconds, depending on the number of mobs hit.
Solo Rating: 5/5
Available at level: 12
Slotting: 1 Acc, 2 Recharge
Comments: Solo, this power isnt as the same mire you would use on a team. However, that doesnt make it any less fantastic. You will just be using it differently. On average, you will be facing smaller spawns in missions solo, so you wont be able to maximize its effectiveness in the same way or Warshades would. Ill elaborate more in the strategies section below. With a 3 slotted haste, youll only need 2 recharges here.
Dark Matter Detonation An AoE blast attack.
Solo Rating: 1/5
Available at level: 12
Slotting: Dont take it, but if you do 1 Acc.
Comments: Same deal as with Shadow Blast, you just wont need it Tri-Form soloing.
Gravity Well A very good damaging melee hold
Solo Rating: 5/5
Available at level: 18
Slotting: 2 Acc, 2 Hold Duration, 2 Dmg
Comments: This power is a must for your solo efforts. It will put 1 mob, such as those pesky voids, out of the picture and let you deal with the rest of the spawn. Or, my favorite, TP the foe to you, hold him, the switch to Nova to blast him. I put 2 Acc here because you do NOT want to miss when you are going it alone. If you miss a quant/void, you better run. The only real drawback is that it is a melee power, so you have to be close to use it. This is, however, largely negated due to Starless Step. You will likely want to fiddle with the slotting a bit, as this is the most finicky of all the Warshade powers when it comes to play style, so your mileage may vary.
Essence Drain A healing single target attack
Solo Rating: 1/5
Available at level: 18
Slotting: Dont take this, but if you do 1 Acc, 2 Heal
Comments: You wont need this power with Stygian Circle and Dwarf form at your disposal. But if youre having trouble getting to 20 (and then 22 for the Circle), this could help you. But Id rather load up on Green Inspirations than waste a respec to get rid of this later.
Gravitic Emanation A cone attack with knockback and disorient
Solo Rating: 3/5
Available at level: 26
Slotting: 1 Acc IO (Lvl 40 max)
Comments: This power is hit or miss with me. Its a good power, a good attack, and can help you out in a bind. I just never get that much use out of it. I am in Nova or Dwarf too often. However, and this is what gives this power a 3, is when you do need it, its awesome. When these situations arise, they will often save you a trip to debtville. Typically, this is when I TP a foe to me and miss with Gravity Well, or if I get knocked out of Nova and I am confronted with a bunch of mobs. A panic button attack if you will. You wont see much knockback with even level mobs, but if they are lower than you they will go for a ride. Not good enough solo for multiple slots, but an Accuracy IO level 25-40, topping out at 40, will do you just fine.
Unchain Essence AoE attack centering on a fallen foe
Solo Rating: 1/5
Available at level: 26
Slotting: 1 Acc, 3 Dmg
Comments: You just wont get that much use out of this power playing solo, again due to the small spawns in your missions. However, this attack sure is a lot of fun. I recommend taking it late game, if you have the powers to spare, and only slot if you have slots to spare. 1 Acc if you leave it mono-slotted.
Dark Extraction Summons a pet from a defeated foe
Solo Rating: 6/5
Available at level: 32
Slotting: 1 Acc, 2 Damage, 3 Recharge
Comments: This is quite possibly my favorite power, and its what makes soloing 32+ an absolute breeze. Take it at 32, and slot it up right away. You summon a little ball-o-nictus that follows you around like a puppy with a gun. A big old energy gun. Also known as Fluffy, they have blasts similar to those you have in Nova form. Once its slotted up, and with a three slotted Hasten running, you can have 2 Fluffies out at all times, and occasionally 3 if you play your cards right. My favorite quote from Plasmas guide is Tank for Poor Fluffy. Summon your Fluffies, go into Dwarf mode, and unleash havoc. Hold that agro for them. There is nothing worse than having a boss take out your fluffy while he is still at full health.
A truly amazing power.
Quasar AoE Nuke with significant knockback, damage varies mob to mob, but its still excellent
Solo Rating: 4/5
Available at level: 32
Slotting: 3 Damage, 3 Recharge
Comments: This nuke is a blast (yes, you may groan now). Its a ton of fun, but solo I just cant give it that 5 rating. Whats best to do is mire in dwarf (to soak the alpha, pre-eclipse), drop to human and mire, and then hit Quasar (also called a Mire-Nuke or Mire-Boom). Hit a Blue inspiration, Stygian Circle, and the right back into Dwarf to deal with any retaliation from any Lts or Bosses left, or any mobs you missed. This power is situational playing solo, but you will still get a lot of use out of it. I recommend taking it at 35.
[u]Umbral Aura[u]
Absorption Passive Defensive power, Energy/Negative Energy Resistance
Solo Rating: 4/5
Available at level: 1, Mandatory Power
Slotting: 1 Steadfast Protection (KB Protection) IO
Comments: You may now go ahead and say Wait, did he give this power a 4/5? Yes, yes he did. Pre-I9, this power would have gotten a 1, and only because you have to take it. However, with inventions, this power is terrific. First off, its passive. So when you are in human form, its always on. So your KB protection is always on. Now it wont protect you from all KB, but it does a fine job. Considering most Quants and Voids have some kind of KB against Khelds, this will give you a chance to react before they get that second shot off. Also, when dropping to human form to mire, it will protect you from being knocked back out of optimal Quasar range. And did I mention its passive? So its always on, even after your toggles drop due to a mez. Now its not perfect, so thats why it gets a 4. But if you can afford the IO (and IMO its a must have for a Shade at this point), this power is great. If you cant afford it or dont want it, slot it with 1 DamRes.
Gravity Shield One of three toggle shields for human form. Provides good resistance to Smashing and Lethal Damage.
Solo Rating: 3/5
Available at level: 2
Slotting: 1 DamRes
Comments: While its a human only toggle, I recommend taking it because at level 2 there are slim pickings for powers, and this will still see quite a bit of use in the later levels. Especially with foes like the Freakshow. Ill turn this shield on before I TP one of them, just in case, as they usually get at least 1 attack off before Gravity Well kicks in. And it never hurts to have it on when youre running around with Shadow Cloak up and a Sniper sees you.
Orbiting Death A Damage over time toggle.
Solo Rating: 2/5
Available at level: 4
Slotting: 1 Acc, slot for Dmg if you have slots to spare
Comments: I dont care for this power, but I have used it. I respeced out of it before I had Eclipse, but I can see how the two have a bit if synergy together. This wont be much use at the lower levels, but higher up with you wade into a spawn with Inky Aspect up to hit eclipse, the extra damage is nice. Its an instant agro grabber though, so thats a bit of a detractor for the Solo Artist. Right now its a skip it power for me, but I plan on revisiting it on test when next I get a respec.
Penumbral Shield Another toggle human only shield, Fire/Cold/Toxic resistance.
Solo Rating: 1/5
Available at level: 10
Slotting: Dont take it, but if you do, 1 DamRes
Comments: These damage types are not nearly as common as Smashing/Lethal. Coupled with the fact that you wont be spending a great deal of time in Human Form anyway makes this power very skipable. After all, If youre gonna take damage, thats what Dwarf Form is for.
Shadow Cloak AKA Stealth
Solo Rating: 5/5
Available at level: 14
Slotting: 1 Defense (more if you have slots to spare)
Comments: Ok, I love this power. As a Warshade Solo Artist, fighting your way to a mission objective can sometimes be difficult, and even deadly. And if you are out to maximize your XP/minute, it can even slow you down to do so as youll be playing on Invincible eventually. Combine this power with Super Speed and you are nearly invisible. You can speed directly to the mission objective and maximize that XP/minute (if thats your thing) with the big Invincible mission rewards. Its also very handy to travel around newer city zones that may still be too high a level for you. Lastly, you want this power on with Inky Aspect when you jump in the middle of a spawn to Eclipse. They wont see you coming, and wont react until Eclipse has been fired. Just look out for Rikti Drones and Snipers, they dont respect the Invis!
Twilight Shield The last of the three Human only Toggle Shields, provides Energy/Negative Energy Resistance
Solo Rating: 1/5
Available at level: 16
Slotting: Dont take it, but if you do, 1 DamRes
Comments: Same deal as with Penumbral. Even though Nrg/Neg Nrg is more common than Fire/Cold/Toxic, you wont be in human form enough to get a lots of use out of this, and there are other powers to take.
Black Dwarf Your second shape shifting form, and Tank mode.
Solo Rating: 6/5
Available at level: 20
Slotting: 3 Damage Resistance (possibly more?)
Comments: This form was fun at 20, but as I got later and later in level, this became my favorite form. And add inventions to it, and its a no brainer. You will spend a great deal of time in this form solo, and it will be your second home 32+. With IOs, the Dwarf attacks are quite useful from a damage perspective, you can reasonably control agro in small spawns for your Fluffies, and it will enable you to solo those purple bosses. I just cant rave enough about this form. Ive been able to solo an EB with it and Fluffies, but I doubt I could stand up to an AV solo, so dont get too fancy.
[u]Black Dwarf Powers[u]
Black Dwarf Strike Low Damage, High Recharge Melee Attack with some knockdown
Solo Rating: 5/5
Available at level: 20
Slotting: 6 Slotted Crushing Impact IO Set
Comments: As you will spend a lot of your solo career in Dwarf Form, you want to six slot this. Pre-I9, this wasnt a very good idea, but the Crushing Impact Set give you crazy good bonuses that make Dwarf form a decent DPS form. Once you double up with Black Dwarf Smite, and slot the other dwarf powers for end mod, you can stay in this form almost indefinitely End wise unless there are Sappers or Mu's present.
Black Dwarf Smite High Damage, slower recharge melee attack
Solo Rating: 5/5
Available at level: 20
Slotting: 6 Slotted Crushing Impact IO Set
Comments: See Black Dwarf Strike above, definitely six slot both of these with the same set.
Black Dwarf Mire Sunless Mire, now in Dwarf!
Solo Rating: 5/5
Available at level: 20
Slotting: 1 Acc, 2-3 Recharge
Comments: Lots of uses for this power solo. First, in many missions there will be one minion and one boss at the end. It may not seem worth it, but use mire here for only the 2 mobs. The extra damage and accuracy will help against the Boss, especially with those resistant to Negative Energy attacks. Chances are itll be recharged (with Hasten running) before the boss is down, so use it again. Every little bit helps. To double mire solo, it's wise to lead with this form (especially pre-eclipse) to soak the alpha, then double mire.
Black Dwarf Drain Same as Essence Drain, but more useful as youll be in Dwarf Form a lot.
Solo Rating: 4/5
Available at level: 20
Slotting: 1 Acc, 1 Recharge, 1 Endredux IO, 1-3 Heals if slots available
Comments: Keep in mind, this is more of an attack than a heal. Dont get me wrong, the heal is nice, but youre better served to keep the attack chain going. The main drawback to this power is that its a huge End hog, which is the only thing keep it from 5 Rating status. Slot it with at least 1 EndRedux, 2 if you can spare it, but 1 should be fine.
Black Dwarf Step AKA Teleport for Dwarves
Solo Rating: 4/5
Available at level: 20
Slotting: 1 End Redux
Comments: Great for TPing into spawns to mire, and TPing out of sticky situations.
Black Dwarf Antagonize Taunt
Solo Rating: 5/5
Available at level: 20
Slotting: 1-2 Acc OR 1 Acc IO and 1 Taunt
Comments: Great for keeping mobs off your precious Fluffies. I got a lot more mileage out of this power than I was expecting. Dont waste too many slots on it, but definitely at least slot it for accuracy.
[/ QUOTE ]
Stygian Circle PbAOE that heals your health and endurance, depending on the number of fallen foes around you.
Solo Rating: 5/5
Available at level: 22
Slotting: 2-3 EndMod
Comments: Ok, another must have for you solo players. Or any Warshade, for that matter. This power is just amazing. Defeat some foes, pop this power, and you are nearly back to full health and end. You have to be creative using this solo. Beat up on minion until he has a sliver of health, defeat his buddy and then finish him off kind of thing. This can be dangerous against mobs resistant to negative energy, as theyre hard enough to defeat as is. Ill go into some more creative uses in the strategies below, but you will want to slot more than 1 EndMod. 1 will get you by, but you will find yourself using this with individual foes from time to time instead of groups as you would non-solo. Youll want more return for your buck. With one end mod, youll break even on end, so its useful as a heal, but youll want more than that, so shoot for 3 if you can spare the slots.
Nebulous Form AKA Phase shift for 60 seconds.
Solo Rating: 1/5
Available at level: 24
Slotting: 1 End Redux
Comments: Its phase shift with an activation time that can seem like an eternity. Its too long for a panic button, and with SS and Shadow Cloak you dont need it to stealth around maps. This combination makes it skipable.
Inky Aspect PbAOE toggle that disorients nearby foes at the cost of some health.
Solo Rating: 5/5
Available at level: 28
Slotting: 1 Acc IO, 1-2 Disorient Duration
Comments: This power drains your health. On the surface, that makes it look like a less than ideal power for the Solo Artist. However, this health loss can be negated by a single slotted Health, from the Fitness power pool. And this power is great. It does a few things, first it acts as a backup for when you TP Voids and Quants to you and your Gravity Well misses. Theres a good chance theyll be hit with a disorient. Second, you want this up with Shadow Cloak when you wade into a large spawn for your Eclipse. While Eclipse fires, youll get a couple of the buggers. And its a useful power if you are immobilized and cant TP away for whatever reason. A must have.
Stygian Return Self-rez power that draws power from your enemies
Solo Rating: 3/5
Available at level: 35
Slotting: 1 Health
Comments: In just about every Warshade guide, this power is listed as situational. And I am not going to argue that. Sometimes youll use it, sometimes you are going to want to go to the hospital. However, one benefit you will have after you drop is that your Fluffies tend to hang around and keep blasting. This draws the mobs agro. You can use this to your advantage to hit this power, rez and get right back into Dwarf form and tale that agro right back. Situational to be sure, but I would recommended taking it at the higher levels, say 41 or so.
Eclipse PbAOE power that increases your Damage Resistance for each foe hit
Solo Rating: 5/5
Available at level: 38
Slotting: 1 Acc, 2 Damage Resistance, 3 Recharge
Comments: Ok, this power is amazing. When I first got it was less than impressed, I thought it had been hyped up a bit too much. But once I got it slotted, forget it. This power will do wonders to keep you alive. Boss fights become a sure thing, street sweeping becomes much easier. It keeps you alive if you agro a group with Quasar, and whiff. Take it, slot it right up, and love it.
[u]Other Powers:[u]
Hasten Speed up recharge time of all powers. Speed power pool.
Solo Rating: 6/5
Available at level: 6
Slotting: 3 Recharge
Comments: Ok, this is a must have for a solo Warshade. With all the great powers Warshades have, and their long downtimes, you want to pop Hasten whenever its up. You also want this up whenever you are attacking, especially a Boss.
Super Speed Run really fast, +stealth. Speed power pool.
Solo Rating: 5/5
Available at level: 14
Slotting: 1 Speed Mod
Comments: Take it, and use it with Shadow Cloak. Stealth past those baddies, nuff said.
Hurdle Jump higher than normal. Fitness power pool.
Solo Rating: 3/5
Available at level: 6
Slotting: 1 Jump Mod
Comments: Very useful synergy with Super Speed. Helps you get over many walls and such in the later city zones.
Health Increased health regen. Fitness power pool.
Solo Rating: 3/5
Available at level: 14
Slotting: 1 Health Mod
Comments: You can take it or skip it, but it will mitigate the health loss from Inky Aspect, and that makes it worth it in my book.
[u]Soloing by level:[u]
Heres a brief breakdown of strategy by level, and then some general strategies depending on mob type and zone.
[u]Levels 1-5: Kheldian Initiation.[u] These levels are just the worst to solo a Warshade. Low damage output, no real way to deal with Voids. Its rough. There are three ways to get through this. You can street sweep. Its a bit tedious, but efficient. You can do the Kheldian Mission arc from the starting Warshade contact. They are built with low level Khelds in mind, so theyre a little easier than your run of the mill missions. Just keep it on Heroic. Or you can suck it up for a few levels and join a sewer team. I know I know, its not solo but hey, the first six levels arent much really. Its very time efficient. Go ahead, I wont tell anyone.
[u]Levels 6-20: Time of the Nova.[u] Simply put Nova form is king here. Unmatched damage potential, and you wont be facing any really high damage mobs yet. Keep a few greens with you and youll be fine. Load up on reds to deal with Voids and Quants until you can TP them, and lead with Dark Nova Detonation and hope to knock them back some. Stay on Heroic missions until you get to the mid teens or so then if you feel comfortable move up to Rugged. Do the Kheld Arcs, they are pretty easy with Cloak+SS, and the Arc XP is really nice.
[u]Levels 20-21: Enter the Dwarf.[u] Take Dwarf form, get acclimated to it and slot it up at 21 for 3 DamRes. Use Hasten as much as possible to keep the Dwarf attacks cycling quickly. Not much more to stay here other than try Rugged missions, because its all gonna change at 22.
[u]Levels 22-31: Stygian Circus.[u] Once you take Stygian Circle, missions get a lot easier. Youll be able to enter most boss battles fully healed up without waiting or resting. Level 22 is when you will be able to complete Invincible missions without too much trouble. Grab a scanner mission (either find the glowie or defeat so and so boss), stealth to the glowie/boss and clear the final room.
Invincible bosses are tough at these levels on Invincible, but beatable. Start by blasting them in Nova form, using Dark Nova Emanation to try and keep the boss off his feat as often as possible. Once you start getting into the health danger zone (this will only be a few hits in Nova form, so be mindful of that health meter), switch to Dwarf, mire, and start pounding away. Use Reds if you have any, as Dmg is poor for the Dwarf until you can slot it up.
The Warriors and Council can be tough enemies for this level range on Invincible. Do NOT get anywhere near melee range in Nova form with the Warriors, and the Council bosses that change into Warwolves at the last second are also very problematic. If there is an elevator nearby, I recommend going back down to rest and regroup, so you can the start wolf off with fresh Nova Blasts, and then repeat. Try to stay away from CoT missions unless you bring a lot of Break Frees with you. Otherwise, youll have to spend the entire boss fight in Dwarf form to avoid being mezzed. And the fact that their spirits can resist Negative Energy makes even fighting their Lieutenants a pain, but they do have good invention salvage.
Once you hit 25 do the Croatoa arcs. In addition to them being an awful lot of fun, the Arc XP bonus is massive. There are 2 Arcs you can do from 25-30, and another opens at 30. The mobs youll face are fairly easy to take on in Dwarf mode. I believe the ghosts in Croatoa are also weak to Negative Energy damage. Even if they are not, youll get a temp power that will make quick work of them.
[u]Levels 32-37: The Fluffies of DOOM.[u] Once you take Dark Extraction, you will begin to wonder how you ever lived without it. And once you slot it, youll be wishing there was a difficulty setting above Invincible for scanner missions. Invincible missions to this point were a challenge, but doable. Now they are doable quite easily, and much more quickly, so youll see an increase in XP/Min. However, as this is just about when the grind can start for us soloers, you wont see a noticeable increase in time between levels. Still, it helps mitigate the grind somewhat.
As with earlier Invincible scanner missions, stealth to the end, find a spawn without the boss so you can summon fluffy. Once you have one by your side, you can Dwarf the entire boss fight. For mob types that are resistant to Negative Energy, such as CoT, I recommend having two Fluffies out to make the fight go faster, but you can still do fine with just one. Take Quasar at 35 and have fun with the Mire Nuke. Just keep some inspirations handy as youll like get some retributive strikes.
[u]Levels 38+: And the Warshade Eclipses the sun.[u] Eclipse begins the last chapter of the solo Warshade. With it, you will be able to hunt large spawns in non-mission zones for XP and profit. From the early 20s to this point, doing Invincible missions was your best source of XP. Sure you could street sweep, but that can often be difficult, and the Invincible missions are kind enough to cap the spawn sizes so you dont get yourself in over your head. And, of course, the mission rewards.
However, with Eclipse, you can drop in the middle of a spawn and Mire Nuke without much worry. This makes street sweeping a welcome alternative because, lets face it, scanner missions can get dull. Try to avoid the AV missions, unless you crave the solo AV challenge.
[u]General Strategies:[u] These are some basics that you can use anywhere in between, as long as you have the correct powers.
-[u]Teleport those Foes![u] Use this power. A lot. It is your best friend for avoiding debt. Have Cloak, Gravity Shield, and Inky Aspect toggled on, and then teleport the mob right next to you. While the animation is going off, queue up Gravity Well so it goes off as soon as they appear. If you miss, hopefully Inky Aspect will get them. If that isnt working, hit them with Gravitic Emanation and go Dwarf. If you can, try to have a Fluffy out when you use this to deal with Quantums or Voids. Worst case scenario and you miss with everything, Fluffy can sometimes grab that agro. But pop some yellows before you teleport those Voids!
-[u]Dont wait until you are in the red to go Dwarf![u] If you find yourself taking damage, go dwarf form at no later than a third of your health, more if you have enough time. The activation time can literally kill you.
-[u]Quantums/Voids: Dwarf Form smorf form![u] These guys dont care what form you are in. Some new Kheld players dont realize this. Dwarf form wont save you from them, so if you are in panic mode, escape. Teleport is your best tool for this.
-[u]Hover your Nova over spawns.[u] Especially with your Fluffies. This will enable the Dark Nova Blast cone to hit the entire spawn, and Dark Nova Emanation will knock them down instead of back. Fluffys cone will also hit the entire spawn.
-[u]Jousting and kiting[u]. Sometimes there are just times where you cant TP your foe. It happens. Youre too close, and theyd see you when you turn on the power or something. When this happens, run at a target with SS on and Gravity Well queueued up. You will run past your target a good way when Gravity Well goes off.
Also, there is nothing worse when you are blasting in Nova, and Fluffy is just floating there behind you just out of range. When Fluffy is out, its a good idea to joust/kite over/past a spawn to ensure fluffy is in range every time.
- [u]Do those Kheld Story Arcs![u] Not only are the Arc bonuses great, but these are the only missions specifically designed for Kheldians. Most of the time, thats a good thing, but there are some nasty surprises in some of those missions too. In either case, use it to your advantage.
- [u]Nemesis, Rikti, Peregrine Island, and you.[u] PI is a Warshades best friend. Once you get to be a high enough level to street sweep here, there is a ton of XP for the taking. The Rikti and Nemesis have this wonderful habit of standing in formation, waiting for heroes to show up. Nice, tight, close formations. See where this is going? Cloak, Inky, run in the middle of them, Eclipse, Mire, Mire, Nuke and Circle. What formation? Great XP. Hit Hasten to get it charged up so you can do it again.
While you are waiting for the recharge, pick of a solo Rikti or trio of them. I like to goad a Comm Officer into creating a portal. Killing the portal gives great XP. Swoop down in Nova, and then fly above them when they portal begins to form. Blast it right away. Portals are weak to all damage types, so it wont take long. If you lead with Nova Blast, and then Nova Emanation, the rest of the spawn will be hurting as well. Make sure you take out the Comm Officers too, they give good XP for minions. Since Hasten is already up for Quasar/Eclipse, you should be able to make short work of them. Just be careful when doing this, because some Rikti Minions can stun you with ranged attacks. It usually doesnt last too long, but long enough to kill you.
The XP/Min you can get doing both of these will rival even that of an Invincible mission.
[u]Binds and Macros[u]
I use a variety of binds and macros to make best use out of my Warshade. First, I have 3 txt files with various binds that I execute depending on form. They all do mostly the same type of thing, change my form, change the active tray, and load another txt file:
b "powexec_toggleon Black Dwarf$$goto_tray 3$$bind_load_file c:\coh\ws_blackdwarf.txt"
v "powexec_toggleon Dark Nova$$goto_tray 4$$bind_load_file c:\coh\ws_nova.txt"
q powexec_name Black Dwarf Step
[/ QUOTE ]
b "powexec_toggleoff Black Dwarf$$bind_load_file c:\coh\ws_humanform.txt$$goto_tray 1"
v "powexec_toggleoff Black Dwarf$$powexec_toggleon Dark Nova$$goto_tray 4$$bind_load_file c:\coh\ws_nova.txt"
q powexec_name Shadow Step
[/ QUOTE ]
b "powexec_toggleoff Dark Nova$$goto_tray 3$$bind q powexec_name Black Dwarf Step$$powexec_toggleon Black Dwarf$$bind_load_file c:\coh\ws_blackdwarf.txt"
v "powexec_toggleoff Dark Nova$$goto_tray 1$$bind q powexec_name Shadow Step$$bind_load_file c:\coh\ws_humanform.txt"
[/ QUOTE ]
So if I am in Human form and hit the v key, I go into Nova Form, the tray changed to tray 4 (where I keep all my Nova powers), and loads the Nova binds. More or less with same thing with the other forms, allows for quick and efficient form changing.
You can change the binds to whichever keys you like.
I have two Macros I also using frequeuently, preBoom and Boom.
toggleon_Black Dwarf$$powexecname Black Dwarf Mire
[/ QUOTE ]
toggleoff_Black Dwarf$$powexecname Sunless Mire
[/ QUOTE ]
What these enable me to do is double mire pretty quickly. All thats left to do after I hit Boom is Quasar.
[u]Closing Thoughts[u]
Well, thats pretty much how I completed most of my Warshades Career to this point. Its worked very well for me, and I hope it will work for you as well. A few closing thoughts. I talk a lot about XP/Min and how to quickly complete missions, etc. That is one way to play the game, but not the only way. By all means, stay on Heroic and do those missions for content. I did that for the Story arcs, because I felt more Heroic being able to storm Council bases and send bad guys flying in all directions. These are guidelines, not requirements.
And lastly, I am not naive enough to think that you will never join a team. Solo Artists are loners by nature, but even loaners yearn for social interaction at times. Even if you are the ultimate Solo Artist, I urge you to join a team or two in you career as a Warshade. Even its just with SG mates or friends, as PUGs arent for everyone. It can be said that Kheldians are the ultimate team AT, due to their versatility. This is true to an extent, but that same versatility also allows you to solo that much more effectively as well. In any case, its always fun to show off just how awesome your Warshade is to other players.