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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    I met a fire/fire tanker named flamerator (i think) on freedom

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I've had the priviledge of teaming, and farming with Flamerator. Her and her partner in crime are amazing to watch in action.

    They have several characters each, they know their builds very well, and have the cash to optimize them

    I've taken a quick look over these builds and they aren't as expensive as my Ill/rad... looking forward to getting my fire/fire up to 50 to run some comparisons...

    [edit - forgot to flag this as a favorite]
  2. needless to say - great guide. Tagged in my favorites.
  3. great guide. You discuss street sweeping, how about hazard zone farming?

    My WS just hit 40 and Eclipse just got slotted up, yet somehow I dont have hasten (I hate altitis, you forget why you made them power choices sometimes).

    Aside from the Kheld arcs, I am steering clear of missions... done them enough... and PI on Freedom makes me grind my teeth.

    I am looking at some hazard zone sweeping... larger spawns, and no farmers.... (except for me).

    I'll report back after I have toyed with it all...
  4. I don't want to make any claims that a certain AT/Powerset combo is 'all that' or anything...

    But the 2 STF's that went the smoothest were the ones with myself (Ill/rad) and another Ill/*. The combo of 2 Ill/* controllers with alternating PA's enabled us to handle a double pull of GW and Sirocco, even while the tank and emp defender were afk hunting down a lost dog...

    Of course, the whole team was solid, with a solid team, anything is possible. Heck the Freedom Phalanx survives even with that Statesman toon and his chronic 'over-pull' problem...

    (for record, the rest of the team was solid, myself I am too impish to be a 'solid' team member )
  5. Great guide - been a real help getting my one Mephyt base built - thank you
  6. Great guide - I've been on 3 STF runs. This guide answers a lot of questions.

    Like why LR summoned so many of them *&^$ pets in my second run, but none in my 1st....