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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    > New interesting zones - I've always wanted to see ones that target other hero/villain genres like Anime style (like Princess Mononoke, dragonball Z, etc.) with costumes, big eye character options etc, or maybe a D&D style one with dragons, sword wielding knights, etc (plus some old favs like trolls, hydras, etc).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    /e wince

    While I wouldn't mind more character options, one of the things that I like about this game is that it is different from all the big-eye anime style and sword/sorcery fantasy style games out there. Adding those types of things would start to blur the lines between this game and "those other games"... IMNSHO, of course.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm not sure that's a bad thing. The hero genre crosses many styles. I don't want to play a hero game where my only option is classic american comic book heroes, just like I don't want to play a hero game where anime, fantasy, or silver age are my only choice.

    I think there's room, and profit, in casting a wide net and letting the players decide what they want. If everybody is a big eyed anime character, I'd be surprised, but you'd know they all chose it.
  2. Hilarious to read all the joygasms in the first few pages and then to come to this last page and read close to nothing but fights and rants and dooooomm!

    Those first few pages of this thread got me more excited about the new Issue than the official news did, haha.

    Hope this breathes some more life into the game, it really does sound awesome. Can't wait to see the new vet rewards and all the little things the official news didn't mention.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
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    be glad this is just a game then

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    Wait .. this is a WHAT?!?

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    Ah, crap. I'm not Michael Douglas am I?
  4. [ QUOTE ]
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    Can you site the source of these 'facts'?

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    Yes I can, and without the single quotes around the word facts as well.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thank you! I apologize if I offended you. I doubted you actually had a link, but if it existed was quite interested in looking at whatever source you were pulling your information from.

    /em hits the links
  5. [ QUOTE ]
    Ok, since you want are some for ya.

    1. Well over half of all MMO players worldwide are playing on a server with open non-consensual PvP.

    2. Well over 90% of all MMO players are playing a game that allows PvP.

    3. There are more players playing pure PvP games (including FPS and RTS games) than all MMO's combined.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Can you site the source of these 'facts'?
  6. I think the clue is in Castle's sig.

    "A coat made from the skin of an enormous grizzled bear."

    It's probably not just a hand spike, but a whole suit of armor made from some samurai bear.

    And if you look at what Castle said and didn't say he mentions
    "It is *not* a new powerset or a re-do of spines or any other powerset".

    Which leaves only a few things. Like a new zone. A new hand sized, wearable zone.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    For that matter, write some code when if you summoned a shivan the AV summons a mega-shivan to crush the normal shivan would work just fine and dandy.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    OMG that would be badazz. lol.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
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    Does that 30-40 minutes include the time it took you to get Shivan's and/or nukes? If not, how long do you spend in prep time before each of these solo runs?

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    Actually Castle, i have to own up to doing similiar types of things. I soloed every single TF for the task force commander accolade with my Heroes. The missions would spawn small amounts, and be easy to complete. The only trouble i had was with babbage, in which a simple call in bcast took care off. For any really hard AV's i could just have my other account loaded in, or a friend show up to the fight, and the AV's would be reletively easy.

    1 Brute can deystroy and AV when his fury bar is all the way up, and he has a buffer on the side. I think nukes and shivans would make it possible. Keep in mind shivans take about 10-15 min prep time. Not all that much.

    I think they are overpowered and should be nerfed significantly. but thats just me.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just looking at what you've said here.....

    How long does it take you find enough slugs to join your team/get in zone/explain how they will be kicked at the start of the TF?

    How long does it take people to show up when Babbage is too much for you? (My 4 or 5 man team recently took about 10 minutes to get enough pickup/broadcast people on him to start dropping his health. They weren't enough, even with about a dozen of them, until somebody dropped to get their 50 rad controller.)
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Does that 30-40 minutes include the time it took you to get Shivan's and/or nukes? If not, how long do you spend in prep time before each of these solo runs?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    /em Golf clap.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    I soloed Ghost Widow and nearly got 1.5 bubbles in a single kill.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Pshaw. Every villain I have has gotten 5 bubs just for setting a bomb in the tutorial mission. (No shivans either)
  11. The costume extractor seems to want some piece of costume data, but nothing appears in the costume drop down I supossed to enter a number of something?
  12. [ QUOTE ]
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    [ QUOTE ]
    What is that? The duckmobile? X_o

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    Duck-mo-bile?? Those are mews Battle Pengies! From teh back of teh battle pengy mew smites evil and um... stuff!

    =^ ^=

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Someone needs to stop trying to get high off of the inhalants in bottles of Pam cooking spray.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    LMAO, seriously.
  13. Battery

    Team Invince

    Just read the whole thread in one go, great read.
  14. I went out and got my grand lanista badge for winning 10 rated gladiator matches last weekend. Other than that I don't spend any time in the arena. We didn't even get to the 10 matches for my partner, it crashed so much. I had two crash to desktop (well actually I had to stop the coh process because it was locked at a load screen) and one time where we were kicked out of the match immediately after starting. After my 10 wins and about 2 or 3 for her, we just quit, the bugs were obnoxious.

    Of course we noticed some other bugs too, the inability to invite, the strange nature of not being able to find a listing occasionally(after spamming refresh), etc.

    After the first few matches playing with my cool 5th column gladiator, I was actually thinking this may be a cool way to spend some time. That got crushed pretty quick.

    It doesn't really matter if this is a feature used by 100% of the players, or 10% or 1%. If it's in the game, it should work. If it doesn't work, it should be fixed quickly. If it can't be fixed quickly, take it out of the game. You are just embarrassing yourself in front of your customers.
  15. Just wanted to say I really like your ideas, Rodion. Portable prestige could be really what is needed. It'd be a severe blow to a sg if a member with 800k leaves the group, as it should be. All that hard work shouldn't vaporize and players shouldn't be made to feel that they can be booted at any time atfer the sg gets what it needs.

    What to do about suddenly losing a 800k player, though? Would you have to recruit somebody with 800k prestige really quickly? Would sgs get into bidding wars(albeit they could really only offer influence)? Would the people with the most banked prestige simply seek each other out, drop sg, form a new sg together and build a ubar superbase? And is there anything wrong with that?

    Personal rooms in bases could be very easy if they do away with plot sizes. If you have a huge amount of space to expand into, say everybody gets 100x100 block for their base and the only limiting factor to sprawl is what rooms you can afford, personal rooms could work a lot better. I'm sure they have a maximum plot size for a reason and don't want to have huge instances for every single base, so this may not be technically feasible.

    But also, they could design a room that is many rooms in one. Similar to (or directly stolen from) missions that have jails in them, they could allow us to create "Housing" type rooms that are one room with 8 doors in them. I imagine they would need some kind of open/close type doors and not 'once opened, stay opened' doors like jails. Coding permissions for these 'subrooms' so that only the player who bought it can decorate or set permissions might be a technical hurdle too.

    I think they can find more functional things for bases to do too. And especially rooms. So that players have a reason to spend more time there. Maybe:

    1. Beds that offer healing and end auras (for quick rest after a base hosp visit).
    2. Lockers or drawers or machines that offer buffs through invented devices, vet rewards, souvenirs from missions. All of these could be on long recharge timers.
    3. Computer access. This could be a tie in to newspaper or police band missions(longer list, more choices?), in-game forums or expanded global chat windows, current special event news, supergroup email/forums/bulletin board, or researching current foes (known strength and weaknesses of various foes and factions- maybe only available after fighting x number of them in sgmode...).
    4. Costume station. Maybe allow some costume changes free of charge, minor things like putting the hat from costume slot 1 onto costume slot2 for no charge(you already own it and it fits). Maybe display your costumes on dummies.
    5. Souvenirs. Maybe allowing you to display all your badges on the wall. Actual individual purchasable icons that you can display however you like for each badge. Or display the ingame story arc souvenirs. Or allow purchase of other souvenirs similar to the vet rewards ones based on your badges/gladiators, or missions accomplished.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    I think I might really like bases again...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Control your fickleness, States is watching!
  17. The guide doesn't seem to specify who the starting contact is(how you get the mission). Can anybody tell me?

    Thanks in advance.
  18. I stumbled upon an idea that may win me some mensa prizes. What's better than one harlequin juggler at even con? The surprising answer is: 2 harlequin jugglers at even con.

    They tend to alternate between one solid hit for 282 pts of damage(lvl 46) and one DoT trickle of 51 points x 4 or 5. I'm a micron or two away from the badge and then I'm going to get jiggy on them.
  19. My Necro/dark is lvl 45 and I have a slightly different playstyle so here's my 2 cents.

    I take the damage powers. There's something about my pets having all the fun and not being able to do any damage if they are dead or confused(any fire or toxic or caltrops laying around for instance) that bothers me. Sometimes it's just gravy on top of their damage, but I'd feel pretty weak with no actual damage powers. And I don't agree with being a support class. I solo alot and have since the early levels, quite unlike a controller or dominator, easily destroying everything in my path quickly and safely.

    I had teleport for the longest time. It fit the concept, I could tp pets out of strange places, and tp friend is a power I always seem to take(impatient much?). But there are so many reasons to respec out of it too(I just did) or never take it. In Grandville, my lag was so bad, I'd drop to the ground and take falling damage, and sometimes aggro, every single time I'd teleport anywhere near the center of town. Coastlines were better, but I got tired of dying due to lag after a tp. My connection is fast, my cpu is older, your mileage may vary. Flight and air superiority are a nice change. I fly over the battles as my henchmen fight and if anybody dares to fly up to me(I stay in close range so my henchmen get all my stealth and leadership buffs) they get a brutal smackdown from my air superiority (on autoattack) and my henchmen immediately proceed to eat them alive. Tp friend on henchmen is less and less useful as the recent bugs pretty much have them either ignoring me consistently, or not. If they dont obey a follow command, if I try to tp them, they'll just go back to whatever they were doing before (attacking flaming ground or looking at walls) and I've even teleported them up elevators to have them just run away directly **through** a wall. If I upgrade my cpu, and they fix the henchmen bugs I may return to teleport.

    I wouldn't slot darkest night that much that soon. Later on I do, but at level 5, with training enhancements, fighting minions and lts mainly white or yellow, I'd rather put the slots in damage for my zombies or gloom.

    I use stamina, I run lots of toggles so it's a must. Haste I'm not so sure about, if only because (other than my damage powers) I only need my powers about once per fight. They recharge fast enough for the next mob. A tar patch, a cone fear, even the petrifying gaze all come up fast enough for me to use them pretty much at will. Plus the hasten aura is so not a necro/dark look.

    I max slot all 3 minion sets as soon as I can. Zombies are 3 acc, 3 dam to get past the fact that they are lower level than me and by now I tend to fight reds and purples. I need the extra acc for them. Grave nights get a tohit debuff as these are my goto hack and slashers and I want the further debuffs(I agree that Khaiba's MM controls are great, but I use a single macro'ed goto command to send them to the front lines, it's rare that I ever attempt to split up my minions targetting). My lich gets a 6th slot in hold and I see him long term holding things all the time. Wish I could -knockback on them though haha (you'll see).

    I run tactics and assault only, as shadow fall takes the place of manuevers. The extra damage and acc for all my minions once again ensures that I'll be able to quickly hit and kill red and purple enemies.

    I take the rez. It really is optional, but I don't always carry awakens and I find that if anybody has them, they will share as they know that I can rez 5 people if there's just one awaken(for me). It fits my concept build as well.

    I dont take the ghost(soul extraction). I found he didnt do enough damage, I didn't have enough pets dying, his recharge was too long, and his long long range snipe meant that if I didn't constantly tell him to go passive, he'd aggro mobs way before me or my team was ready.

    On playstyle: Also due to lag(other peoples), I found many times when I am on full teams(or in cave maps), the number of minions I had was too many. Early on, I was in love with the idea that necro/dark had so many pets, but with even 2 MMs on a team, cave missions, office missions, arachnos lab missions all get way too laggy and hard to navigate with a full set of minions. So sometimes I just run with my two top tiers and forgo the zombies. In a pinch, I'll summon them for a kamikaze, and/or for a boss, I'll summon fluffy the dark servant. But many people don't like to have to fight their way through lots of stupid pets who block a doorway, and they can't see well because of all the dark effects like shadow fall(robot ff annoy me sometimes). So I try to be aware of the team size and map types and adjust accordingly. And quite often, I'll be spamming the goto macro telling my pets to get to one side, clear a door, or get to the back. Though impatient, I'll often either take a rear position in the group as they travel thru a mission, or tell my pets to stay put and then call them once we find the next enemies.

    In targetting, I tend to focus all my pets on one enemy at a time. Slowly killing all the enemies means they get more attacks in, killing them one by one means I take one set of attacks out of the equation and the battle gets easier and easier with each kill. The only exception is when I start taking lots of aggro personally. I'll refocus all of them on whoever is giving me aggro (if I can't fear or hold them, which I usually can) or after they kill their first target, they tend to attack whoever attacked them last or is closest, so I let them aggro whoever that is further, and then refocus them on who I want them to kill next. That way they spread a wide aggro net and I'm free to fear, hold, and heal without being noticed really.

    Fear is a great tool. Against knives, for instance, it is a great way to prevent the massive caltrops spam. Against most enemies they will simply root in place for a good 20 seconds trembling. So you can single target destroy 2 or 3 enemies before they even come out of it. A well placed hold or two for anybody who doesn't get hit by fear or resists it ensures that half the mob is gone before the fear wears off. With 2 acc, 2 hold, and 2 recharge in paralyzing stare, I routinely hold lieutentants and bosses even without the lich or dark servants help.

    And in regards to 'unpacking', unless the mission is hugely difficult or I'm waiting on teammates, I tend to start the mission once the pets are out. The first couple of mobs I may lose a zombie or two, but I spend a lot of the fight casting all my pet enhancements on the lich and grave knights as they hack away. It saves time and I've noticed that if my grave nights are hanging back throwing dark blast, once I give them their first enhancement they immediately charge into battle to do sword strikes.
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    I didnt get any xp the whole time which was weird.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Did you finish it? I hear that there is no xp until the mission bonus, which is huge. Since there are endless spawning enemies, I believe its to keep people from farming it.
  21. Somewhere, hidden on the streets of each mayhem mission, is a badge. But I think there is just one. Don't think the other villains will let you have it, you have to take it, and quick. If you are a superspeeder or stalker or flyer or teleporter or superjumper, or any kind of real villain, run around and dont stop till the badge message comes up. BLAM! You got a SHINY!
  22. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    are there any level requirements to do the Trial?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What he asked.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No. I found it elsewhere, but it seems the trial auto sidekicks you to level 50. Higher levels will have more powers before the autosk, but yeah, anybody can do it....seems like the xp benefit is huge too, I heard somebody who did it twice went from 17 to 19.
  23. I found that a lvl 45 harlequin juggler was just right for my lvl 45 MM (already has the High Pain Threshhold accolade). Managed to get the Juggler to stay at range and do about 280 points of damage per attack, which happened about every 5 seconds. Minus the 80 points or so that isn't counted because of my accodade, it still managed to get me about 4 mil in 18 hours. Roughly 200hp/5sec = 2400 per minute = 144k per hour. Hmmmm musta been higher than that....all that rounding musta trimmed some....

    Anyway, thanks for the tips. I built up some debt exploring who could damage me the 'best', but learned some stuff.

    An heal enhancement in rest seemed to not help, as you indicated, as I am a MM.

    An even level CoT Guide did much more damage, but I couldn't heal it in time and after about 5 minutes, I'd go down.

    I thought I found a great way to take damage (and even adjust the damage) when I did the Kill Radio mission that you get from television. It had two of those sonic bombs that as you damage them they do AOE damage to all around them in frequent pulses. I got it doing about 300 points of damage consistently and set my twilight grasp to auto fire which easily healed me back up, but would occasionally miss. no big deal if it missed once, or even twice, but I could see it missing three times and that would be that. I tried summoning my pets to work on my heal badges (mainly for the sg benefits), and they would always spawn and get aggroed by the damage and I'd have to manically click the passive/defend before they'd damage it or rush in. My aoe heal would get them too and I had a good chunk of healing done on 5 pets for about 5 minutes, but then inevitably I'd miss once or twice and they'd die.

    Sadly, I completed the mission before I realized how 'farmable' the sonic traps were, so the first time I took a nose dive, that was it. I couldn't awaken as I'd still be taking damage, and that made it very hard to get into rest as well(I never succeeded, got maybe 2 times where it missed me completely but needed to be missed 3 or 4 to get into rest). Maybe your idea about popping 10 breakfrees would have been the solution.....

    Pretty fun. I logged off just before the maintenance this morning and completed the Carnival mission (just to get revenge on that carnie who did 4mil damage to me!), but I'm sure I can get another from the newspaper no problem.

    The Galaxies didn't seem to do much damage to me, but I may try that again and bump the setting to get a +1 or 2 Galaxy and see if that is any better....
