CoX Log Cleaner and Costume Extractor
Apparently I'm blind as well as lazy. Accidentally uploaded beta 4.0 instead of beta 4.1 for the Log Cleaner. Original link has been edited to point to the correct version now.
I blame the space monkeys.
Anyway, if you have the older version, please update. The management apologizes for the inconvenience.
Putting out a call for any and all beta testers!
Post/email feedback, bugs, etc.
Feedback, my kingdom for some feedback!
The log cleaner looks like a superb tool, and one I'll likely get quite a bit of use out of. No bugs to report so far, and the only piece of feedback I have other than 'It's a great timesaver' is that it would be nice to be able to select/exclude emoted text, which seems to go by the wayside.
just faving this so I can take a look later tonight
neither link is working atm FYI, have a different one or need a place to store these temporarily?
Temporary Mirror:
Log Cleaner v1.0b4.1
Costume Extractor v1.0rc1
The log cleaner looks like a superb tool, and one I'll likely get quite a bit of use out of. No bugs to report so far, and the only piece of feedback I have other than 'It's a great timesaver' is that it would be nice to be able to select/exclude emoted text, which seems to go by the wayside.
[/ QUOTE ]
That's easily added. Look for that in the next release.
The costume extractor seems to want some piece of costume data, but nothing appears in the costume drop down I supossed to enter a number of something?
Good job so far. I've been keeping log files and editing them using Word's Search and replace functions, but this is much easier. If you continue development may I make some suggestions:
- Option to remove all color codes (between < and > )
- List the name of the current log file in the title bar
- When saving, default to the name of the current file
- Have the app memorize user's standard settings. I ALWAYS edit out Arena, Broadcast, Help, etc except for certain character overrides in Fine Control
- Might be nice to ask as a user selects a character for Fine Control, whether they want the settings to apply in future log file 'cleanings'
Nice job in any case
Now, I'm going to sound like a complete technical idiot, but what is the purpose for this tool? What does it do and why do I need to perform log-file cleanings? Does cleaning log-files increase performance?
Just a few questions to answer in your OP for the technically ignorant masses similar to myself
- Option to remove all color codes (between < and > )
[/ QUOTE ]
Never mind this one. I found the filter, silly me.
As to the reason this may be a useful program ... well, turn on 'Log Chat' in options and then some of us might have very interesting conversations they want a permanent record of, or simply a mechanism so you don't have to write down any email addresses that you may be given in chat, or to keep a record of anything your long distance gf or bf says. Probably dozens of other reasons I haven't thought of as well, but there is no 'technical' reason you have any need of this.
My SG also uses chat logging for preserving minutes of meetings and the note takers job has always been an onerous one because of the task of cleaning up minutes. CoH chat logs preserve a record of every channel, regardless of whether they are active in the chat pane or not.
We will definitely give this a try. Good tool!
Also handy for saving those special conversations in teh D me thinks. *cough* cyborz...
"He may be arrogant, but he happens to be correct" - Ellis
"The server is full of crazies" - New_Dark_Age
Rainbow Arcana / Diamond D: Legion of Freedom - Virtue
Rebuilt from scratch. Released as Tao's Log Cleaner 2.0.0
I have been working on several CoX related tools in my "spare" time, and have decided to release these for beta testing.
Disturbingly necessary license agreement, applies to all releases of aforementioned beforementioned aftermentioned middlementioned yada yada yada. I hate legal voodoo, but it's got to be done in this society. *sigh*
At some point I want to open-source these under the GPL, but that will be after development is completed and I am satisfied with the release.
You'll need .NET 2.0 framework installed to be able to run this. Windows machines only, and I doubt anything less recent than XP will run it. You can get the .NET 2.0 framework here.
Please send bug reports, suggestions, and requests to duel at dawn on the field of honor to:, or look me up in-game @Crimson Tao
Now, for the fun stuff.
CoX Log Cleaner:
Tired of hunting through those logs, trying not to miss any noob's broadcast asking to be PL'ed, as you clean them up to post-worthy grade? CoXLC should make that more automated. And less stressful. Somehow I could prove that it helps prevent carpal tunnel, but I really don't feel up to it at the moment. This is a tool originally created for my comrades at the RP Congress and CCCP. However, RP'ers are not the only group of players who want to sift through logfiles to find that email address from the SG recruiter or that piece of leveling advice from your teammate.
Future features include search capability and direct line deletion.
Release 1.0b4.1
CoX Costume Extractor:
If you work with custom demos and want to get into machinima with CoX, you'll normally have to copy all the costume data from the demo files manually. I was working on a group screenshot for my supergroup, the CCCP, using a custom demo to insert player's alts. However I was too lazy to copy everything manually, so I created CoXCE to search, parse, and extract the costumes for me. Even so, I still haven't made that group photo yet... (by the way, this is the hanzi used in the icon)
Release 1.0rc1
That's all for now, folks.